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Game Design Document

Project Name: Galac-Tec

Team Name: Game Busters
Team Members:
Tyler McDaniel
Nathan Stevenson
Gabe Maynga
Jonathan Klausner
Jake Gercken

Game Busters Galac-Tec Project 1 | P a g e

Table of Contents
Game Description
Game Concept --------------------------------------------------------Pg. 4
Similar Games and inspiration ------------------------------------Pg. 4
Intended audience ---------------------------------------------------Pg. 4
Game Outline
Game World -----------------------------------------------------------Pg. 5
Character Backstory -------------------------------------------------Pg. 5
Game Story ------------------------------------------------------------Pg. 6
Controls and Interface
Player Controls--------------------------------------------------------Pg. 6
Main Menu ------------------------------------------------------------Pg. 6
User Interface ---------------------------------------------------------Pg. 7
Game Mechanics
Enmity Generation ---------------------------------------------------Pg. 7
Experience Points ----------------------------------------------------Pg. 8
In-Game Currency----------------------------------------------------Pg. 8
Company Opinion ----------------------------------------------------Pg. 8
Companies -------------------------------------------------------------Pg. 9
NPCs --------------------------------------------------------------------Pg. 9
Enemies ----------------------------------------------------------------Pg. 9
Weapons ---------------------------------------------------------------Pg. 10
Body Enhancements -------------------------------------------------Pg. 10
Sound and Music
Gameplay Music ------------------------------------------------------Pg. 11
Multiplayer and Additions
Multiplier---------------------------------------------------------------Pg. 11
DLC --------------------------------------------------------------------Pg. 11

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Pricing -------------------------------------------------------------------Pg. 12
Add-ons ----------------------------------------------------------------Pg. 12

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Game Description
Game concept
Galac-Tec, a roleplaying game of exploration, risk, and savage might set in
the decaying far future of 2050. In Galac-Tec, you can explore the pernicious city
of Santa Clara. Renown and riches reward the bold, but the unwary find only
anonymous deaths. The world of Galac-Tec is a violent, dangerous place, filled
with people who’d love to take your head for a check in the bank. In this world
you do what you can to survive, whether that is through paid work of a
bodyguard, blood money from the deaths of others, or bringing order to the
world as a man of the law, each of course has your life on the line. Good and Evil
are replaced by the Strong and the Weak, you do what you have to do to live till

This game flows back in to a setting of noir-like genre of city life fill with
organized crime and pleasure of the human body. The player is thrown into an
RPG with infinite custom playstyles and goals with several playthroughs. The
seriousness of the game could be taken at all points in the spectrum, from going
around the city in a road rampage to taking step by step carful actions to
dominate the city. The multiplayer puts a familiar setting of an Fps Shooter in to
the city for an out of campaign feel to relax or compete with friends.

Similar Games and Inspiration

Inspiration was taken from popular Roleplaying games like Warhammer,
40K, and D&D to make an authentic and player controlled feeling within the game.
Ideas for the setting and backstory for the game comes from post-apocalyptic
games like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. that show that even in a semi uncivil land there can be
groups of people that have different goals and mindsets on the land which led to
the companies within the Galac-Tec game.

Intended Audience
The intended user would be:
 Adult from 18 up
 Has a high capacity system (PC or console)
 Likes open world games
 Has Roleplayed at some point in time
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 Has an understand of multiple types of genres
 Likes action games
 Likes RPGs

Any player can play this game but the appealing player is described above

Game Outline
World Backstory
In the year 2050, European governments crumbled and the leaders rushed
to the aid of mega corporations to fill the void of power and wealth or the
financial crisis would leave scars on humanity that would never heal. America no
longer having a hold on the economy welcomed the help of mega corporations to
hold what little government stability they had left. Soon an all-out war for power
broke out, and mercenaries were hired to lead destruction and chaos. After
hundreds and thousands of deaths, and some mass-produced weapons and
nuclear warheads, one company cleared the way and stood above all in North
America: Galac-Tec.

Character Backstory
Your character in this game is created by the fascinations of your own mind
and a cynical-yet-idealistic style with complete custom facial and body modifiers.
The world is yours for the choosing. If you can do some good for the betterment
of mankind, great, but don’t expect any applause.

