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Research Papers in Economics and Finance 4 (2) 2020

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The systemic-praxeological approach to the methodology of primary

scientific activity of the management science system

Hubert Witczak1,2
High School of Management and Banking in Poznań, Poland
Management and Administration Faculty in Poznań, Poland

The scientific methodology of management science (MSc) is consistent in terms of direction with the overall methodology
of sciences. Still, it continues to pose significant challenges. One such challenge is the problem of system characteristics of
MSc methodology at the highest level of scientific practice, i.e. praxeology and systems theory. There are also the problems
of MSc synthesis, i.e. the definition of its universal scope, in the light of its increasing diversity and specialisation of doma-
ins. This paper aims to elaborate on the achievements to date in management science on the grounds of the systemic-pra-
xeological approach, scientific synthesis of methodology, with a particular focus on the role of reasoning and inference.
My assertion is that methodology is a subsystem of the core of primary scientific activity of MSc, comprising the com-
ponents of scientific practice focused around the scientific method (methods). Its objective domain extends beyond the
cognitive function (C), also encompassing value assignment (A), determination of post-diagnosis scientific action (R), deci-
sions about scientific models (N) and implementation of scientific models (I) –CARNI system. The scientific methodology
of MSc is specifically a product of scientific problems as well as the goals, principles and methods used to solve them, for-
ming an exceedingly complex system. Scientific reasoning and inference are not stand-alone scientific methods – they are
ingredients of every scientific method. What sets the scientific method apart is the capability of a given scientific manner
to solve a given scientific problem.

Keywords: Action system; scientific functions of the MSc system; scientific methodology system of MSc; dialectics, paradox
and chaos of the MSc methodology system.

1. Introduction My assertion is that there exists a problem

with scientific synthesis of MSc methodology,
The current approach to the scientific me- with no less than several particularly complex
thodology of MSc is debatable when it comes to aspects (the problem of this paper), of which the
scientific synthesis, understood as the univer- first two are at the highest level of generalisa-
sal, systemic-praxeological scope of its domain tion. First, there is the difficulty of establishing
(material, objective and spacetime-oriented the nature of the system characteristics of MSc
scope), process and outcomes. The functional from the praxeological point of view. Problem
foundation for shaping the MSc system is pri- number two is whether we accept the theorem
mary scientific practice (activity), including its about the universal principles of synthesis of
methodology. Here, we are dealing with at le- the MSc system, including its methodology. The
ast three hierarchical levels: the “MSc system”, third problem, at a somewhat lower level, re-
“primary scientific activity” and “methodology fers to the difficulty of determining the role of
of primary scientific activity”. reasoning and inference within the structure of
8 Hubert Witczak / Research Papers in Economics and Finance 4 (2) 2020

