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Lecturer : MBA. Tran Thi Thanh Van

Group : 2

Class : 3 – Shift : 1 (Tuesday)

Ho Chi Minh, 31 January 2024


First and foremost, our team would like to express our most sincere gratitude to our
lecturer, Mrs. Tran Thi Thanh Van. Mrs. Van has given us immense support and
encouragement throughout the course of our research and writing process for the
report of the “Global Marketing” subject. Using her precious experience and expertise
of the field, she was a great source of of knowledge and inspiration, providing
detailed guidance on the best direction to develop our report, while also giving us
valuable suggestions on how we could approach our project and present our research
in the most appropriate way possible. Because of that, we were able to make the final
version of the report as good as it can be. Secondly, our team would also like to thank
the Department of Business Administration at Ton Duc Thang University for
providing us with an amazing study environment and conditions to fully explore this
However, due to time constraints, along with our lack of experience, it is inevitable
that the report is flawed to a certain extent, and we are eager to receive feedback from
lecturers and friends.
Team 2

SECTION 1 : BACKGROUND ANALYSIS.............................................................6
1.1 Internal analysis (Company).............................................................................6
1.1.1 5C Analysis..................................................................................................6
1.1.2 Five Ms Analysis..........................................................................................9
1.1.3 SWOT Analysis.........................................................................................10
1.2 External analysis (Industry)............................................................................12
1.2.1 SWOT Analysis.........................................................................................12
1.2.2 PESTLE Analysis:.....................................................................................13
1.3 International SWOT analysis..........................................................................13
1.4 Preliminary assessment...................................................................................14
SECTION 2 : MARKET SELECTION...................................................................15
2.1 Concentration vs Diversification....................................................................15
2.2 Best trade areas................................................................................................16
2.3 Target market identification...........................................................................17
2.4 Selection of target market................................................................................19
2.4.1 Market Potential:......................................................................................19
2.4.2 Opportunities for Vietnamese Businesses:..............................................20
SECTION 3 : MARKET ENTRY............................................................................20
3.1 Market entry strategies....................................................................................20
3.2 Choosing a method of market entry...............................................................21
3.3 Selection of clients, distributors & partners..................................................23
3.3.1 Target Client:............................................................................................23
3.3.2 Distributor Selection:................................................................................23
3.3.3 Partner Selection:......................................................................................23
3.3.4 Additional Considerations:......................................................................23
3.4 Negotiating conditions.....................................................................................24


