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Presentation by
School 3
Ukrainians have always invented unusual and
delicious dishes. we will tell you why Ukrainian
cuisine is special.
In Ukraine were formed two main types of cuisine.
These are peasant (for the poor) and aristocratic
(for the nobility).
Ukrainians have their own national drinks, both
alcoholic and non-alcoholic.
Traditionally, uzvar has been one of
the most popular Ukrainian drinks
for many years. It is prepared for
holidays, enjoyed during Lent, and
on weekdays. The basis of uzvar is a
mixture of dried fruits: apples, pears,
cherries, plums, etc. Any dried
berries are also perfect.
Potato P AN



Potato pancakes are made by grating raw potatoes

and adding various ingredients such as eggs, flour,
salt, and spices. The mixture is kneaded into a
dough, which is then formed into flat patties. These
patties are then floured and fried in a preheated
pan on both sides until golden brown.
Deruny can be served as an independent dish or
with sour cream, mushroom sauce or other
seasonings. This dish is popular in Ukrainian cuisine
and is considered a delicious option for breakfast,
lunch or dinner.
Buckwheat dumplings with cottage
cheese are a traditional dish of
Ternopil region. They are usually
served for the Holy supper. Also we
can eat them during traditional Sunday
family meal. They can be served with
mushrooms, fried bacon or sour
cream. For the filling, you can use
cottage cheese and for the dough you
need buckwheat flour.
Machanka &
Machanka is a Lemki creamy soup with meat, Another famous Western Ukrainian dish is
fried with flour, onions, and ground sweet palyushku. These are small pieces of dough
pepper. A special type of machanka is the made from potatoes, eggs and flour. The pieces
mushroom one with sour cream. And if you are boiled in hot salt water for 5 minutes and
then they are ready. Palyushku are usually
chop the mushrooms, it is a good sauce for
served with fried lard or parsley. It’s a very
dumplings. Machanka can be called a “pearl”
delicious meal.
of Lemki cuisine. This is a very tasty and
hearty dish
Ukrainian cuisine has been created over
many centuries, so it reflects to a
certain extent not only the historical
development of the Ukrainian people,
their customs and tastes, but also the
social conditions, natural and climatic
features in which the Ukrainian people
lived during its historical development.
For your
Have a nice day!

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