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1. What is the case ofthe BOOK in the sentence “He put the book on the table”

(a). Genetive

(b). Objective

(c). Possessive

(d). Subjective

Answer: B

2.Poor reading comprehension is caused by the following except

(a). poor scanning

(b). Low-word skill ofthe reader

(c). poor retention

(d). Inability to locate the main idea

3. All but one belong to the group

(a). Study condition

(b). Study strategies

(c). Study purpose

(d). Study materials

Answer: D

4.In a paragraph, the critical examination of a particular topic and taking a stand is

(a). Description

(b). Plagiarism

(c). Development

(d). Argument

Answer: D
5.Noun is in its nominative case when it is the ________ of a sentence

(a). Object

(b). Subject

(c). Verb

(d). None

Answer: B

6.The verb in the sentence “It rained yesterday” is

(a). An intransitive verb

(b). Transitive verb

(c). Non-finite

(d). Finite

Answer: D

7.In “Less production student” The word “Less” is

(a). Modifying verb

(b). Modifying noun

(c). A qualifier

(d). Modifying adjective

Answer: C

8.Sentence in a paragraph must be

(a). related

(b). enumerate

(c) regulated

(d) rhetorical

Answer: A

9. “The lecturers ofNigeria Universities” What is the headword in this expression

(a). The

(b). Lecturers

(c). Nigeria

(d). Universities

Answer: Lecturers

10.What is the ratio of adverb to noun in “Singing regularly happens to be my hobby”

(a). 1:2

(b). None ofthe above

(c). 1:1

(d). 1:3

Answer: A

11. In “The lecturers ofNigeria Universities” What is the headword in this expression

(a). The

(b). Lecturers

(c). Nigeria

(d). Universities

Answer: Lecturers

12. What is the ratio of adverb to noun in “Singing regularly happens to be my hobby”

(a). 1:2

(b). None ofthe above

(c). 1:1

(d). 1:3

Answer: A

13. “The girl outside” what part ofspeech is “The”

(a). Adjective
(b). Adverb

(c). Preposition

(d). Noun

Answer: A (Definite article)

14. Which ofthe following is syntactically pliable?

(a). Noun

(b). Adjective

(c). Verb

(d). Adverb

Answer: B

15. In the word “The use of English for science students” The word “English” is

(a). A modifier

(b). A qualifier

(c). A headword

(d). A limita

Answer: C

16. What cohesive device “That” in the sentence “He knows that the behavior is bad”

(a). Substitution

(b). Ellipsis

(c). Repetiion

(d). Conjunction

Answer: D

17.When a line free of writing is used to separate paragraphs, the method adopted is

(a). Free style

(b). Block style

(c). Style and block

(d). Breaking style

Answer: B

18.How many bound morpheme(s) are in “He has used it”

(a). 1

(b). 2

(c). 3

(d). 4

Answer: One (1)

19. Mono-morphemic words that behave like abi-morphemic words in the sentence “Photograph means
writing or drawing with light”

(a). None ofthe above

(b). Twice

(c). Once

(d). Thrice

Answer: D

20. The pattern of paragraph formation is

(a). Methological pattern

(b). Paragraph pattern

(c). None ofthe above

Answer: B

21 .The most critical study condition takes place

(a). Individual

(b). Group

(c). Home

(d). School
Answer: A

22. How many gender do we have in noun

(a). 5

(b). 3

(c). 4

(d). 2

Answer: Four (4)

23. The cohesive device used in the sentence “He wrote and pass his examination” is

(a). Substitution, repetition, ellipsis

(b). Ellipsis, conjunction

(c). Contrast, Substitution, ellipsis

(d). Ellipsis, contrast, comparison

24. How many words have inflectional suffix in the sentence “Teachers of questionable characters”

(a). 3

(b). 4

(c). 1

(d). 2

Answer: D

25.How many cohesive device are in the sentence “He wrote and passed his exam”

(a). 4

(b). 1

(c). 3

(d). 2

Answer: D

26. mono-morphemic word that appears as bimorphemic word in the sentence “paragraph means
and writing one main idea” is