Full Name Student ID Task Evaluation

Vũ Đình Huy 721K0032 100%

Trần Quốc Thống 721K0436 100%

Lương Chí Vĩ 721K0437 100%

Lê Trần Thái Ngọc 721K0060 100%

Lê Minh Anh 721K0146 100%

Nguyễn Thị Bảo Trâm 721K0304 100%

1.1 Internal analysis (Company)
1.1.1 5C Analysis
a) Company
 History:
Founded in 2016, Vua Cua has become a familiar brand on the culinary map, owning
the top unique crab dishes in Vietnam. With seafood caught naturally, especially
delicious crabs from Ca Mau combined with 12 exclusive dipping sauces, Vua Cua
always conquers even the most discerning customers.
 Main Product:
Vua Cua focuses on products and services related to Ca Mau crabs:
 Live crabs: This seems to be their core product, with a focus on
providing fresh, high-quality crabs.
 Processed crab products: Vua Cua has ventured into canned seafood
products that combine crab with sauces, requiring minimal preparation.
 Crab dishes: Their restaurants and eateries likely offer various dishes
featuring Ca Mau crabs as the main ingredient.
 Other seafood: While the focus is on crabs, there might be other seafood
options available at their restaurants and kiosks based on the excerpt
"selling bread, dumplings, spring rolls, spring rolls, vegetables".
Additionally, they also offer sauce packets. These sauces make great additions for
normal meal prep, and they are excellent condiments of their pre-processed crab
 Achievement:
After landing a 3.5 billion VND investment in Shark Tank VN, the restaurant also
recorded strong growth when expanding to 7 branches; launching products in
Vietnamese supermarkets in the US; and successfully digitizing the entire system.
They even sold out multiple times in the U.S. "Our products are selling like hotcakes
in the US! Customers are asking for more, but we're running low on stock. I'm thrilled
with the response, but I'm also trying to stay focused and keep up with production,"
Ms. Thu, CEO of Vua Cua Trading and Services Joint Stock Company, told Dan Tri
 Vision and Mission:
Taking customer satisfaction as its core value, over the past 6 years, Vua Cua has
always provided customers with the best products and services. We believe that
"customers are like family and cooking for the family is happiness". Therefore,
customers can feel the dedication that Vua Cua has put into each dish, which is
carefully prepared and sophisticated.
Not just stopping at a small seafood brand, Vua Cua aims to be a "national brand", so
that everyone can enjoy the best crabs in Vietnam at a reasonable price, but the full
flavor is not inferior to other expensive imported crabs.
 Target segments: Vietnam, Vua Cua targets Vietnamese expatriates in Vietnam
and abroad, upscale urban professionals with disposable income, and fine-
dining establishments.
 Buying behavior: Dine-in experience, online ordering with delivery or
takeaway options.
 Vua Cua’s direct competitors include Vietnamese seafood restaurants, and
non-Vietnamese chains specializing in seafood, specifically crabs. As for
indirect, other brands of pre-prepared meals and canned or instant food are
competing with Vua Cua as well. On top of that High-end restaurants offering
various cuisines and casual dining establishments with delivery options can
also be taken into consideration as some of Vua Cua’s rival
 Competitive advantage: Vua Cua's main differentiation from other generic
restaurants in general, particularly seafood chains, is that they focus on
Vietnamese cuisine and fresh seafood, with many special and tasty signature
sauces and pre-prepared options. These factors create a high impression in the
consumer’s mind
Vua Cua’s collaborators are mainly retailers and retail agents inside and outside the
country, namely:
 Domestic:
 Ocean Star Mart
 Kiot 5 chợ Xóm Lưới
 Chợ hải sản Huyền Chiến

 International
 Lam's Seafood Market (America)
 King Eggroll Express Restaurant (America)
 Phước lợi Grocery Ltd (Canada)

 Consumer’s preference: Fresh, delicious, and authentic Vietnamese seafood,
good value for price, professional service, and upscale ambiance (depending on
 The food and beverage (F&B) industry in Vietnam is expected to generate
around 610 trillion VND in revenue by 2026, indicating a rapid rate of growth.
Among that, the seafood industry takes up a significant proportion. Vietnam
boasts a high average seafood consumption rate per capita (around 37 kg per
person per year). This suggests a strong seafood culture where crabs could be a
significant part of the diet.

1.1.2 Five Ms Analysis

Men (Human Resources)
- Skills: Crab catching techniques, crab farming (if applicable), crab processing skills.
- Experience: Knowledge of traditional fishing methods, potentially adaptable to
modern techniques.
- Size: Number of employees might limit expansion or implementing new processes.
- Knowledge Base: Dependence on traditional knowledge could limit efficiency or
product diversification.

Money (Financial Resources)
- Funding Sources: Established business relationships (potential access to loans),
existing capital from past operations.
- Financial Literacy: Financial planning and management expertise might be limited.
- Access to External Funding: May not be exploring external funding options for
growth or upgrades.
Machinery (Physical Resources)
- Equipment: Types of equipment used for catching (boats, traps, nets), processing
(sorting tables, cooking equipment, packaging machines), and storing crabs (freezers,
cold storage).
- Capacity: Production limitations due to insufficient or outdated machinery.
- Infrastructure: Condition and functionality of warehouses, processing facilities, and
any other relevant infrastructure.
Materials (Inventory)
- Crab Stock Access: Reliance on wild crab populations and their sustainability.
- Supplier Relationships: Existing relationships with suppliers for processing and
packaging materials (e.g., nets, tubs, spices, packaging).
- Inventory Management: Fluctuations in crab availability or quality, and management
of perishable inventory (bait, packaging materials).
Markets (Customer Base)
- Customer Segments: Existing customer base (restaurants, individual consumers,
- Brand Recognition: Strength of brand reputation within the local market.
- Market Reach: Limitations of selling only in the local or regional market.

1.1.3 SWOT Analysis

 Strong brand: Vua Cua has established a strong brand in the seafood
restaurant industry with over 10 years of experience.

