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In a world increasingly shaped by technology, I am drawn to the limitless possibilities that software

engineering offers. Despite lacking direct experience, my decision to seek training in this field is rooted in
a deep-seated passion for technology and a genuine eagerness to contribute meaningfully.

Choosing a software engineering training tailored for women holds particular significance to me. I
recognize the importance of diversity in the tech industry, and I am committed to being a part of a
positive change. By actively participating in a program designed for women, I aim to not only broaden
my own skill set but also contribute to breaking down barriers that persist in the field.

In a male-dominated industry, the unique perspectives and innovative ideas that women bring are
essential for fostering creativity and driving progress. I believe that by equipping myself with the skills
acquired through this training, I can be a catalyst for positive change and inspire other women to explore
and thrive in the world of software engineering.

While my journey into software engineering may be at its inception, my enthusiasm, adaptability, and
dedication to learning are unwavering. I am confident that the skills gained from this training will not
only empower me to make a meaningful contribution but also position me as a valuable advocate for
diversity in the tech community.

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