Activity 1

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Topic 1: Making Contacts

Individual activity per competence

1) Listenning
Listen to the song “All of me” by the artist John Legend. Make a list of at least 10 sentences
that are written in simple present. Then, used the same verb to create another sentence.
To challenge yourself, you must listen to the song a couple of times to understand the lyrics
and its meaning. Share your results with your professor.


 I can't pin you down

 I don't know what hit me
 My head is under water
 I Love your curves
 I give you all of me
 And you give me all of you
 How many times do I have to tell you?
 Even when I lose
 The world beats you down
 and you kick me out


 I can pin you up

 The dog hits me when he jumps
 My mom is under that tree
 I really love the margarita pizza, it’s my favorite
 I give an Spanish lesson every Sunday
 She gives one hundred dollars every month for the apartment rent
 How many times do I have to call you?
 They usually lose all their matches
 Sandra beats the ball so strong
 They kick me in my arms
Competence 2. Speaking

a. Create a three minute audio recording about the last trip that you took, using the
Past Simple. Explain how you felt on the trip, what activities you participated in,
etc. Although you will focus on the Past Simple, do not simply make a list of any
number of things you did on your trip. Instead, talk about your trip as if you were
telling an anecdote. Submit the recording to your instructor.
b. Create a one and a half minute audio recording of a voicemail message that you
are leaving for your client, Jason Mitchell. Context: The order he placed will not be
ready on time. He doesn’t have your contact information, so you need to give him
that in the voicemail message.

Competence 3. Reading


a. Read the following story and answer the questions in complete sentences.

A Business Trip

Michelle is a regional accounts manager for a new beverage chain in Mexico, and she is
currently spending three months at her organization’s headquarters in California. The
purpose of her visit is to train to become an international accounts manager. Michelle is
shadowing (following) a current international accounts manager to learn how she works
with clients and colleagues, how she analyzes data, and how she solves problems both “at
home” and in different countries.

Michelle also needs to perfect her English while in California. She already knows a lot of
English because she attended a bilingual elementary school until she was eleven-years-
old. However, she still needs more practice, especially with business English. Michelle’s
pronunciation is very clear, but she gets very nervous when people speak fast. When this
happens, sometimes she forgets words that she already knows, and can’t respond. This
frustrates Michelle.

Michelle attends ESL (English as a Second Language) classes three days a week in
California. She wants to learn specific vocabulary that will help her explain the chemicals,
such as phosphoric acid, that are found in some soft drinks (sodas). She also needs to
learn how to explain why the beverages that her company produces are a healthier option
than soda. A lot of the words she is learning relate to chemistry and food science.
Michelle’s goal is to complete a sales pitch in English about organic energy drinks.
Michelle has two colleagues from Mexico, Miguel and Ana, who are also training in
California. They did not go to a bilingual elementary school, so they feel less confident
making conversation in English. They are practicing more basic vocabulary and survival
English. Miguel and Ana understand more than they are able to say. Miguel and Ana both
took trips to the United States when they were kids, and they watch some American (US)
television shows. They understand a lot of words, even though they are not ready to speak
in complete sentences. They are not very comfortable speaking English right now, but
they are learning very fast. Miguel and Ana get nervous when people speak too fast, and
sometimes they can’t respond.

When Miguel, Ana and Michelle go out to dinner in California, Miguel and Ana read the
menu independently, but Michelle usually orders for the whole table. Next time they go
out to dinner, Miguel and Ana want to surprise Michelle by ordering without her help.

