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Dark Money Spikes https://pro.agorafinancial.


If you’ve ever felt the market was rigged against you…

What you’re about to discover will confirm your deepest, darkest


But it could also make you very rich.

It all has to do with a mysterious pattern.

A pattern that’s historically delivered opportunities to collect

gains as high as 11,333%…

And cash out with the profits in as little as 36 days.

Indeed, the moneymaking potential of this pattern is truly


Especially when you consider most folks NEVER have the chance to
pocket these kinds of rare gains their entire lives.

And while past performance doesn’t guarantee future results…

What makes this pattern so profitable is that it’s extremely


That’s because according to my research it takes place between

exactly 12:45 p.m. and 1:15 p.m.

That’s when a string of secretive financial explosions unleash

billions into the market… blasting countless stocks higher.

Because of their precise half-hour timing and unknown existence

to 99% of Americans…

I call these secretive financial explosions: “30-Minute Dark

Money Spikes.”

I assure you, you’ve never seen anything like this before.

30-Minute Dark Money Spikes don’t appear on ANY balance sheet…

income statement… or financial statement…

You won’t hear about them in quarterly earnings announcements…

And you certainly can’t just search for “30-Minute Dark Money
Spikes” on Google.

That’s because they’re practically invisible unless you know

where to look.

Yet according to my research, this Dark Money has fueled 93% of

the market’s moves over the last decade.

Heck, just look at how it’s transformed the S&P 500 in a span of
five months…

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You can see these 30-Minute Dark Money Spikes have hit with
predictable regularity, driving the market higher and higher.

Incredible, right?

But it’s even more amazing when you zoom into a specific trading

$91.188 billion Spike

Like October 17, for example, when a
hit between 12:45 p.m. and 1:15 p.m.

Take a look at what happened:

As you can see, right after the 30-Minute Dark Money Spike hit,
the market soared.

In fact, my research indicates that on that day some 2,805

stocks blasted higher.

With gains up to 2,110%...

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Now while I can’t say for certain how much money the insiders
made from this 30-Minute Dark Money Spike…

I can say that 99% of regular investors missed out completely.

That’s because I’ve never seen a way for Main Street to take
advantage of Dark Money.

…Until now!

“The Dark Money Monitor”
The Dark Money Monitor is the core of a BRAND-NEW investment
strategy… designed to let ANYONE profit from 30-Minute Dark
Money Spikes…

Because it’s never been made public before, all the trade
examples I’ll mention today are necessarily drawn from
historical data and filtered through my subjective Dark Money

Please pay close attention.

As far as I know, the Dark Money Monitor is the world’s only

system of its kind.

Never before have ordinary Americans had the chance to

get into a stock — BEFORE Dark Money sends shares

But now, after countless hours of painstaking research, I’m

finally ready to reveal how my Dark Money Monitor works…

Starting with a company called Dycom Industries (DY).

Check out this five-month stock chart of DY below…

You can see shares of DY took a nosedive before Dark Money

helped drive the stock higher.

But how would you know these 30-Minute Dark Money Spikes would
make the stock bounce back?

Simply put, without my years of expertise to know DY was the

perfect Dark Money target, you wouldn’t.

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Which is how my Dark Money Monitor is able to boil it all down

for you.

Here, let me show you what I mean.

Let’s overlay DY’s stock chart with my proprietary Dark Money

Monitor for illustrative purposes…

The GREEN line tells us when Dark Money is about to overwhelm a

stock… helping send share prices vertical.

As you can see, once these Dark Money Spikes crossed over the
GREEN line — shares of DY shot up.

Armed with this intelligence, you could’ve made a special move

to collect 833% on DY.

That’s enough to turn every $10,000 invested into $93,300.

The Dark Money Monitor makes it simple enough for a reasonably

intelligent sixth grader to take advantage of 30-Minute Dark
Money Spikes…

You just ACT when you see them rise above the GREEN line. And
be in position to cash out with profits.

Here’s another example, using a company called Whirlpool

Corporation (WHR)…

See this 12-month stock chart of WHR below?

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You can see for most of 2014 there wasn’t much opportunity to
turn a profit on WHR.

But when you look at WHR using my Dark Money Monitor, you see
something else entirely…

All of a sudden you can see these Spikes surge past the GREEN
line on October 15, 2014…

Making that the best time to act.

Getting in then would’ve allowed you to take advantage of a

special opportunity on WHR to rack up gains of 1,325%.

…Which could’ve turned every $10,000 invested into $142,500.

Let me show you another example.

Most folks would look at this six-month stock chart of Valero

Energy Corporation (VLO)…

And they would’ve seen it as a missed opportunity.

After all, shares of VLO just kept going up.

Well, here’s what you could’ve seen with my Dark Money Monitor…

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In a matter of seconds, you could’ve known exactly where the

GREEN line was…

Telling you when to get into VLO — BEFORE the 30-Minute Dark
Money Spikes sent share prices soaring.

Follow the Dark Money Monitor and you could’ve pocketeda

whopping 1,581%.

That’s enough to turn every $10,000 invested into $168,100.

While you’re taking all that in, please understand there’s a

historic opportunity in front of you…

Right now, I estimate with upwards of 94.7% certainty that a

30-Minute Dark Money Spike will hit the market tomorrow between
exactly 12:45 p.m. and 1:15 p.m.

…And when it does, it could force dozens of stocks to

recalibrate, as share prices race higher.

Why am I so certain?

Because it’s happened that way

22 out of the last 23 days…

42 out of the last 44…

86 out of the last 89…

And so on.

In a moment, I’m going to show you how to position yourself to

claim your share of the profits.

But first, you’re probably wondering why you’ve never heard

about these 30-Minute Dark Money Spikes before…

It’s simple, really…

Like I said earlier, Dark Money is practically invisible.

It doesn’t appear on ANY balance sheet… income statement… or

financial statement…

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You won’t hear about it in quarterly earnings announcements…

Or on any social media platform for that matter.

Adding to its secrecy, there’s only a 30-minute window where

Dark Money Spikes hit the market… between 12:45 p.m. and
1:15 p.m.

And while — until now — Main Street has had no real way of
tracking these predictable explosions of Dark Money…

Wall Street has been spending untold millions to develop systems

that do exactly that.

How do I know?

Because I was one of their top developers for years.

In fact, I designed high-level analytic systems for Lehman

Brothers in the early 1990s…

Before being recruited to create and run the analytics

department at Bear Stearns London.

More on my story later…

But for now just know using a system to profit from

30-Minute Dark Money Spikes requires two things:

1. You need to know which stocks my Dark

Money criteria targets that are poised
to receive a boatload of potential
Dark Money…

2. And you need to know when to get in

before all that Dark Money helps send
share prices higher.

It’s that simple.

And that’s exactly what I designed my Dark Money Monitor to do.

Just follow it and you’ll see how you could’ve already pocketed
HUGE gains like:

690% from cutting-edge


1,562% from mainstream


817% from the hedge fund world…

1,540% from groundbreaking biotech…

Here’s what I mean…

Four easy Dark Money wins…

for a total haul of 4,609%
First up is a six-month stock chart of a company called McKesson
Corporation (MCK).

Here it is below…

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Nothing about MCK’s chart screams 30-Minute Dark Money Spike,


All you see are a lot of ups and downs.

Now let’s overlay the same stock chart with my Dark Money

Instantly the Dark Money Spikes materialize right before your


And you can see exactly when my system would’ve told you to act.

