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Good e-Learning BPMN study card #7 by Gregor Polančič

BPMN Conversation Diagrams

Conversation diagrams have been introduced in BPMN 2.0 and represent a top level (i.e. simplified, more abstract) view of a BPMN collaboration diagram.
Conversation diagrams are useful for representing high level interactions between the involved parties – i.e. for representing an overview of a network of
partners and how they communicate with each other. This study card represents the elements of a conversation diagram and the semantics of their use.

Participants Conversation diagram example Conversation nodes & links

A participant in a conversation is represented by a Conversation nodes connect different conversation
BPMN Pool. Most commonly a black-box pool is The example below represents the interactions
participants with each other by using conversation
used. between participants involved in a Pizzeria process.
A Participant can be a specific
Participant Conversation Links are used to connect
Partner Entity (e.g., a buyer, seller, This node can be
Conversation Nodes to and from
or manufacturer). A Pool MAY or decomposed into
Delivery service Participants Conversation Links must be
MAY NOT reference a Process. basic conversations
drawn with double thin lines.
(e.g. handle delivery,
A Multiple Participants
Multiple Participants
handle payment). A Conversation is an atomic element for
marker (|||) indicates a set of
similar participants (e.g. a conversation diagram. It represents a
several buyers, sellers or Customer set of Message Flows grouped together
manufacturers). based on a concept and / or a
Handle Conversation Correlation, which assigns messages to
delivery and process instances.
Conversation A Sub-Conversation is a comprisite
Order Pizza
Conversation Node, which can consist of
A Conversation is a logical grouping of Message Message Flows, Conversations, and
exchanges (Message Flows) that can share a Pizzeria other Sub-Conversations. The Sub-
Correlation (i.e. a mechanism that assigns A Pool can be If a participant Conversation Conversations shares Participants of its
messages to process instances). modeled as Black- includes a process, a parent conversations.
box (i.e empty) or conversation can be
Conversation white-box (i.e. linked directly to the A Call Conversation calling a Global
Participant A Participant B
containing a process process s activities Conversation identifies a place in the
within it). and events. Conversation diagram, where a global
Call conversation (i.e. a reusable, atomic
Conversation Conversation) is used.
Each Conversation can be expanded into a set of A conversation Order
Message Flows. can be modeled ingredients A Call Conversation calling a
Participant A Participant B separately as a
Suppliers Several Collaboration identifies a place in the
Suppliers Conversation diagram, where a
||| Call Collaboration is used.

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