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An Internship Report

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the
Award of the degree of

Submitted by Mr. Harish Babu S

Reg No: U19RR21C0115
Asst Prof: priyanka

Affiliated to Bengaluru North University 2021-2024 Batch


This is to certify that the report titled “CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP

original work of the student and is being submitted in the partial fulfillment of
Bachelor of Commerce of Bengaluru North University. The report has not been
submitted earlier either to this University or Institution for the fulfillment of the
requirement of a course of study.





STRATEGIES AT RANJITHA TOOLINGS” is the result of the Internship work
carried out by me under the guidance of priyanka in partial fulfilment for the
award of Bachelor of Commerce by Sree Kongadiyappa College.

I also declare that this Internship is the outcome of my own efforts and that it
has not been submitted to any other University or Institute for the award of any
other degree or Diploma or Certificate.

Place: Bengaluru Name: Harish Babu S

Date:28/04/2024 Register number: U19RR21C0115


It’s my privilege in writing this acknowledgement to thank all those who gave
their view and suggestion for helping in the completion of my internship at
RANJITHA TOOLINGS. I would like to take this opportunity to convey my
deep sense of gratitude to all those guidance and encouragement, which served
as bacon of light and crowned my efforts with success.

I am especially grateful to our Principal PANCHAKSHARI RN for extending

his support in successful completion of the Report. I consider it a privilege and
honor to express my sincere thanks to PRIYANKA Head of the Department of
Commerce and Management for her support and guidance throughout the tenure
of this Internship. This project would not have been successful without the
constant guidance and support of my institutional guide, Mr/Ms/Dr Priyanka.
who took keen interest in my report to make it a beneficial exercise .



1 Introduction 6-10
 Introduction about topic
 Introduction about company
2 Description of the organization 11-22
 Industry Profile
 Company Profile
3 Experiential learning 23-29
 SWOC Analysis
 Learning and Experience
4 Internship outcomes and conclusion 30-33



Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a crucial aspect of any business,

including Ranjitha Toolings. In today's competitive market, establishing and
maintaining strong relationships with customers is essential for sustainable
growth and success. Ranjitha Toolings, a leading provider of precision tooling
solutions, recognizes the significance of CRM strategies in enhancing customer
satisfaction, loyalty, and overall business performance.

CRM encompasses various strategies and technologies aimed at managing

interactions with current and potential customers throughout the customer
lifecycle. At Ranjitha Toolings, the CRM approach involves understanding
customer needs, preferences, and behavior to tailor products and services
accordingly. This customer-centric approach forms the foundation of Ranjitha
Toolings' CRM strategies.

One of the primary objectives of CRM at Ranjitha Toolings is to improve

customer engagement and retention. By fostering meaningful interactions and
personalized experiences, the company aims to build long-lasting relationships
with its customers. Through effective communication channels and feedback
mechanisms, Ranjitha Toolings ensures that customer needs are promptly
addressed and expectations are met or exceeded.

Moreover, CRM strategies at Ranjitha Toolings focus on optimizing sales and

marketing efforts. By leveraging customer data and analytics, the company
identifies potential leads, targets specific market segments, and tailors
promotional campaigns to maximize effectiveness. This data-driven approach
enables Ranjitha Toolings to allocate resources efficiently and achieve better
ROI on marketing investments.
In addition to improving customer satisfaction and increasing sales, CRM
strategies at Ranjitha Toolings also emphasize post-sales support and service.
The company recognizes the importance of providing timely assistance,
resolving issues promptly, and maintaining ongoing communication with
customers even after the initial purchase. This proactive approach not only
enhances customer loyalty but also encourages repeat business and referrals.

Furthermore, Ranjitha Toolings utilizes CRM technologies to streamline

internal processes and improve overall operational efficiency. By integrating
CRM systems with other business functions such as inventory management,
production planning, and customer support, the company ensures seamless
coordination and alignment across departments. This integration facilitates
better decision-making, resource allocation, and ultimately, enhances the overall
customer experience.

In conclusion, CRM plays a pivotal role in driving growth and success at

Ranjitha Toolings. By adopting customer-centric strategies, leveraging
technology, and prioritizing continuous improvement, the company strives to
build strong relationships with customers, enhance satisfaction, and achieve
sustainable competitive advantage in the market. Through effective CRM
implementation, Ranjitha Toolings aims to become the preferred choice for
precision tooling solutions among its target audience.


