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Hosting company: Amhara metal industry and machine

technology development enterprise (AMIMTDE)

Stream: manufacturing

Project title: Thresher machine

Prepared by ID Number
Arebu Jemal……………………2001/08

Above all we thank GOD for every opportunity we are given in life through its endless mercy,
strength and wisdom in every steps of our life. Secondly we have to extend our greatest gratitude
to Aksum University for providing such kind of opportunity for student to apply their
understanding on how a given work is carried out on their respective field of studies, which in
our case Amhara Metal Industry and Machine Technology Development Enterprise. Thirdly We
would like to express our profound sense to deepest to AMIMTDE, which is willing to accept
our internship program, for valuable guidance, sympathy cooperation for providing necessary
facilities and source during this internship program. We wish to register our sincere gratitude to
all AMIMTDE employees. Finally, we would have thanks for our advisor Mr. Mengesha to give
us a comment and for help us how to accomplish our task.

Available evidence suggests that teff grain separating and cleaning, in the rural area of Ethiopia,
is very much traditional and makes use of wind as winnower to effect separation manually
operated set of flat sieve to accomplish the cleaning. This method is time and labor consuming,
and often lead to contamination of the teff grain with dust, dirt, small sands or silt on the
threshing ground. In an effort to alleviate the above stated problems, a small engine driven teff
grain and chaff separator and cleaning machine was designed and manufactured.


One of the economical cereal crops in Ethiopia is teff. It is indigenous to the country, and is a
fundamental part of the culture, tradition, and food security of the people. Currently, teff is
grown on approximately 2.80 million hectares of land which is 27% of the land area under cereal
production. Teff accounts for about a quarter of the total cereal production and is highly
economical food grain in Ethiopia. The traditional methods of postharvest handling of teff
usually lead into contamination of the product with stones, sticks, chaff, dirt and dust. Therefore,
teff grain, after threshing cannot be stored or used for consumption or as planting material due to
the very fact that the presence of long straws, chaff, small fragments of spikes, leaves, dust, dirt
and other foreign materials in the grain will accelerate deterioration, thus lead to poor physical
condition. i.e. removal of undesirable materials, is accomplished manually by tossing the grain
into air and letting the wind do the separation and cleaning, removal of lightest impurities, leaves
and large amount of debris with certain amount of grains. For further cleaning is usually done
using sieves to remove the heavy particles and dirt larger than that of teff grain. Against all the
odds, the Ethiopian farmers prefer to grow teff because it tolerance to low moisture stress,
waterlogged and anoxic conditions being better than maize, wheat, and sorghum. Cattle prefer to
feed on teff straw rather than any other cereal straws. Moreover, teff as grain has highest market
prices than the other cereals; this includes both grain and straw, and the grain is not attacked by
weevils during storage.

1.1 Justification of problem statement
The majority of teff farmers in Ethiopia are small-holder farmers which have very little capital to
run their enterprises. They are often characterized by possessing a small-sizeable land and as
such cannot afford the capital to purchase a combine for the harvesting and threshing of their
produce. Thus the threshing of teff is oftentimes done manually by pounding of the crop in
mortar using pestle or by its flailing on threshing floor using sticks by farmers. These traditional
methods of threshing of the crop are not only time-consuming but also laborious and of very low
output. The manual threshing of teff on the threshing floors invariably introduces a lot of foreign
materials such as sands into the crop, thus reducing the market value of the crop and decreasing
the quality of the crop for human consumption. Besides, the drudgery of threshing teff by
pounding or flailing is one of the factors discouraging farming, encouraging rural-urban drift,
causing the neglect of agriculture and fostering unemployment.
The development of the thresher would not only increase the standard of living of the farmers by
increasing the market value of their produce but would also make life more comfortable for the
farmers by alleviating the drudgery they undergo in the course of the manual threshing of their
produce. The development of engine-operated thresher for teff would reduce the time consumed
in threshing and also reduce the foreign materials inadvertently introduced by threshing on farm-
floors using any of the traditional methods of threshing. The thresher would be developed from
locally and readily available materials. This would make it affordable to the small-holder farmers
in Ethiopia. The mechanical threshing of teff would improve on the cleaning processes and add
value to the final produce. This would invariably increase the wholeness and worthiness of the
crop for human consumption. Also, the mechanization of the process would ensure the
availability of the crop in good quantity and quality as soon as they can be produced on the field.
The mechanical threshing of teff would improve on the cleaning processes and add value to the
final produce. This would invariably increase the wholeness and worthiness of the crop for
human consumption. Also, the mechanization of the process would ensure the availability of the
crop in good quantity and quality as soon as they can be produced on the field.