By following the Dark Money Monitor, you could’ve walked away

with a solid 690% gain.

That’s enough to turn every $10,000 invested into $79,000 just

six months later.

And get this…

Sometimes it doesn’t even take that long to collect

the gains.

Consider this next example with Hawaiian Holdings (HA).

This is what most people would see when they look at a stock
chart of HA…

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Nothing out of the ordinary, right?

But look at HA with my Dark Money Monitor. You could’ve seen


The precise spot where my Dark Money criteria could’ve

identified these Spikes would rush past the GREEN line…

And had a special opportunity to bank a 1,562% winner in

just over 12 weeks.

That’s enough to turn every $10,000 invested into $166,200.

And if you think that’s fast, you’ll love this next example…

In a span of 50 days — you could’ve collected gains of 817% on

BlackRock (BLK).

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All you had to do was see that Dark Money Spikes jumped over the
GREEN line on March 27, 2013.

Had you gotten into BLK, you could’ve turned every $10,000
invested into $91,700.

Here’s one more example with a company called Amgen (AMGN)…

On March 18, 2013, Dark Money Spikes breached the GREEN line,
gushing through the cracks of AMGN.

What do you think happened next?

You got it! Shares of AMGN exploded, almost immediately after.

It was a special chance to walk away with gains of 1,540% — in

just 36 days!

That’s enough to turn every $10,000 invested into $164,000.

Of course, 99% of regular investors never saw that opportunity

coming because they were looking at this:

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If you were keeping track, that’s FOUR easy Dark Money wins…

FOUR chances to get very rich, FAST…

FOUR plays to rack up a total haul of 4,609%.

…Which could’ve turned every $10,000 invested into $470,900.

But as amazing as that is…

THREE times that amount… from

You could’ve made nearly
just ONE Dark Money trade.

Yes, you read that correctly.

In just one special move, you could’ve walked away with once-in-
a-lifetime gains of 11,333% on Verizon…

Turning every $10,000 invested into a potential $1.13


All you had to do was look at the Dark Money Monitor.

You would’ve seen that Verizon checked all my Dark Money

criteria and was in a great position to receive a potential
boatload of Dark Money.

From there, it would’ve been as simple as acting when you saw

Dark Money Spikes cross over the GREEN line…

And cashing out with your profits.

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Now, can I guarantee you'll catch every exceptional move like

this going forward?

Of course not, nobody can. And if they claim otherwise, you

should take your money and run.

But imagine racking up even a fraction of the gains from just

one of those 30-Minute Dark Money Spikes…

It could literally change your life overnight.

…Which is why I want to make sure you know all the details
before 12:45 p.m. tomorrow.

Because there’s at least a 94.7% chance that’s when the next

Dark Money Spike will hit, potentially pushing countless stocks

But before I show how you can position yourself to claim a share
of the profits…

First let me tell you a little about myself… and how I uncovered
the secretive world of Dark Money.

My big Dark Money secret…

As I mentioned earlier, I was one of Wall Street’s top recruits.

Having already developed high-level analytics systems for Lehman

Brothers and Bear Stearns London in the 1990s…

It wasn’t long before the world’s most powerful bank, Goldman

Sachs, asked me to join their ranks. (Which at the time included
people like current Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin… and
National Economic Advisor Gary Cohn…)

They brought me in as a managing director, a stone’s toss away

from the most coveted position in all of finance.

It was there at the top of the ivory tower — that I was launched
into the secretive world of Dark Money.

Over the years, I must have witnessed thousands of 30-Minute

Dark Money Spikes…

But there was one Spike in particular that caught my attention.

It hit shortly after 9/11… (I was just a few blocks away from
Ground Zero when it happened…)

You can see the one I’m talking about here:

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What was so special about this Spike in particular?

It was this 30-Minute Dark Money Spike that led me to a

groundbreaking realization about Dark Money.

Simply put…

In the aftermath of a crisis, these Spikes

become super predictable… making it much easier
to pinpoint them BEFORE they send stocks

Fast forward a few years, and my hypothesis proved correct

following the 2008 financial crisis.

Let me show you what I mean.

The Dark Money operation revealed

See the chart below?

It shows how much Dark Money has poured into the market… since
March 2, 2009… the day the market bottomed out.

Now take a look at a chart of the S&P 500 over the same period.
What do you see? Dark Money helped drive the market up 268%…
nearly tripling its value.

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Incredible, right?

Keep in mind, it’s no accident these two charts follow the same

There’s a clear reason for it.

It’s the same reason why Dark Money has fueled 93% of the
market’s moves since 2008.

The reason…

The actions of our nation’s central bank… the Federal Reserve.

The “Dark Money Committee”

If you ask most people what the Federal Reserve does, they’d
probably say it “prints money.”

But few people know that the Fed has a special committee that
determines how much new money should be added to the U.S.

I call this special committee the “Dark Money Committee.”

That’s because they direct all the Dark Money I’ve been telling
you about.

They also determine when that Dark Money flows into the markets.
between 12:45 p.m.
As I’ve been showing you, that happens
and 1:15 p.m. virtually every day, more than 94.7% of the

How do I know this Dark Money Committee exists?

Because I was invited to a closed-door conference where I sat

across from some of its members.

In attendance were prominent officials from the U.S. Department

of Treasury, Federal Reserve and World Bank, among others…

It took place in a private room in Washington D.C., where no

photos were allowed and no minutes were taken.

Fact is, the Fed’s “Dark Money Committee” can and does print
trillions of dollars’ worth of “Dark Money” — on demand.

And the money is virtually untraceable.

It’s the perfect way to rig the market to soar higher.

Why do they want to rig the market higher?

Because if the stock market goes higher…

Then people feel wealthier.

And if people feel wealthier…

The economy looks better.

It’s called the “wealth effect.”

This isn’t just my speculation.

Former Dallas Federal Reserve President Richard Fisher even

admitted it on record:

“What the Fed did — and I was part of that group

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— is we front-loaded a tremendous market rally,

starting in 2009… in order to accomplish a
wealth effect.”

A wealth effect that’s still going strong today…

You see, we’re still in the aftermath of the 2008 financial


And the Fed knows it!

…Which is why they funnel billions worth of Dark Money into the
market between exactly 12:45 p.m. and 1:15 p.m.

And while Wall Street has been taking advantage of these

predictable explosions for years, Main Street has literally been
left in the dark.

So if that’s the case, as a former

Wall Street insider, why am I
telling you all this…?

As you may have guessed, I’m not your typical investment


In fact, I’m about as far from typical as you can get.

My name is Nomi Prins.

I wasn’t born in glitzy Manhattan with a silver spoon in my

mouth. Far from it.

I grew up in a middle-class neighborhood in upstate New York.

Both my parents worked hard for every dime they earned.

My mother was a substitute high school teacher and my dad worked

himself through school to be a computer programmer.

As you can imagine, I learned the value of a dollar at a young


I also learned the importance of hard work.

It was this dedication to core American values that propelled me

onto Wall Street… as a teenager.

Throughout my career, I made millions for the big banks.

I enjoyed first-class jet setting… fine dining… and socializing

with the world’s elite…

And then I decided to give it all away.

You see, while working inside Wall Street, I realized that Dark
Money was a truly powerful force.

A force that could literally mint millionaires overnight…

(I’ve seen it happen firsthand.)

But I also realized that with such huge profits at stake, Wall

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Street would NEVER share this or any other critical information

with ordinary investors who needed it the most.