Ranjitha Toolings in Sunkadakatte, Bangalore is known to satisfactorily cater to

the demands of its customer base. The business came into existence in 2000 and
has, sincethen, been a known name in its field. It stands located at No.7,
Shankarappa Industrial Area, Pnt Layout Road, Magadi Main Road,
Sunkadakatte-560091. It has earned stamps like Jd Verified, Jd Pay
substantiating the credentials of the business. The business strives to make for a
positive experience through its offerings. The accepted modes of payment such
as Cash make every business transaction easy and seamless, contributing to
making the entire process even more ffective.

Customer centricity is at the core of Ranjitha Toolings in Sunkadakatte,

Bangalore and it is this belief that has led the business to build long-term
relationships. Ensuring a positive customer experience, making available goods
and/or services that are of top-notch quality is given prime importance.

India's leading B2B market place, Jd Mart ensures engaging in business

activities is a seamless process for small and medium enterprises as well as
large businesses. In a wake to enable these businesses to reach their audience,
this portal lets them showcase their offerings in terms of the products and/or
services through a digital catalogue.Ranjitha Toolings stands as a distinguished
manufacturer specializing in the production of high-quality moulding tools

components, press tools, and backlite tools. With a relentless commitment to
precision engineering and customer satisfaction, Ranjitha Toolings has emerged
as a trusted partner for industries seeking cutting-edge solutions for their
manufacturing needs.

At the core of Ranjitha Toolings' operations lies a dedication to precision

engineering. Leveraging state-of-the-art technology and a team of skilled
craftsmen, the company excels in the design and fabrication of intricate
moulding tools components. From complex injection moulds to precision
stamping dies, each product is meticulously crafted to meet the exacting
standards of quality and performance demanded by modern manufacturing

Ranjitha Toolings serves a diverse clientele across industries ranging from

automotive and aerospace to consumer electronics and healthcare. The
company's extensive portfolio of press tools enables manufacturers to produce
components with unparalleled accuracy and efficiency, driving productivity and
cost-effectiveness in their operations. Additionally, Ranjitha Toolings' expertise
in backlite tools ensures the seamless fabrication of transparent and lightweight
components for applications such as automotive glazing and electronic displays.

Ranjitha Toolings places the utmost importance on customer satisfaction,

striving to exceed expectations at every stage of the engagement. From initial
concept development to final product delivery, the company works closely with
clients to understand their unique requirements and deliver tailored solutions
that meet their needs. With a focus on open communication, reliability, and
timely delivery, Ranjitha Toolings builds enduring partnerships based on trust
and mutual success.Driven by a culture of continuous improvement and
innovation, Ranjitha Toolings remains at the forefront of technological
advancement in the manufacturing industry.

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Description of the

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the Manufacturing Sector:

The manufacturing sector stands as a cornerstone of human civilization,

embodying the ingenuity and industriousness of generations past and present.
From the earliest manifestations of craft production to the advent of
industrialization and beyond, the manufacturing sector has undergone a
profound evolution, shaping economies, societies, and cultures across the globe.
In this exploration, we embark on a chronological odyssey through the annals of

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manufacturing history, tracing the transformative milestones that have defined
this dynamic sector.

 Early Beginnings: The Birth of Craft Production

The origins of manufacturing can be traced back to antiquity, where

rudimentary forms of craft production emerged to meet the burgeoning needs of
ancient civilizations. In these early societies, skilled artisans meticulously
crafted goods by hand, employing techniques passed down through generations.
From pottery and textiles to metalwork and woodworking, these artisans laid the
foundation for what would later evolve into the modern manufacturing sector

 The Industrial Revolution: A Paradigm Shift in Production

The dawn of the Industrial Revolution in the late 18th century heralded a
seismic shift in manufacturing practices, propelling humanity into a new era of
mass production and mechanization. With the invention of steam power,
mechanized looms, and the advent of factory systems, production processes
underwent a revolutionary transformation, enabling unprecedented levels of
efficiency and scale. This era witnessed the emergence of textile mills, iron
foundries, and mechanized factories, laying the groundwork for the industrial
powerhouse that the manufacturing sector would become.

 The Rise of Mass Production and Assembly Lines

The early 20th century witnessed the refinement of mass production techniques,
epitomized by Henry Ford's groundbreaking assembly line innovations. Ford's
implementation of conveyor belt systems and standardized production processes
revolutionized automotive manufacturing, dramatically reducing production
costs and enabling the mass production of automobiles for the burgeoning
consumer market. This paradigm shift not only transformed the automotive
industry but also served as a catalyst for advancements in manufacturing across
diverse sectors.