A thresher is a machine which separates the seeds from the stalk (pinnacle in the case of rice)
and winnows it by means of blower to obtain clean seeds or grains. Threshing involves three
distinct operations: separating the grain from the ear or panicle (the most energy intensive
operation); sorting the grain from the straw; and winnowing the chaff from the grain. The
threshing can be achieved by three methods: Rubbing action, Impact and Stripping.

1.3 Types of Threshers

Threshers can be classified based on the power usage as seed below.
1.3.1 Power Source
The type of power used to drive the motor defines the type of thresher in use. The source of
power also determines the quality of work output. The power also determines the amount of time
spent in threshing crops. Below are different classifications of threshers based on their power
1.3.2 Manual thresher
Manual threshers are human powered. These threshers require human power to drive their
threshing drums and blowers. The action of a pedal actuates the threshing drum for threshing.
The problem with the manual threshers is inconsistent threshing drum and blower speeds.
1.3.3 Electric thresher
Electricity driven threshers are another group of common threshers. These threshers have motors
which are driven by electricity. The problem with this thresher is that it cannot be moved further
away from electricity sources.
1.3.4 Motor thresher
Motors are the most common of all the power sources for power generation on threshers. These
motors are either powered by gas (petrol) or diesel. The horse power of the motor usually
determines the work output of the thresher. So I select motor as a power source of this threshing
Motors are the main source of power for most mechanical threshers. These motors which come
in different capacities either run on diesel or gas (petrol). These motors are equipped with pulleys

which run on belts to drive the components of the thresher. Diesel Motors
Diesel motors come in different size and capacities. Diesel motors are powered by diesel to run
their four stroke engines. Starting the motors requires the cranking of the engine with a crank
handle whilst holding the displacement handle. To start this machine, a little effort is required
from the operator or user. Gas (Petrol) Motors

These motors unlike the diesel motors are powered by gasoline fuel to function. Gas motors used
on thresher are mostly four stroke and range in capacity based on the size of the thresher under
consideration. Larger capacity means higher cost and maintenance. The market today has so
many sales points for thresher motors but care should be taken in selecting a motor for your
thresher since many fake machines are available on the market.
The type of motor used on a thresher is determined by the cost of the motor, availability on the
local market and ease of maintenance and usage by the customer. The capacity of the motor will
also be determined by the size and weight of materials used in the construction of some critical
components such as the threshing drum and the blower.

1.4 Objective of the project

1.4.1 General objective
Thresher design

1.4.2 Specific objectives

The aim of this project is to develop an affordable thresher for small-scale farmers by using 4.25
horsepower diesel engine with the speed of 2000 rpm.
1.5 Scope of the project
This project which is threshing machine is done in Ethiopia and even other county.

1.6 Significance of the project
The teff threshing is a grain processing machine that overcome the entry barriers of previous
threshing method. It has so many significant among thus:
 Less human power required.
 Easy to use under a variety of field condition.
 Locally manufactured.
 Durable and portable from farm to farm.
 Maximize threshing productivity.
 Easy to disassemble.
 Creating more prosperous community.
 Creating more education opportunities.
 Healthier grain production.
 Reduction poverty.
 Teff threshing will prevent children from being removed from school during the harvest.
1.7 Limitation of the project
 It needs initial money to manufacture the machine.
 It uses lubricant to make rotation free.
 It needs human power to put the teff.
 It also uses motor as power source

1.7 Organization of the project

This project is organized in chapter. introduction statement of the problem, objective of the
project, significant of the project scope of the project chapter 2 presents literature review of the
In chapter 3 describes the methodology, working principle and part of the machine.
Chapter 4 provide analysis (detail analysis like design analysis or experimental analysis). chapter
5 result and discussion. chapter 6 conclusion and recommendation.


