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4th Quarter

Name: Chesca Vicencio Grade: Nine Scores:

ENGLISH: 56.5/60

Project Name: Collaborating Subjects: Dates:

Writing a Motivational English

Persuasive Speech on Christian Life Education
Integrated Lessons:
Speech Writing
Rhetorical Devices
Our world has indeed changed dramatically over the past few decades, and we now live in a society
where change can be fast-paced, constant and unpredictable.

Rapid advances in technology created an environment where the internet, smartphones, and
social media are ubiquitous, and global events such the COVID pandemic, conflict in Ukraine, and
other economic situations have increased the sense of uncertainty, danger and unpredictability.

In short, we are now living in turbulent times. This means that there are many people out there
who are suffering, downtrodden, and hopeless. Thus, this just further emphasizes that there is
even a greater call for us to be engaged in acts of SERVICE. There is a greater need for everyone to
embody service and empower others through the trait of servanthood.

This quarter, we will be further exploring the concept of service or servanthood and persuade
others through a compelling speech to be fully committed to becoming active agents of service.


A. English
● Compose a motivational, persuasive speech highlighting the relevance of service and
volunteerism in today’s world, the gains and benefits to the individual and the society when
engaging in acts of service,and moving the youth to initiate acts of service.

● Read Lesson 3 of your CLE Lecture, entitled Care for the Environment on pp. 14-19.
● Explore and share with the class your insights and opinions about the concepts tackled in
the lesson.
- What is Service or Servanthood?
- Why should Christians engage in acts of service?
- How does the Gospel relate with the concept of service ?
● Reflect and meditate on how the Bible concepts and verses tackled relate to your
personal experience through the Faith Journal.


A. Strand Skills: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking

B. Transdisciplinary Skills: Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Creative

Thinking, Reflective Thinking
C. Technological Skills: Word Processing, Designing, Data Processing and Analysis, Audio
Recording, Website Designing


A. English
● Conduct a speech research process on the concept of Service.
● Answer the given guide questions. Then, create a 4- square plan for your speech.
● Compose a motivational persuasive speech about Service.
● Reading, Reflecting, Sharing, Praying, and Faith in Color activities are
based on Lesson 3: Servanthood

A. English: Writing a Motivational Persuasive Speech


● The writing content exhibits well developed 15

arguments with strong evidential support.
● The essay has a strong introduction and a
strong conclusion.
● The writer’s word choice is forceful, reasonable,
and persuasive; but at the same time objective.
● The writing contains rhetorical devices and
other tools that heighten the effect and impact
of the speech.

Organization 10

● The writing follows an organized structure which

allows information to be presented in the
clearest way possible and to be easily
understood by the readers.

Writing Conventions 5

● The writing appears to be polished and free from

any reading distractions. It observes the rules in
the four (4) key conventions: capitalization,
spelling,punctuation, and grammar.

B. Christian Life Education: My Faith Journal on Caring for the Environment

Content and Completeness (15 pts)

- The content of the journal exhibits quality and originality, and

conveys unique reflections, insights, ideas, and experiences.
It contains information that is relevant and significant to the
spiritual concepts and biblical stories used in the lessons. All
segments of the journal are answered.

Organization (15 pts.)

- The writing follows an organized structure which allows

information to be presented in the clearest way possible and to
be easily understood by the readers.
60 pts.
Self- Disclosure and Openness ( 15 pts.)

- The journal exhibits the writer’s openness in passing

information about himself or herself, and sharing his or her
innermost feelings, insights, and opinions to the readers

Accuracy and Relevance to the Theme or Lesson (15 pts.)

- Meaningful inputs and insights that are significant and related

to the concepts and biblical stories presented are tackled and
further deepened by undergoing the following processes:
Reading, Reflecting, Sharing, Praying, and Faith in Color

Individual and Group Processing

- During the discussion of the Bible stories and related

concepts, the student has displayed heightened engagement
and meaningful participation in carrying out individual and 20 pts.
group activities. The student has also contributed to the
enrichment of the understanding of concepts discussed in

The following questions will be answered upon the completion of the authentic tasks.