the MSc methodology system. in question. Hypothetico-deductive reasoning

For the most complete synthesis, it is best is well known in scientific methodology. Papers
to combine two approaches: praxeological and addressing reasoning and inference are clas-
systemic, and this is the vantage point of this sified under methods in logic and as scientific
paper. Praxeological – because its domain is methods (more broadly), but they are mainly
“action” as a universal category; and systemic limited to studies on deduction, induction and
– because categorical, generic and scientific abduction. MSc literature (M. Lisiński) suggests
system characteristics provide a complete de- that there are scientific methods based on re-
scription of actions and their systems, including asoning and inference, which is doubtful. The
scientific activities and within them: scientific literature treats science, including MSc, main-
methodology. ly as a cognitive activity, and only Ł. Sułkowski
The aim of this paper is to try and achieve additionally allows for value assignment and
progress in solving the cognitive problem of other functions of science.
synthesising the MSc methodology system on A holistic treatment of the scientific me-
the grounds of systems theory and praxeolo- thod, as a systemic solution to a given scientific
gy. I am venturing a partial diagnosis – only problem comprises several scientific methods,
detection and categorical exploration – of the including the diagnostic, prognostic and mixed
domain in question. The specific objective of models (prognostic-diagnostic and diagnostic-
this paper is comprised of three endeavours: 1) -prognostic). To solve the scientific problems
to describe MSc as an action system in the pra- addressed in this paper, as outlined above,
xeological sense; 2) to determine the nature of the most appropriate approach is prognostic-
the MSc scientific methodology subsystem; and -diagnostic, rather than diagnostic or diagno-
3) to place scientific reasoning and inference stic-prognostic. This is because the diagnostic
within this subsystem. The present considera- premises of the primary scientific activity are
tions will cover action systems (AS – material weak (the current body of knowledge in the
scope), MSc scientific methodology (objective field of MSc synthesis), and the “gap” between
scope), in a universal spacetime, at the catego- the current status of MSc and propositions for
rical level. The cognitive problem of MSc syn- scientific synthesis cannot be filled using dia-
thesis is defined so deliberately because of the gnostic methods. The diagnosis, in the form of
particular complexity of the scientific domain, an overview, is conducted exclusively with re-
exceeding the premise (including size) of this gard to the body of knowledge in the relevant
paper, and because of addressing questions of a domain, aiming to define the scientific problem
fundamental nature, i.e. at the level of concepts of this paper. Only then do I go on to shape an
and definitions. outline of the concept solving the scientific pro-
The key hypothesis of this paper can be su- blem, using hypothetico-deductive reasoning
mmarised in the following assertion: progress on the grounds of heuristics.
in achieving the universal synthesis of the me- The paper is of a preliminary nature, so
thodology system of the primary scientific acti- naturally it does not exhaust the subject. Fol-
vity in MSc is possible if we apply the praxeolo- lowing a brief discussion of the current body
gical and systemic approach in combination. of knowledge in the domain under analysis, I
MSc is a specific action system, having catego- present an introduction to the systemic-pra-
rical, generic and scientific characteristics of a xeological synthesis of the MSc methodology
system. The scientific method is a holistic me- concept. The paper is made up of three parts:
thod for solving a given scientific problem, and an introduction, the main body (with five sub-
that requires reasoning and inference, which sections), followed by conclusions and a list of
are not stand-alone scientific methods as such sources.
(unless some scientific problems in MSc are li-
mited to reasoning and inference).
When defining the assumptions for his stu- 2. Status of MSc in the relevant domain
dy (doctrine of the study), the author is entitled My brief diagnosis of the status of MSc in the
to make an arbitrary choice of research me- domain of methodology is based on represen-
thods on grounds extending from volition to te- tative statements from papers written by se-
sting their usefulness to solve the scientific pro- lected authors (Czakon 2015; Sułkowski 2005;
blem (in a continuum extending from extreme Sułkowski 2012; Sułkowski 2014; Sułkowski
volition to extreme testing). It is essential that 2016; Lisiński 2013 a & b; Lisiński 2016; Lisiń-
he provide reasons for his approach to the cho- ski 2018). The papers referred to above have
ice of methodology. For instance, a volitional the advantage of reflecting the current global
choice may be justified by the length limit of the body of knowledge in the relevant domain,
publication and lack of literature on the subject with the added value of the Polish perspecti-
Hubert Witczak / Research Papers in Economics and Finance 4 (2) 2020 9

ve. Nevertheless, what emerges is an image of neo-positivist science, praxeological, assigning