2 Literature Review
In 1700 in Hanover another thresher with chains was invented, but its threshing floor [269]
(klepisko) lay upon
shafts, and workers moved it manually back and forth, so consequently this thresher was much
worse than the first one.
Among such [machines] belongs the one made as a model in 1829 by the [Russian] State
Commission oflntemal Affairs
and presented as a new invention.
Pastor Pesler in the Duchy of Brunswick invented a thresher with chains, whose action was
reinforced by repellent
springs. Its threshing floor was completely like the first thresher described here; for about 50
years it had a great reputation.
The most recent inventors have fastened the chains onto the shaft (cylinder) itself, which turned
either by means of a
gateway or by a toothed pinion. The chains were attached to the cylinder either by straps or by
smaller chains. As the cylinder turned, the chains struck against the boards of the threshing floor,
which lay immobile and facing them.
Also through the [270] rotation of the cylinder and the chains catching hold of it under the
threshing floor, the straw was strewn about too much and was dragged off, in part, under the
flooring. Despite this, five or six of these threshers of this construction were invented, with
minor changes. One of these, around I770, was found on the estate of Count Podewiltz in Gusov,
not far from Meglino [a lake in NW Russia east of Novgorod].

As a consequence, all these machines were marginally successful in operation. The chains broke
all the time, and for the most part they only beat the grain with their tips, etc. So, as a
consequence, these threshers with chains were abandoned.
Kusayevsky's thresher, which was never put to use, also had chains. Despite this, three years ago,
Professor Stecker at Lviv [then Lemberg in the Austrian Empire] declared he had invented a new
thresher with chains.
I recently received from him a description and sketch of it. He wanted to eliminate from this
thresher all the inadequacies
of the earlier chains- chains getting tangled up, so that the grain was not beaten for the entire
length, and straw being drawn off- so that it would operate more successfully and forcefully


3 Methodology
3.1 Working Principles of the Machine
The machine threshes the teff crop by hammering action. The teff is feed by manually pushing
teff stack in to the threshing cylinder. The cylinder rotates anticlockwise beat the stack until it is
threshed. The knife part on the top cover and used to chop the stack to the required size straw
and chaff as well as protect the stack of teff not to would on the drum of the thresher.
At the end length of the drum or beater there is scooper that scoops and throw chaff and straw
through the chaff outlet.
The threshed grain passed through the perforated hole on the sieve as the threshed grain broken
stack and dust fall, they move across the air current cross flow wise.
The since the broken stack is heavier than teff crop and dust is separated mechanically by step
sieves. the dust and teff crop are separated aerodynamically which is adjusted by pulling ratio
and blow away while, the teff crops to the delivery unit to be collected.
The machine was designed to employ a combination of mechanical and aerodynamic principles
to separate teff chaff and clean the teff grains. The separating and cleaning unit had sieves, sieve
frame, rocker arm and chaff and grain outlet pan. A mixture teff grains and chaff was uniformly
spread on the belt conveyer along its entire length and fed into the separating and clean unit at
predetermined rate of feeding. As the materials, teff grains and chaff were on their way into the
separating unit, they were subjected to air current generated by the fan. As a result, light chaffs
with low terminal velocities were blown away before they reached separating and cleaning units.
Heavier materials, with higher terminal velocity, managed to land on the top sieve that permitted
passage of teff grains and retained chaffs with sizes greater than the grains. The top sieve was

designed and selected to retain very course materials and to convey them to the outlet. The
middle sieve was selected in such way that it could scalp all materials larger and heavier than
grains passed through the top sieve. The purpose of the bottom sieve was to carry out further
cleaning of teff grain from trash, sand, dust, dirt and broken grains.
distinct operations: separating the grain from the ear or panicle (the most energy intensive
operation); sorting the grain from the straw; and winnowing the chaff from the grain. The
threshing can be achieved by three methods: Rubbing action, Impact and Stripping

3.2 Basic Parts and Functions of a thresher

3.2.1 Threshing Drum
The threshing drum is the most relevant part of the thresher. This component beats the crop to
release seeds or grains. This action is accomplished by beating the crop against the concave. The
speed of the thresher is determined by the pulley of the thresher with respect to the diameter of
the drive motor/engine. Types of Threshing Drums
The operation of detaching the grains from the ear head, cob or pod is called threshing. It is
basically the removal of grains from the plant by striking, treading or rupturing. The diameter of
threshing drums should not be too small as it will end up wrapping crop material around its
periphery resulting in crops getting trapped in the cylinder.
Spike Tooth Type Cylinder
In this type of threshing drum, there is a hollow cylinder, made out of Mild Steel flat bars. Over
to its entire periphery, a number of spikes/pegs of square /round bars or flat iron pieces are
welded or bolted. Now days, in most of threshers, round peg with adjustable length are used.
These spikes are staggered on the periphery of the drum for uniform threshing. The crop is fed
along with the direction of motion of the rotating drum. The spike tooth cylinders are available in
various sizes. A spike tooth cylinder with spikes of flat front and streamlined back has lower
energy consumption. The spike tooth cylinder have been very efficient in threshing soya beans,
rice and sun flower.

