The End of The World

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The end of the Earth


s you may know, nuclear
explosions are among the most
powerful and destructive
events known to humanity.
They are capable of releasing enormous
amounts of energy in just a fraction of
a second. It’s important to know the
significance of nuclear weapons which
is why I’m going to explain to you the
most powerful nuclear explosion ever
released.That’s the “Tsar Bomba”!
To begin, we need to have an
understanding of how nuclear
weapons work.
Finally, I am going to
Another thing to consider
explain to you the “Tsar
is the explosion produced
by “Tsar Bomba”.
So, “Tsar Bomba” was
officially known as RDS-220. The explosion produced a
It was the most powerful fireball visible over 600 miles
nuclear weapon ever away and a mushroom cloud
detonated and this that reached an altitude of
monstrosity of a bomb was over 35 miles.
developed by the Soviet
Nuclear weapons operate on the
Union in 1961. The bomb was
principles of fission and fusion. In
tested on October 30, 1961 in
fission, the nucleus of an atom is split
the Arctic Circle with a yield
into two or more smaller nuclei,
of approximately 50
releasing vast amounts of energy.
megatons of TNT but the
However, in fusion, two atomic nuclei
Soviet Union
are combined into a bigger one and this
unintentionally reduced the
also causes the release of enormous
bomb’s yield from its To sum up,
amounts of energy.
theoretical maximum of 100
Now we need to understand the megatons, which minimised I’ve written this article
components of a nuclear bomb: the radioactive fallout. because I want everyone to
have a clear understanding
Fissile material such as uranium-235 or of the mechanics and
plutonium, an initiating device to start consequences of a nuclear
the chain reaction, explosive to explosion. This is essential
compress the fissile material, a for promoting peace,
detonator to trigger the explosion and preventing nuclear
finally the delivery mechanism proliferation and pursuing
(missile,aircraft,etc.). disarmament efforts.

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