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Submitted by:

Sean Michael S. Dapar

MARCH 2021

The home has an impact on the child from the very beginning of his life, when his

mind is most receptive. It makes a first impression on the child that may last for the

rest of his or her life. Parents, siblings, and things in the child's immediate

environment are often seen as the most important, and they have the power to boost or

degrade his self-worth and academic performance. The family, as a strong influence

on the child and as a primary agent of socialization, will undoubtedly help or hinder

the child's academic achievement, depending on the family's social environment. In

the family, there is a wide range of psychosocial and emotional fortification. The

issue of a broken home is a worldwide phenomenon that affects both developed and

developing countries. The walls of a house are what make it a home, but the people

who live inside them make it a home. It was stated that the family provides the

psychological, moral, and spiritual foundation for the child's overall development. In

this context, a broken home is one that is structurally deficient as a result of divorce,

separation, the death of one of the parents, or illegitimacy. Academic performance is

defined as the knowledge or skills demonstrated in a school subject. It is the

assessment of classroom work by the school based on the grades given. Positive and

negative academic performance are the two kinds of performance.

With the aforementioned scenario above, the researcher conducted this study to

determine the impact of a broken home on a student's behavior and academic

performance in order to develop an action plan to assist pupils/learners in achieving

success and overcoming negative experiences.

Review of Related Literature

Family plays a crucial role in molding one’s personality, belief and capability.

Everything about a man mostly relies on the state of the family he belonged. The way

he acts towards other people could be accounted to the people whom he often mingles

with. Living under the same roof might as well add to the reasons how dependent he

is to his family. Even so, since every individual has this reliance towards his family,

any adversity would definitely affect his whole- being. Such devastating matters

regarding family relationships like parent’s separation could give a severe impact to

the people concerned, the children (Eshica, 2010).

The issues of broken homes are a universal phenomenon which impact both equally

developed and developing countries. Despite its effect still persist in the different part

of the world.

In an ideal home atmosphere, Children live happily with their parents; they appreciate

the affection and care of their parent for them. One of the important tasks is that the

parents duty to educate their children because the children education of starts from

home. Home becomes house with members of family live in and it also became a

house when is not broken.

According to Berk (1999), children‟s academic performance gets affected when they

experience delegation by their parents or any physical or sexual harm like beaten or

psychologically tortured. Kiura (1999) noted that the husband and wife can make their

relationship as healthy as positive with mental understandings, respect and care,

managing differences and creating space of bearing little or minor mistakes from each
other, physical or sexual harmonies, mutual decisions making and mutual discussions

that a healthy relationship between husband and wife depends on self-understanding,

understanding spouse, balance between 2 individuality, and improving

communication skills between is children parents who share the responsibility

of their children entire future, educate them and make them able for future life. When

the parents are not united then it might be possible that their children will also suffer

same problems in future life.

Omoruyi.(2014) Pointed out that family is the child’s first place of contact with the

world. The child as a result, acquires initial education and socialization from parents

andother significant persons in the family. The family lays the psychological, moral,

andspiritual foundation in the overall development of the child. Structurally,

family/homes iseither broken or intact. A broken home in this context is one that is

not structurally intact,as a result of divorce, separation, death of one of parent and

illegitimacy. psychologicalhome conditions arise mainly from illegitimacy of

children, the label of adopted child,broken homes, divorce and parental deprivation.

Such abnormal conditions of the home, are likely to have a detrimental effect in

school performance of the child he assert.

(Anna Green, 2015) A broken family can negatively affect all domains of your

child’s development. The effects of a broken family on a child’s development depend

onnumerous factors, including the age of the child at the time of parents’ separation,

and on
the personality and family relationships. Although infants and young children

mayexperience few negative developmental effects, older children and teenagers

mayexperience some problems in their social, emotional and educational functioning.

(Crisostomo, 2012) Romeo Enriquez, the president of PPA (Philippine Psychiatric

Association), said that having a dysfunctional family is the usual problem that

Filipinosface today. There are many problems that we face, work, stress, relationships

but thefamily is the worse thing that a Filipino will have a problem with. Every year,

more and more Filipinos seek a doctor’s help and more mental illness are being

recorded among Filipinos. Treatment for these kinds of situation is very expensive

and therefore noteveryone receives proper medication (Crisostomo, 2012).


The target respondents for the study were the purposively selected pupils of
residents in Digos City who were from broken family.

The location is the biggest city in the province of Davao del Sur which composed of
26 barangays.

There were a total of 20 participants identified both public and private pupils that
belonged to broken families in Digos City, broken down as one hundred ten (10) males
and ten (10) females from grade seven to 4th year highschool .


It was found out that age, sex, grade level, number of siblings, and person stays with
has no direct influence to the pupils’ behavioral development, and however, academic
success of the pupils depends on their behavior development. Therefore, it was
concluded that the attitude and behavior of the learner affects academic success.


Based from the results of this study, the researchers came-up with the following
recommendations. There should be an action plan implementation in school in order to
help pupils under broken family achieve academic success; a peer facilitating group,
team building, trainings and symposia should be included in the school guidance
program to cater the behavioral and academic needs of the pupils; and the school should
create peer facilitating group spearheaded by a guidance counselor/ adviser to have a
regular monitoring and assistance for pupils with special educational needs.

The respondents of our study are the Junior High School students of North

DavaoColleges (NDC) Panabo City. There will be 12 subjects, three (3) from

Grade 7, three (3)from Grade 8, three (3) from the Grade 9 and three (3) from

the Grade 10
Research Design Matrix Data Gathering Instrument

The researcher prepares a survey questionnaire that contains the analysis of theeffects

of having a broken family to a student’s performance of Junior High School inNorth

Davao Colleges (NDC) Panabo City and how the students overcome it. The

Surveyquestionnaire was done inside the classroom. There were survey questionnaire

that isbeing given to the respondents. The table below shows the survey questionnaire.


 In your own opinion, whom do you consider the

reason why a broken family arises? Is it

because of a nagger wife or a polygamous


 1. With whom you are living with?

Father Mother Guardian

Others: ________________
Since when you experienced having a broken



 Are there any circumstances that you personally approach your parents and

ask what happened to their relationship?




Maria Marquiza A. Felisilda, and Leandro C. Torreon. (2020). EFFECTS OF

ACADEMIC SUCCESS. International Journal of Research -
GRANTHAALAYAH, 8(10), 216-223.

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