3-Grade-Last-Test 3

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Bardnersville Road, Gardnersville

3rd Grade 5th Marking Period General Science Test

Name: ______________________________ Date: _____________ Score: ____

Direction Part 1 Fill in the Blank

(1) Each states is a property of ___________________________________

(2) The smallest particle of matter is called. ____________________________
(3) Water is a ____________________________ but it can also be a gas
(4) _______________________ is a substance that is made up of atoms or
different element.
(5) A change in matter that does not form molecules is called _______________

Part II circle letter a/b element is a substance that cannot be broke down into
a-Simplest form b- single form

1. Liquid can change shape but changing the shape does, not change the a.
volume b. time.
2. What the different kinds of cdos.
3. Write the state of matter.
4. What is primary colors and secondary color?
Bardnersville Road, Gardnersville

3rd Grade 5th Marking Period Phonics Test

Name: ______________________________ Date: _____________ Score: ____

Direction: answer all question correctly

1. The letter that carry short sound are ______________________

__________________ and ____________________
2. How many letters do we have in phonics.
3. What is phonics.
4. Blend these letters to make a word.

a) Bl____end---
b) Br______aid---
c) Bo______ at ----
d) E a_______ting---
e) __________Kn—ow---
f) _________Write the alphabet.
Bardnersville Road, Gardnersville

3rd Grade 5th Marking Period Spelling Test

Name: ______________________________ Date: _____________ Score: ____

Direction: Answer all question a/b

1. a- Chemical b- Ciemecial
2. a- Phyecial b- Physical change
3. a- Noninetaction b- Nonfiction
4. a- Common weeth b- Common wealth
5. a- Descriptive b- Descriptative
6. a- Compound b- Coumpond
7. a- Particle b- Paretiecle
8. a- Primary b- Premiary
9. a- Atmosphere b- Aetomphere
10.a- Vessel b- Vissael
11.a- Intesteen b- Intestine
12.a- Vollum b- Volume
Bardnersville Road, Gardnersville

3rd Grade 5th Marking Period Reading Test

Name: ______________________________ Date: _____________ Score: ____

Direction: Answer all question

1. Where do Lorpu live?

2. What does Lorpu do for her mother.

3. What gift did lorpu mother give to her?

4. Who invited lorpu mother?

5. Who are the character in the story?

6. What did the story took place?

7. Who make lorpu a supper reader?

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