So I quit…

And I made it my mission among other things to deliver the Dark

Money secret to Main Street and even the playing field for
regular folks.

Since then, I’ve spoken out on Fox, Bloomberg, MSNBC, CNN, the
BBC and more.

I’ve also written several books, which have received critical


But most importantly, I’ve leveraged my unique background to

develop the Dark Money Monitor.

To my knowledge, it’s the world’s ONLY system

that lets Main Street profit from the Fed’s Dark
Money Spikes.

…And it couldn’t be simpler to use.

You don’t have to spin your wheels trying to translate the Fed’s

You don’t have to read through dense Federal Reserve minutes,

SEC filings, G20 communiqués or private banking reports…

You don’t have to worry about tracking trading volume that’s

hidden within the Justice Department…

Because my system translates all of that for you into a single,

easily digestible number.

…A number between 1 and 100.

I call it a “Dark Money Score.”

And ALL you have to do is act when

you see a Dark Money Score of
70 or higher!

Based on years of historical data, I know with 94.7%

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certainty that this is when Dark Money Spikes are poised to

send a stock vertical.

Like with Hawaiian Holdings (HA), for example…

On October 15, 2014, HA showed no obvious signs of Dark Money

gushing through the cracks…

Heck, shares of HA opened at a measly $12.85 apiece… just 17

cents higher than the day before.

Sure you could’ve spent hours scanning through their financials,

like their balance sheet, which I’ve shown you here…

But the fact is, you’d probably have no clue Dark Money was
about to send shares of HA soaring.

Of course, a quick glance at my Dark Money Monitor could’ve

shown on that day, HA could’ve received a Dark Money Score of

And with the help of my decades of expertise, it would’ve been

obvious that HA was poised to soar.

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Did you see how easy that was?

Had you followed my Dark Money Monitor, you could’ve had the
chance to pocket 1,562% on HA.

That’s enough to turn every $10,000 invested into $166,200 in

less than three months.

Here’s another example with Valero Energy (VLO)…

VLO wasn’t opening many eyes on November 19, 2012.

Examine their balance sheet and you’d drive yourself bonkers

trying to make sense of the data…

But not with my Dark Money Monitor…

In a matter of seconds you’d have seen VLO could’ve received a

Dark Money Score of 97/100…

And known shares of VLO were poised to shoot upwards.

Take a look at what happened next…

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Had you followed my Dark Money Monitor, you could’ve had the
chance to pocket 1,581% on VLO.

That’s enough to turn every $10,000 invested into $168,100.

Now let me show you one last example…

And make sure you watch out for the Dark Money Score.

On February 20, 2013, shares of Verizon (VZ) were stuck in the


Yet based on my historical analysis, the Dark Money Monitor

could’ve scored VZ 86/100.

Well, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out what

happened next…

Like clockwork, shares of VZ blasted higher.

It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to collect gains of


That’s enough to turn every $10,000 invested into a potential

$1.13 MILLION.

That’s the power of the Dark Money Score.

Of course, when it comes to investing, no one has a crystal ball

and there’s always a chance you could lose money…

But according to my historical back test, when you see a score

of 70 or above…

That means there’s a 94.7% chance that Dark Money will send
the stock higher…

Allowing you the opportunity to turn potential gains like

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1,000%… 5,000%… even 10,000% or more.

Amazing, right?

But to show you that I’m not just drawing lines on a bunch of
stock charts…

And that the number 70 isn’t just arbitrary…

I’m going to explain the formula that fuels the Dark Money

My proprietary mathematical formula

behind the Dark Money Score
Keep in mind — you’ll NEVER need to calculate this formula on
your own.

My Dark Money Monitor translates this into a simple score for


I just want to show you the Dark Money Score is grounded in

sound math and analytics.

So here it goes…

That threshold of 70 I’ve been telling

you about…

This is the proprietary formula behind it.

Dark Money Score = 0.23X + 0.25Y + 0.52Z

X - Central Bank Influence

Y - Insider Bets

Z - Market Sentiment

These are aggregate variables that represent 11 proprietary

components of my Dark Money Monitor.

Now I don’t have time to get into all the details here…

And don’t worry, you’ll never have to know all this.

But the reason my formula can predict which stocks Dark Money is
going to blast higher — with a back-tested 94.7% accuracy rate…

Is because it zeroes in on the primary driver of the market.

Of course, I’m talking about liquidity.

As best-selling author and former IMF economist

Richard Duncan puts it, “It is liquidity that
moves the markets.”

1. First, the Fed pumps Dark Money into

the market.

2. Then, insiders unleash waves of

institutional capital.

3. Finally, Main Street piles in.

If you know where all this money is headed, you can make a

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Which is why my Dark Money Monitor measures how all this

liquidity affects potential Dark Money targets.

For instance, if a potential Dark Money target:

Is likely to receive a flood of Dark

Money — it gets a HIGH rating for
Central Bank Influence.

Is generating a lot of smart money

interest — it gets a HIGH rating for
Insider Bets.

Is being chased by Main Street — it

gets a HIGH rating for Market

What my Dark Money Monitor does is combine these three ratings

to generate a Dark Money Score.

When you decide to act, all you have to do is spot a

Dark Money Score of 70 or above.

Remember our earlier example of Amgen (AMGN)?

Here’s what you could’ve seen on March 18, 2013, when AMGN
received a 95/100 from my Dark Money Monitor…

Company Name: Amgen

Ticker Symbol: AMGN

Industry: Pharmaceuticals

Dark Money Score:

Central Bank Influence = HIGH 21.85 rating

Insider Bets = HIGH 23.75 rating

Market Sentiment = HIGH 49.4 rating

= 95/100

Conclusion: Act immediately.

And here’s the thing…

The very next day, the Federal Reserve’s “Dark Money Committee”
decided to pour $40–$45 billion worth of Dark Money into the
markets — per MONTH.

Just 36 days after that, Wall Street insiders reported buying

millions of shares of AMGN. Winslow Capital Management, Deutsche
Bank and Capital Research Global racked up 4.94 million… 2.47
million… and 1.39 million shares respectively.

And two days after that, the amount of buying on AMGN nearly

While you likely would’ve missed the largest gains at that

point, had you seen my Dark Money Monitor score AMGN a 95…

BEFORE the Fed pumped Dark Money into the market…

BEFORE Wall Street unleashed waves of institutional capital…

BEFORE Main Street hopelessly piled in…

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You could’ve had a special opportunity on AMGN to make


That’s enough to turn every $10,000 invested into $164,000.

From simply following my Dark Money Score, you could’ve had a

shot at dozens of other historical extraordinary gains like:

And that’s just the beginning…

Because it’s a near certainty that the next 30-Minute Dark Money
Spike will hit tomorrow.

Which is why I’m urging that you take immediate action.

Once you see how valuable hitting on just one of these Spikes
can be, you’ll never want to miss another opportunity.

Especially when you consider that historically, on average, you

could have at least…

2,895 chances to profit from 30-

Minute Dark Money Spikes… EVERY DAY
According to my research, over the last decade, the Fed has
moved around $139.9 trillion worth of Dark Money.

That’s $139.9 trillion that has shifted in the market — without


Just how much money is that?

It’s enough money to fill up an entire football stadium… 140


No wonder countless stocks soared over the same period.

Heck, consider how many stocks went vertical during just three
trading weeks…

At the height of the 2007 bull market, 12,961 stocks blasted


During the depths of the recent financial crisis, there were

still 10,264 stocks that shot up.

