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Problem: In Rio Olympics 2016 Gymnastics competition, dropping the lowest

and highest scores and then adding the remaining scores calculate each
contestant’s score. Write a functional decomposition and the C# program
that allows the user to enter eight judges’ scores and then outputs the points
received by the contestant. Format your output with two decimal places. A
judge awards a point between 1 and 10, with 1 being the lowest and 10 being
the highest.

Create a console application named Olympics
Sample Run:
Enter the score of judge [1] : 9.2
Enter the score of judge [2] : 9.3
Enter the score of judge [3] : 9.0
Enter the score of judge [4] : 9.9
Enter the score of judge [5] : 9.5
Enter the score of judge [6] : 9.5
Enter the score of judge [7] : 9.6
Enter the score of judge [8] : 9.8

The contestant receives a total of 56.90 points.

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