1. What did you personally learn or realize about yourself after carrying out the authentic tasks?

2. What new concepts, skills, and values have you acquired after performing the tasks? Elaborate
on your answer.

3. If you are to rate your level of involvement or participation in these activities, with 1 being the
lowest and 5 being the highest, what score will you give yourself? Explain your reason for rating
yourself as such.



1. English

a. Speech Research Process

Conduct research to examine and investigate the concept of Service. Use the following
questions as your guide. Answer them meaningfully based on the information you have
1. What is your concept of serving others?

● My concept of serving others is that the best approach to serving others is to

prioritize them over yourself by helping a person or group and voluntarily putting
their needs ahead of your own. This is how serving others is most valuable.
● We can serve others in many different ways, like by doing favors for your family or
friends, doing charity work, making donations, or as simple as sharing food or giving
a simple smile. Even if you give something big or small, it will surely have a big
● It is also true that we should not consider or anticipate receiving something in
return from another individual or group when we are serving them. Serving also
means doing something out of love, care, and kindness, even to those who are your
enemies. Serving is all about positivity and changing for the better.

2. Why is service important? What are its benefits to the one giving service and to
the recipients of service?

The reason that service is important is that it makes the world a better place, because we
are helping, comforting, caring, etc. We are also able to unite or connect with other people
in a purposeful and deliberate manner. It helps strengthen our relationships with our loved
ones. We can also develop empathy, compassion, and understanding when we do acts of
service. Those are all positive and helpful actions.

What are its benefits to the one giving service and to the recipients of service?

Giving service

● It gives you a sense of purpose.

- This is because helping others can feel fulfilled, rewarded, and empowered.
● You can have better relationships.
- It can show that you are a good person and radiate a positive aura, which is what
people mostly want in a person.
● Being more grateful and giving a wider perspective on life
- Helping others, especially those who are less fortunate than yourself, can help put
things into perspective and make you feel more positive about your own
circumstances. By doing so, we can be more grateful for what we have in our lives
right now.
● It creates a sense of belonging.
- Helping others can help us meet new people and connect with them. Face-to-face
interactions can help us feel less lonely and more isolated.

Recipient of service

● It gives you help through your hard times and comfort.

- When people take initiative to ease some of their responsibilities and burdens, it
helps them feel taken care of, safe, and loved in return.
● Helps you feel that you are important.
- When someone is genuinely willing to help us, we know we matter.
● Increases happiness
- Witnessing acts of kindness can increase our levels of oxytocin (the “love”
hormone), which can increase our self-esteem and optimism.
● It also makes you feel motivated to do something good.
- We all know that kindness is a ripple, and when you receive kindness from someone,
you will have that feeling to do something good as well.

3. Why is serving others and the society in general important?

● Spending time enriching your community is a great way to broaden your perception
of the world. By immersing yourself in a community and surrounding yourself with
people who are dedicated to bettering the world, you can learn so much about how
the world works. You gain a unique sense of purpose by serving those around you,
which often manifests in other areas of your life.
● The lives we lead and the lives of those around us can be significantly impacted by
helping others. It can strengthen our bonds with one another, give us a greater
sense of purpose in life, and even benefit our physical and mental well-being. By
giving help to people in need, we may change the present situation of the world by
helping others.
● Helping others can teach us important lessons as well, such as how to be more
empathetic and sympathetic toward others. Helping others out of kindness or
generosity often results in them returning the favor later on, which feeds a positive
energy cycle that is beneficial to everyone involved.

There are certain individuals who might not have the same resources or opportunity to
improve their own lives. All they really need is a little assistance from those who are able
and willing to lend a hand in whatever manner they can. There will be less suffering in the
world if more people take this action.

