Analyzing A Visual Document

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Analyzing a visual document

1. A photograph / a still / freeze

 What kind of photograph is it ?
 What is shown on the photograph
 The technique : - what is the photographer focused on ?
- Is it a close up? A full shot …?
- Framing, camera angle …
- Do the colors or contrasts play a special part?
- What geometrical patterns can you make out ?
- What must have been the photographer’s aim?
2. A painting :
 Who is the painter ? date and place of birth ? What cultural movement /
genre / does the painting belong to?
 What does it represent ? ( portrait, landscape, still-life,…. Historical or
mythological figures or events ? )

 The technique used : ( watercolor, gouache, oil-paint?...)

 The colors : bright, vivid, vibrant or delicate , subdued , cool , cold , contrasting,
monochromatic ?...)

- Any specific color patch ? If so what does it lay emphasis


- Is there a gradation of colors?

 The lines : clear-cut or blurred ? what effect is produced ?

 What use does the painter make of light and shade ?
 What impression is produced on you? ( emotions : positive or negative ? )

3. Composition : - asymmetrical / symmetrical ,centered …

- Horizontal, vertical, circular, triangular
- In the foreground, in the background , in the middle , on the
right, in the left bottom corner , next to, behind…

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