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Proper labeling of chemicals is not just a best practice—it's a critical safety requirement!

Mislabeled or unlabeled chemicals can result in dangerous mix-ups, inappropriate handling, and
potentially hazardous reactions. Even seemingly harmless substances can pose unexpected risks
if misidentified. For example, an unlabeled container of a clear solvent can be mistaken as water
and lead to improper use or disposal.
To ensure the safety of all personnel, containers must be clearly labeled with the chemical
name, concentration, date of receipt or preparation, and all applicable safety labels. Always
double-check labels before use and update any faded or worn labels immediately.
In the event of exposure or an incident involving chemicals, accurately labeled containers allow
first responders and fellow researchers to quickly understand the risks and provide appropriate
treatment or containment. Make it a habit to verify that all chemicals in your workspace are
correctly labeled and that new shipments are checked for accuracy upon arrival. For anyone
needing assistance with labeling standards or materials, the EHS office provides resources and
The ChBE Graduate Student Safety Council is committed to promoting best practices and safety
awareness through these communications. If you have ideas for future topics or feedback on this
edition, please reach out to us at: or

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