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Making Everyone Dumber In America Anonymous Note: I had to revise this at the end due to further research findings.

Today isn't even half over, I haven't gotten dressed yet, the only person I've t alked to is my husband, no one has called me, and I haven't checked my email, an d yet I learned something today that will forever change how I look at society a nd the world as a whole. Right now, I'm still angry about this, but I agree wit h the source of my life changing info that in the long run, what I learned today will make the world a much better place, for me at least. That happiness would be immediate for me if I could take everyone of you reading this and share this life lesson. If somehow I could do that, this whole world would be a much bett er place for us all, for our children. At this very moment what I feel is proba bly like that which a doctor feels when he figures out where his patient's cance r is located but realizes its inoperable. But like all cancers this one may jus t take time, but eventually there will be a cure and that cure is YOU. Yes, I d on't know your name, maybe its Sue Brown or Hector Rodriguez, or Phillip James, whatever your name is fill in the next blank. _____________ you are the cure to the whole worlds problems. You have the answer on top of your shoulders and nec k, in that pretty little head of yours is a brain that only needs to know one th ing about the world that we live in, if you watch the news, if you read the news paper and you believe its true or even based on truth, you are wrong. Your view of the world is a distorted lie, if you believe anything you have ever read in a paper, or heard on the radio, or watched on a television set and the emotions you felt helped form your view of the world you live in. You have been lied to about things only the maniacal messengers can tell you why they would lie to you about. That is something I have not, nor will I even try to understand at leas t not at the moment. I am not here to call anyone reading this names like stupi d or gullible either. You are not either of those things. You are simply a per son who pulled over and asked the wrong guy on the street for directions to wher e you are at right now. I have no doubt that once you are given the right road map, you will reach your desired destination. **At the end of this, I will link that which I'm about to write about. How do I begin with this, it's been a long trip for me and to write out all the wrong turns I made would make it too long and it might cause you to lose interes t, which I really don't want to do. I love to write but I know I tend to ramble so I'm trying my best not to do that here. Let me start with a little backgro und on myself. I've been researching all I could get my hands on about Septembe r 11th since 2002 when Bush first sent the troops to Iraq. I've learned a lot, quite a bit of it was useless to me though. But it was still truths, it was jus t fragmented though and it was hard to convince anyone of what I believed which was that 9/11 was not a day when some angry arabs took to the skies in American passenger jets and crashed into three iconic buildings and a field. For me that was always so obvious that was the most ridiculous of the conspiracy theories, and I was well aware that the only reason that conspiracy was considered the off icial theory was because it had the mainstream media on its side. Anyway, even having to take the time to prove that something that seems so obvious was infuri ating in and of itself. I don't know what hit the towers if anything did, or if all the damage took place inside and it was digitally made to look like it was attacked from an outside enemy. I'm finally realizing that it doesn't really ma tter anymore how those damn eyesore towers fell down. Because Americans don't c are about asbestos, metal, drywall, and glass. Those things are not what keeps us stagnating in an unwinnable war that's killing our economy. The reason that America is stuck in neutral is because Americans remember the victims. The medi a takes every single opportunity to remind Americans, NEVER FORGET. NEVER FORRR GET. NEVER FORGET. I'm here to tell you its okay to forget about it. Put it behind you. There might have been lives lost that day, but the numbers are no w here near what the media has told you, or what the government has reported. The

y are not telling you the truth. And they never ever will tell you the truth. What criminal would? Well maybe one with a conscious but the mainstream media a nd the U.S. Government are entities like the corporations that own each of them and they have the luxury of not having to struggle with a conscience or a soul. No one individual is going to come forward and take responsibility, and because they are part of large groups, if the guilt does try to overtake one of them, th ey can just blame someone in their groups. Most likely though there are very few from these sources of power that are even aware of their part in all that I'm a bout to tell you. Have you ever researched your genealogy? If you have, you are most likely famili ar with the database that most genealogy website's offer to their members usuall y for free. It's called the Social Security Death Index or Master Death File. Now, I'm going to stop here and cut and paste a message that I sent to the owner of a website that's research woke me up to the truth this morning: [Your Scott Peterson video really got me thinking. First off let me tell you a l ittle bit about me. My name is _____ and I use to be a member of the forum _____ _____. When I found your info on Operation Safeway, I took what I found over to the forums. Everyone there was really impressed and glad, because I was also abl e to show them the FEMA actor forms etc. Everyone over there believes the victim s were mostly fictitious and one of the reasons, is the Social Security Death In dex which can be found online at most genealogy websites. I use the one at http: //, and I'd say almost 90 percent of the names of the 911 victims are not listed as dead by the Social Security Death Index. The death index is maintained by a private corporation that keeps track of people who have died so that their social security numbers are not fraudulent ly used after their death, in case you didn't know. It's not maintained by the S ocial Security Administration, however the people who do maintain it, get THEIR info from Social Security, I believe. Before I go on with what I just found (whi ch in my opinion is HUGE), I want to tell you that every single person I can thi nk of who has died, is in that database if they had been issued a social securit y number. So now with that said, here's what I found out: I looked up Laci Peter son. 0 results. Lacy Peterson puts out about 1/2 dozen or a little more results but none that would have been the right age or that died when Laci was supposedl y murdered. I actually expected this because of the information you found out ab out Scot Peterson. So, on to the BIG find.... For the past few months, I've been on a Manson kick. I've been reading over ever ything I could find on the 1969 killings, and on Manson and the others involved almost obsessively. For one thing, I'm a big advocate of fair justice. I took a few legal classes because I was interested in becoming a paralegal at one time. The more I read about Charles Manson's case, the more I was baffled by the outco me. Regardless of what anyone thinks about Manson as a person, he got a raw deal as a criminal defendant. Too raw. It's bugged me a lot. I recently was reading Sharon Tate's autopsy, which makes no damn sense because there is no baby, no pr egnancy, no mention of anything like that in the autopsy (which would seem to be a pretty important detail to leave out considering that had the child been born , at the time of the killings it could have easily survived even in 1969. An aut opsy is a legal document and no way would the fact that a murder victim was 32 w eeks pregnant be left out). So thinking about what you said in the video about l ooking into more well publicized murders, I decided to look up the victims of th ose hot August nights that ended the hippy culture so abruptly. Only one is list ed, and that is Leno LaBianca. His wife is not listed. Jay Sebring was born Thom as John Kummer and neither are listed. Sharon Polanski is a no, and so is Sharon Tate and Sharon Tate Polanski...NOTHING. Robert Kennedy who died a year before, is listed. But no Sharon Tate, no Vic Seabring, not even an Abigail Folger. I d idn't bother looking up the boyfriend of Abigail Folger, because he was from Pol and, and probably wouldn't have a social security number. The only victim listed was Leno LaBianca and the death date is August 1969 (no exact date) which was w