And earlier this year when the market reached new heights, a

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whopping 20,205 stocks went vertical.

Using just those THREE historical trading weeks… one of which

occurred during likely the worst financial crisis of our

On average, you could have at least 2,895 opportunities to

profit from Dark Money Spikes — EVERY DAY.

And tomorrow could produce the most winners yet.

But to make sure you ONLY chase the stocks with a back-tested
94.7% certainty to blast upwards…

You know, the ones I give a Dark Money Score of 70 or


I’ve just finished an urgent dossier containing all the details.

It’s called: The Dark Money Plays You Can't Ignore.

Inside you’ll discover THREE of the most explosive potential

Dark Money plays on my radar…

If I’m right, these opportunities could deliver as high as a

combined 1,326% return…

Best of all, I’d like to send you this Urgent Dossier for

But that’s just the beginning of the opportunity that’s

available to you today.

Because what’s at stake doesn’t only include these 3 Dark Money


As you’re about to see, it’s the chance to get in on the ground

floor of a brand-new Dark Money network…

A network that shows regular Americans how to profit from Dark

Money for as long as they want.

Something I call…

Dark Money Millionaires

Dark Money Millionaires is the culmination of my life’s work to

It’s a brand-new research service that leverages my 16 years in

investment banking… and PhD coursework in high-level analytics…

To pinpoint the most explosive Dark Money opportunities on the


When you become a Charter Member of Dark Money Millionaires,

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not only do you get access to recommendations from my

proprietary Dark Money Monitor…

But you also get access to a level of insider knowledge that’s

unprecedented in the markets today.

As a former top-level executive of Goldman Sachs, I still

maintain a giant rolodex of contacts within the international
banking industry.

I’ll show you some recent pictures of them now. These are some
of the most important people in the world of finance, so you can
understand why to keep my connections… I need to protect their

For instance, here’s a recent picture of me with a high-ranking

representative at the IMF…

And here I am with the foreign finance minister of Brazil…

And with the senior official of the BRICS Development Bank in


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And with world-renowned gold economist Jim Rickards…

My network of contacts also includes members of both the U.S.

Congress and Senate… a member of the European Parliament… a
senior official inside the Tokyo Stock Exchange… to name a few…

As well as a former presidential candidate I advised on

financial reform.

Now, I’m not showing you all this to brag…

But you simply MUST know that I’m well connected to the world’s
most powerful people.

The moment you become a Charter Member of Dark Money

Millionaires, you’ll discover this isn’t just a one-off
opportunity to make money tomorrow…

Rather, it’s the chance to make a steady fortune from

Dark Money for as long as you choose.

Whether that’s one year… five years… 10 years… or even for the
rest of your life.

To make sure you understand all the ins and outs, I’m going to
give you a Special Primer…

It’s called: The Dark Money Monitor Primer.

This primer is your 1-2-3 guide to getting started profiting

from Dark Money.

I recommend you check this out before you do anything else.

It’s short and easy to understand.

If you ever want to refresh yourself with the basics about the
kind of opportunities we’re targeting in Dark Money

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Or how I go about tracking Dark Money — you’ll find this primer

comes in handy.

I’ve also included a helpful table of contents that makes a

quick search that much easier.

This Special Primer is yours FREE the moment you become a

Charter Member of Dark Money Millionaires.

And that’s just scratching the surface of what you’ll get today.

But before we go any further, there’s something I want you to


Everything I’ve shown you to this

point represents just 0.005% of the
total Dark Money opportunity
All the Dark Money I’ve told you about to this
point has had to do with the Federal Reserve.

But you see, that’s just 0.005% of the total Dark Money
opportunity that’s out there…

How is that possible?

Because like the Fed, every central bank in the world pumps Dark
Money into the market.

And every time they do — countless stocks rise like clockwork.

It’s an endless stream of profits if you know where to look.

Because of my status as a former international banker, I get a

rare “inside view” at these opportunities.

And while there’s a chance I might recommend a play that

exploits Dark Money flows at the central bank of Argentina…

For the most part, Dark Money Millionaires focuses on Dark Money
opportunities generated by the world’s major central banks…

Like the Bank of Japan…

Which as you can see below, has driven Japan’s stock index, the
Nikkei 225, through the roof:

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Or the Bank of England…

Which has forced the UK’s stock index to mirror its Dark Money
moves (see the chart below)…

Bottom line: There’s trillions of dollars’ worth of Dark Money

to exploit outside the U.S.…

And it’s key that you’re always in the loop with what’s
happening with Dark Money around the globe.

That’s why I’m going to give all Charter Members another bonus…

Something I call: “The Dark Money Portal.”

Every week — I’ll send you a members-only message with FIVE

special links directly to your inbox.

These links are critical and detail what’s really going on with
the world’s central banks and Dark Money flows.

Because of their importance, I ask that you do not share this

members-only message with anyone else.

Like the Urgent Dossier and Special Primer, this bonus is yours
FREE — the moment you become a Charter Member of Dark Money

There’s just one catch…

Since I’m going public with my Dark Money Monitor for the first
time ever, I can only accept 300 Charter Members…

With more than one million paid readers who subscribe to my

0.0003% of our total
firm’s research… that means just
readership will be able to take advantage of this offer today.

Because of the extremely limited number of spots for new

members, I’m ONLY looking for folks who are SERIOUS about this

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Which is why before I hand over the keys to the kingdom — YOU
must review five criteria I’ve put in place for every potential
Charter Member.

The good news? If you greenlight all five, you’ll find the
reward a whole lot richer than what I’ve told you so far…

That’s because you’ll also get my complete Dark Money

Millionaires Fortune Building Package… 100% FREE.

Now I’ll get into these five criteria in a moment, but first…

Let me show you everything else you’ll get with your Charter
Membership today.

Starting with…

“Back-room access”
to Dark Money insiders
As I mentioned earlier, I still maintain a giant rolodex of
contacts in the international banking community.

When I’m not tracking down flows of Dark Money, I keep a regular
schedule to meet with insiders.

And that presents an unprecedented opportunity for you.

You see, anytime I’m about to sit down with one of these guys…

Whether it’s a local Federal Reserve Bank president… or a

finance minister 5,000 miles away…

You’re going to have the chance to influence our meeting by

having YOUR questions answered.

I’m talking about a “boots on the ground” perspective right from

the source.

To make this super easy for you, I’m going to do something I’ve
never done before.

The moment you become a Charter Member of Dark Money

Millionaires, I’m going to give you my team’s contact

This way you can add the number to your personal contact list
and can text or email your questions — from wherever you are.
(Just remember - we can’t answer any personal investing

But there’s more…

Dark Money Appointments

Most research firms will simply send you their alerts with
critical insight… market intelligence… and recommendations…

And let you dig through your inbox to not only find the
correct information…

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But leave it to you to act on it at the right time.

That’s not what we’re doing with Dark Money Millionaires.

Our #1 goal besides showing you how to make money

safely — is to make sure you NEVER miss ANY of our
critical intelligence.

To do that, my team and I have developed a brand-new feature

that allows you to TRACK our alerts whenever you want.

This way you can see — with just a quick glance at any internet
device — exactly when you can expect your next alert to arrive.

That includes all our urgent market insight… my special weekly

links from The Dark Money Portal… as well as all of our upcoming
recommendations — the moment we have them.

In all my years in the world of finance, I’ve never seen a

hands-on system like this.