(a). 1

(b). 2

(c). 3

(d). 4

Answer: D

27. How many inflectional morpheme is in the sentence “Different types of books”

(a). 2

(b). 3

(c). 1

(d). 5

Answer: A

28. is a kind of “On the spot” self evaluation

(a). Review

(b). Survey

(c). Note taking

(d). Recall

Answer: A

29. The cohesive device used in the sentence “He wrote and pass his examination” is

(a). Conjunctional and substitutional

(b). Ellipsis and substitution

(c). Ellipsis and conjunction

(d). Repetition and substitution

Answer: C

30.. Nouns are qualified by

(a). Article

(b). Adjectives

(c). Adverb

(d). Preposition

Answer: Adjective

31.. The pronoun “who” in “The woman who lost the money last year” is a/an

(a). Reflexive pronoun

(b). Relative pronoun

(c)Interrogative pronoun

(d). Reciprocal pronoun

Answer: B

32.The morpheme “fy” in the word “Identify” is

(a). Derivational

33.The cohesive device used in the sentence “He wrote and pass his examination” is

(a). Conjunctional and substitutional

(b). Ellipsis and substitution

(c). Ellipsis and conjunction

(d). Repetition and substitution

Answer: C

34. Nouns are qualified by

(a). Article

(b). Adjectives

(c). Adverb

(d). Preposition

Answer: Adjective
35. The pronoun “who” in “The woman who lost the money last year” is a/an

(a). Reflexive pronoun

(b). Relative pronoun

(c)Interrogative pronoun

(d). Reciprocal pronoun

Answer: B

36. The morpheme “fy” in the word “Identify” is

(a). Derivational

(b). Inflectional

(c). Non-derivational

(d). Prefixation

Answer: Derivational {It changes the class ofIdentity (Noun) to Identify (Verb)}

37. The ratio of adverb to noun in the sentence “Singing regularly happens to be my hobby” is

(a). 1:3

(b). 1:1

(c). 1:2

(d). None

Answer: C

38. What is the case of “Book” in the sentence “He put the book on the table”

Answer: Obje

39.‘While we waited , I did some revision’ is what type of sentence

40.The inflectional suffix in the sentence ‘teachers are questionable characters ‘ is

41.The morpheme in the verb ‘used’ is

42. What modifies a verb?

43. The verb in the sentence’ he manned the gate’ is

44.The function of "the" in "the girl outside" is ....

45.The motion that was moved by the Senate is a good one. What type of clause is "that was moved by
the Senate

46.The morpheme in political is

(a).adjective b. .....🥲

(b). Inflectional

(c). Non-derivational

(d). Prefixation

Answer: Derivational {It changes the class ofIdentity (Noun) to Identify (Verb)}

47.The ratio of adverb to noun in the sentence “Singing regularly happens to be my hobby” is

(a). 1:3

(b). 1:1

(c). 1:2

(d). None

Answer: C

48. What is the case of “Book” in the sentence “He put the book on the table”

Answer: Obje

49. ‘While we waited , I did some revision’ is what type of sentence

50.The inflectional suffix in the sentence ‘teachers are questionable characters ‘ is

51.The morpheme in the verb ‘used’ is

52. What modifies a verb?

53. The verb in the sentence’ he manned the gate’ is

54.lThe function of "the" in "the girl outside" is ....

55.The motion that was moved by the Senate is a good one. What type of clause is "that was moved by
the Senate

56.________ is referred to as the construction block of a building of writing

(a). Brainstorming

(b). Lagging

(c). Post writing

(d). Pre writing

Answer: A

56.__________ is the ability to understand clearly what is being expressed in a text

(a). Readability

(b). Comprehension

(c). Reading

(d). Comprehensibility

Answer: B

57. Reading and comprehension are related to ________

(a). Skills

(b). Meaning

(c). Styles

(d). Concepts

Answer: A

58. _______ is central of all academic pursuit

(a). Skill

(b). Study

(c). Information

(d). Knowledge

Answer: B

59. The psychological study condition relates to

(a). Home
(b). Group

(c). Individual

(d). School

Answer: Individual

60. In “Less production student” The word “Less” is

(a). Modifying verb

(b). Modifying noun

(c). A qualifier

(d). Modifying adjective

Answer: C

Compiled by MBBS CLASS' 28

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