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The Philippines is rich in natural beauty, home to many unique and captivating species of plants and

animals. From lush mountains to colorful coral reefs, the country boasts a diverse array of life that is
important both for the environment and for people.

Among the plants, the Philippines has the stunning Jade Vine, the sturdy Philippine Teak, and the
remarkable Rafflesia, each known for its unique features and ecological roles. The animal kingdom is just
as impressive with the majestic Philippine Eagle, the rare Tamaraw, and the beautiful Palawan Peacock-
Pheasant. These species are not only fascinating to learn about but also crucial in maintaining the
balance of nature in their habitats.

Let's explore these special plants and animals that make the Philippines a place of rich biodiversity and
understand why protecting them is essential for both nature and future generations.


1. Jade Vine

Common Name of Plant: Jade Vine

Scientific Name: Strongylodon macrobotrys

Characteristics / Description / Properties: The Jade Vine is known for its strikingly bright, turquoise-blue
flowers, which hang in long, pendant clusters. This woody vine is a member of the pea and bean family
and can grow up to 18 meters in length. The flowers are claw-shaped and attract pollinating bats at

Ecological / Economic Value: The Jade Vine is prized in tropical and subtropical gardens for its unique
color and spectacular floral displays. It is also important for the ecosystem as it promotes bat pollination.

Source of info: Missouri Botanical Garden

2. Philippine Teak

Common Name of Plant: Philippine Teak

Scientific Name: Tectona philippinensis

Characteristics / Description / Properties: Philippine Teak is known for its durable and water-resistant
wood. It has broad, rounded leaves that are hairy on the underside. This species is a deciduous tree,
losing its leaves in the dry season.

Ecological / Economic Value: The wood of the Philippine Teak is highly valued for furniture and
construction due to its strength and durability. Conservation efforts are crucial as it is threatened by
habitat loss and overexploitation.

Source of info: IUCN Red List

3. Rafflesia

Common Name of Plant: Rafflesia

Scientific Name: Rafflesia manillana

Characteristics / Description / Properties: Rafflesia is famous for producing the largest single flower in
the world, which can be up to 1 meter in diameter. The flower is reddish-brown with a strong,
unpleasant odor of decaying flesh, which attracts carrion flies for pollination.

Ecological / Economic Value: While the Rafflesia has little direct economic value due to its rarity and
peculiar characteristics, it is ecologically significant as part of the forest ecosystem and attracts
ecotourism to areas where it is found.

Source of info: Arkive


1. Philippine Eagle

Common Name of Animal: Philippine Eagle

Scientific Name: Pithecophaga jefferyi

Characteristics / Description / Properties: The Philippine Eagle is one of the largest and most powerful
eagles in the world. It has a massive wingspan and is known for its distinctive shaggy crest. The eagle's
plumage is a mix of brown and white with a creamy-brown nape.

Ecological / Economic Value: The Philippine Eagle is a top predator, playing a critical role in maintaining
the balance of its forest ecosystem. It is also a symbol of Philippine heritage and the focus of various
conservation efforts due to its critically endangered status.

Source of info: Philippine Eagle Foundation

2. Tamaraw

Common Name of Animal: Tamaraw

Scientific Name: Bubalus mindorensis

Characteristics / Description / Properties: The Tamaraw is a small, stocky buffalo unique to the island of
Mindoro. It has a dark gray to slate-colored body and is distinguished by its V-shaped horns, which are
shorter and straighter than those of other buffalo species.

Ecological / Economic Value: The Tamaraw is important for biodiversity, as it is endemic to a specific
region and helps maintain the grassland and forest habitats through its grazing. Its survival is critical for
ecological balance and as a national symbol.

Source of info: World Wildlife Fund

3. Palawan Peacock-Pheasant

Common Name of Animal: Palawan Peacock-Pheasant

Scientific Name: Polyplectron napoleonis

Characteristics / Description / Properties: This bird is admired for its striking appearance, featuring
iridescent blue and green plumage and a tail adorned with eye-like patterns. Males have a prominent
crest and elongated tail feathers that resemble a peacock's.

Ecological / Economic Value: The Palawan Peacock-Pheasant plays a role in seed dispersal and attracting
birdwatchers and tourists to Palawan, enhancing local ecotourism.

Source of info: BirdLife International

As stewards of nature, preserving species and avoiding extinction involves a combination of protective
and proactive measures. Firstly, safeguarding natural habitats is essential, as many species depend on
specific environments for survival. Supporting conservation efforts through donations, volunteering, and
awareness campaigns can also make a significant impact. Educating ourselves and others about the
importance of biodiversity encourages more people to take action. Adhering to environmental laws and
advocating for policies that protect ecosystems is crucial. Additionally, adopting sustainable lifestyle
choices such as recycling, reducing waste, and conserving water can minimize our ecological footprint.
By integrating these practices, we fulfill our role as responsible caretakers of the planet, ensuring that its
diverse species are preserved for future generations.

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