And that’s not all, because you’ll also get…

A FREE VIP seat at the first-ever

Dark Money Summit
See this ticket?

When you receive this as part of your Charter Membership, you’ll

want to put it in the vault.

That’s because what it gets you into could be more valuable than
everything else I’m offering combined.

I’m talking about the first-ever Dark Money Summit.

What is that exactly?

Imagine a room full of the world’s most connected insiders…

I’m talking about people like America’s #1 currency expert, a

former Fortune 500 executive, and a reclusive California
millionaire I frequently have lunch with, among others…

Now imagine yourself with a VIP seat next to these guys…

What would that once-in-a-lifetime experience be worth to you?




Well — as a Charter Member to Dark Money Millionaires,

you’ll receive your VIP seat for FREE.

If and when we make this Summit happen, I’ll let you know all
the details and where to bring your ticket.

Best of all, should you misplace this ticket for any reason, my
team and I will have a digital record with your name on it for

All in all, that’s SIX free gifts you’ll receive should you

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become a Charter Member of Dark Money Millionaires today…

Let’s go over them now…

Urgent Dossier: The Dark Money Plays

You Can't Ignore… Inside you'll find
the most explosive Dark Money plays
you can get into for a chance at a
combined 300%...

The Dark Money Monitor Primer … This

is your 1-2-3 guide anytime you want
to refresh yourself with what we’re
doing in Dark Money Millionaires.

The Dark Money Portal… Each week I’ll

send you a members-only message
containing five special links. These
links are your key to what’s going on
with Dark Money and central banks
around the world.

“Back-Room Access” to Dark Money

Insiders… Anytime I’m about to sit
down with an international banking
insider… whether it’s a local Federal
Reserve bank president… or a finance
minister 5,000 miles away… you’re
going to have the chance to influence
our meeting by having YOUR questions

Dark Money Appointments… With a quick

glance at any internet device — you’ll
be able to see exactly when you can
expect your next alert to arrive. That
includes all our urgent market
insight… my special weekly links from
The Dark Money Portal… as well as all
our upcoming recommendations — the
moment we have them.

A FREE VIP Seat at the First-Ever Dark

Money Summit… It’s the chance to bump
shoulders with the world’s most
connected insiders… people like
America’s #1 currency expert, a former
Fortune 500 executive, and a reclusive
California millionaire I frequently

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have lunch with, among others…

And that doesn’t even include all the recommendations you get
with your Charter Membership…

Every month, I will use my Dark Money Monitor to

generate 1–3 special opportunities to profit from Dark

That’s at least 12–36 recommendations to pocket potential gains

in the hundreds, even thousands of percent.

Based on my historical back test, you could’ve already followed

my Dark Money Monitor to collect gains like:

Now, I said earlier that because this is the first time I’m
going public with my Dark Money Monitor, I can only accept 300
Charter Members today.

I also mentioned that I’ve put in place five criteria for every
potential Charter Member…

And that you must review and greenlight all five.

Well, now that you understand what’s at stake should you join
our research network, I’m going to get into those criteria.

See, the cold truth is, despite everything I’ve shown you today,
there’s a good chance you may not be right for Dark Money

So let’s get into them now.

You ARE able to act when you see Dark Money Scores of
70 and above…

It’s critical that, should you choose to invest, you ARE able
to act immediately. This is to make sure you don’t go chasing
an opportunity once it shoots up over my recommended strict
buy-up-to price.

So if you can’t act right when you see a Dark Money Score of
70 or above…

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Like this:

Then you are not right for Dark Money Millionaires.

You ARE looking to make money FAST…

The goal of Dark Money Millionaires is to spot BIG

opportunities and collect the gains… FAST.

I’m talking about pocketing historical gains like 11,333% in

85 days… 817% in 50 days… or 1,540% in 36 days…

We’re NOT targeting opportunities that require a long-term

holding period.

So if you’re the kind of person who would prefer to buy

shares of Apple and hold for 12 months… 36 months… or longer…

Then you are not right for Dark Money Millionaires.

You ARE willing to make SAFER, low-risk moves…

Although we’re looking to maximize our gains potential and

cash out quickly…

What we’re doing with Dark Money Millionaires is pretty low-


Of course, nothing in investing is ever guaranteed.

But based on our historical back test, my Dark Money Monitor

has a proven 94.7% accuracy rate.

That’s because our strategy does NOT involve targeting

volatile penny stocks… buying risky options… or doing
anything crazy like intraday trading.

So if you’re looking for pure excitement or to frivolously

gamble with your money…

Then you are not right for Dark Money Millionaires.


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You ARE willing to try something new…

By this point it should be pretty obvious Dark Money

Millionaires is not your typical research service.

What we’re doing is about as far from typical as you can get.

In fact, it’s the first opportunity I’ve ever seen for

regular investors to profit from the Fed’s Dark Money moves.

Part of the reason I’ve never seen this done before is

because of the amount of insider access and legwork required.

Remember — Dark Money Millionaires is the culmination of my

career to date.

I’ve spent years developing the Dark Money Monitor and making
it easily accessible for Main Street investors.

As you can imagine, I didn’t go through all of that to just

recommend buying shares of blue chip stock.

So if you’re not willing to try something new — and let me

open your eyes to a different way of investing…

Then you are not right for Dark Money Millionaires.

Which brings me to my final and most important requirement…

You ARE serious about this opportunity…

If you’ve made it this far, I applaud your effort.

But here’s the one final way to tell if you’re right for Dark
Money Millionaires.

Like I said earlier, Dark Money Millionaires is not just a

one-off opportunity to profit tomorrow.

It’s the chance to join a brand-new network designed to show

you how you could make a steady fortune from Dark Money for
as long as you choose.

Whether that’s one year… five years… 10 years… even the rest
of your life.

Think about how being part of that could change your

financial future.

It’s for that reason I only want readers who are SERIOUS
about discovering how to build their wealth from taking
advantage of Dark Money.

What I’m NOT looking for, is someone who’s going to join my

ranks to get access to my recommendations and then cancel
once they have all the info.

Especially considering what I’m giving away today for FREE as

part of Charter Membership…

Like three recommendations for a shot at gains of 1,326% or


The chance to have your questions answered by powerful

international bankers…

A FREE VIP seat at the first-ever Dark Money Summit… (Imagine

bumping shoulders with the world’s most connected insiders…)

And so much more…

Which is why the final requirement is that you MUST be

willing to accept that I simply can’t allow refunds on

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today’s membership.


If that rubs you the wrong way, then you are definitely not
right for Dark Money Millionaires.

The good news?

If you consider yourself Dark Money Millionaires material,

then you’ll be thrilled to know there’s an incredible Charter
Membership offer coming your way.

But before I get into the details, there’s one last gift I
want to tell you about…

I’m personally responsible for the

federal government releasing this
secret information to the public…
It was through my persistent use of the United States Code
Section 5, Clause 52, that I successfully got the government to
release this information.

I’ve staked my career on the belief that every American deserves

to know what’s really going on inside our government.

And it’s my pledge to you, that as a member of Dark

Money Millionaires, you’ll always be the first to know
anything I hear through the grapevine.

What better way to deliver on that pledge, than to put my money

where my mouth is… from Day 1…

Which is why the moment you become a Charter Member, I’m going
to send you research behind hundreds of secret presidential
documents that have never before been declassified.

Documents that I’m literally responsible for demanding their

release from the federal government.