Why is Helping Others so Important These Days - Maya Johansson, LMFT

4. How does service to others improve our perspective in life?

● Helping others gives us a front-row seat to witness their hardships. Seeing these
difficulties can help us feel better about our own circumstances and practice
● Helping others, especially those who are less fortunate than yourself, can help put
things into perspective and make you feel more positive about your own
● It makes you more tolerant of the stress and difficulties we all have to deal with.
Some people lose that perspective in a culture-, money-, or success-obsessed life.
But helping others takes us back to reality by reminding ourselves that most people
struggle and that it’s ok if we do too.
● Helping others in need, especially those who are less fortunate than yourself, can
provide a real sense of perspective and make you realize how lucky you are,
enabling you to stop focusing on what you feel you are missing and helping you to
achieve a more positive outlook on the things that may be causing you stress.

The Benefits of Serving Others

8 Benefits of Helping Others
10 benefits of helping others | Students - UCL – University College London
Reasons why helping others can change your life.

5. Do you believe that the youth of today should get more involved in acts of
service and volunteerism? Why?
Yes, I do believe in that statement because we should teach the youth how important it is
to help one another. By teaching them this at an early age, they will have a deeper
knowledge of what is happening around them and will have the motivation to start helping
other people already.

● Volunteering helps teens see that not everyone’s life is like theirs. Helping people
who have different life circumstances can help teens become more empathetic to
everyone in their lives.
● Getting involved in philanthropic causes early in life can set up a teen for a life of
generosity. People who volunteer when they are young are more likely to volunteer
and donate to nonprofits and causes when they are older.
● Volunteering can also help teens academically. There is a positive correlation
between students who earn good grades and those who are involved in community
service. Volunteering helps teens gain new skills necessary for the job market, such
as leadership, communication skills, dependability, time management, and
● It teaches them that life is more than oneself, and there is always someone who
needs help.
● It gives them greater awareness that what they are enjoying is precious.
● It helps inspire them to always be a better version of themselves so that they can
make a greater impact than what they did in their teen years.
● It helps to cultivate their kind heart, to the extent of what they can give.
● The young are used to the idea that they are always having things done for them,
and it is time they got used to the idea that giving is an important part of being a
member of the world.

6. What act/s of service can you do at this point in your life which you think can
impact a positive change?

For me, I think I do a fairly amount of acts of service in my life.

which are:

● In our family,

Simply doing chores, helping with cooking our dinner, or simply being there for my siblings
and parents, supporting them, taking care of them, and showing my love for them can
make a positive change in our family.

● Friends
For me, when someone wants to talk to me, I am always just one text or call away. I am
always willing to be there if you are in need of help or comfort.

● People in general

I think I have been doing simple acts of kindness for other people, like holding a door open
for someone, helping someone pick up the things they dropped, donating clothes I don't
fit anymore, and letting the person behind me who really needs to go to the restroom go
first before me. These are the simple actions that I have taken for people in general that I
think still have a positive impact on them.

7. What is your final message to the audience? ( Call to action)

Never forget that everyone is here on Earth to fulfill a certain purpose. To support one
another is that goal. Helping one another benefits both the giver and the recipient. A
small act of kindness can have a significant impact on those things in your current
surroundings. I am aware that the saying "kindness has a ripple effect" has become
overused, but in my opinion, it is the most meaningful and straightforward statement
since kindness always finds its way back to its source. For the benefit of both our society
and yourself, you should therefore begin or continue the cycle of action.

b. My 4- Square Plan
Based on the questions you have reflected on, researched on, and answered in Part A,
create a 4 -Square Plan of your motivational persuasive speech that will tackle your idea of
service. Make sure to organize your information by identifying the main idea for each square
and providing supporting details. Provide strong evidence to support your details. Think of
an original title for your motivational persuasive speech. You may include in the plan
quotations and rhetorical devices that you may want to use to heighten the impact or
effect of your speech.

Serve and Inspire

1st Square:


- “ The service you do for others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.” Which
means that your your purpose in life extends beyon personal success and fullfillment It
urges us to recognize our responsibility to make a positive impact on the lives of others
and contribute to the betterment of society as a whole.