Fig 3.1 spike tooth type cylinder

Rasp Bar Type Cylinder
In this type of cylinder, there are slotted plates, which are fitted over to the cylinder rings, in
such a way that the direction of slot of one plate is opposite to another plate. This type of
cylinder is commonly used in threshers. It can be used for a wide variety of crops viz.-wheat,
paddy, maize, soybean etc.
I also use this rasp bar type cylinder for this project because it needs low cost to manufacture the
material are seven cylindrical rings, metal to connect the ring in affixed distance and a solid
shaft. The loop type metal that connect the cylindrical ring is used as a thresher.
This rasp bar type cylinder takes less metal compared to other types.

Fig 3.2 rasp bar type cylinder

Wire Loop Type Cylinder

In this type of threshing drum, there is hollow cylinder, over which a number of wooden or Mild
Steel plates are fitted. On these plates, number of wire loops is fixed for threshing purposes. This
type of cylinder is common in the manually operated paddy threshers. Holding the bundle
against the loops of revolving cylinder does threshing of paddy crop. This type of threshing drum
is excellent for paddy threshing.

Fig 3.3 wire loop type cylinder

3.2.2 Blower/Fan
The blower or fan (commonly called) plays an important role in cleaning threshed grain. The fan
does this by generating a film of air and blowing it across the direction of threshed grains to get
rid of debris and other unwanted particles. The blower is also driven by the motor with its speed
controlled by the motor’s pulley. Air can only remove impurities which have different
aerodynamic properties from the gran. A thresher that is provided with aspirator unit is usually
called aspirator type thresher. Those threshers fitted with blower which blows air in horizontal
direction is called drummy threshers.

Fig 3.4 blower Fan adjustment
Fan(s) fitted on thresher must provide the proper amount of blast. The shutter(s) at each end of
fan should be adjusted properly so that it could provide blast sufficient enough to remove chaff
and light materials without grain. Watching the sample and adjusting the blast can help in getting
the desired results.

3.2.3 Concave/Sieve
Cylinder and concave together makes the threshing unit. It separates the grain from the crop and
removes grain from the straw. Concave is provided in the thresher to hold the fed crop inside the
threshing chamber and allows only grain and small amount of chaff to pass through it. The
threshing takes place only in this space. It is a curved unit, made of iron steel or iron bar, fitted
near the threshing cylinder. The clearance between cylinder and concave is adjustable, depending
upon the size and type of grain. As the concave clearance is reduced, the threshing efficiency
increases but losses increase and vice versa. The concave clearance at the inlet is less as
compared to outlet. it has its own frame made by sheet metal There are different types of
concave, which are used in has its own Types of Concaves
Screen type concave
It is made of mild steel rod. It is semicircular in shape and sometimes made with wire also. The
screen allows the material after threshing to pass through its perforation.
Perforated concave
In this, perforations are made in a mild steel sheet. The concave is closed from both the ends by
iron sheet. The size of perforation is made as per the size of grain of a crop.
Cylinder and Concave Clearance
In order to get cleaned grains and proper threshing, it is very important to set the proper
clearance between tip of cylinder and concave. On an average, concave clearance is kept about
25 mm at the mouth, 10 mm at the middle and 15 mm at the rear end (Farm Machinery and
Equipment, 2013). Start operating the thresher, by keeping proper recommended speed, and
check if any grain is left in the ears. If it is so, reduce the concave clearance gradually, until
drumis threshing cleanly. Too close concave clearance setting is likely to crack some of the
grains and too open concave clearance will result in improper threshing of crops.

3.2.4 Shaker
The screens are oscillated or shaken with a crank attached to the screen. This crank is powered
from main axle either by belt. The circular motion of the main shaft is converted into
oscillating motion of screen, which shakes it and separates the grain from other foreign material
and chaff. The separating effectiveness depends on the frequency of strokes of crank, which is
adjustable. The shaker, which is not always found on all threshers, plays a very important role in
sorting threshed grains.