1. Who speaks English the best? Michelle is the beast English speaker
2. What is the purpose of Michelle’s trip? She knows how to speak but she still
needs more practice, especially with business Englis
3. How is what Michelle is studying different than what Miguel and Ana are
studying? Because Ana and Miguel did not go to a bilingual elementary school like
Michelle,, so they feel less confident making conversation in English.
4. What do Michelle, Miguel and Ana have in common?They are training English in
5. Why does Michelle already know English? Because she attended a bilingual
elementary school until she was eleven-years-old.
6. How did Miguel and Ana learn a bit of English? They are practicing more basic
vocabulary and survival English.
7. What is Michelle’s goal (in terms of English)? Michelle’s goal is to complete a
sales pitch in English about organic energy drinks.
8. What kind of vocabulary is Michelle studying? She is studying about specific
vocabulary that will help her explain the chemicals, such as phosphoric acid, that
are found in some soft drinks (sodas).
9. How do Ana and Miguel want to surprise Michelle? Miguel and Ana want to
surprise Michelle by ordering without her help.
10. What frustrates Michelle? When she is nervous, sometimes she forgets words
that she already knows, and can’t respond.

b. Read the blog entry on page 6 of the textbook and complete activities 3


1. Read the following sample letter of recommendation, which is intentionally

simplified, in order to primarily contain only the verb tenses that you have studied
up to this point. Write a letter of recommendation (minimum ¾ page) for a
fictitious employee in your organization or industry. Focus on use of the Present
Simple and Past Simple, as studied in this topic. Letters of recommendation
should include a general characterization of the candidate and highlight one
particular achievement.

To Whom It May Concern:

As directing principal of Wilson Elementary School, it is my pleasure to recommend Jessica

Gómez for your marketing team at GenNext Employment, Inc.

I hired Ms. Gómez as our head secretary in September of 2009. Ms. Gómez learned the
functions of her job quickly and is an extremely valued member of our team.

Ms. Gómez effectively manages the bank accounts of six different grade level teams at our
school, she is responsible for a $40,000 annual supplies budget, manages attendance
data, and fields telephone calls from parents, vendors and district administrators.
Ms. Gómez is also bilingual in English and Spanish, and helps teachers communicate with
Latino parents, and translates important memos that we mail home to families. Ms.
Gómez is the only bilingual staff member in our office, and although she is very busy, she
always makes time for people who need assistance in Spanish. I am always impressed by
her commitment to customer service, in any language.

During Ms. Gómez’s first year at Wilson Elementary School, she decided to create an
official Facebook page for our school, which has over 800 “likes” and constant traffic. On
the page, she posts school newsletters and important announcements, and she responds
to parents’ questions and comments. Her idea greatly improved our communication with
parents, and their satisfaction with our school.

Ms. Gómez recently graduated university with a degree in business and marketing, and
although I am sad to see her leave our team, I know she will be an excellent addition to

Please contact me if you any further questions about Ms. Gómez’s qualifications and

Best regards,
Annette Peters

To Whom It May Concern:

As directing principal of Volkswagen Company, it is my pleasure to recommend
Gustavo Lopez for your sales team at Toyota Car Agency.
I hired Mr. Gustavo as our sales agent in July of 2023. Mr. Gustavo learned the
functions of his job quickly and is an extremely valued member of our team, he is
so efficient and honest
Mr. Gustavo effectively received all potential customers, its main function was to
receive the customer, show him the cars according to his budget. He orders and
then delivers the unit. He knows how to deal with the banks to get a fair
price for your customers and how to expedite the order of a car so that it
arrives faster. The customers were so happy with him.
Mr. Gustavo is also bilingual in English and Spanish, and helps new customers to
communicate with his co workers , and translates important information about the
cars. He was the only bilingual staff member in our office, he always be so helpful
and so kind for customer service, in any language.
When he started to work for us, we quickly knew he had very good ideas.
During Mr. Gustavo first month at our car agency, he decided to create an official
Facebook page for us, which has over 1500 subscribers and constant traffic. On
the page, he posts the promotions, the new cars in our agency and the events.Her
idea greatly improved our sales with the promotion that he gave us in the social
Ms. Gustavo recently graduated university with a degree in business,and although
I am sad to see her leave our team, I know she will be an excellent addition to
Please contact me if you any further questions about Mr. Gustavo’s qualifications
and performance.
Best regards,
Gerardo Martínez

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