Own concept
- My concept of serving other is that the best approach to serve others is to prioritize them
over yourself by helping a person or group and voluntarily putting their needs ahead of
your own. This is how serving others is most valuable.

Thesis statement

- In this speech, I will be talking about why service is important, its benefits, and how it will
improve our perspective on life.

2nd Square:

Why is service important?

- The reason that service is important is that it makes the world a better place, because we
are helping, comforting, caring, etc. We are also able to unite or connect with other people
in a purposeful and deliberate manner. It helps strengthen our relationships with our loved
ones. We can also develop empathy, compassion, and understanding when we do acts of
service. Those are all positive and helpful actions.

Why is serving others and the society in general important?

- Spending time enriching your community is a great way to broaden your perception of the
world. By immersing yourself in a community and surrounding yourself with people who
are dedicated to bettering the world, you can learn so much about how the world works.
You gain a unique sense of purpose by serving those around you, which often manifests in
other areas of your life.

- The lives we lead and the lives of those around us can be significantly impacted by helping
others. It can strengthen our bonds with one another, give us a greater sense of purpose
in life, and even benefit our physical and mental well-being. By giving help to people in
need, we may change the present situation of the world by helping others.

- Helping others can teach us important lessons as well, such how to be more empathetic
and sympathetic toward others. Helping others out of kindness or generosity often
results in them returning the favor later on, which feeds a positive energy cycle that is
beneficial to everyone involved. There are certain individuals who might not have the
same resources or opportunity to improve their own lives. All they really need is a little
assistance from those who are able and willing to lend a hand in hatever manner they can.
There will be less suffering in the world the more people do this action.

3rd Square:

What are its benefits to the one giving service and to the recipients of service?

Giving service

● It gives you a sense of purpose.

- This is because helping others can feel fulfilled, rewarded, and empowered.
● You can have better relationships.
- It can show that you are a good person and radiate a positive aura, which is what people
mostly want in a person.
● Being more grateful and giving a wider perspective on life
- Helping others, especially those who are less fortunate than yourself, can help put things
into perspective and make you feel more positive about your own circumstances. By doing
so, we can be more grateful for what we have in our lives right now.
● It creates a sense of belonging.
- Helping others can help us meet new people and connect with them. Face-to-face
interactions can help us feel less lonely and more isolated.

Recipient of service

● It gives you help through your hard times and comfort.

- When people take initiative to ease some of their responsibilities and burdens, it helps
them feel taken care of, safe, and loved in return.
● Helps you feel that you are important.
- When someone is genuinely willing to help us, we know we matter.
● Increases happiness
- Witnessing acts of kindness can increase our levels of oxytocin (the “love” hormone),
which can increase our self-esteem and optimism.
● It also makes you feel motivated to do something good.
- We all know that kindness is a ripple, and when you receive kindness from someone, you
will have that feeling to do something good as well.
How does service to others improve our perspective in life?

● Helping others gives us a front-row seat to witness their hardships. Seeing these
difficulties can help us feel better about our own circumstances and practice gratitude.
● Helping others, especially those who are less fortunate than yourself, can help put things
into perspective and make you feel more positive about your own circumstances.
● It makes you more tolerant of the stress and difficulties we all have to deal with. Some
people lose that perspective in a culture-, money-, or success-obsessed life. But helping
others takes us back to reality by reminding ourselves that most people struggle and that
it’s ok if we do too.
● Helping others in need, especially those who are less fortunate than yourself, can provide
a real sense of perspective and make you realize how lucky you are, enabling you to stop
focusing on what you feel you are missing and helping you to achieve a more positive
outlook on the things that may be causing you stress.

4th Square:

Why should the youth get more involved in service and volunteersim

- Yes, I do believe in that statement because we should teach the youth how important it is
to help one another. By teaching them this at an early age, they will have a deeper
knowledge of what is happening around them and will have the motivation to start helping
other people already.
- The young are used to the idea that they are always having things done for them, and it is
time they got used to the idea that giving is an important part of being a member of the
- Volunteering helps teens see that not everyone’s life is like theirs. Helping people who
have different life circumstances can help teens become more empathetic to everyone in
their lives.

