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Superior Colleges, Gujranwala

SOP's for Teachers during Online classes

Online classes will be held from 7th September 2021.

(Class time is 40 min. There is break of 30 min after 3rd Lecture.)

1- All must have following tools for effective class management:

i. White board
ii. Board markers
iii. Tripod Stand
iv. Power Bank
v. Charger
vi. Effective Internet packages for best services
2-All teachers must follow SOS and recommended books as prescribed by IQ and HOD.
3- All teachers must send zoom link in his/her relevant with
i. Section name
ii. Subject name
iii. Teacher's name
iv. in relevant class in time.
4- It is compulsory for teachers to send the link of every class in IQ group with
i. Section name
ii. Subject name
iii. Teacher's name.
5-All the teachers must ensure that the students will enter with their roll numbers and name so that the attendance
can be marked easily.
6-Attendance will be marked with the help of Screen shots.
7-Make sure 100% attendance during online classes.
8-Make effective calls to absentees for better attendance.
9-Class in charges will make effective calls to absent students and they will be responsible for poor attendance.
10-Subject teacher must also make calls for better attendance in their relevant classes

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