 High product quality: Vua Cua uses fresh, high-quality ingredients and has a
process in place to ensure food safety.
 Diverse menu: Vua Cua offers a diverse menu with various dishes made from
crab and other seafood.
 Good customer service: Vua Cua has a team of professional, enthusiastic, and
attentive staff.
 Extensive network: Vua Cua has a nationwide restaurant system.
 High price: The prices of dishes at Vua Cua are relatively high compared to
the market average.
 High competition: The seafood restaurant industry is highly competitive with
many large brands.
 Limited customer reach: Vua Cua mainly focuses on the mid-range and high-
end customer segments.
 Dependence on raw materials: Vua Cua relies on fresh crab, so the price and
quality of products can be affected by this factor.
 Increasing demand for seafood consumption: The demand for seafood
consumption in Vietnam is increasing, especially in big cities.
 E-commerce development: Vua Cua can take advantage of e-commerce
development to expand the market and reach potential customers.
 Tourism development: The development of tourism will attract many
international tourists to Vietnam, which is an opportunity for Vua Cua to
expand the market and attract new customers.
 COVID-19 pandemic: The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively affected the
restaurant industry, so Vua Cua needs solutions to adapt to the new situation.
 Fierce competition: The seafood restaurant industry is highly competitive, so
Vua Cua needs an effective competitive strategy to maintain market share.
 Changing customer tastes: Customer tastes are constantly changing, so Vua
Cua needs to regularly update the menu and introduce new dishes to meet
customer needs.

Vua Cua is a strong seafood restaurant brand with many strengths such as a strong
brand, high product quality, a diverse menu, good customer service, and an extensive
network. However, Vua Cua also needs solutions to overcome weaknesses such as
high prices, limited customer reach, and dependence on raw materials.
Vua Cua has many opportunities for development in the future, such as increasing
demand for seafood consumption, e-commerce development, and tourism
development. However, Vua Cua also needs a strategy to deal with challenges such as
the COVID-19 pandemic, fierce competition, and changing customer tastes.
1.2 External analysis (Industry)
1.2.1 SWOT Analysis
 Growing Demand: The global demand for crab is expected to rise due to
increasing disposable income, urbanization, and a growing preference for
 Premiumization: Consumers are willing to pay more for premium quality crab
with sustainable sourcing and ethical practices.
 Emerging Markets: Developing economies in Asia and Africa present new
markets for crab consumption.
 Product Innovation: New processing and packaging techniques can extend
shelf life and create convenience products for busy consumers.
 Aquaculture Growth: Crab aquaculture can help meet the growing demand
while reducing pressure on wild crab populations.
 Overfishing: Overfishing of wild crab populations can lead to scarcity and
price hikes.
 Climate Change: Changes in ocean temperatures and acidification can harm
crab habitats and reproduction.
 Pollution: Pollution from industrial waste and agricultural runoff can
contaminate crab meat and deter consumers.
 Disease Outbreaks: Diseases can devastate crab populations and disrupt the
 Competition: Competition from other seafood options and substitutes like
imitation crab meat can impact crab sales.

1.2.2 PESTLE Analysis:
 Political: Government regulations on fishing quotas, trade agreements, and
food safety standards can affect the crab industry.
 Economic: Economic factors like inflation, currency fluctuations, and
consumer spending habits impact demand for crab.
 Social: Changing consumer preferences for healthy, sustainable, and ethically
sourced seafood influence the industry.
 Technological: Advancements in aquaculture technology, traceability systems,
and logistics can improve efficiency and transparency.
 Legal: Environmental regulations, labor laws, and food safety regulations
affect the operating environment for crab producers and distributors.
 Environmental: Sustainable fishing practices, habitat conservation, and
pollution control are crucial for the long-term viability of the crab industry.
1.3 International SWOT analysis
 Operational experience: Vua Cua has many years of experience operating a
seafood restaurant chain. The company has a team of experienced employees, a
well-defined operating process, and an effective management system.
 Source of supply: Vua Cua has long-term cooperative relationships with
reputable suppliers, ensuring a supply of fresh and high-quality seafood.
 Diverse menu: Vua Cua has a diverse menu with over 200 dishes made from
different types of seafood, meeting the needs of many customers.
 Competitive price: Vua Cua applies competitive prices compared to other
seafood restaurants in the market.
 Lack of international experience: Vua Cua has no experience operating a
restaurant chain abroad. The company needs to research the market, culture,
and consumption habits of local people to be successful in the international
 Human resources: Vua Cua needs to recruit and train employees with good
English communication skills and knowledge of different cultures.
 Operating costs: Operating costs of restaurants abroad are higher than in
Vietnam, including costs of premises, labor, materials, and taxes.

