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SCENE : Rizal is writing on his desk

Narrator: July 8, 1892, Rizal is in a dark room, writing a message to his friend.

“My friend,

A few days from now I will be on board a steamer, sailing like a lily pad who knows nothing of
his destination. What awaits me there; I do not have a clue. I hope it will do me good and
produce me memories that I would happily take with me to my final hours.

Truly yours, Jose Rizal”



Narrator: The next day, it was a stormy night when Rizal arrived at Dapitan. He was welcomed
by two of the guardia civil. They continued walking then reached the house of Capitan
Carnicero’s house.

Capitan Carnicero: I am Capitan Ricardo Carnicero, the commander of Dapitan. I welcome you
to our town!

Rizal: Gracias, Capitan!

Narrator: A heavy footsteps comes in, a friar enters them (HEAVY FOOTSTEPS BG MUSIC)

Capitan: Padre, this is Jose Rizal

Padre1: Yes, I know him. The famous author of the notorious book Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibustrismo. He who betrays his own land! And there is no way I will let a filibuster inside the


Narrator: The next day, a townsman went straight to Rizal in urgency to ask him a favor.

Person1 (boy/father): Buenas noches, Senyor! Are you the famous doctor? A word has spread
that a doctor from Germany has come here

Rizal: I am a doctor but not a German

Person1 (boy/father): Senyor, my daughter has been sick for weeks now and i'm afraid it’ll
worsen. Can you help me?
Rizal: Show me where you live

Narrator: Rizal went straight to where the man lives and sees the young girl with her mother by
her side.

Rizal: (checks the temperature) She has high fever, what else can you tell me about her

Person2 (girl/mother): She has been bleeding her nose and we don't know what to do about it.
We fear there is no more hope at all

Rizal: based on the symptoms your daughter showed, she has dengue. A disease that when left
untreated could cause death. I have this plant, boil its leaves and let her drink it. I shall be back
to check on her

Person 1 (boy/father): thank you very much, Senyor! Take this as a gratitude of what you’ve
done for my us

Rizal: no, take it. Your daughter will need this more than I do.


Narrator: After treating that young girl, Rizal was made famous by his medical expertise.
Patients near and far have traveled to be treated by him. One day when Rizla was busy treating
his patients, a friar approached him.


Padre Sanchez: Pepe! How are you?

Rizal: I find my unfortunate situation unfitting but I am trying to make the most out of it, Padre

Padre Sanchez: how do they treat you here?

Rizal: Capitan Carnicero has been a good host and friend. The townspeople are also very kind
although I am not very sure of Padre…

Padre Sanchez: You must expect this hostile treatment of friars to you. They were the most
attacked by your writings, Pepe. I will be truthful to you, the archbishop sent me here to
influence you to go back to Catholicism.
Rizal: You know I am only attacking the evil friars, I have nothing against the religion, Padre. I
just wish to correct it.

Padre Sanchez: Si, si. Lets stop that talk for a while, I wish to enjoy my stay here as the teacher
you’ve always seen me.


Narrator: In a dark room, unidentified names have an exchange of envelopes with Rizal’s
photography and a pocket of money.

(mag play ratag voice record ani, conversation kunohay)

Voice 1: We will give you more when you finish your task.

Voice 2: Yes, Padre!

Voice 1: Be careful, it is not that easy to have him fooled.

Voice 2: I will do what I can, do not worry.

Voice 1: Good! Because I want Rizal punished once and for all!

SCENE : background is farm or trees

Narrator: The next day, Padre Sanchez decided to visit where Rizal is staying.

Padre Sanchez: so this is what you’ve been occupying your time, Pepe

Rizal: Yes, Padre. I bought this land using the money I won for my lottery ticket. I planted all
these trees and made something for watering my plants that can be used for drinking too.

Padre Sanchez: indeed you are more than a poet, you are an engineer and a farmer too. It's like
paradise here

Rizal: Yes, perhaps a paradise and i am it's prisoner

Padre Sanchez: take it in a light manner, this is your destiny, Pepe. I am returning home
tomorrow. I clearly failed my mission to retract you to Catholicism. I cannot do anything about it,

Rizal: I understand, Padre.

Padre Sanchez: My dear, Pepe. Always be careful of your actions, enemies are ready to attack
you anytime.

Rizal: what matters death if one dies for what he truly loves. Yet I promise you, I will be mindful
of everything around me, Padre.

SCENE : background is house nya nay rain na bgm

Narrator: On the night when Padre Sanchez and Rizal exchanged goodbyes, someone who
claimed to be Rizal’s relative came to his home.

Man (pablo): Don pepe! It is me, Pablo Mercado

Rizal: I'm sorry, senyor. But i don't know you nor heard your name before

Man (pablo): I am Pablo, a relative family.

Rizal: a relative you say? (then gipasud a house)


Narrator: Since it was raining very hard, Rizal, having a benevolent heart, took pity on the man
and let him come inside his humble home.


Man (pablo): You know, Don Pepe, I am a believer of freedom and independence and I am one
in your goal to fight the Philippines from Espanya.

Rizal: I do not wish for bloodshed in any way. I just want reforms and mutual treaties between
the two countries.

Man: But you know, you can use me as a passageway of your letters to the Katipunan. So that
they may be updated as to your whereabouts and plans.

Rizal: my letters are my most prized possession in this world. It is hard for me to give it to
someone I barely know. Do you want a cup of tea?