You would have to make up your own character identity as well as choosing
which corporation to work for where you will make allies among your selected
group. The story revolves around a heavily experimented, cybernetic human who
revolted against their authoritarian company named Galac-Tec but in the end was
barely successful. With their experiment out in the open the company used their
failsafe an erased all memory of the subject to protect their interests and

Your character will wake up with the realization that they have no memory
of who they really are. A quick search of the body shows that while your character
may look human on the outside, you have cybernetic parts inside your body as

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well as a cell phone with one contact, Netx. Unknown to the character of his real
origins, they will take there one lead to figure out who they were, and it’s up to
the player to choose if they will become someone else or continue with the past.

Game Story
Throughout the story, they will learn of the experimentation of the
characters body that Galac-Tec had done for their goal of the perfect soldier. The
one limitation to this is the limitations of the human body, meaning that one
person can only hold so many cybernetic parts before the brain goes insane.
Lucky (or unlucky) for the character, they have a different genetic sequence that
allows them to hold as many modifications as they want. Before they were able to
decode the genetic sequence an inside scientist (code named Netx) released you
from your captivity.

Controls and Interface

Player Controls
 Movement: WASD or L-Joystick will move the player Forward, Left,
Backwards, or Right, Respectively

 Aiming/Sights: Moving the mouse or R-Joystick will move the camera while
holding right click or LT will aim down the sights of the weapon with left
click or RT to fire

 Fighting: Without a gun or with a melee weapon using the left Click will
attack while different buttons or keys will block, dodge, parry or switch

Main Menu
Once the game is loaded the player is shown a screen that lets the player
choose from settings single player and multiplayer. In the single player option a
menu will slide from the right to show the options for it, same goes as well for

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User Interface
The UI is only located at the sides of the screen with nothing contained
within the middle of the screen except the reticle for aiming without a scope. A
mini map is shown at the top right of the screen with the time and weather
shown right above it. Health/energy bar and other affect that the player has
active will be shown to the top right as well as a company logo. Weapon and
ammo is shown at the bottom right of the screen with the mission list right above
it. Text and a picture of the person who is talking (if they have one) will be at the
bottom of the screen when it is said in game.

Health Bar and Energy bar, shown at the top right of the screen.

Current Weapon equipped and ammo, along with any special additions with the

Game Mechanics
Enmity Generation
The player is encouraged to play the game however they want with several
thousand playstyles available, all actions have consequences. Several hazards
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within the game keeps the player on edge at every moment, the largest one is the
crime to police conflict that is spread throughout the city. As crimes are
committed outside home territory and inside home territory (less enmity is
gained inside your corporation area due to the control of power) more and more
unrest will lead the police to take action against you. This will lead to a bounty
being placed on your head and have active bounty hunters searching for you with
the higher the bounty making the more chance to run into some. There are
several ways to lose your crimes and bounty, the quickest is to pay off a head
officer, because in this era there is no such thing as a dirty cop.

Experience Points
As you play the game over time, you gain experience which will grant you
different varieties of uses that will excel your body modifications. Additional gear,
such as additional weapon slots or increased carrying capacity, or enhancements,
such as more cybernetic options or different abilities, to the body are some of the
examples that experience can be used. Later in the game with the subsequent
enhancements can yield the player to build their own guns, and add special mods
to their cybernetics bought with the In game currency of the UCA dollar.

In-Game Currency
Money within the game, the United Corps of America’s dollar, can be used
to buy different cybernetics, guns, and other accessories that the player can use
at their discretion. Money can be gained from every aspect of the game from
street robbery to high end corporate/government deals giving small to large
amounts of money respectively.

Company Opinion
Galac-Tec is an open world RPG where the player chooses a corporation to work for,
and completes missions around a city with an end goal of their corporation’s dominance
over the other corporations. Your corporation starts with alliances with some of the other
corporations, while being diehard rivals with others. The actions you take in your missions
determine how other corporations view the corporation you work for. Take too many
actions which your allies find unsatisfactory, and you will find your corporation looking for
new friends. Appease your rival corporations and they may decide it is a worthy investment
to be allied to your corporation.

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Companies are spread throughout the city controlling different areas of
different sizes. Each Company has a different mindset of how the world should be
run and controlled. Each will have different buffs and perks to join and will give
you access to their facilities and resources.
Certain areas of the city are dominated by certain companies, with Galac-
Tec have the biggest cut; while other parts are split and have no real influence on
them but the police force. Should the player be wanted by a certain company,
they would want to stay away from the fully controlled regions. While if you make
enemies with the Galac-Tec group you’ll have a hard time hiding, unless you have
a large sum of money to pay it off.