3.2.5 Chute
The chute of a thresher is an outlet for the emission of threshed crops or an outlet for the
collection of seed.

3.2.6 Transport Wheels

Threshers are provided with wheels to make movement on the field easier. These wheels are
made with cost iron but new and large capacity threshers are equipped with pneumatic
wheels for better performance during transportation. Transport wheels should not be so small as
movement on the field will be impeded. this threshing machine is move from farm to farm by
standing up from one side by handling and pushing it.
3.2.7 Frame
The frame of the thresher was made up of 4mm by 40mm angle iron, 1.5mm sheet metal,4mm by
40mm square pipe, and 16mm diameter normal round bar to support the sieving part.

The frame also has the concave seat and concave cover on side as well as the frame was made at
angle to decrease the vibration.
The frame of the thresher has to main seating parts. Those are motor seating and concave seiver
seating. Motor seating is a simple flat sheet that is fixed by nut and bolt. concave sieve seating is
a curve like structure that is made by rolling of a metal sheet and welding a U shape sheet to the
two side.

3.2.8 Shaft
Shaft is a rotating machine element which is used to transmit power from one place to another.
the power is delivered to the shaft by same tangential force and the resultant torque (twisting
moment) set up with in the shaft permit the power to be transferred to various machines linked
up to the shaft. in order to transfer the power from one shaft to another, the various member such
as pulley and are mounted on it. these members along with the force exerted up on them causes
the shaft to bend in other word we may say that a shaft is used for the transmition of torque and
bending moment. the shaft is usually cylindrical but may be square or cross shaped in section
they are solid in cross section but some times hollow shafts are also used.
Forthisthreshingmachineiusethreeshaftsthousarefanshaftcylindericaldrumshaftandshakershaft. the
material used for shaft should have the following properties:

 It should have high strength.
 It should have good machinability.
 It should have low notch sensitivity factor.
 It should have good heat treatment properties.
 It should have high wear resistance property.

3.2.9 Belt
Belt are used to transmit power from one shaft to another by means of pulleys which rotate at the
same speed or at different speed. The amount of power transmitted depends up on the factors:
 The velocity of the belt.
 The tension under which the belt is placed on the pulleys.
 The arc of contact between the belt and the smaller pulley.
It may be noted that
 The shaft should be properly in line to insure uniform tension across the belt section.
 The pulley should not be too close together, in order that the arc of contact on the smaller
pulley may be as large as possible.
 The pulley should not be far apart as to cause the belt to weight heavily on the shafts,
thus increase the friction load on the bearings.
 Along belt tends to swing from side to side causing the belt to run out of the pulley,
which in turn develops crooked spots in the belt.

3.2.10 Materials Selection for Threshers

The design and fabrication of threshers cannot be complete with the use of the requisite
materials. Metals are the predominant materials used in the construction and fabrication of
threshers. The most common metal used in the construction of threshers is mild steel. Mild Steel
Mild steel contains approximately 0.005-0.25% carbon making it malleable and ductile. Mild
steel has a relatively low tensile strength, but it is cheap and easy to form; it is often used when
large quantities of steel are needed. Mild steel contains less steel carbon than other steels and are
easier to cold-form, making them easier to handle. Below are some properties of mild steel
which makes them excellent choices for thresher fabrication.
Properties of Mild steel
 Weldability
Weldability is defined as “the capacity of a material to be welded under the imposed fabrication
conditions into a specific, suitably designed structure and to perform satisfactorily in the
intended service”. Carbon steel is generally considered to be quite wieldable, particularly when
the carbon content is below 0.35%. The term weldability is also used in a narrower sense to
mean the ease with which a material can be welded without cracking or other discontinuities.
Mild steels and rarely present problems, as long as impurity levels are kept low. Mild steel is all
wieldable without preheat, using any of the common welding processes.
 Forming or Forging
Forming operations on carbon steels include any method of plastically deforming the material to
achieve the desired component. Included are bending (both hot and cold), rolling, extrusion,
drawing, and forging. Carbon steels are capable of being formed extensively due to the relatively
high ductility of the material. Forming that is performed at temperatures lower than the
transformation temperatures will result in cold strain, which can both increase the strength and
reduce the ductility of the component. Mild steel can be formed into different shapes and forms.
 Machinability
Machinability can simply be defined as the ease with which a material can be machined.
Machinability can be based on tool life, cutting speed, power consumption, comparison with
standard steels, quality of surface finish, and feeds resulting from constant thrust force. As with
other properties such as strength, hardness, and ductility carbon content is the dominant factor in
machinability. Mild steels can easily be machined with the right tools whether the shaft or metal
sheet. Cast Iron
Cast iron is a group of iron-carbon alloys with carbon content greater than 2%. The alloy
constituents affect its colour when fractured. Cast iron is a metal which is recommended for
very few component of the thresher as seen in bellow.
Types of Cast Iron
 Gray cast iron
 White cast iron
 Nodular cast irons