Man (pablo): (nods)

Narrator: while Rizal was making a cup of tea. He feels someone is behind him, ready to attack
(mag away slight)

Rizal: who are you?!

Man (pablo): My name is Florencio Namanan. The friars sent me and paid me. They said they
will pay me more if I were successful in intercepting your letter to condemn you to jail and make
you suffer forever.

Rizal: insolent!

Narrator: Rizal unknowingly loses his grip and the spy, seizing the opportunity, runs away. Rizal
wanted to go after him yet he realizes it is raining very hard and he knows that person won’t
dare come back again.

SCENE : house bg

Narrator: The next morning, Rizal acted like nothing happened. As Rizal returned home from
farming, there were people waiting for him.

Capitan Carnicero: They have been waiting for you, Pepe, They came from Hong Kong. This is
Mr. George Taufer and his daughter, Josephine Bracken.

Rizal: It is a pleasure meeting you, Josephine. (kiss sa hands ni josephine)

Josephine: The pleasure is all mine.

Mr. Taufer: : I hope you could operate on my eyes, Doctor. You were referred to by a doctor in
HK as one of the best ophthalmologists in Asia. I had to see you. Could you help me regain my

Rizal: I will have to do a check up but I will do my best, Mr. Taufer.


Narrator: Rizal and Josephine are both caught stealing glances at each other. That afternoon,
they decided to take a walk. (change bg, garden or trees)

Josephine: They say you are the Filipino doctor who did wonders with eyes. And so, Mr. Taufer
wanted to see you as soon as possible. He said you are his key to a restored eyesight.

Rizal: Is Mr. Taufer not your biological father?

Josephine: Yes, you are right. He took me in his home when my father would refuse to care for
me... he treated me as his own daughter.

Rizal: I see

Josephine: I owe my life to him, now… he is my only family left

Narrator: After a week, Rizal checks Mr. Taufers eye condition. Rizal signals Josephine to come
with him to tell her the condition of his father.

Rizal: I will be honest to you, Josephine. I cannot cure Mr. Taufer because his ailment is
venereal in nature. It is incurable

Josephine: What will we do now?

Rizal: I am deeply sorry

Josephine: Then I guess it is time for us to go

Rizal: No, you cannot go. I love you, Josephine. From the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew
that this was the woman I intend to spend the rest of my life with

Josephine: I fear that it is only your loneliness speaking

Rizal: But my love is pure and true… I have fallen deeply, Miss Josephine Bracken… I love

Josephine: I love you too, Doctor Jose Rizal…

(nag hug)


Narrator: They embrace and stay like that for a while. Later that night, Rizal is about to ask for
Josephine’s hand in marriage.

Rizal: Mr. Taufer, I would like to ask for your daughter’s hand. I would love to marry her.

Mr. Taufer: Marry her?! But she’s only just a child..

Rizal: She is eighteen, and a grown woman, sir…

Mr. Taufer: You could not operate on me and now you are taking the only eyes that I have!!…
Well, if that is how you like it, then so be it! (attempts to cut his throat but gi stop ni Riza)
Josephine: Papa, no!!

Narrator: After that commotion, Mr. Taufer decided to go back to where they belong. Josephine
and Rizal look at each other sadly.

Rizal: Will we ever see each other again?

Josephine: if we are truly meant for each other, God will plan a way

Rizal: i will be waiting

Josephine: goodbye, Dr. Jose Rizal.

Narrator: Rizal was left with nothing but beautiful memories of him and Josephine Bracken.
While waiting, he distracted himself with different activities. He continued helping the
townspeople with their health needs, he also taught the children how to read and write.
One night when Rizal and Capitan Carnicero take a walk, Rizal notices the darkness of the
town. Rizal forms an idea in his mind and the following days, the town was bright and alive
because of the lamp that Rizal made.

SCENE : sea

Narrator: Days and weeks have passed, Rizal decided to visit the shore, without knowing that
Josephine was already there waiting for him.

Rizal: You have come back! My dear, I missed you! I feared i would never catch a glimpse of

Josephine: here i am, i missed you too

(Both shared i love yous)


Narrator: Rizal and Josephine entered the church to be married but the friars did not allow them
because they still see Rizal as a pilibuster who betrayed his own land. Later on, they both
vowed to each other without the initiation of any friars.

Rizal: Do you, Josephine Bracken, take me as your lawfully wedded husband?

Josephine: Yes.. And do you, Jose Rizal take me as your wife, in sickness and in health, for
richer or for poorer?
Rizal: With this serenity as our witness, Yes!

Narrator: Rizal and Bracken exchanged their sweet yes. As the sun begins to set over the
tranquil waters of Dapitan, the townspeople gather to bid farewell to their beloved friend and
mentor, Dr. Jose Rizal. They stand in somber silence, their hearts heavy with both gratitude and

Rizal: My dear friends, as the time comes for me to leave this place that has become my refuge,
I cannot help but reflect on the journey we have shared. In the quietude of Dapitan, amidst the
whispers of the wind and the rustle of the palm leaves, I have found not only solace but also

Narrator: As Dr. Rizal prepares to depart, the sun dips below the horizon, casting a golden glow
over the scene. And so, as the curtain falls on this chapter of Dr. Jose Rizal's life in Dapitan, we
are reminded of the enduring legacy of a man who dared to dream of a better future for his
people. Though his time here may have come to an end, his spirit lives on in the hearts of all
who have been touched by his wisdom and his courage.

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