This secret compilation also includes “off the record”

accounts of high-profile insiders with deep-seated connections
between Washington and Wall Street…

Folks who only agreed to give their accounts as long as their

identities remained in the shadows.

If you’re intrigued by the recent release of documents related

to the JFK assassination…

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You’ll find this compilation to be a treasure trove of valuable


I’ve dedicated years of research putting it together, visiting

every presidential archive dating back to Woodrow Wilson…

But today — as part of this special Charter Membership offer —

I’ll send you your own personal copy for FREE.

Now you may be wondering…

How much does a Charter Membership

to Dark Money Millionaires cost?
I’ll tell you right now, it’s not cheap.

Because what we’re doing has NEVER before been available to the
public, there’s an astronomical amount of work that goes into
every recommendation.

Unlike some research services that might direct you to a popular

play floating around financial circles, everything we do is
completely our own.

Which is incredible when you consider the sheer amount of

potential Dark Money opportunities that my system and I analyze.

Historically, on average, there are 2,895 potential Dark Money

opportunities that come around… every day.

That’s 14,475 in a given week…

And 57,900 every month.

Just try to imagine the time commitment there…

And that doesn’t even include the amount of work required to

give each potential opportunity a score between 0 and 100.

Or what happens after I finish the preliminary scoring…

When I eliminate 99% of this universe — and ONLY consider

potential Dark Money plays that score 70 or above…

All this work is the reason why every Dark Money recommendation
you receive has a back-tested 94.7% accuracy rate… and offers
the maximum potential upside.

It wouldn’t be a stretch to compare the amount of research I’m

doing to that of a standard hedge fund.

Which, if you’re familiar with, charge an arm and a leg for

their work these days.

Assuming you can get around the minimum $500,000 to $1 million

investment hurdle…

You’re looking at paying out fees in the tens of thousands… PER


And that doesn’t even include the standard 2% management fee.

So while I could realistically charge upwards of $10,000 for a

one-year subscription to Dark Money Millionaires…

You won’t pay anywhere near that amount.

In fact, you won’t even pay half that.

No, the launch price for a one-year Charter Membership is


Which is an absolute steal considering you have the chance to

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make at least 1,326% total returns on your first three


That’s enough to turn every $10,000 invested into $217,400…

Or more than SEVENTY TWO times your subscription fee.

Even if you only invest $1,000, that’s still a shot at


Plus — all the potential payouts from my 12–36 recommendations

you’ll get throughout the year.

With so much money at stake, you may want to ask yourself…

What’s the cost of not acting?

Let me tell you a quick story about missed opportunities…

Back in 1976, a man named Ronald Wayne helped Steve Jobs and
Steve Wozniak found the most powerful computer company in the

Of course, I’m talking about Apple.

While Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak are famous, chances are
you’ve likely never heard of Ronald Wayne.


Because two weeks after founding Apple, Wayne sold his stock in
the company for $800…

Ultimately missing out on a potential


So ask yourself, do you want to be the next Ronald Wayne?

According to research from a prominent consulting firm, nearly

150 million Americans have missed out on gains from the recent
bull market rally.

That means about half the country is going to be on the

sidelines when these surefire 30-Minute Dark Money Spikes blast
countless more stocks higher…

I don’t want that to be you.

Which is why to make this offer even more of a no-brainer, I’m

going to make you an unprecedented 94.7% Dark Money Monitor

See, I’ve shown you that my Dark Money Monitor has a back-tested
94.7% success rate…

Well, I’m going to put my money where my mouth is. I’m going to
extend that guarantee to my real-time model portfolio.

*** If my Dark Money Monitor doesn’t deliver a

94.7% win rate during your year of membership,
I’ll give you a SECOND full year of Dark Money
Millionaires for free. ***

That’s how serious I am when it comes to showing you how to make


And here’s another reason you should act right now…

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Become a Charter Member today and

I’ll “put” $1,000 in your pocket…
Yes, you read that correctly.

If you take me up on this offer, right here, right

now, I’ll “put” $1,000 in your pocket.

No ifs, ands or buts.

Because I want you to have the opportunity to maximize your

profit potential when these 30-Minute Dark Money Spikes hit…

between 12:45
The next of which I’m virtually certain will hit
p.m. and 1:15 p.m. tomorrow… blasting countless stocks

I’m going to slash the launch price of your Charter Membership

from $3,000… to just $2,000.

That saves you $1,000 that you can spend however you’d like:

Whether you use it to invest in your first Dark Money

recommendation, book a flight to Europe or treat your spouse to
dinner at the fanciest restaurant in town.

Now the way I see it, you have three choices…

Choice #1: You can pretend you never

heard about 30-Minute Dark Money
Spikes and go back to whatever you
were doing before you saw this…

Choice #2: You can take everything I

just told you — and try to buy as many
stocks as you can tomorrow… hoping
Dark Money sends a few soaring…

Choice #3: Or you can let me do all

the hard work for you, and become a
Charter Member of Dark Money

It couldn’t be any simpler for you to join.

All you have to do is hit the “Subscribe Now” button below.

The moment you become a member, you’ll receive everything I’ve

promised above for free:

Urgent Dossier: The Dark Money Plays

You Can't Ignore…

The Dark Money Monitor Primer…

The Dark Money Portal…

“Back-Room Access” to Dark Money


Dark Money Appointments…

A FREE VIP Seat at the First-Ever Dark

Money Summit…

Research behind hundreds of secret

presidential documents that have never

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before been declassified…

12–36 Monthly Dark Money


And don’t forget you’ll be covered by my

unprecedented 94.7% Dark Money Monitor guarantee:

*** If my Dark Money Monitor doesn’t deliver a

94.7% win rate during your year of membership,
I’ll give you a SECOND full year of Dark Money
Millionaires… for free. ***

The clock is ticking.

Remember, I can only accept 300 Charter Members today.

Once spots are gone, that’s it. (My deepest regrets if when you
click below, you find these spots have filled up already.)

Don’t become the next Ronald Wayne.

So click below to review everything that comes with your order


And get started NOW before the next Spike hits.


Nomi Prins

P.S. Still Have Questions?

I’ll do my best to answer them right here so that you feel

completely comfortable when you decide to become a Charter
Member today.

“What happens to your Dark Money Monitor if stocks go


Answer: Believe it or not, but my Dark Money Monitor works in

any market climate!

See, when the Fed shifts Dark Money in the market, it doesn’t
always get allocated equally.

Sometimes more Dark Money is added to certain stocks than

others. Sometimes the Fed even “drains” this Dark Money out from
the market.

As I’ve shown you, when the Fed pumps Dark Money into a stock,
the stock soars.

So it’s not hard to figure out what happens should the process

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happen in reverse.

Plain and simple — the stock FALLS!

To account for this predictable action, I’ve added a simple

tweak to my Dark Money Monitor.

If and when these opportunities hit our radar, just watch out
for my alerts and you’ll know exactly what to do.

Click the “Subscribe Now” button to get started.

“This seems to be too good to be true… what’s the

‘catch’ on this offer?”

Answer: The only “catch” is that I can only accept 300 Charter
Members today. That means just 0.0003% of my firm’s total paid
readership will be able to act on this offer.

And the only way you can take advantage of this offer is by
hitting the “Subscribe Now” button before we reach our limit…

Remember, hitting this button does not obligate you to anything.

You will simply be redirected to another page with additional
information about this special offer.

"Is your Dark Money strategy too difficult to learn?”