Final message
Never forget that everyone is here on Earth to fulfill a certain purpose. To support one another is
that goal. Helping one another benefits both the giver and the recipient. A small act of kindness
can have a significant impact on those things in your current surroundings. I am aware that the
saying "kindness has a ripple effect" has become overused, but in my opinion, it is the most
meaningful and straightforward statement since kindness always finds its way back to its
source. For the benefit of both our society and yourself, you should therefore begin or continue
the cycle of action.

c. Writing a Motivational Persuasive Speech

Based on your 4- Square Plan, compose your own persuasive essay. Organize your main ideas and
supporting details following the plan you have constructed. In writing your draft and final paper,
consider applying the pointers given to you by your teacher and use the questions below to
evaluate your work:

1. Did I state my claim clearly?

2. Does it appeal to my audience?

3. Does my writing evoke emotion and use vivid imagery to make my audience feel emotionally
connected to the argument, agree with my position, and compel them to take action?

4. Do I focus on one side of the argument?

5. Do I have a strong introduction and strong conclusion?

6. Do I use concrete evidence to amplify or emphasize a point?

7. Did I use literary tools and rhetorical devices to heighten the impact or effect of my speech?

8. Is my writing well-written and organized?

9. Did I check and edit for errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation?

10. Does my motivational persuasive speech show my best efforts and my finest writing?
TITLE: Serve and Inspire

“The service you do for others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth,” which means
that your purpose in life extends beyond personal success and fulfillment. It urges us to
recognize our responsibility to make a positive impact on the lives of others and contribute to
the betterment of society as a whole. My concept of serving others is that the best approach to
serving others is to prioritize them over yourself by helping a person or group and voluntarily
putting their needs ahead of your own. This is how serving others is most valuable. In this
speech, I will be talking about why service is important, its benefits, and how it will improve our
perspective on life.

The reason that service is important is that it makes the world a better place because we are
helping, comforting, caring, etc. We are also able to unite or connect with other people in a
purposeful and deliberate manner. It helps strengthen our relationships with our loved ones. We
can also develop empathy, compassion, and understanding when we do acts of service. Those
are all positive and helpful actions. Serving others and society specifically is important because
helping others out of kindness or generosity often results in them returning the favor later on,
which feeds a positive energy cycle that is beneficial to everyone involved. There are certain
individuals who might not have the same resources or opportunity to improve their own lives. All
they really need is a little assistance from those who are able and willing to lend a hand in
whatever manner they can. There will be less suffering in the world if more people take this

When doing acts of service, not only the person who is receiving the service is the one gaining
benefits, but also the person who is helping. For example, giving service gives us benefits like
being more grateful and gives us a wider perspective on life. Helping others, especially those
who are less fortunate than yourself, can help put things into perspective and make you feel
more positive about your own circumstances. By doing so, we can be more grateful for what we
have in our lives right now. Second, it gives you a sense of purpose. This is because helping
others can make them feel fulfilled, rewarded, and empowered. Lastly, you can have better
relationships. It can show that you are a good person and radiate a positive aura, which is what
people mostly want in a person. The benefits that the recipient receives, on the other hand, are,
first, increased happiness. Witnessing acts of kindness can increase our levels of oxytocin (the
“love” hormone), which can increase our self-esteem and optimism. Second, it gives you help
through your hard times or comfort. When people take initiative to ease some of their
responsibilities and burdens, it helps them feel taken care of, safe, and loved in return. Lastly, it
makes you feel motivated to do something good as well. We all know that kindness is a ripple,
and when you receive kindness from someone, you will have that feeling to do something good
as well.

