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A reflective appraisal on self-assessment

The results from the Myers-Briggs after pursuing the self-assessment

questionnaires reveals the personality type coded as ISFJ: The Protectors.
Overall from this personality test I find that I am practical and observant. Apart
from modelling and assumption of big theories what I feel is to be more
practical and observe the real world scenarios which come across the
professional during decision making while approaching the leadership skills.
Further after revealing the self-assessment and the results occupied I feel that
the most preferable thing and one of the most priority in my life is the
responsibilities on my shoulder. Apart from holding the ancient things, I like to
endeavor on new things and try to make out new refined results that can be
beneficial to me as well as the people around me.

Nevertheless, I try to help others, but unfortunately while helping and

understanding the criteria of others, I so expect to implement new changes
with them so that in future the same problem can be eliminated but every time
having an agenda help and drive change could undermine my effectiveness as
this agenda cannot be helpful in every situation. The results from Cattell’s 16
Personality Factors test having the score of 2.8/4.0 in emotional stability
emphasizes that apart from being more emotional on feelings, I am more
inclined towards adaptively focusing more on realistic and mature decision.
Having confident about the decisions made no doubt of self-doubtless gives me
the power of making decision in complex scenarios.

Leadership skills and Competencies.

In current scenario one of the skills that I possess and also being marked as
Capable now in the cadre of mentoring or coaching by encouraging along with
feedback and advices. As I am supportive in nature and my warm, patient
personality being kind to others makes others more receptive to accept and
work on the feedbacks given by me. I always try to first listen to the concepts,

agendas and challenges faced by the individual and then offer them the
tailored guidance based on my past experiences and based on the real facts
that can be engraved in the prevailing situations. Diana (2021) expanded
on the importance of motivating, encouraging and constantly supporting
subordinate employees so that they develop the skills necessary to achieve high
professional performance is the one of the key responsibility of a successful
business leader.

I feel that I am a loyal person, at my core I truly believe to be more harmonious

and cooperative with my team. Building strong interpersonal relationship
between the subordinates and encouraging them by appreciating each of them
in their field of expertise raises the efficiency of the team and increases the
bond between Subordinate—Subordinate and Subordinates—Team Leader.

There are some instances where conflicts can be arrived therefore being a team
leader and having the sensation of emotional intelligence gives me vide
thoughts of future arising problems and I try not escalate them and prevent my
team to become divided.

Gap Analysis of Leadership skills and Competencies.

Ability to negotiate and make deals with others for needed resources: This is
the criteria where I need some more improvements to be done and
developments are needed to be emphasized. This is the area where I lack the
assertiveness let’s say for example if my team needs some approval from the
higher authorities, or some other critical resources are needed for my team to
succeed I lack the persuasive abilities that is needed to be achieved to become
a good leader.

Secondly I pursue towards the conventional proved theories rather than

adapting the entrepreneurial skills. Instead of depending on the conventional
theories a successful leader needs to adapt the new challenges and deliberately
push myself to think more creatively. Conducting the meetings with the field

expert will lead to brainstorming of the latest innovations and spark the new
ideas which can go far beyond the traditional approaches. According to Alvarez
and Barney (2002), entrepreneurial leadership is a type of leadership that
consists of actions towards establishment of a business at the individual level,
actions towards following the innovations at the organizational level and
actions towards benefiting from the opportunities that are distinguished at the
market level (Altuntas, 2014, p.11).

Strategic Visionary Mindset: I believe to execute short term plans instead of

long term bodily envisioned plans of an organization. One of the most visible
and important aspects as of my leadership role is to develop an exciting, united
vision of my company's or unit's long-term future. Powerful leadership visions
can help individuals follow a company's goal and dream. For example, a
recycling company may have an environmental vision of reusing outdated
devices that have been discarded at dumps. This goal can help the company
earn the support of many environmentally conscious people.

Qualities of Good Leader

1. A good leader is one who can communicate with the team and also listen
actively to the concerns mentioned by their subordinates and then
provide the feedbacks that can be actionable.
2. Managing emotions with emotions of others clearly defines Emotional
Intelligence, therefore a good leader possessing high EI so that he/she
can connect with the team mates and build strong interpersonal
relationships so that positive work environment is created
3. Making quick decision’s and being confident by logical and practical
experience is one of the best property of a good leader. This will enhance
the overall performance of the team.
4. Rather than focusing on short term plans, to achieve great targets
something more is needed to be envisioned. Therefore, a good leader will

possess the quality to develop and implement strategies that coincide
with the goals and objectives of the company.
5. Targets are only said to be achieved when completed on the time. Delay
in targets leads to much loss of an organization. Therefore, a good leader
handling a team should be much conscious about the time management.
Prioritizing the tasks on the scheduled interval of time and managing the
work-life balance is one of the property of a good leader
6. Innovative and Creative in nature. Dr Radhika (2020) emphasizes on the
characteristic of effective leadership that a good leader can seek the
expertise also from the subordinates so that during the course of time
the leader can think out of the box and come up with more creative and
innovative ideas.

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