MSc that is not fully systemic, and not fully pra- value (axiological) and radical (pragmatic)
xeological, not fully consistent with the founda- science]. Consequently, outcomes in MSc are
tions of MSc synthesis. limited to scientific theorems, while scientific
Taking into account the categorical require- facts are ignored. I am in favour of the full cycle,
ments of systemic-praxeological synthesis (see which I understand as a systemic-praxeological
subsections below), I suggest the following va- scope: material/objective, of problems, spaceti-
lidation approach to detecting and exploring me and results.
the current body of knowledge in the domain of 5) The system characteristics of MSc metho-
MSc methodology. dology are notably discussed by M. Lisiński. I
1) There are no studies dedicated specifical- try to elaborate on his ideas and express them
ly to MSc synthesis, and those that address the in fully systemic and praxeological terms, in re-
subject at all, do so in passing or in a prelimina- ference to the action system. However, Lisiński
ry manner. Hence the list of literature (sources) does not differentiate inference, reasoning and
at the end of this paper. The problem of scien- theorem-proving from methods of scientific
tific synthesis is also multidimensional, both in problem solving, which is debatable. In this
terms of science as a sphere of human activity paper, such a differentiation is made to try and
and individual sciences. This is not a problem resolve this debate.
that is new or overlooked, but theorems in 6) I do not share the opinion that there is no
this domain are fuzzy and practically devoid single methodology of MSc (Sułkowski 2005).
of scientific value [with the sole exception of One does exist, but it is dialectic, paradoxical
O.E. Wilson’s 2002 work, which is not so much and chaotic, just as the MSc system – a generic
analytical as postulative]. Meanwhile, a synthe- category of action systems.
sis of science/sciences entails questions like:
a) accumulation of knowledge (a simple sum
or a new structure of knowledge?); b) oppo- 3. MSc as an action system
sition: overall body of knowledge vs. specia- Science is a category of human activity, se-
list knowledge; c) approval/purification of the parate in a given domain from pre-scientific
knowledge system (problems of falsification and non-scientific activity. Nowadays, it is pre-
and verification of knowledge; paradigms and sent nearly in every domain, developing as a
research programmes) and so on. The current distinct and singular sector of activity. MSc is
body of knowledge in this domain cannot be ac- a category of AS (fig. 1), because each scienti-
cepted indiscriminately. I am trying to suggest fic activity has an acting entity –at the least, a
a preliminary outline of systemic-praxeological human individual. Below, I am describing the
synthesis of MSc at the level of concepts and MSc system, but using the example of AS as a
definitions. category, which means that MSc components
2) The system characteristics of MSc are in- must be put into the respective subcategories.
terpreted so freely that it is impossible to pre- For instance, the portfolio of scientific pro-
sent their synthesis. This is also partly due to a cesses, actions and activities, which result in
certain atrophy of research based on systems scientific products and services, i.e. scientific
theory and praxeology, following its heyday in theorems (opinions) and facts. At the heart of
the first three quarters of the 20th century. The the AS are elements included in the core of
present paper is an attempt at elaborating on the AS. First of all, it comprises the portfolio
MSc as an action system, referring to catego- of processes, actions and activities, which
rical system characteristics (applicable to any produce results in the form of products and
system) and generic system characteristics services, dedicated to specific customers and
(applicable to action systems only). their needs. Of course, it is assumed here that
3) The domain of MSc gives rise to various we are discussing ASs involved in socially ac-
doubts, starting from the sphere of semiotics, ceptable activity. The processes engaged in by
but diverse scientific discourse permits: a) se- any AS may be inferred from the AS life cycle.
paration of MSc from science; b) the pragmatic They include “AS shaping” processes: 1) AS cre-
and apragmatic nature of MSc; c) operation be- ation; 2) AS existence; 3) AS decline; 4) AS chan-
tween the simultaneously existing extremes in ges. In turn, the “AS existence” processes may
terms of forms of practice and theorems. Such be subdivided into: a) fundamental processes;
a position is more of a statement of possibility b) auxiliary processes; c) management proces-
than a normative ruling, which I am in favour of. ses; d) economic processes; e) communication
4) There is a serious difficulty with accep- processes.
ting the full-cycle nature of MSc [such a position
is argued in Sułkowski 2005: management as a
10 Hubert Witczak / Research Papers in Economics and Finance 4 (2) 2020

6. Absolute (rigid) constraints and risk of MSc

4. MSc 1. Core of MSc 2. Strategic aims 3. MSc policy

doctrine, 1) scientific functions, processes and of the MSc system 1) Superior
describing a activities, and operational-tactical 1) MVG – mission, values
priori goals and outcomes of MSc activity vision and 2) and
theorems of (operational-tactical segmentation); strategic goals for authority over
the acting 2) action factors making up the MSc the given MSc the MSc system
entity, system, as an acting object; system 3) Definition of
referring to 3) institutional arrangement of the 2) portfolio of the MSc
MSc activity MSc system; strategic metasystem
4) social arrangement of the MSc MSc activity

5. Arrangement of internal and external independent variables interacting with the MSc system,
shaping its situation and position in the environment