As I have mentioned, one benefit we can get from doing acts of service is that it improves our
perspective on life. Let me go further into this topic. Helping others gives us a front-row seat to
witness their hardships. Seeing these difficulties can help us feel better about our own
circumstances and practice gratitude. It makes you more tolerant of the stress and difficulties
we all have to deal with. Some people lose that perspective in a culture-, money-, or
success-obsessed life. But helping others takes us back to reality by reminding ourselves that
most people struggle and that it’s ok if we do too.

As someone who is in the younger generation, I believe that service and volunteerism should be
exposed to people of an older age. This is because the young are used to the idea that they are
always having things done for them, and it is time they got used to the idea that giving is an
important part of being a member of the world. Volunteering also helps us teens see that not
everyone’s life is like theirs. Helping people who have different life circumstances can help teens
become more empathetic to everyone in their lives.

To wrap things up, my final message is to never forget that everyone is here on Earth to fulfill a
certain purpose. To support one another is that goal. Helping one another benefits both the
giver and the recipient. A small act of kindness can have a significant impact on those things in
your current surroundings. I am aware that the saying "kindness has a ripple effect" has become
overused, but in my opinion, it is the most meaningful and straightforward statement since
kindness always finds its way back to its source. For the benefit of both our society and yourself,
you should therefore begin or continue the cycle of action.

2. Christian Life Education

My Faith Journal on Servanthood

After learning about the Biblical concept and truth, it is now time to do your Faith Journal. A faith
journal is one way for you to breathe and reconnect yourself to your heart. It is one way of
developing spiritual discipline so that faith, love, and hope can take a tangible space in your life.

Directions: As you perform this practice, it is important that we carefully consider the instructions
and the guide questions so that we can fully acquire the benefits of this experience. You can also
set a quiet place for yourself and prepare the materials you will be needing so that internal
processing will not be hampered.
Reading: Read, meditate, and contemplate on the given concepts and passages.

CLE Lecture on Servanthood pp pp. 14-19

Presentation on Servanthood

Which part of the lesson is speaking to you?

What are your personal insights about Service or Servanthood?

Why should we, as Christians, engage in acts of service ?

What are the obstacles we can be encountering when engaging in acts of service?

How is the message of the Gospels related to service?

How does service or servanthood make us closer to God and others, and bring glory to God?

What do you think is the message of God to you behind this lesson?

Answer: Minimum of 15 lines for each.

On Your Concept of Service, Its Elements and Hindrances

Which part of the lesson is speaking to you? The part of the lesson that really
connected with me was when I read, "Service is an act of humility that
characterized Jesus' whole approach," which basically means God's son, Jesus,
came to earth in the form of a servant. This made me realize that serving other
people can never be an excuse, no matter how high or low you are in life. Being
privileged does not mean that you should keep everything to yourself, which would
be being resentful of what you have. It's not important that you're poor to assist
others; you can still perform small deeds like taking out the garbage or holding a
door for someone.What are your personal insights about Service or
Servanthood? Setting others' needs ahead of your own is a lesson I learned about
servanthood. By saying this, we truly mean it and promise to do everything in our
power to further serve the needs of the people, all without expecting anything in
exchange for our assistance. Building stronger relationships with others can be
made possible by service. Furthermore, both the one who gives it and the person
who receives it gain from it.What are the obstacles we can be encountering
when engaging in acts of service? Selfishness is one of the challenges we face
when performing deeds of service. This is the time when we aspire for elevation,
position, praise, popularity, and power in one way or another. Serving others gives
us a sense of power, and we enjoy it when others recognize and appreciate our
good deeds. However, when we act in this way and receive praise for it, it stops
being an act of service because we are not being genuine in our actions; rather, we
are only receiving attention for our good deeds, which is the opposite of what acts
of service is all about. What do you think is the message of God to you behind
this lesson? God, in my opinion, wants us to perform deeds of service with greater
humility. Instead of doing it for our benefit, Jesus wants us to do it to serve other
people. Additionally, avoid having a view of yourself that you don't need to assist
those who are less fortunate than you. This lesson serves as a reminder that while
Jesus Christ was on Earth, he lived as a servant. He was not a self-centered person
or one who showed little concern for those in need, regardless of their wealth.