 Competitive risks: Vua Cua will face fierce competition from other seafood
restaurants in the international market.
 Seafood consumption demand: The demand for seafood consumption is
increasing worldwide, especially in developed countries.
 Tourism development: Tourism development drives the demand for dining at
restaurants, especially seafood restaurants.
 Potential market: The international market is a large potential market with
many countries with large populations and high incomes.
 International cooperation: Vua Cua can cooperate with international partners
to expand the market and reduce risks.
 Fierce competition: Vua Cua will face fierce competition from other seafood
restaurants in the international market.
 Trade barriers: Trade barriers such as tariffs and export quotas can affect Vua
Cua's business operations.
 Exchange rate fluctuations: Exchange rate fluctuations can affect Vua Cua's
 Epidemic risks: Epidemics like COVID-19 can affect the tourism industry and
the demand for dining at restaurants.
Vua Cua has great potential to develop the international market. However, the
company needs to have a suitable strategy to be successful in this competitive market.
Vua Cua needs to focus on brand building, improving service quality, diversifying the
menu, and increasing competitiveness.
1.4 Preliminary assessment
Market Position:
 Vua Cua has established itself as a prominent player in Vietnam's seafood
restaurant industry, boasting a strong brand presence and a nationwide network
of restaurants.
 Their focus on high-quality ingredients and fresh crab dishes caters to a
specific customer segment willing to pay premium prices.

Competitive Landscape:
 The global seafood restaurant industry is highly competitive, with numerous
established local and international brands.
 Vua Cua faces competition on both price and offerings, with some competitors
targeting budget-conscious consumers and others offering a wider variety of
seafood options.
Growth Potential:
 The rising demand for seafood consumption in Vietnam, particularly in urban
areas, presents a significant growth opportunity for Vua Cua.
 The potential for expansion into online food delivery platforms and e-
commerce channels could broaden their customer reach beyond their existing
restaurant network.
Overall, Vua Cua appears to be a well-established brand with a strong reputation for
quality and service. However, navigating the competitive landscape and adapting to
changing consumer preferences will be crucial for their continued success.


2.1 Concentration vs Diversification
The brand Vua Cua Cà Mau has become well-known in Vietnam and has successfully
exported its products to the US market. As of now, there are indications of
concentration of export revenue into a few main markets, with VietNam being the
primary one. This raises concerns about risks, as any issues or fluctuations in the US
market could lead to significant losses for the brand. This concentration may stem
from focusing on a strong market like the US, hence it needs to be reconsidered to
minimize risks. If the US market continues to respond well to marketing efforts and
shows increasing growth rates, this concentration may continue to rise. However,
when the cost to maintain market share in any one market becomes too high,
marketers tend to start looking for diversification opportunities.
However, with the brand's fame and successful export experience, diversifying into
new markets could be a crucial step forward for Vua Cua Cà Mau. The opportunity to
expand into prime trade areas lies in leveraging the strong purchasing power of

potential markets, the increasing interest of local consumers, and the growing demand
for Vua Cua Cà Mau's products. By expanding into new markets, the brand can seize
the opportunity to grow and establish itself in the most promising trade regions. This
could create new opportunities for the brand to expand and diversify revenue sources,
reducing the risk from over-concentration in a single market. However, this expansion
needs to be carried out carefully to ensure it reflects market demands and has effective
marketing and distribution strategies.
2.2 Best trade areas

Figure 1: Vietnam - Netherlands import-export correlation by the end of September 2023.

