Panganiban IanJaypee 08act1

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Panganiban Ian Jaypee 04/30/2024


Applying Strategic-Level Information Systems for Known Industries

1. Pick a specific industry that can use either or both strategic production information
systems and strategic marketing information systems. Refer to the applications listed on
your handout to have ideas.

• Manufacturing Industries can use both strategic production information systems

and strategic marketing information systems

2. Write a short essay on how you can use applications of both types of strategic-level
information systems for the industry you chose. Give the types of information the systems
will require, what aspects of the organization will be affected, and possible areas of
optimization or improvement. Note that collaborations between the two types of strategic
systems are possible. You may use your Internet connection to find more information
about this step of the activity. Make your paper as short and concise as possible.

Both types of data frameworks at the strategic industry level are essential components for
organizing and facilitating decision flows within an organization. The industries mentioned
above will benefit, especially the “revenue estimation system”. Manufacturers have goals
to achieve, so the personnel involved will estimate significant costs. The data frame above
shows the needs, wants and desires of assembly customers This often makes it easier to
carry out business operations. Furthermore, business ranking frameworks are
fundamental because they work with business environment models that meet business
needs. Additionally, the framework of positioning methods is also an important calculation
for manufacturing companies. This section describes the customer's needs. This frame
helps you promote your products and make a good impression. To understand this, we
help managers outsource critical data to guide quality development decisions and
differentiate products and benefits among customers. Therefore, both are important
databases for manufacturing and are important to all areas of the organization. This data
block is used to update and make performance choices that affect the entire hardware

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