PGEE Coding Questions Lists

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Coding problems:

(Don’t use the compilers provided in the GFG platforms or leetcode

platforms as here we have to write only part of the code. Just read the
questions from these websites provided in a link below and then write the
complete code of the problems from scratch and run it in either the online C
or C++ compilers or download the codeblocks in your laptop. Because in
PGEE exams they might ask you to write the programs from scratch.)

->Armstrong Numbers | Practice | GeeksforGeeks

Special Programs in C− Check If The Number Is Armstrong Number

->Prime Number | Practice | GeeksforGeeks

Special Programs in C − Check If The Number Is Prime Number

->Count Primes In Range | Practice | GeeksforGeeks

Use the above question concept to solve this question.

->Binary number to decimal number | Practice | GeeksforGeeks

Special Programs in C − Binary to Decimal Conversion

->Palindrome | Practice | GeeksforGeeks

Special Programs in C − Check If The Number Is Palindrome Number

->Reverse digits | Practice | GeeksforGeeks

Use the concept of reverse used in previous question solutions to solve this

->Reverse an Array in C - javatpoint

Arrays in C (Solved Problem 1)

->Print first n Fibonacci Numbers | Practice | GeeksforGeeks

Special Programs in C − Fibonacci Series

->GCD of two numbers | Practice | GeeksforGeeks

GCD - Euclidean Algorithm (Method 1)
GCD - Euclidean Algorithm (Method 2)

->Reverse a String | Practice | GeeksforGeeks

Program to reverse a string in C | How to reverse a string | #1 Coding …

->Majority Element - LeetCode

Moore voting algorithm (Watch logic from here and then write your own
C or C++ complete code from scratch)

->Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock - LeetCode

Best Time to BUY and SELL STOCK | Leetcode | C++ | Java | Brute-…
(Watch logic from here and then write your own C or C++ complete code
from scratch)

->Rotate Image - LeetCode

ROTATE IMAGE | Leetcode | C++ | Java | Brute-Optimal (Watch logic
from here and then write your own C or C++ complete code from scratch)

->Reverse Linked List - LeetCode and find middle of linked list

Lecture 45: Linked List Questions: Reverse LL and find Middle of LL
(Watch logic from here and then write your own C or C++ complete code
from scratch)

->Middle of the Linked List - LeetCode

Middle of the Linked List | Amazon | Microsoft (Watch logic from here
and then write your own C or C++ complete code from scratch)

->Palindrome Linked List - LeetCode

Check for Palindromic Linked List | Snapdeal | Adobe | Amazon (Watch
logic from here and then write your own C or C++ complete code from

(If you have time then you can solve more basic to easy level coding
problems. But make sure to write all the coding problems from scratch and
then run it in either online C or C++ compilers or Code blocks)

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