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 After being enrolled at the university at the age of seventeen, Freud

studied physiology, ______(biology) and anatomy.

 Keiko suffers from skin lesions, malnutrition and
a weak immune system, ______(biology) say.
 Depression is both _____(biology) and psychological.
 Some patients believe their depression is _____(biology) determined(v).
 A lot of baby sharks are having to fight for ____(survive) by eating each other.
 The company hopes to be one of the ____(survive) of this recession.
 I’ve had a tough few months, but I’ll ____(survive).
 Exactly what caused the ____(extinct) of the dinosaurs?
 Firemen were called to ____(extinct) the blaze.
 Pandas could become_____ (extinct) in the wild.
 We can see signs of _____(evolve) taking place in the world around us.
 Fish _____(evolve) from prehistoric sea creatures.
 Some scientists have rejected ____(evolve) theory.
 an ____(evolve) advanced group of insects will be on air as soon as possible to
help people in agriculture.
 The curriculum will take account of the ethnic ____(diversity) of the population.
 farmers forced to ____(diversity) away from their core business
 I never realized that the terrain in Africa is so ____(diversity).
 This law provides ___(protect) for threatened animals and plants.
 Are we doing enough to ____(protect) the environment?
 Sunscreen provides a ______(protect) layer against the sun’s harmful rays.
 He put an arm around her shoulder ___(protect).
 There is no ____(certain) that the president's removal would end the civil war.
 I think it was him, but I can't be ____(certain).
 Without treatment, she will almost ____(cerain) die.
 As a director, he tends to underestimate the _____(intelligent) of his audience.
 She is clearly extremely ____(intelligent).
 a tidal wave bringing death and _____(destroy) in its wake
 The building was completely ____(destroy) by fire.
 The war demonstrated the ____(destroy) power of modern weapons.
 The government should do more to protect the ____(environment).
 ____(environment) are trying to encourage local to protect the nearby forest from
being stolen.
 the ____(environment) damage caused by the chemical industry
 factories are ____(environment) damaging the area.
 Modern ____(technology) makes moving money around much easier than it used to be.
 Financiers and ____( technology) are the new priests, and women are significantly
underrepresented among them.
 The steam engine was the greatest _____( technology) advance of the 19th century
 Hydrid cars were the most _____(technology) advanced factory in Europe.
 The government has promised to spend more on ____(health) and education.
 All of our kids have ___( health) appetites
 What did you do in ____(science) class today?
 Many leading ____(science) do not consider that science can give absolutely reliable
 We believe in investing in ____ (science) research.
 It hasn’t been _____(science ) proven, though.
 The ____(danger) of a fire in the home increases during the holidays.
 Smoking during pregnancy ____( danger) your baby’s life.
 The sea turtle is an ______( danger) species .
 Some of these prisoners are extremely ______(danger).
 She was standing ____(danger) close to the fire.
 Did you have any _____(success) in persuading Alan to come?
 Very few people _____(success) in losing weight and keeping it off.
 He tried ____(success) to make them change their decision, because they don’t want to
waste their time anymore.
 He ______(success) completed a master’s degree.
 There is too much sex and _____(violent) on TV these days.
 My father was a _____(violent)and dangerous man.
 He rushed to the bathroom, where he was _____(violent)sick.

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