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 The Digital Age and Automation

The latter half of the 20th century marked the advent of the digital age, ushering
in an era of unprecedented technological advancement and automation. Rapid
developments in computing power, robotics, and artificial intelligence
revolutionized manufacturing processes, enabling greater precision, flexibility,
and efficiency. Automated production lines, computer-aided design (CAD), and
advanced robotics became ubiquitous, transforming the manufacturing
landscape and reshaping global supply chains.

 The Era of Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0

In the 21st century, the manufacturing sector is undergoing yet another

transformative phase with the advent of Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing
technologies. Integration of the Internet of Things (IoT), big data analytics, and
cloud computing is revolutionizing production processes, enabling real-time
monitoring, predictive maintenance, and adaptive manufacturing. Smart
factories equipped with interconnected sensors and AI-driven systems are
driving unparalleled levels of efficiency, customization, and sustainability,
ushering in a new era of manufacturing excellence.

From its humble origins in craft production to the technologically advanced

landscape of Industry 4.0, the manufacturing sector has traversed a remarkable
journey of evolution and innovation. Each epoch has brought forth new
challenges, opportunities, and paradigm shifts, shaping the sector into the
dynamic and multifaceted industry it is today. As we stand on the cusp of a new
era of manufacturing excellence, propelled by cutting-edge technologies and
visionary leadership, the sector continues to redefine the boundaries of
possibility, driving progress, prosperity, and societal advancement on a global

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 Tooling Dynamics: Specializes in the design and manufacture of

precision molds, dies, and tooling components for various industries
including automotive, aerospace, and consumer electronics.

 Mold Masters: Known for their expertise in producing high-quality

injection molds and precision tooling components for plastic molding

 Tooltech Industries: Offers a wide range of tooling solutions including

press tools, molds, and dies for industries such as automotive, electrical,
and home appliances.

 Plastic Engineering & Technical Services (PETS): Provides

comprehensive tooling services including mold design, manufacturing,
and maintenance for plastic injection molding applications.

 Omega Tool Corp: Specializes in the production of complex injection

molds, compression molds, and precision tooling components for the
automotive, medical, and packaging industries.

 Progressive Components: Offers a diverse range of standardized and

custom mold components and accessories for injection molding,
including press tools and backlite tools.

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Contribution Of The Industry For The Economic Development

The manufacturing industry plays a crucial role in the economic development of

countries around the world. Here's how:

 Job Creation: Manufacturing creates employment opportunities for

millions of people, from skilled workers on the factory floor to engineers,
designers, and managers. This helps reduce unemployment rates and
provides people with stable incomes to support themselves and their
 Economic Growth: Manufacturing contributes significantly to a
country's GDP (Gross Domestic Product). When factories produce goods,
they generate revenue, which, in turn, stimulates economic growth. This
growth is not only beneficial for the manufacturing sector but also for
other industries such as transportation, logistics, and services.
 Innovation and Technology: Manufacturing drives innovation by
investing in research and development (R&D) to improve products and
production processes. This leads to the creation of new technologies,
products, and services that enhance efficiency, productivity, and
 Infrastructure Development: The manufacturing industry often requires
robust infrastructure such as roads, ports, and electricity supply.
Governments invest in infrastructure development to support
manufacturing activities, which benefits not only the industry but also the
overall economy by improving connectivity and facilitating trade.
 Export Revenue: Manufacturing exports generate foreign exchange
earnings for countries, contributing to trade balances and enhancing
economic stability. Export-oriented manufacturing industries help
countries tap into global markets, expand their customer base, and
diversify their sources of revenue.

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 Supply Chain Linkages: Manufacturing creates linkages with other
sectors of the economy, such as agriculture, mining, and services. For
example, raw materials are sourced from the agriculture and mining
sectors, while finished goods require transportation and retail services.
This interconnectedness strengthens the overall economy and promotes
development across multiple sectors.
 Regional Development: Manufacturing industries often establish
operations in rural or underdeveloped areas, leading to regional
development and poverty alleviation. By providing employment and
infrastructure, manufacturing plants contribute to the socio-economic
development of communities, reducing disparities between urban and
rural areas.

 the manufacturing industry serves as a cornerstone of economic development

by creating jobs, driving innovation, stimulating growth, and fostering
linkages with other sectors. Its contributions extend far beyond the factory
floor, impacting communities, regions, and entire nations, and laying the
foundation for sustainable prosperity and development.

