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Mission Critical Custom Scenario 02 –

designed by Felipe A. L. Mascarenhas Pick up your 10 favorite Joes. Select your starting
( team (depending on player count) and place the other
joes on reserve on the HQ. (More on that on the special
rules section)
Give yourself a free vehicle token. After defeating each
Pursuit of Cobra lieutenant/nemesis gain one extra vehicle token. You
(Requires Mission Critical Base Game and expansions can have at most 2 vehicles tokens.
Heavy Firepower and Chaos Break)
The Joes, following a thread of leads, start a race Special Rules:
against time to stop Cobra’s most nefarious plan! KIA/Reserve Joes
When a Joe is defeated they are treated as out of
How to win/lose commission, and retired for the game. You can select (if
The objective of this scenario is to clear each location available) another joe from the reserve team and they
with no more than 2 battles each, chasing the cobras to can join the team next battle.
the next location, in order. You lose if you can’t clear the Refresh
location within 2 battles or runs out of Joes on reserve. Power up and Recover actions are not available this
scenario. However, if the Joes manage the clear a
Set up location with only one activation, they can take a refresh
action. This action allows to recover 12 shields of cards
This scenario uses a unique set up, and a few different between all the team members and gain 2 energy.
variant rules. Also it is story driven. At the beginning of
the game, and after clearing each area, read the Extended Energy Pool
appropriate text. The Energy pool does not empty at the end of the battle.
Place the location tiles in a (…errr) serpentine pattern, It remains with the energy until they are spent or
follow this sequence. New York > Jungle Laboratory > drained. At the start of a battle, add 2 energy as normal.
Cobra Temple > Space Station Delta. Set aside the HQ
tile, it will be used to store the Joes on reserve. Story Mode
Do not distribute individual activation tokens, instead Before the first battle:
place 2 activation tokes near each area. You don’t spend
activation to move between areas, the Joe team moves Following a tip from an undercover informant, the Gi
as a unit, and only move to the next area after defeating Joe discovers a Cobra hideout in New York. Selecting
the current one. the best of the best, General Hawk dispatches a task
force to deal with the snakes. In the dark of the night
This scenario dos not use the deployment deck and the team infiltrates the seemly abandoned warehouse,
tokens. Instead place troops as follows while expecting some resistance, the Joes did not expect
New York – 4 Cobra Trooper + 1 Random to find so many enemies ready to combat…..
Jungle Laboratory – 3 Cobra Trooper +1 Crimson
Guard + 1 Random Lieutenant/Nemesis
Cobra Temple – 2 cobra troops + 2 Crimson Guard +
1 Random Lieutenant/Nemesis
New York – 4 Crimson guards + Cobra Commander
If the scenario is lost (failing to win
each location within 2 activations)
The cobra forces manage to escape. Their trail goes
cold. The joes return to the HQ, as soon as they Soon the voice of Lifticket comes through their flight
disembark their transportation they see everyone communicators. “We are closing in the location, we
running around in disarray. They turn on all the expect heavy resistance, prepare to…..” The
monitors on the base, each tunned on a local news communication is interrupted by a gun salvo. “We are
channel from around the world. hit, must land the bird….Time to fight back. Yo Joe!!”.
The news is dire. Multiple reports of major cities around
the world been struck at the same moment by a If the Joes win the battle on the Jungle
mysterious Cobra weapon. The casualties and Laboratory:
destruction are overwhelming.
Suddenly all monitor go black for a minute and an Not much is left standing after such extreme conflict.
incoming transmission invades the airwaves. The visage While the laboratory is now useless, whatever purpose
of Cobra Commander, triumphantly addresses: it had, was already fulfilled. While the Joes are
“Citizens of Earth. You have witnessed just a fraction of inspecting the remains of the laboratory, they hear some
out power. Cobra have defeated the government of the remaining cobra forcers scattering around the woods,
most powerful nations on earth. You that remain are and soon the noise of revving motors reach their ears.
luck survivors that are now living under Cobra World “Hidden vehicles! They are on the run!! Follow them!!”
order!!!!!” The team leader says. With haste, the team rushes
outside and with some skilled shots, they manage to
The battle was lost….Cobra won the war. take down a couple of cobra troopers and take the
Cobra Ferrets they were using the escape.
With the cobras on the run, the joes manage the keep
If the Joes win the New York
on their tails. After a few hours pursuing the enemies on
the trails of the jungle, the communicators on the
