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A reliable employment test will most likely yield

consistent scores when a person takes two alternate

forms of the test

Validity refers to the accuracy with which a test

fulfills the function for which it was designed.

Selection tests are used as supplements to other tools

like interviews and background checks.

The Big Five personality dimensions:

Openness - Describes an individual's openness to

experience. A high score of this trait is great in a
fast-growing company where there are many changes and
ambiguity. The mid scorers tend to be great as well as they
are usually open-minded but also practical and
level-headed. Pay attention to the very low end of the
spectrum as individuals who scored low may be resistant to
change and can hinder innovation and progress.

Conscientiousness - The degree to which a person is

characterized by dependability, efficiency, and purposeful
action. This dimension is a good predictor of successful
individual performance in the workplace.

Extraversion - Refers to a person's comfort level with his or

her environment. A person high in extraversion is usually
comfortable talking with new people. He or she likes to look
at the big picture and is a successful influencer. This trait is
usually seen in many CEOs and entrepreneurs.

Agreeableness - Measures how well a person gets along

with others, competitiveness, and cooperation. People who
scored high in this spectrum are empathetic and work well in
a team. Highly agreeable individuals may thrive in roles that
may involve counseling, social work, and leadership. On the
negative side, a highly agreeable person may conform to
groups, perhaps to avoid disagreements and/or to fit in. A
mid scorer will likely bring up hard topics and be more
assertive in situations that require decision-making.

Neuroticism - Measures a person's emotional stability. High

neuroticism can lead to issues in the workplace. But just
because an individual scored high in neuroticism, doesn't
mean they should be disregarded completely. The concern is
more about the type of job that he or she will be performing.
For example, a person who scored high in neuroticism may
not do well working as a server in a busy restaurant but may
thrive working in a quiet, slower-paced setting such as in a
library. Some people who get easily stressed handle their
stress well and use it as a motivator to get their tasks

Achievement testing is a type of assessment that

measures the skills and knowledge learned in a given grade
level. Achievement tests are often used to determine the
level of instruction for which a student is prepared, and
whether the student has mastered the grade-level material.
Achievement tests are usually standardized, meaning that
they are developed and scored according to uniform criteria.

Work sampling is a statistical technique used for

determining the proportion of time spent by workers in
various defined categories of activity or task. Work sampling
can help employers to recognize, analyze and enhance job
responsibilities, organizational workflows, performance
competencies and tasks. Work sampling involves taking
random observations of workers at different times and
recording their activities

A management assessment center is a series of tests,

interviews, simulations, and exercises designed to predict
how well a management candidate will perform in a specific
role. The assessment center puts the prospective manager
through a series of drills and situations and grades their

Miniature job training and evaluation approach mean

training candidates to perform several of the job’s tasks and
then evaluating the candidates’ performance prior to hire.
According to this approach, if a person under demonstration
can learn and perform the sample of tasks, s/he can learn
and perform the job itself.

Employment background investigations are

conducted to:
● Promote a safe and profitable workplace
● Reduce the odds of a bad hire
● Confirm dates of attendance and degrees or
certifications earned
● Provide specific information about prior
● Avoid harm or legal liability of various types to
the employer or to others

● Uncover false information

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