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Multiple Choice:

1. History-as-actuality simply means:

a) The whole human history

b) All recorded human history

c) The documented human history

d) The known human history

c) The documented human history

2. Which of the following does not fall under the Test of Credibility?

a) Competence of witness

b) Determination of the approximate date

c) Identification of the author if famous or not

d) If the author consciously or unconsciously tells falsehoods

b) Determination of the approximate date

3. Which of the following cannot be considered as a primary source?

a) A weapon of indigenous people

b) A diary of a WWII Comfort Woman

c) A video of a speech of Mayor Isko Moreno

d) A book on the history of a town written by experts

d) A book on the history of a town written by experts

4. Which of the following is not true about Testimonies as a source of history?

a) Are not reliable sources of history

b) As facts of history are facts of meaning

c) Are one or more steps away from objective reality

d) Based upon personal considerations or interpretations

a) Are not reliable sources of history

5. What is a primary source?

a) The only source used by authors.

b) A source created after an event has happened

c) A source created at the time of an event took place.

d) A source found in a famous book like an encyclopedia

c) A source created at the time of an event took place.

Classify the Following whether they are Primary Source or a Secondary Source:

6. Oldest history text book found in the university library.

Secondary Source

7. Your grandmother’s engagement ring.

Primary Source

8. Your friend’s story about the article that he read regarding vaccine for COVID-19.

Secondary Source
9. The latest model of your favorite pair of shoes displayed in the mall.

Primary Source

10. A photocopy of your country’s constitution.

Secondary Source


Discuss briefly:

1. Why is primary source important in the study of history?

The use of primary sources is essential in the study of history because they offer unmediated,
firsthand accounts of historical occurrences. They provide clear insights into the feelings,
thoughts, and deeds of historical figures. Documents, letters, diaries, photographs, artifacts,
and other materials produced at or close to the time of the events being studied can all be
considered primary sources. They are valuable because they provide realism and immediacy,
which enables historians to create a more precise and nuanced understanding of historical
events and the context in which they occurred. Additionally, by using primary sources,
researchers can develop their own interpretations and analyses as opposed to solely relying on
the viewpoints of others.

2. What is the purpose of a secondary source?

Providing analysis, interpretation, and synthesis of primary sources and historical events is the
goal of a secondary source in history. In order to provide a deeper understanding and context
for historical events, historians, scholars, and writers create secondary sources after carefully
examining and researching primary sources and historical data. Historical events are more
understandable to a wider audience thanks to secondary sources' assistance in interpreting
and analyzing primary sources. Historians examine primary sources, make judgments, and
communicate their findings clearly.

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