Figure 1. MSc as an action system

Source: own work

Of these, the most important are fundamen- 9) achieving specific operational outcomes of
tal processes, which enable the given AS to in- action (products and services, real and tran-
teract with the environment. The last category, scendental).
“processes of interaction between AS and the Action ingredients may be also put together
environment”, comprises: 1) complex exchange into a whole by aggregating subsets. As a con-
processes, including transactions; 2) complex sequence, we can identify such categories as
co-existence processes, including competition; technologies, or techniques of action, linking im-
3) complex self-organisation processes aimed at pacts primarily to methods, instruments. The
achieving active longevity in the environment. third category of the core is the institutional
The second category of the core is made up of arrangement of the AS. Its essence is regime
action ingredients which, integrated into a and dynamic and static organisational structure
single whole, form the management system as of the AS. Their role is to determine congruen-
an acting object. The most important action ce, including particularly the rights and obliga-
ingredients are: tions of the AS and its component parts. All of
1) acting entities (managerial and executive), the AS core is infiltrated by an arrangement
so far exclusively human individuals; of social variables, such as culture, emotions,
2) objects of action, relevant to the goals and interests, faith, hope, trust, etc. They permeate
conditions; the entire AS, at various levels and in different
3) operational goals of action; structures, forming the complex social fabric of
4) impacts (component activities; functions; the AS.
processes) targeted at selected objects, someti- The second set of subsystems within each
mes of a very complex structure (real and tran- AS includes its aims (blocks 2 and 3). The ar-
scendental), for instance including the prin- rowhead of the “AS core” contains operational
ciples of reasoning and inference and language and tactical aims, preceded by strategic (block
of communication; 2) and political (3) aims. Strategic aims po-
5) use of appropriate methods to act, in other sition the AS, its activity and results (AS doma-
words, an appropriate composition of constitu- in) in the wider context of the environment and
ent impacts to ensure successful action; change, and constitute values governing the AS
6) use of appropriate intermediaries between domain. Political aims represent the ultimate
the acting entity and object of action, that is justification of the highest order, determining
broadly understood instruments of action (ma- the superior values of the AS and the principles
chines, appliances, tools); defining the authority over the AS and its rela-
7) use of adequate resources (matter, energy tions with the environment.
and information), including financial and capi- The AS management doctrine constitutes
tal resources; another subsystem. It includes sets of theorems
8) conducting activity in a given spacetime selected a priori (i.e. prior to taking action) by
(space and time), starting from the location to the entities managing the AS concerning the
the use of time and space; object of management: a) nature of the AS; b)
Hubert Witczak / Research Papers in Economics and Finance 4 (2) 2020 11

its relations with the environment; c) and the jecting the internal potential of the AS onto the
principles of managing the AS. They reflect potential of the AS environment, it is possible
the beliefs of these entities on the subject and to explore and shape the situation (position) of
constitute a virtual external framework for the the AS within the environment.
AS, which these entities can refer to when ju- The final block (6) contains the absolute
stifying attitudes, practices and – generally spe- (rigid) constraints and risk of the action
aking – the principles for managing the AS. system. Absolute (insurmountable) constra-
The next block 5 describes the internal and ints define the limits of the freedom of organi-
external independent variables impacting sational behaviour. Their absolute nature may
on the action system. Internal variables emerge be objective and/or subjective. This category
from the structure and interactions within the also includes risk levels unacceptable to these
AS. External variables, in turn, represent the entities.
arrangement of the AS environment. By pro-

Table 1: Categorical and generic system characteristics of MSc

MSc – categorical A compre-

system characte- hensive set, Relational; Interactions
ristics Amechanistic;
including the ordered; with the Functional
Generic probabilistic
human indivi- coherent environment
singularity dual
of MSc





In statu nascendi

Evolutionary and teleological

Source: own work.

It is crucial to observe that all ingredients 4. Selected elements of the systemic-pra-

and subsystems of the MSc system are inter- xeological doctrine of MSc
dependent and integrated. However, the level
of interdependence and integration (levels Management science is part of science in the
of integration: Witczak 2008) extends from general sense. As such, it serves a number of
amorphous (addition), through coordination, functions in the social division of labour, among
coalition, union, federation, to holition (acting which the key role is played by primary scien-
machines are non-existent). This stems from tific practice (activity). The statements above
the categorical and generic characteristics of lend themselves to the conclusion that nearly
the MSc system (tab. 1). As a consequence of everything can be studied for the purposes of
the systemic, categorical and generic characte- systemic-praxeological synthesis. The domain
ristics, it is necessary to shape MSc, including its of MSc and its methodology, apart from some
methodology, following the principles of dialec- transcendence, is not limited. In other words,
tics, paradox and chaos. To expect that they will the characteristics of scientific methodology
always comply with the science requirements are commensurate with the qualities of AS, qu-
of natural sciences is completely unreasonable. alities of systems as categories, and qualities of
Such requirements can only be fulfilled locally, scientific methodological activity. The baseline
or in other words –idiographically. material scope of MSc is the practice of mana-
gement systems of any AS, with MSc potentially
serving an auxiliary function (tab. 2).
12 Hubert Witczak / Research Papers in Economics and Finance 4 (2) 2020

Table 2: Primary functions of MSc in shaping systems (AS, SAS, CS, SS)

Shaping systems
Synthesis of
System System System System functions
creation existence change decline of science
Primary functions of MSc

Primary scientific activity encompasses all phases of system sha-

Scientific activity– primary ping. Of course, to perform them, the MSc system also develops the
scientific functions CARNI other functions: supporting MSc, managing MSc, et al.