Answer: While the Dark Money Monitor uses my proprietary

mathematical formula to spit out a Dark Money Score, you’ll
never need to worry about calculating it. That’s because for
each recommendation, my team and I will use my Dark Money
Monitor and do all the hard work — including calculating the
Dark Money Score — for you.

Of course, when you try ANYTHING new (from riding a bike to

buying your first stock)… it takes a little bit of practice to
get it right.

Which is why I’ve put everything you’ll need to know in your

free copy of The Dark Money Monitor Primer.

And don’t forget, you’ll be covered by my unprecedented 94.7%

Dark Money Monitor guarantee…

That is, if my Dark Money Monitor doesn’t deliver a 94.7% win

rate during your year of membership, I’ll give you a SECOND full
year of Dark Money Millionaires… for free.

But that’s only if you hit the “Subscribe Now” button right now
and take advantage of this Charter Membership offer before we
hit our 300-member limit today.

“If this is so great, as a former Wall Street insider,
why are you telling me all this?”

Answer: As you may have guessed, I’m not your typical

investment banker. In fact, I’m about as far from typical as you
can get.

I wasn’t born in glitzy Manhattan with a silver spoon in my

mouth. Far from it. I grew up in a middle-class neighborhood in
upstate New York.

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Both my parents worked hard for every dime they earned. My

mother was a substitute high school teacher and my dad worked
himself through school to be a computer programmer.

As you can imagine, I learned the value of a dollar at a young

age… I also learned the importance of hard work.

It was this dedication to core American values that propelled me

onto Wall Street… as a teenager.

Throughout my career, I made millions for the big banks. I

enjoyed first-class jet setting… fine dining… and socializing
with the world’s elite…

And then I decided to give it all away.

You see, while working inside Wall Street, I realized that Dark
Money was a truly powerful force.

A force that could literally mint millionaires overnight…

(I’ve seen it happen firsthand.)

But I also realized that with such huge profits at stake, Wall
Street would NEVER share this or any other critical information
with ordinary investors who needed it the most.

So I quit…

And I made it my mission among other things to deliver the Dark

Money secret to Main Street and even the playing field for
regular folks.

"Will I need to be chained to a computer all day to

make this work?”

Answer: My strategy in Dark Money Millionaires is NOT day

trading. It is not about sitting at a desk all day, tied to your
computer. In fact, I designed this service specifically to help
you do MORE with LESS…

You don’t need to have any trading experience to do this.

Even if you’ve never bought a stock before, I bet you can

execute my Dark Money strategy with less than one hour of work
per week.

That’s because my Dark Money Monitor I’ve been showing you

shoulders almost ALL of the work.

I apply the mathematical formula, generate the Dark Money Score,

which indicates the trade opportunities…

And blast a new recommendation right to your inbox at least 1–3

times per month.

From there, it’s up to you to decide if you want to get in on my

recommendation – and how much you want to invest.

“Is there any danger of too many people learning your

Dark Money strategy, and spoiling it for everyone

Answer: Absolutely. Whenever you have a successful strategy,

there’s always the danger that too many people will find out
about it. And spoil the “profit party” for everyone.

That’s the very reason why I can only accept 300 Charter

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Members… and why I’m limiting this offer to strictly 0.0003% of

my firm’s paid readership today.

Once spots are gone, that’s it. (My deepest regrets if when you
click the “Subscribe Now” button below, you find these spots
have filled up already.)

“Can I use my regular brokerage account to apply this

Answer: If you’ve ever traded stocks in your current brokerage

account, then chances are you can use this Dark Money strategy
in your account with possibly a few minor modifications.

The good news is that any potential modifications you might have
to make are very simple to do. Often times, they can be made via
a quick email or phone call to your broker.

Based on my historical back test, my Dark Money Monitor has a

proven 94.7% accuracy rate. That’s because my strategy does NOT
involve targeting volatile penny stocks… buying risky options…
or doing anything crazy like intraday trading.

Dark Money Millionaires uses a brand-new moneymaking strategy.

But not to worry. We’ll tell you exactly how to set up your
brokerage account (or any brokerage account) to trade in your
free copy of The Dark Money Monitor Primer.

Hit the “Subscribe Now” button to see how easy it is to get this
secret today…

“Does this strategy involve trading options?”

Answer: My Dark Money strategy is based on a mathematical

formula. I’ve discovered that this strategy is especially
powerful when applied to a certain section of the options

But what I’ve discovered is NOT options trading like you’ve ever
seen before. There is no writing of options, as you’d need to do
with strategies based on covered calls or selling naked puts.

Instead, my Dark Money strategy is about opening up simple and

safer trade opportunities within the financial markets –
including incredibly lucrative plays within the options market.

“Why do I need your research service, Dark Money


Answer: The fact is, if you know how I apply the proprietary
mathematical formula behind the Dark Money Score, then maybe you
don’t need my research service.

You’re more than welcome to attempt to try this on your own with
what I’ve shown you today.

That being said, you can save yourself a lot of time and
heartache by simply responding right now and getting your copy
of The Dark Money Monitor Primer and seeing my strategy laid out
for you, step by step. Just hit the “Subscribe Now” button for
all the details.

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“How much does a one-year membership to Dark Money
Millionaires cost?”

Answer: The launch price for a one-year Charter Membership is

$3,000. Which is an absolute steal considering you have the
chance to make at least 1,326% total returns on your first three

That’s enough to turn every $10,000 invested into $217,400 … Or

more than SEVENTY TWO times your subscription fee.

Even if you only invest $1,000, that’s still a shot at $21,740.

Plus — all the potential payouts from my 12–36 recommendations

you’ll get throughout the year.

HOWEVER - if you act right here, right now, I’ll slash the cost
of membership to just $2,000.

That saves you $1,000 that you can spend however you’d like:

Whether you use it to invest in your first Dark Money

recommendation, book a flight to Europe or treat your spouse to
dinner at the fanciest restaurant in town.

You can find the complete details by hitting the “Subscribe Now”
button. Remember, hitting this “Subscribe Now” button does not
obligate you to anything.

“Can I use Dark Money Millionaires to collect income


Answer: Certainly. This is a great strategy to bring in extra


Let’s say my Dark Money strategy can get you 671% gains a month.
What might that look like to your bank account?

If you invest a minimal amount… say a measly $500 into a trade…

and got similar returns from your trades every month…

That would average out to $40,260 for the year, or about $3,356
a month from your winners.

Not bad for about one hour of work per week.

For most people, that’s enough to fund your retirement or to

serve as a nice second income stream. Or if you want, you can
reinvest to multiply your wealth. The choice is entirely up to

“Is using your Dark Money strategy safer than how most
people trade stocks?”

Answer: Yes, because most investors use a buy-and-hold method.

If you buy and hold, you are totally at the mercy of the
markets. Whereas with my Dark Money strategy, you will often
only be in the markets for small increments of time, sometimes
for as short as 30–90 days at a time.

Your free copy of The Dark Money Monitor Primer will explain
this concept further. But for now, understand that trading like

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Dark Money Spikes

this has the potential to reduce your risk exposure by 25–50% if

used correctly.

“If your Dark Money strategy is so great, why doesn’t

everyone do this?”

Answer: Because there’s an astronomical amount of work that’s


Historically, on average, there are 2,895 potential Dark Money

opportunities that come around… every day. That’s 14,475 in a
given week… and 57,900 every month.

Just try to imagine the time commitment there…

And that doesn’t even include the amount of work required to

give each potential opportunity a score between 0 and 100.