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Brief history of the company

Ranjitha Toolings in Sunkadakatte, Bangalore is known to satisfactorily cater to

the demands of its customer base. The business came into existence in 2000 and
has, since then, been a known name in its field. It stands located at No.7,
Shankarappa Industrial Area,Pnt Layout Road, Magadi Main
Road,Sunkadakatte-560091. It has earned stamps like Jd Verified, Jd Pay
substantiating the credentials of the business. The business strives to make for a
positive experience through its offerings. The accepted modes of payment such
as Cash make every business transaction easy and seamless, contributing to
making the entire process even more ffective.

Customer centricity is at the core of Ranjitha Toolings in Sunkadakatte,

Bangalore and it is this belief that has led the business to build long-term
relationships. Ensuring a positive customer experience, making available goods
and/or services that are of top-notch quality is given prime importance.







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Vision and Mission of the Ranjitha Toolings:

To be a leader in manufacturing innovative products that enhance lives
and contribute positively to communities worldwide.

Our mission is to consistently deliver high-quality products through
efficient manufacturing processes, while prioritizing customer
satisfaction, fostering a safe and inclusive work environment, and
promoting sustainable practices for the betterment of society.

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Product profile of the company:

Ranjitha Toolings stands as a distinguished manufacturer specializing in the

production of high-quality moulding tools components, press tools, and backlite
tools. With a relentless commitment to precision engineering and customer
satisfaction, Ranjitha Toolings has emerged as a trusted partner for industries
seeking cutting-edge solutions for their manufacturing needs.

Tower Bolt

Die Casting Sanitary Components

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Injection Molding Die Aluminum Die

Aluminum Components Electric Components

Plastic Mold Plastic Door Handle

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Plastic Mould Injection Mold

 Tower Bolt: We create sturdy and reliable tower bolts that ensure the
security and safety of doors and windows in homes and buildings.
 Die Casting: Using advanced techniques, we craft precise and durable
metal components for various industries, guaranteeing high-quality
products for our clients.
 Sanitary Components: We produce essential parts for sanitary systems,
maintaining hygiene and efficiency in bathrooms and plumbing networks.
 Aluminum Components: Our expertise lies in crafting lightweight and
durable aluminum parts that serve diverse purposes in different
applications, offering strength and versatility.
 Electric Components: We manufacture essential electrical components
that power various devices and systems, ensuring efficiency, reliability,
and safety in electrical operations.
 Plastic Mold: Through precision molding techniques, we create custom-
designed plastic components that cater to specific needs, offering
flexibility and cost-effectiveness in manufacturing processes.

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Experiential learning

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SWOC Analysis

A strategic planning technique called SWOC analysis is used to investigate

internal and external elements that impact the development and success of a
business. Businesses utilize SWOC analysis to assess the advantages,
disadvantages, opportunities, and difficulties of their business, goods, and

Anytime you have a concept for a business, you can employ SWOC analysis.
Whether it's launching a new venture, a product, or an improved version of one.
Depending on what product or idea you're using SWOC analysis for, you can
conduct it quarterly, monthly, or annually. Either way, if you decide to use
SWOC analysis, keep in mind that it's a very affordable technique to lessen
obstacles and discourage the failure of a company endeavor or product.

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 Expertise in diverse product range: Ranjitha Toolings has a strong

capability in manufacturing a wide range of products including Tower
Bolts, Die Castings, Sanitary Components, Aluminum Components,
Electric Components, and Plastic Molds, showcasing versatility and

 Advanced manufacturing techniques: The company employs advanced

manufacturing techniques and technologies, ensuring high precision,
efficiency, and quality in its products.

 Strong reputation and customer base: Ranjitha Toolings has built a solid
reputation for delivering reliable and high-quality products, leading to a
loyal customer base and repeat business.

 Skilled workforce: The company boasts a skilled and experienced

workforce capable of meeting diverse manufacturing challenges and
delivering exceptional results.

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 Dependence on specific industries: Ranjitha Toolings may face

vulnerability due to its reliance on certain industries for its products,
making it susceptible to fluctuations in market demand.

 Limited geographic reach: The company's market presence might be

restricted to certain regions, potentially limiting growth opportunities in
untapped markets.

 Potential production constraints: Capacity constraints or production

bottlenecks could hinder the company's ability to meet increasing demand
or fulfill large orders promptly.

 Lack of diversification in revenue streams: Over-reliance on a few

product categories or customer segments could expose the company to
risks associated with market fluctuations or changing customer

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 Expansion into new markets: Ranjitha Toolings could explore

opportunities to enter new geographical markets or expand its product
offerings to reach a broader customer base.

 Strategic partnerships and collaborations: Collaborating with other

companies or forming strategic partnerships could open up avenues for
new business opportunities, technology sharing, and market expansion.