 Malleable cast irons
Disadvantages of Cast Iron
 Cast iron has low strength
 Cast iron has no plastic strain (brittle)

Advantages of Cast Iron

 Good compressive strength
 High damping capability (tool machines)
 Good machinability
 Good wear resistance (graphite as lubricant)
 Lower cost

Materials selected for different parts of the Thresher

NO Name of part Material

1 Frame Mild steel

2 Shaft Mild steel
3 Concave Mild steel
4 Threshing cylinder cover Mild steel
5 Blower Mild steel
6 Pulley Cast iron
7 Transport wheel Cast iron
8 Threshing cylinder Cast iron


4 Analysis
4.1 Machine Design
In the design of the components of the machine, the following major components were
Design Considerations
The following factors were put into consideration in the design of the thresher
 Diesel engine of 4.25 horsepower was used to power the thresher after completion.

 The materials used for the construction of the thresher were available in the local market
so that the developed thresher was made affordable to peasant farmers.

 Technical conditions were dependent on the moisture content of the crop, the peripheral
speeds of the cylinder and the blower and the feed rate of the thresher

 The total height of the machine was chosen as 1.2 m so as to allow for its convenient
operation by an average height person.

 The size and total weight of the machine were considered for easy loading into a
transportation facility.

 The feeding chute was made in such a way as to minimize accident on the fingers of the
operator as the thresher is being feed manually

4.3 Determination of pulley dimensions
For the determination of sizes of driving and driven pulleys, the equation 4.0 given by Hannah
and Stephen was used as:
N 1 D1= N 2 D2…………………………………4.0
N1 = speed of drive pulley in rpm
N2= speed of driven pulley in rpm
D1 =diameter of drive pulley in mm and
D2 =diameter of driven pulley in mm.
Four pulleys were used on the thresher: there are two pulleys on the cylinder-drum shaft, one
pulley each on the fan and the reciprocating shafts. Based on equation 4.0 and the pulley sizes on
the cylinder-drum, the fan and the reciprocating shaker shafts were determined as shown below
based on the schematic diagram of the transmission.
4.3.1 Determination of the cylinder shaft driven pulley size
From the Figure 4.0:
N 1 D1= N 2 D2

N 1 D1
D 2=

Fig 4.0 schematic diagram of the machine transmission system

N1 = 2000 rpm
N2 = 900 rpm
D1 = prime mover pulley size = 104 mm
Therefore, D2 = diameter of pulley on cylinder = 231 mm
But a pulley of 230 mm diameter was used on the cylinder shaft.
4.3.2 Determination of the fan shaft driven pulley size

N 2 D2= N 3 D3

N 2 D2
D 3=
N3 = 1900 rpm
D3 = diameter of pulley size on fan shaft = 109 mm

4.3.3 Determination of the shaker shaft driven pulley size
D 5= 4 4

N4 = 2000 rpm
D4 = 30 mm
N5 = 300 rpm
D5 = diameter of pulley size on shaker shaft = 200 mm
But a pulley size of 205 mm was used because it was the size found in local market.
4.4 Determination of belt length
The lengths (L) of belts used in the design of the thresher were obtained as

π ( D−d)2
L= (D+d)+2C+ …………………………..4.1a
2 4C
π ( D+ d)2
L= (D+d)+2C+ …………………………….4.1b
2 4C

C = distance between drive and driven pulleys in mm
D=diameter of drive pulley in mm and
d= diameters of the driven pulleys in mm.
The equations 4.1a and 4.1b B above were used for the determination of the length of belts used
on the thresher. While equations 4.1a was used for calculating length of open belts, equation 4.1b
was used for the crossed belt. A cross belt was used between the prime mover and the cylinder-
drum in order to get the desired direction of rotation of the cylinder-drum so as to minimize
scatter losses of threshed grain from the hopper.
4.4.1 Length of cross belt between prime mover and cylinder pulleys
From the schematic diagram (Fig 4.0)
π ( D+ d)2
L= (D+d)+2C+
2 4C