The Netherlands is Vietnam's leading trade partner in Europe. In 2022, bilateral

turnover will reach more than 10 billion USD.
According to the latest statistics of the General Department of Customs, by the end of
September, Vietnam's exports to the Netherlands reached more than 7.4 billion USD.
As a result, despite a decrease of about 400 million USD in the same year, this
country is still Vietnam's largest export market in Europe. The Dutch market alone
accounted for more than 18.4% of Vietnam's export turnover to Europe in the past 9
Currently, the Netherlands is Vietnam's leading trade partner in Europe. In 2022,
bilateral trade turnover will reach more than 11 billion USD, of which Vietnam
exports 10.43 billion USD, imports 668 billion USD, 9 million USD.
The robust bilateral trade relationship between Vietnam and the Netherlands sets a
solid foundation for Vietnamese enterprises like Vua Cua Cà Mau to capitalize on.
With the Netherlands being one of Vietnam's largest trading partners in Europe, the
well-developed logistics infrastructure and transparent import-export standards
facilitate seamless trade operations. Moreover, the Dutch market's diversity and
openness to international products offer favorable conditions for Vietnamese exports.
Dutch consumers, known for their adventurous palate and appreciation for quality
cuisine, present an excellent opportunity for products like Vua Cua Cà Mau's black
pepper crab. Leveraging the high-quality standards and strategic partnership between
the two nations, Vua Cua Cà Mau can effectively introduce its uniquely Vietnamese
product to the Netherlands market, tapping into the demand for diverse and authentic
culinary experiences.
2.3 Target market identification
Currently, the Netherlands is Vietnam's leading export market in the European Union
(EU). In particular, in 2022, the total two-way trade turnover will reach a record high
of 11.1 billion USD. Vietnam-Netherlands import-export turnover in the first 9
months of 2023 reached nearly 7.9 billion USD, down 4.7% over the same period in
2022. Vietnam's export turnover to the Netherlands reached 7.4 billion USD, down
5.1% while imports from the Netherlands reached more than 487 million USD, up
1.5% over the same period in 2022.
Dutch consumers are known for their high purchasing power and preference for
quality products. They prioritize sustainability, health consciousness, and convenience
in their purchasing decisions. Additionally, there's a growing trend towards ethical
sourcing and environmentally friendly products, reflecting a broader global shift
towards sustainability.

Figure 2: "Seminar on 50 Years of Diplomatic Relations between Vietnam and the Netherlands:
Achievements and Prospects" held by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hanoi on December 15, 2023.

Figure 3: Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh received Dutch Minister for Foreign Trade
and Development Cooperation Liesje Schreinemachers on 28 November 2022

The Netherlands has a significant appetite for seafood, with consumption steadily
increasing over the years. Seafood is a staple in Dutch cuisine, and consumers seek a
diverse range of fresh, high-quality products. The demand extends beyond traditional
seafood items to include exotic varieties, reflecting the country's multicultural
population and explored culinary preferences.

The Netherlands presents a unique opportunity for Vietnamese Ca Mau mud crab
exporters for several reasons:
 Strong Seafood Market: The Dutch are major seafood importers with a
growing appetite for delicacies.
 Distinct Product: Ca Mau crabs, raised in a unique brackish water ecosystem,
boast a distinct flavor that could stand out in the Dutch market.
 High-Quality Focus: With a strong focus on high-quality and exotic foods, the
Netherlands presents an opportunity to position Ca Mau crabs as a premium
 Market Diversification: Currently, Ca Mau crab exports are mainly focused
on China, leaving plenty of room for Vietnamese exporters to tap into the
Dutch market.
Additional factors that could influence success include the Netherlands' well-
developed cold chain infrastructure for fresh seafood imports. However, for Ca Mau
crabs to truly gain a foothold, it would be important to invest in marketing and
promotion that effectively communicates the unique qualities of this Vietnamese
2.4 Selection of target market
2.4.1 Market Potential:
 High demand: The Netherlands has a high seafood consumption rate, averaging
34kg/person/year, significantly higher than the global average
 Demand structure:
 Fish: Accounts for 60% of seafood consumption, with popular types
including salmon, cod, herring, and mackerel.
 Shrimp: Accounts for 20% of seafood consumption, mainly whiteleg
shrimp and tiger shrimp.

 Other seafood: Squid, crab, clams, snails, mollusks, etc., account for 20%
of consumption.
 Trends:
 Increasing demand for processed and convenient seafood products.
 Preference for products with certified origin and traceability.
 Growing demand for unique and exotic seafood products.
2.4.2 Opportunities for Vietnamese Businesses:
 Competitive advantages:
 Vietnam has strengths in exporting seafood such as tra fish, basa fish,
shrimp, and squid.
 Competitive product prices compared to other exporting countries.
 The EVFTA agreement facilitates seafood exports from Vietnam to the EU,
including the Netherlands.
 Market demand:
 Demand for tropical seafood that the Netherlands cannot produce, such as
tra fish and basa fish.
 Demand for processed and convenient seafood products.
 Demand for seafood products with certified origin and traceability.