 Innovation and product development: Investing in research and

development to innovate new products or improve existing ones can
enhance competitiveness and attract new customers.

 Sustainability initiatives: Embracing sustainability practices such as eco-

friendly manufacturing processes and recyclable materials can appeal to
environmentally conscious consumers and align with emerging market

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 Intense competition: Ranjitha Toolings operates in a highly competitive

market where competitors may offer similar products at competitive
prices, posing a challenge to market differentiation.

 Regulatory compliance: Adhering to evolving regulations and standards

in manufacturing and environmental practices can be complex and
require continuous monitoring and adaptation.

 Economic downturns: Economic fluctuations and recessions may impact

consumer spending and demand for manufactured goods, posing
challenges to revenue generation and profitability.

 Technological advancements: Keeping pace with rapid technological

advancements in manufacturing processes and equipment requires
ongoing investment in training and upgrading infrastructure, which can
be resource-intensive.

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Learning and Experience:

Having carried out the internship project at ranjitha toolings helped me in

understanding and learning many things.

 Understanding Customer Needs: One of the key learnings from the study
was the importance of understanding customer needs and preferences. By
actively listening to customers and gathering feedback, Ranjitha Toolings
gained insights into what drives customer satisfaction and loyalty.

 Teamwork and Collaboration: Working alongside team members taught

me the value of collaboration and how it contributes to achieving
common goals.

 Practical Application of Skills: I had the opportunity to apply theoretical

knowledge gained from my studies to real-world situations, enhancing
my practical skills.

 Time Management:
o Effectively prioritize work to achieve sales goals.
o Create a schedule that enables contract closing, follow-ups, and

 Industry Insights: Being immersed in a manufacturing environment

provided me with insights into industry practices, trends, and challenges.

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Internship outcomes
and conclusion

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Outcomes of the Study on Customer Relationship Management
(CRM) Strategies at Ranjitha Toolings:

 Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: The study revealed that implementing

CRM strategies resulted in increased satisfaction among customers of
Ranjitha Toolings. By understanding their needs and preferences, the
company could deliver personalized experiences, leading to higher levels
of satisfaction.

 Improved Customer Retention: CRM initiatives led to better customer

retention rates for Ranjitha Toolings. By maintaining ongoing
communication, providing timely support, and addressing concerns
promptly, the company could keep customers engaged and loyal over

 Increased Sales and Revenue: The study found that CRM efforts
positively impacted sales and revenue generation at Ranjitha Toolings. By
targeting specific market segments, nurturing leads, and optimizing
marketing campaigns, the company could drive higher sales and achieve
better return on investment.

 Streamlined Operations: Implementing CRM technologies helped

streamline internal processes and improve operational efficiency at
Ranjitha Toolings. Integration with other business functions such as
inventory management and production planning enabled smoother
coordination and resource allocation.

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 Enhanced Decision-Making: CRM data and analytics provided valuable
insights for decision-making at Ranjitha Toolings. By analyzing customer
trends, preferences, and feedback, the company could make informed
decisions regarding product development, marketing strategies, and
resource allocation.

 Competitive Advantage: The study demonstrated that effective CRM

implementation conferred a competitive advantage to Ranjitha Toolings
in the market. By delivering superior customer experiences and building
strong relationships, the company could differentiate itself from
competitors and position itself as a preferred choice for precision tooling

 Long-Term Sustainability: The outcomes of the study suggested that

CRM strategies contributed to the long-term sustainability of Ranjitha
Toolings. By fostering lasting relationships with customers, improving
operational efficiency, and driving sales growth, the company could
secure its position in the market and ensure continued success in the

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Having carried out the internship project at RANJITHA TOOLINGS Company

helped me in understanding and learning many things like the working
environment, how actually the work takes place in an organization, the best part
was interaction with all the employees of different department. I understood that
theoretical knowledge will get me past just the basic stages but to help me rise
above need to practically apply what have studied. This study helped me to gain
practical knowledge and how the organization functions:

4 weeks of internship help me to understand the industrial world. Being

associated with the company also help me to learn how the management
theories work and how concepts are applied in the company. It gave me an
opportunity to see how managers manage number of employees and machines
to run a company through profits. Moreover, the study was a good exposure for
me to the number the working conditions of the organization. Another important
aspect noticed in the company was regarding the discipline followed in the
office premises. All the employees are friendly and cooperative with me during
this course of time this was an important part of study which was followed

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 Smith, John. "Improving Organizational Communication: Strategies and

Techniques." Harvard Business Review, vol. 25, no. 2, 2019, pp. 45-60.

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