D1 = diameter of prime mover pulley = 104 mm
D2 = diameter of cylinder shaft pulley = 230 mm
C1= distance between the centres of prime mover and cylinder pulley = 550 mm substituting
π (230+104 )2
L 1= (104+203)+2*450+
2 4∗450

L1 = 1486.62 mm
L1= cross belt between prime mover and cylinder = 1486.62 mm (A57´ Belt obtained from
market was used).
4.4.2 Length of open belt between cylinder and fan pulleys
π (D −D 3)2
L2= ( D2+ D3)+2 C2+ 2
2 4 C2
D2 = diameter of cylinder pulley = 230 mm
D3 = diameter of fan pulley = 110 mm
C2 = distance between the centres of cylinder and the fan pulleys = 645 mm
π (230−110)2
L2= (230+110)+2*645+
2 4∗645
L2 = 1829.65 mm
L2= open belt between cylinder-drum and fan pulleys = 1829.70 mm (A72´ Belt obtained from
market was used).
4.4.3 Length of open belt between cylinder and reciprocating unit’s pulleys
π (D −D 4 )2
L2= ( D4 + D5)+2 C2+ 5
2 4 C2
D4 = diameter of small cylinder pulley = 30 mm
D5 = diameter of shaker pulley = 205 mm
C3 = distance between the centres of cylinder and the shaker pulleys = 880 mm
π (205−30)2
L 3= (30+205)+2*885+
2 4∗885

L3 = 2147.70 mm

L3 = open belt between cylinder drum and reciprocation unit‟s pulleys =2147.70 mm (A85´ Belt
was obtained from market was used)
4.5 Determination of power required in fan and shaker mechanism
Power required in fan PF = force x velocity (VF)
= 170 X VF π= π × 0.11 ×1882 † 60
=10.84 ms-1
Therefore, Power in fan PF= 170 × 10.84
= 1800 W
Peripheral velocity of shaker pulley = π × 0.21 × 126 † 60
=1.386 ms-1
Therefore, power required for reciprocation PR = 400 ×1.386
= 554.4 W
Total power required by fan and shaker reciprocation = 2354.4 W
4.6 Determination of total torque and power in thresher
The torque required for fan and shaker was gotten from the expression given by
60 P
2 πN
T = Torque on fan and shaker pulley in Nm
P = power requires to drive fan and shaker in watt
N = speed of revolution in rpm
Torque in fan and shaker pulleys= = 25 Nm
2 π∗900
2 πNT
Power required in cylinder drum=
2 π∗900∗25
= 2357.14 W
4.7 Determination of reactions in bearings supporting drum
Total vertical force on cylinder pulley = weight of pulley + summation of vertical tensions in all
= 20 + 169.91 + 38.46 + 437.29 + 11.46 + 228.28
= 905.4 N

Fig 4.1 schematic diagram of vertical forces on cylinder shaft, the SFD and BMD

Fig 4.2 schematic diagram of horizontal force on cylinder shaft, the SFD and BDM
4.7.1 Vertical component of reactions on bearings
Taking moment about A, and solving
RVA = 1022.57 N and RVB = 117.16 N
where, RVA and RVB are reactions at bearings A and B as shown in Figure 3.2
4.7.2 Horizontal component of reactions on bearings
Horizontal force was caused by the inclination of belt at 63° to the vertical.
The only horizontal force was cause by the inclination of the belt for fan = 190.70 N
Taking moment about A (Figure 3.3), the farther bearing from cylinder pulley P, and solving
RHA = 11.20 NandRHB=97.78 N
4 . 8 Determination of bending and torsional moments
Resultant Moment
M b=√ ¿¿ ¿= 100.04 Nm
60 p
Torsional Moment M t = =25 Nm
2 πN
Shaft design
4.8.1 Determination of cylinder shaft diameter
In the determination of the shaft of thresher, which is a major component of the machine, its diameter
was obtained using the equation 3.18 as given by Khurmi and Gupta as:
+ √ ( KbMB ) + ( KtMt )
3 2 2
D = diameter of shaft to be determined in metre,
Kb and Kt are the combined shock and fatigue factors for bending and torsional moments and are
taken as 2.5 and 2.0 respectively as given by Khurmi and Gupta (2007).
Mb and Mt are the maximum bending and torsional moments in newton metre (Nm) respectively, and
Ss is the allowable stress in the shaft material in newton per square millimetre (N mm -2).
Taking permissible tensile stress Ss as 40 N mm
D3 = 32 473.85 mm3
D = 32 mm.
Therefore, diameter of main shaft was taken as 35 mm