On Why Should We Be Engaged in Acts of Services

Which part of the lesson is speaking to you? When we talked about the story How
to Enlarge Your Territories by Bo Sanchez, It is talking about how babies are so
spoiled and dependent on the people around them; they depend on the service of
their parents, but as they grow up, they should learn how to be independent;
otherwise, they will grow old as selfish and dependent people. My take on this story
is yes, you should practice and engage in acts of service, but know your extent
because people should learn how to be independent because the people who are
serving them will not always be there for them as life goes on. We will all, at some
point, lose the people around us. By doing this, we are still actually giving service to
other people, because while you put your boundaries with them, they will slowly but
surely learn to be dependent, and in that case, you helped a person become a better
version of themselves. Why should we, as Christians, engage in acts of service?
I believe that we Christians should engage in acts of service because this is the
reason why God made us. Which is to take care of his creations. God gave us all the
resources we need to live, and all we need to do is take care of them. We also only
have one mother earth, so we need to take care of it for us and for our future
generations. How is the message of the Gospels related to service? Matthew
20:28 says, “Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to
give his life as a ransom for many.” This is obviously related to the story because it is
all about serving other people, but it reminds us that all of us are here on earth not
to be served but to serve other people. We should learn how to be humble in order to
practice acts of service. How does service or servanthood make us closer to God
and others, and bring glory to God? Jesus taught us that serving others is a way to
serve Him. Serving others with the abilities, talents, and passions that God has given
you brings praise and glory to God. And when people see you doing in God's name,
you present them with opportunities of glorifying Him. At the heart of Christianity is
the idea of service. What do you think is the message of God to you behind this
lesson? I think the message of God in this lesson is the importance of serving
others. We all have a purpose for living, which is to serve other people, just as Jesus
served when he was here on earth. The last is that we should learn how to not
always depend on other people for their service because we don't want to be
someone who is selfish and spoiled.

Reflecting: Do internal processing and relate the passage with your own understanding and

How do you feel after meditating on the lessons, passages or story?

Do you see yourself as a servant of God and others? Why?

What are some of your personal challenges or obstacles that you encounter that prevent you from
being of service to God and men ?

Are your intentions pure when you engage in acts of service?

Answer: Minimum of 15 lines

How do you feel after meditating on the lessons, passages or story?

After meditating on the lesson, I feel more inspired to do something good for other
people. I reflected on my actions and the actions that other people have given me,
and I feel so grateful that they helped me, even if it was just small gestures. I was
also reminded how much Jesus loved us and that he sacrificed his life on the cross
to save his people. Do you see yourself as a servant of God and others? Why?
Yes, I would consider myself a servant of God and to others because I do take
actions to help the people around me, whether I know them or not. I am always
ready to lend a helping hand. I think being a servant of God is the same because
when we separate others, it is like we are serving God also because this is what he
wants us to do here on earth. Being a servant of God also includes taking care of his
creations, which I do often, even if it's just throwing the trash in the proper places
or conserving energy. I believe that I am already helping the environment around us.
What are some of your personal challenges or obstacles that you encounter
that prevent you from being of service to God and men? For me, some of the
personal challenges that I encounter from being of service to God and people are
that I overthink too much if I am doing enough or that I am scared of failing in
helping that person, especially when I am not familiar with the topic because I
cannot fully help that person with what they are facing so sometimes I dont want
to help them already because they might think that I am not giving that much
attention to them or I am not helping them enough, Are your intentions pure when
you engage in acts of service? Yes, I believe that my intentions are pure when
helping other people. I never have done it just for my own benefit. I want to help
other people for the attention of other people, maybe in a way that I want to get
their attention for them to get inspired to help other people, but not in a way for
fame or for superiority.

Sharing: Recall a personal experience related to the lesson. Narrate this experience and
share how you responded to the situation. Then, you can also cite ways on how you can go
about it next time you would encounter that situation again.

Is there a personal story related to the lesson being tackled? What lesson did you learn from this
experience? Narrate this story.