The dust settles. No enemies remain. With the guns still Ferrets go live, and a familiar evil voice comes through:
smoking and sweat running thought their faces, the Joes “What?!! The joesss are following you?? You foolsss!!!
start to look for intel. After all, such enemy forces You led them here! Luckily my plan issss sssstill on
stationed here must have been guarding something track. Hold them of!!!!”. As soon as the message ends,
important. While the warehouse was mostly empty, the the trees on the forest start to open on a clearing. The
team finds some shipping manifestoes and nautical ominous presence of the Cobra Temple can be seen on
charts. The Cobra has been sending some huge amount the distance. While hot on the chase, the joes will not
of electronic components and high grade chemical give up, however they still have a battalion of cobras to
through this facility. The last few shipments were sent face.
just a few days ago, and according to the documents, If the Joes win the infiltration on the Cobra Temple. The
they would be arriving at their destination anytime now. Joes finally breach the enemies’ defenses and manage to
Sending the info to the headquarters for analysis, just a storm Cobra Temple. Doing a clean sweep of the place,
few minutes later Dialtone calls the team on their Joe- the joes encounter no further resistance. the temple is
Comms “Good job. With your intel we managed to find weirdly empty. No sign of Cobra Commander and the
the location those shipments were sent. Hawk has remainder of Cobra troops. A few moments later, the
requested transport to take you to this new found team infiltration specialist finds a hidden trapdoor
location. We cannot let them run away. Keep the which leads to a tunnel.
Pursuit. Yo Joe!!”.
A few moments later, a loud noise of turbine and
propeller blades fastly spinning approaches the
warehouse. Wildbill and Lifticket hover the Tomahawk
above the team and then lower the hoist cables to allow
them to embark. After the last joe is on board, Wildbill
says “Hold your hats, hope you did not forget your bug
repellant, we are off the jungle”. The joes know, cobra is
planning something dangerous, not exactly sure what,
but they know they must act promptly. The flight is as
bumpy, as it is fast, they arrive at the break of dawn.
Rushing through the newfound passage the joes finally
find a reinforce door marked with Cobra insignias. The
team sets breaching charges on the door…and…3….2…
1…the door goes down. “Yo Joe!!! Surrender Cobra
Commander! Your days of terror are done!!” – Screams
the team leader while they storm the hidden The team waits and stares down on earth while they
bunker….However no one is found inside. Just on the spot the slowly approaching Joe Spaceship: The Defiant
center of the room the Joes see a huge machine, with and ponder…This battle has been won. Is it the end of
blinking lights, hanging cables and beeping sounds. The the War on Cobra? Only time will tell. If ever trouble
team technician inspects the machine and says “It looks arises again, where ever it is, Gi Joe will be there,
like some sort of teleportation device, I think I can make fighting for freedom over land and air.
it work. Asking permission to active the machinery”.
Over the comms, the voice of Gen. Hawk comes through
“Permission Granted. Let’s end this. Yo Joe!!”. The
technician points to the center platform of the machine
and instructs the team while fervorously typing on the
machine keyboard. “Get over there. I think I got this”
Zooomp….a flash white light blinds they
”Did it work? Where are we?” The team looks around
and sees themselves on a platform similar to the one
they hoped on a few seconds ago. Stepping out of the
platform they stand in a room made of metal, from floor
to ceiling, the only way out is a metallic corridor. The
team leader moves along the faintly illuminated
corridor, and stops on small slit on the side wall. “I
think I know where we are, or at least, I know where we
are not.” He moves around and lets the other team
members look at the small window. They see a blue and
green sphere floating on a dark void space. Earth. The
planet they swore to protect with their lives.
Zaaapt…a red laser misses them by an inch. There
stands before them. Cobra Commander and the last
elite Cobra Troops.
“Time to end thissss! You have been bugging me for too
long, Joesss. Attack Cobraaaaaa!”
“Yo Joe!!!” the team screams in unison.
If the Joes win the last stand on Space
Station Delta:

Cobra Commander is down. No more enemies stand

and fight back. The team rushes the space station and
find 20 chemical missiles armed and programmed to
target major cities all around the globe. With haste they
manage to halt the count down. “A few moments later,
we would have not been able to save them” states the
team technician.
Bzzz….bzzz..”Congratulation Joes!”…says Gen Hawk
over the communicator…”Hang on a little bit more, we
will get you home soon”.

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