3.1 Market entry strategies
The Free Trade Agreement between Vietnam and the European Union (EVFTA),
officially effective from August 1, 2020, has brought many opportunities for
Vietnam's seafood exports to the EU market.
As soon as the EVFTA took effect, many Vietnamese seafood products enjoyed a 0%
import tax rate into the EU, such as frozen shrimp, which was reduced from the GSP
tariff of 4.2% to 0%, and frozen whiteleg shrimp will gradually decrease to 0% over 5
years (while competitors such as Thailand, without GSP benefits, face a basic tariff of
12%; India, without an FTA, faces a GSP tariff of 4.2%; Indonesia faces a GSP tariff
of 4.2%, and Ecuador faces a basic tariff of 12%); other seafood products such as
squid, octopus, surimi fish cake, and other frozen or chilled sea fish also enjoy a 0%
import tax rate into the EU market;... This presents an opportunity and advantage for
Vietnamese seafood exporters in general and Cà Mau province, in particular, to
enhance competitiveness and boost exports to this large market.
Over the past year, the government, ministries, and localities have actively
implemented and supported businesses in understanding and applying EVFTA
regulations through conferences, workshops, and seminars, providing market
information, and market guides, and launching FTA information portals... Meanwhile,
with the efforts of businesses to overcome difficulties, especially in the complex
context of the COVID-19 pandemic, in the first year of implementing EVFTA, Cà
Mau seafood exporters have effectively exploited the opportunities and advantages of
this Agreement to boost exports to the EU market. From August 2020 to July 2021
(the first year of EVFTA's validity), Cà Mau's exports to the EU market reached
$111.4 million, nearly a 160% increase compared to the same period. Over 18
enterprises exported to this market, with frozen seafood being the main export

Figure 4: Exporting seafood to CPTPP and EU countries chart

3.2 Choosing a method of market entry

On December 16th, Ms. Đoàn Thị Anh Thư, CEO of Vua Cua Trading and Services
Joint Stock Company, announced that after two years of preparation, a shipment of
processed frozen crab and abalone from Cà Mau province had successfully been
exported to the US market. The CEO of Vua Cua stated that following the first order,
Vua Cua continued to develop processed products from various Vietnamese seafood
such as shrimp, crab, squid, lobster, etc., and crab dishes like crab noodle stir-fry, crab
fried rice, crab sticky rice to serve various customer segments.
"Vua Cua is a startup company, but we boldly export Cà Mau crabs directly, process
deeply, and attach them to the Vua Cua brand rather than choosing the path of raw
exports or processing for partners. The export market is very promising, with a large
production volume, so in the future, it may account for 50% of Vua Cua's revenue.

Vua Cua hopes to succeed not only in revenue, profits, or famous brands, but also in
bringing Cà Mau crabs, Vietnamese seafood, and Vietnamese spices to the world's
tables," shared Ms. Anh Thư, CEO of Vua Cua.

Choosing to export as a method of market entry for Vua Cua's crabs in the
Netherlands involves several key steps and considerations:
 Market Research: Conduct thorough market research to understand the
demand for crabs in the Netherlands. Identify potential customers, including
wholesalers, retailers, and restaurants, and assess the competition in the
 Regulatory Compliance: Familiarize yourself with Dutch import regulations
for seafood products, including crabs. Ensure that Vua Cua's crabs meet all
relevant food safety standards, labeling requirements, and import duties.
 Product Preparation: Ensure that Vua Cua's crabs are processed and
packaged according to Dutch preferences and regulations. This may include
proper cleaning, packaging, and labeling of the crabs for export.
 Logistics and Distribution: Establish efficient logistics and distribution
channels for exporting crabs to the Netherlands. This may involve working
with shipping companies, freight forwarders, and customs brokers to handle
transportation and customs clearance.
 Build Relationships: Build strong relationships with Dutch importers,
distributors, and potential customers. Attend trade shows, networking events,
and industry conferences to showcase Vua Cua's crabs and establish
connections in the Netherlands seafood market.
 Quality Assurance: Ensure that Vua Cua's crabs consistently meet high-
quality standards to satisfy Dutch consumers. Implement quality control
measures throughout the production and distribution process to maintain
product integrity and customer satisfaction.
 Adaptation and Flexibility: Remain adaptable and flexible to changes in
market conditions, consumer preferences, and regulatory requirements.
Continuously monitor market trends and adjust strategies as needed to
maximize opportunities and minimize risks.
By carefully planning and executing the exporting process, Vua Cua can successfully
enter the Netherlands market with its high-quality crabs and establish a strong
presence in the seafood industry.
3.3 Selection of clients, distributors & partners
3.3.1 Target Client:
 Vietnamese expatriates: Leverage the existing Vietnamese community in the
Netherlands. They'll appreciate authentic Vietnamese flavors and also some of
them could be familiar with Vua Cua's brand.
 Upscale urban professionals: Target young professionals in major cities like
Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and The Hague with a disposable income and interest
in trying new cuisines.
3.3.2 Distributor Selection:
 Importers specializing in Asian food: Partner with established importers who
have experience distributing Asian food products in the Netherlands. They'll
have the necessary infrastructure and logistics network for smooth distribution.
 Seafood distributors: Collaborate with seafood distributors focusing on high-
quality and exotic seafood. Vua Cua's fresh Vietnamese seafood can be a
valuable addition to their portfolio.
3.3.3 Partner Selection:
 Restaurant groups: Partner with restaurant groups operating multiple
locations to expand Vua Cua's reach quickly.
 Franchises: Consider franchising the Vua Cua model to qualified Dutch
entrepreneurs for a wider brand presence and faster growth.
 Local Vietnamese chefs: Collaborate with Vietnamese chefs in the
Netherlands to create fusion dishes or menus that cater to Dutch tastes while
maintaining Vietnamese authenticity.