How can you as a student influence or convince other people to have that inner drive to be of
service to God and others?

What is your specific plan of actions to further develop this trait of servanthood or being of
service to others? Enumerate some ways and strategies.

Answer: Minimum of 15 lines

Is there a personal story related to the lesson being tackled? What lesson did
you learn from this experience? Narrate this story. Yes, I have a story related to
the lesson. My personal story with the lesson we are tackling is about my friends,
who have helped me a lot with my problems. Me and my friend have known each
other for about 2 years already, and I have never felt this comfortable sharing my
problems with her, and she never failed to lend an ear to my rants or even just
random thoughts that come to mind. She has also done a lot for me in real life; she
helped me when I got injured, and whenever I felt sick, she would always help me go
to the clinic. I am so grateful for everything that she has done for me. Even when we
met, we got close so fast, and ever since, she has helped me with a lot of things.
What I have learned from this experience is that having someone close to you can
really make your life better. There are a lot of people here on earth, and you will
never know that they will one day be close to you and could change you for the
better. I have also learned to be grateful for having her as my friend because it is
really hard to find someone you can relate to, feel comfortable with, et cetera.
Especially these days, that is why I very much value my friendship with her.
How can you as a student influence or convince other people to have that
inner drive to be of service to God and others?As students, the easiest thing we
can do to influence other people to also do acts of kindness is to do it ourselves.
Helping a person can further inspire them to do the same or give them the feeling
to do something good that happened to them. You are not only inspiring the person
or people you are helping but also the people who would see your actions in
helping them. They will see the good action that you have taken and may also get
that feeling to also help people in need.What is your specific plan of actions to
further develop this trait of servanthood or being of service to others?
Enumerate some ways and strategies.
My plan of action to further develop the trait of being service to others are:

1. To practice self-care - I believe that for you to help others, you should take
care of yourself first so that you are prepared and in the right mind when
helping other people.
2. To volunteer more in community services - Engaging in community
services can help us practice our sympathy for others or even our
environment because we can have the opportunity to see what is really
happening in our environment or the lives of other people with our own eyes.
3. Continue doing acts of kindness - By being consistent in doing acts of
kindness, it will further help us develop its traits in our normal day-to-day

Praying: Take a prayer out of your head and flow the words onto paper. Ask God to speak to
you and pour your heart out.

Is there something that you would want to thank God for?

What are the things and questions that bother you that you would want God to know or answer?

What are the hopes, desires, and questions in your heart about this area that you would want to
bring to God?

Write a prayer to God asking Him to help you be optimistic and have the spirit of volunteerism to
be engaged in acts of service..

Answer: Minimum of 15 lines

Dear God,

Thank you for all the blessings you have given me since 2024. Thank you for
giving me this life. I woke up today and ate a delicious breakfast, starting a
wonderful day ahead. Thank you, Lord, for surrounding me with people with whom I
am comfortable and who make my life joyful. I am also grateful, Lord, for my family
because they are always with me through everything that happens in my life. I am
really grateful for giving me a chance to live my life and having the chance to help
the people around me. Lord, will my friends now still be my friends until I am older?
Will life get easier this year? What are the things that I should be careful with in my
life now? Is there anything that I need to know about the people around me? Lord,
will you help me be more active in community service in the future? Can you help
me be more optimistic in life and more inspired to help people in need? I hope, Lord,
that my friends will stay until we are older. I hope that my family will stay like this
forever, full of love, care, and support. In the future, I hope that I will be more active
in doing acts of service to my loved ones and the people around me, even if I do not
know them. Lord, please give me the wisdom to choose my steps carefully and
assist me in identifying any dangers or obstacles that may be in my way. Give me
the strength to protect my heart and the wisdom to separate sincere relationships
from ones that might not be to my best benefit.


Faith in Color: Express your thoughts, feelings, and experiences with regard to Service or
Servanthood through pictures, drawings, symbols, and colors. You may share photos of you
in action doing acts of service.

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