Or what happens after I finish the preliminary scoring…

When I eliminate 99% of this universe — and ONLY consider

potential Dark Money plays that score 70 or above…

All this work is the reason why every Dark Money recommendation
you receive has a back-tested 94.7% accuracy rate… and offers
the maximum potential upside.

“I'm not a big risk taker. Is Dark Money Millionaires

right for someone like me?”

Answer: I specifically designed this research service for

people who want higher returns without high risk. It is a RISK-
AVERSE strategy.

In fact, this strategy should be thought of as safer and more

“conservative” than the way most people buy stocks…

Why? Because you don’t have to take open-ended risks. You don’t
have to risk your money like most people do… putting 100% of
their retirement money in the stock market constantly all 12
months a year — riding stocks up and down.

My Dark Money strategy is all about giving you the control over
your money. This includes how much risk you want to take. The
kinds of recommendations you’ll see with Dark Money Millionaires
have built-in risk protection.

Now if you can’t tolerate ANY risk, then this may not be right
for you. As with all investing strategies, there will be risk in
our recommendations. You could be better off sticking with
Treasuries and being happy with 1–2% returns. Only you know your
own risk tolerance and what you’ll feel comfortable with. The
choice is entirely up to you.

No matter what, I want you to sleep soundly at night with your

decision, which is why your membership will be backed by my
94.7% Dark Money Monitor guarantee. If my Dark Money Monitor
doesn’t deliver a94.7% win rate during your year of
membership, I’ll give you a SECOND full year of Dark Money
Millionaires for free.

“Can your strategy in Dark Money Millionaires truly

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make me rich?”

Answer: Yes, it’s entirely possible this strategy can make you

But that depends on how you define “rich.”

If you define it as the ability to make more money, so you can

spend more constructive time with your family, go back to
college, travel, give more to your church or charity, and “be a
better you” — then this very well could make you “rich,” indeed.

We believe the strategy behind Dark Money Millionaires could

make you a lot of money. That’s why I’m offering you a chance
for Charter Membership today with this special offer.

And here’s a quick piece of advice: When you start using Dark
Money Millionaires, I’d encourage you to write down goals of how
much you want to make in the next 12 months. Then decide how
much to allocate to reach your financial goals. I truly believe
that if you use the strategy correctly… you will be pleasantly
surprised how quickly you can reach whatever financial goals you

“This sounds like a ‘get rich quick scheme’ to me —

are you for real?”

Answer: This is NOT a “get rich quick” gimmick. My publishing

firm, Agora Financial, is in the business of sharing ideas and
actionable research that can help you thrive in any type of
market. If we published foolish or dishonest material — we'd be
out of business.

“Does Dark Money Millionaires involve using a load of

technical mumbo jumbo and complicated charts?”

Answer: No. There is no technical analysis that you’ll have to

perform. All you need to know is the specific play, and when to
get in and when to get out. My team and I do all the hard work
for you. Each alert will tell you exactly what to do. You just
have to decide whether you want to follow what we recommend!

“I’ve heard trading systems never work, because it’s

impossible to beat the market — what makes this

Answer: We don’t agree it is “impossible” to beat the market.

And if you’ve stuck with me to this point, I’m pretty sure you
don’t believe this either…

1. First off, we all know it’s possible

to beat the market. You and I could
name several famous investors who beat
the market all the time.

2. Second, I showed you today how gains

as high as 11,333% are possible. It’s
entirely up to you whether you believe
our research or not. But whatever you
decide, you’re still covered by my
unprecedented 94.7% Dark Money
Monitor guarantee.

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Dark Money Spikes

“Can anyone really do this? Even me?”

Answer: YES, anyone can learn to do this. Especially you. Why?

Because I designed service specifically for someone like YOU.

That is, a regular American who wants to better their financial

circumstances, who now can thanks to recommendations from my
Dark Money Monitor.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Hit the “Subscribe Now” button
and take advantage of this limited-time offer while you still

You won’t be obligated to do anything by clicking this button.

You’ll just be sent to another page with more information on
this special offer.

“What promise do I have that I’ll make money?”

Answer: If you choose NOT to invest in my Dark Money

recommendations — then I can guarantee with 100% certainty that
you will not make any money on them — and this research service
will be nothing more than education.

(Not that there’s anything wrong with paper trading to test

drive my strategy — but the simple fact is that you can’t make
anything unless you’re willing to invest with actual dollars.)

Which is why to make you feel completely comfortable, your

membership will be backed by my 94.7% Dark Money Monitor

While I’ve shown you that my Dark Money Monitor has a back-
tested 94.7% success rate…

I’m going to put my money where my mouth is and extend that

guarantee to my real-time model portfolio.

If my Dark Money Monitor doesn’t deliver a 94.7% win rate

during your year of membership, I’ll give you a SECOND full year
of Dark Money Millionaires for free.

But remember, I can only accept 300 Charter Members today.

Again, that’s just 0.0003% of my firm’s paid readership that
will be able to take advantage of this. So hit the “Subscribe
Now” button or else you will risk losing your spot…

“Do I need a large amount of money to invest with this


Answer: No! In fact, you don’t need any money to get started,
because you can paper trade as many of my Dark Money
Millionaires recommendations for as long as you like…

That said, if you want to make actual money you can spend (or
reinvest), then yes, you’ll need a little money to get started.
How much is up to you. You can get started with as little as a
few hundred dollars.

But remember, once I hit my limit of 300 Charter Members today,

this offer will shut down. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Hit
the “Subscribe Now” button and take advantage of this offer
while you still can.

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Dark Money Spikes

“If I have questions about my membership, can I speak

to someone?”

Answer: Absolutely. The moment you become a Charter Member,

you’ll receive a special customer service number. You can call
this number with any questions you might have about how your
membership works and what you’re entitled to. You’ll also get a
special email address if you prefer to ask your questions via

Again, delivering this kind of world-class customer service is

only possible because we’re limiting this offer to 300 Charter
Members today.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Hit the “Subscribe Now” button
and get started…

“How long will I have to wait to get my materials,
likeThe Dark Money Monitor Primer and my first THREE
Dark Money Millionaire recommendations?”

Answer: Within 10 minutes of responding today, you can download

everything right on your computer, phone, tablet or other
device. Just click the “Subscribe Now” button to get started.

“How often will you and your team be making


Answer: I plan to make at least 1–3 recommendations per month.

That’s a total of at least 12–36 recommendations you can expect
with your one-year membership. This number can easily increase
based on my Dark Money Monitor and the sheer volume of
opportunities created by 30-Minute Dark Money Spikes.

“Is your ordering process safe and secure?”

Answer: It is fast, safe and 100% secure. We are using the

latest complex encryption technology we can find to protect your
data though the entire ordering process.

Once you click the “Subscribe Now” button, you’ll get a chance
to review everything before anything is processed. After placing
your order via our secure order form, you’ll be able to
instantly download all your urgent reports as Adobe Acrobat PDF

Remember, you must act now to avoid getting locked out. The
moment we fill up 300 Charter Membership spots today, that’s it.
This special offer will be closed. The choice is completely up
to you, but I highly suggest you hit the “Subscribe Now” button
now, so you can decide with all the remaining details of this

You won’t be obligated to anything by clicking this button —

you’ll just be sent to another page with more information on
this special offer.

Thank you for your time, and I hope to see you on the other
side! You can still click the button as long as you remain on
this page.

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