3.3.4 Additional Considerations:
 Compliance with Dutch food safety regulations: Ensure Vua Cua adheres to
all Dutch import regulations and quality standards for seafood products.
 Marketing and branding strategy: Develop a targeted marketing strategy to
reach your chosen clientele. The particularity of this part will be talked about
later in this report.
3.4 Negotiating conditions
Setting objectives when negotiating with suppliers:
Understand the Price Quoted by the competitors.
Understand your product positioning.
Resist Price decreases.
Value for money
When leading on a procurement exercise ahead of contract award we need to be
satisfied that we obtain best value for money. We go through a stringent and
demanding series of tests and negotiations with the suppliers in order to achieve this.
- Receipt of export approval.
- Receipt of foreign exchange approval from a central bank.
- Issuance of a letter of credit or bank guarantee.
- Making of a down-payment by the buyer.
- Issuance of an insurance policy.
- Delivery by the buyer of plans, drawings or other documentation.
- Issuance of a certificate of origin.
- Negotiators may agree on a cut-off date: if the contract has not come into force
within a certain time, then it becomes null and void.
Payment terms
Payment terms are the conditions surrounding the payment part of sale, typically
specified by the seller to the buyer.
Negotiate with the supplier on the payment terms that they want. Few other terms and
their short forms to be kept in mind are.

– EOM: End of Month
– CWO: Cash with Order
– CND: Cash Next Delivery
– CBS: Cash before Shipment
After-sales service and maintenance arrangements
Sales Professionals need to stay in touch with the customers even after the deal.
Any product found broken or in a damaged condition must be exchanged
Take feedback of the products and services from the customers. Feedback helps the
organization to know the customers better and incorporate the necessary changes for
better customer satisfaction.
As the first brand specializing in sauces exclusively for marinating and cooking
seafood, Vua Cua affirms that each dish is always delicately crafted by chefs to create
delicious flavors with the highest quality natural ingredients. Not only is the seafood
sourced directly from reputable origins, but the brand also meticulously ensures the
quality of every garlic clove, peppercorn, or avocado used in the sauce.
With the aim of providing the best experience for every diner, Vua Cua always
focuses on carefully selecting the raw materials and the origins of various types of
seafood. The dishes in the restaurant always use 100% natural ingredients, especially
in Vua Cua sauces.
Each renowned Vua Cua sauce is delicately processed with natural ingredients so that
anyone who comes to Vua Cua can confidently enjoy delicious dishes without
chemical substitutes or flavor enhancers. It's hard to resist when enjoying fresh
seafood combined with hot Vua Cua sauce, with its perfect smoothness that every
chef in the restaurant must be trained in professional sauce-making techniques to
ensure that every dish served is a perfect culinary masterpiece accompanied by a fresh
taste sensation experience.
In the memory of those who have savored cuisine at Vua Cua, black pepper sauce has
always been one of the most beloved sauces. To create this black pepper sauce, Vua
Cua has selected black pepper sourced directly from the Binh Phuoc pepper farm.
After being purchased, the central kitchen of Vua Cua will clean and sterilize the
ingredients before processing. The finished black pepper sauce will have a distinctive

spicy aroma and perfect thickness, creating a delicate flavor when combined with
seafood, enhancing the fresh and delicious taste of Vua Cua seafood

Vua Cua. Retrieved April 1, 2024, from
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