ell known. Susan Atkins is listed, she recently died of cancer as I'm sure you k now. I know that this means something, I just don't know exactly what, but one t hing is for sure, whenever something makes as little sense as 911 and the Manson murders, and the news makes a huge deal out of it, I guess it might as well be as fictional as any horror flick or Bruce Willis Diehard movie. Damn. I'm blown away. Thanks for leading me to this. Your research is totally aw esome. It's like striking gold.] That was my initial reaction, which is why I wanted to cut and paste it instead of writing it again. I couldn't wait until my husband got home, so I could tell someone about this. We started looking up other well publicized deaths, on the Social Security Death Index. I was able to find three of Ted Bundy's victims. Ron Goldman and Nicole Simpson were there listed correctly as being dead on Jun e 13, 1994 by the way. My husband asked me to look up Abbot Hoffman, he went by Abby though. No listing of that person being dead in 1989 when he was supposed to have killed himself. My husband said look up the names of the victims of th e Kent State shootings which occurred like the Manson murders while Nixon was pr esident and Vietnam was always dominating the news. Not one of those victims ar e in the Social Security Death Index, Terri Schiavo, remember her? She dominate d the news for months during the most controversial parts of the Iraq war Bush I I sent us to. They supposedly pulled the plug on the vegetable that was once a vibrant woman so loved by all she became a rope in a legal tug of war as to whet her to keep her plugged in or to let her die. She's not listed in the death ind ex either. Most of the September 11th victims are not listed after ten years. Which brings me to my the latest development on that, a congresswoman from New Y ork recently asked questions as to why none of the victims her staff looked up w ere listed. The answer they gave was pretty lame, but sometimes, people who die slip through the cracks, sometimes it takes a family member to report the to th e company that keeps the database to report that their loved one isn't listed, b efore they are added. Before you accept that as a good reason, do your country a huge favor and visit the site at illiam&so=da&start=40 and think of everyone you have ever known in your lifetime that has died and look those people up. My return was 100 percent. Every sing le person that I have known to die is listed in that database. But, think of th e I was part of the Hollywood circle who knew the people the Manson family kille d, I'd only be able to say that less than 10 percent was accurately listed (AFTE R 40 YEARS). That's absolutely ridiculous to accept. That database is made to protect creditors from fraud. Do you think that those creditors would allow for that company to continue updating that database if they were really THAT behind ?! For those of you familiar with the Manson case, In addition to the well publiciz ed deaths not being listed, Gary Hinman is not there, Steven Parent isn't there , and neither is Donald Shea "Shorty" to some. Finally, I'm not here to tell you what happened to the twin towers, where Sharon Tate is or her friends, or Mrs. LaBianca, I'm only here to point out that all o f these connected deaths are not publically recorded except by the people that I 'm here to tell you lie to you, out and out, bull face LIE to you from the confi nes of that little box in your living room, and I'm here to ask you not to let w hat you hear, read, or watch affect how you look at each other, the rest of the world or yourselves anymore. TAKE THE POWER AWAY. PLEASE. Thank you. **

** P.S. If you are offended by this, because you are the loved one of someone who d ied in the twin towers, please make sure that person's name is added to the list , to avoid further confusion. That goes for any of the "victims" I mentioned. NOTE: Further research showed that all but Sharon Tate are listed under CALIFOR NIA death records also available on rootsweb. I still find it strange that they are not listed by the Social Security index. My final thoughts on this are the same though. For the most part the media lies to sale its product, to further government agendas that do not benefit us as a country, and please form your opi nions on your PERSONAL knowledge and PERSONAL experience, not on what you do not know to be the truth. Those people who report the news are under no obligation to report the truth. I saw a judge laugh at a defendant in court once for even suggesting a news clipping as evidence. So remember that. And do check out we

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