All sorts of jobs fill the streets and towering office buildings, from
underground rock producers to multi-state governors. Most of them are not
about how much effort you put in its how good you look doing it, while others are
how many people you can push around.

In this world, your character will come across a wide variety of foes from
various corporations fighting for power. What company you choose to fight for
will determine who your friends are and who your foes are. Your character will
encounter enhanced mercenaries from other rivaling companies, both human and
cyborg, with mechanical upgrades to try and halt your mission. There will be
melee, infantry, sniper and other special enemy types. Different cybernetics
enhances their fighting abilities but different parts you have access to can still give
the player a fighting edge.

 Bosses: Every company, especially your own, has a plan B should their main
infantry fail to protect it and complete their mission. As your character
progresses throughout the world and take out more companies to
eventually reach Galac-Tec, they will come across various boss battles that
they will need to defeat in order to take down the companies for good.

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 Slasher-Tec Bots: They are melee enemies that will charge at you in combat.
Bringing a knife to a gunfight seems like no sweat but watch as these
enemies quickly swarm you with great haste. Moving fast to avoid their
deadly blades and combat skills is something that needs to be kept in mind.

 Cyber Marksmen: These enemies are highly trained to kill with their high
impact rifles that can pick you off from insane distances. Keep your eyes
peeled to kill the hunter or fights can be increasingly difficult

 Technicians: Originally created by Galac-Tec and adopted later by other

companies to be the main infantry, these soldiers are the basic units for
combat and gun fights that will be present all around the world.

 Juggernauts: They are very well-armored with the industry’s finest metals
and resistant fabrics, making it a lot tougher to take them down. These
enemies carry large machine guns that are too heavy for the ordinary
technician to mow down their targets.

Gameplay will be similar to other open world RPGs where the player will be
in third person point of view and shoot at their enemies on with sights in first
person. The game will be optimized for mouse and keyboard as well as Xbox One
and PlayStation 4 controller. In single player mode, the player will have multiple
dialogue options which will affect the outcome of the mission as well as the
game’s story. Throughout the game’s world the player will find many different
weapons at their disposal, from simple 9mm pistols to future tech like laser rifles.

Body Enhancements
The character will start out with the MKG-T Ursa Exosleeve which is an
ultra-enhanced hydraulic arms that only the toughest mechanized soldiers will
have. Additional modifications and cybernetics can be found from underground
cyber-installers or well-conditioned company firms that will install with a large fee.

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Sound and Music
Gameplay Music
The music genre will be Post Rock to Cyberpunk to Progressive rock that fits
the feel of the new era of life with a plethora amount of other small music genres
that fill the different styles of the city

Multiplayer and Additions

There will be a full multiplayer playlist of game modes such as Team
Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Domination, etc. The maps will be inspired from
various areas that are explored within the campaign, but the progress and
mechanics within the multiplayer will not be related. This will be an arena style
experience with either objective game modes or straight up blood baths.
In multiplayer mode, the player will start out with default weapons and
equipment. The player will have the ability to unlock stronger weapons and
equipment as they level up. Should the player reach max level, they will unlock
the ability to “level out” of the level system and gain the ability to start
completing missions in order to unlock unique skins for their weapons. To make
the gameplay unique, random power-ups will be scattered around the many
different maps. These power-ups will range from temporary health increase to
strong special weapons with limited ammo capacity.

When Galac-Tec is pre-ordered, the customer will receive a code for their
respective platform giving them access to a special multiplayer map only available
to those who pre-ordered the game (map still currently in testing and
There will be new chapters to the story mode as well as bigger parts of the
city that will open up that will be purchased throughout the game year. These will
affect and add content to the multiplayer given to reflect the areas of the city that
were added.

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Galac-Tec will be $60.00 USD and sold in multiple locations across the UK
and some parts of Europe with different language settings to make it more

Gun Skin Packs (20 per Pack) – 2.99 USD

Player Cosmetic Items – 1.99 USD
Map DLC (+multiplayer Map) – 9.99 USD

There will be micro-transactions that give skins packs for a variety of
weapons as well as different armor and cosmetic skins that add customization
and unique aspects to player’s characters.

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