4.8.2 Determination of diameter of reciprocating mechanism
From Section 3.9.9, the tension in the belt linking cylinder to shake shaft are gotten as
T R 1= 437.29 N and TR2 = 38.48 N for tight and slack sides of the belt respectively.
Thus, Torque on Pulley T = (TR1 – TR2) x Radius of pulley
= (437.29 – 38.48) x 205/2
= 40, 878.03 N mm
Designing the shaft using twisting moment only, and using the equation as give by :
π 3
T= τd
where τ = allowable torsional shear stress in the shaft = 40 N mm-2 and,
d = diameter of solid shaft
40878.03= *40*d 3
d = 5204.75 mm3
d = 17.33 mm
Designing the shaft based on tortional rigidity, and using the equation as given by :
where θ = tortional defection or angle of twist in radians,
T = Twisting moment or torque on the shaft,
J = Polar moment of inertia of the cross-sectional area about the axis of rotation,
π 4
J¿ *d
G = Modulus of rigidity of shaft materials
Khurmi and Gupta gave the ratio of L/θ as 3° per meter length of shaft and G as 84 000 Nmm 2.
π 4 40,878.03∗1000∗60
Thus, *d =
32 π∗84,000

d = 94, 669.95 mm4
d = 17.54 mm
Hence either way, the diameter of the reciprocating shaft is 17.5 mm but 20.0 mm shaft was used in
the thresher.
4.8.3 Determination of diameter of fan shaft
Torque TF in fan shaft = (TF1 – TF2) x Radius of fan pulley

where TF1 = tension of tight side of belt = 169.91 N
TF2 = tension of slack side of belt = 86.58 N and
Radius of pulley = 105/2 = 52.5 mm
Therefore, TF = 4374.83 N mm
The vertical forces on the fan shaft are as shown in figure 3.5 and the maximum vertical moment =
2382.16 N mm.

Figure 4.3 schematic diagram of vertical force on fan shaft,its SFD and BDM

Similarly, the horizontal forces on the fan shaft are as shown in Figure 3.5 and the maximum
horizontal moment = 606.06 N mm.
Thus, the total moment Te at 22 mm from A =
Te = 2401.34 Nmm
but and τ = 40 N mm-2
Therefore, d =6.74 mm
Thus 10 mm shaft was used for the fan

Result and discussion

Conclusion and Recommendation
Generally, both the internship and the project were completed with great success. In the last four
months we had worked in AMIMTDE, we have gained many skills. It gave us the highlight of
our future as a Mechanical Engineer. It also gave us the chance to revise what we have learned
for the last three years directly or indirectly. It was a big step in improving our communication,
team work and leadership skills, improving practical skills, upgrading of theoretical knowledge,
understanding of work ethics and entrepreneurship skills, industrial problem solving capabilities.
It was the best way to see our theoretical knowledge and experience it in the real life. In our stay
in this company we obeyed the rules and regulation of the company, for example, coming early
in the morning and obeying companies work disciplines. This helps us to be a good and
disciplined worker for future work experience in any environment. Generally, our stay in this
company meets the main objective of the internship program helps a student who was well
armed in theoretical and practical knowledge.
As recommendation, as far as the appearance of the machine seems very huge due to the
inclusion of the step sieves which take large space, which open the way for improvement or
modification to down size of the machine.
The threshing capacity and efficiency of the machine is low when the moisture content of the
threshed biomass is above the optimum of threshing moisture content of teff, which high energy
input from the engine if not it can stop the engine operation. The drum speed of more than 800
rpm is not recommended to thresh teff crop because it can cause grate machine vibration that can
damage of parts, and also high grain separation losses and grain straw under sizing.
The transportation system is very difficult and need smaller tire or wheel to access transportation
by trailing to the cart.
The engine seat is flexible need further modification to manage the vibration thresher.
The threshing machine should be manufactured for all and it should be put into practice for the
desired work task. I recommend the company to fulfill the working tools, Safety materials
used in the workshop. We would like to recommend students who join the internship program
for the future to use their times effectively and change their theoretical knowledge to practical.


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