Organising, checking and impro- Proposed forms of shaping scientific theorems and facts come from
scientific and non-scientific sources, including practice. The task
ving theorems about manage- for MSc is to collect, check, organise and improve them according to
ment systems scientific principles.
Lifelong learning, including Here, MSc serves the function of science understood as “learning”.
at the higher level (university According to doctrine, specialised professional management skills
education) can and must be learnt. Refers to the
synthesis of
Implementation of scientific MSc is closely linked to practice, and together they shape how each MSc func-
outcomes in practice (applied various systems are run (managed). Here, MSc serves not only to tion (row-wise)
science, implementing scientific implement, but also to improve management performance. throughout the
facts) system-shaping
Supporting practice (e.g. various Management practitioners must solve various managerial problems,
some of them incidental, non-standard and exceeding their ability
forms of advisory services) (complexity). MSc supports practice in this area.

The cognitive potential of societies in terms of management is a

Raising awareness and educa- necessary precondition for every member of society to be able to
ting the public about MSc cope with managing systems, including themselves.

Here, the domain of MSc is MSc itself in any spacetime. As a result,

Meta-management of MSc MSc manages itself (quality of an autonomous system).

Synthesis of system shaping Applies to the synthesis of each stage of system shaping (column- Total synthesis
-wise) for all functions of MSc of MSc func-
Notes: SAS – acting supersystems (e.g. organisations of enterprises); CS – civilisation systems (a non-simple sum of natural systems and ASs); SS –systems of the
Source: own work.

I would differentiate MSc from ME – mana- cognitive scientific theorems in different forms
gement education. The latter is a component of (laws, rules, principles, recommendations and
the former, due to its educational functions (tab. scientific references) shaping the overall struc-
2). All functions draw on the primary scientific ture of data, information, knowledge and scien-
practice, the main function of MSc, whose do- tific wisdom. Verification and falsification of
main is the practice of the management system. their scientific strength shapes cognitive scien-
It has different scientific goals than that of sup- tific paradigms.
porting practice: scientific theorems and facts The assignment of value of an object (A)
(pragmatic MSc – tab. 2). Another domain of explored at a particular level leads to its evalu-
MSc is the science itself, when it deals with me- ation and measurement of value on a continu-
ta-management of itself (tab. 2) – this being the um stretching from “good” to “bad”, in any gi-
apragmatic domain. Each of these functions has ven domain of scientific evaluation. MSc cannot
a separate domain, also in the cycle of shaping a evade value assignment in any form, despite the
given AS (header of tab. 2). Hence, each of these obvious difficulties in this scope. The reason is
domains requires its singular methodological as simple as can be: value is the essence of goals
system. This fact contributes to the particular and autonomous aims of any action, and there-
dialectic, paradoxical and chaotic complexi- fore of any AS (fig. 1). They are therefore the
ty of MSc methodology. The subsystem of the source of the “drive” of any AS, including MSc.
core of primary scientific activity (CARNI) is The processes shaping the approach to scien-
elaborated on in table 3. Cognition (C) is the tific action (R) are undertaken following the
traditional, classical function of science in ge- diagnosis (conclusion of C and A) of a given do-
neral, including MSc, with the goal of producing main, determining whether and on what terms
Hubert Witczak / Research Papers in Economics and Finance 4 (2) 2020 13

any further primary scientific activity is to be implementing (I) scientific models, i.e. mate-
continued in the given domain. It also requires rialising scientific facts – introducing scientific
a scientific elaboration in MSc, as no further models into reality (MSc as an applied science).
scientific action can be carried out according to Columns 2 through 5 identify the remaining in-
pre-scientific or non-scientific rules. The next gredients of the core of the MSc subsystem, and
primary function is deciding on scientific mo- column 5 – subsystem synthesis. Please note
dels of a pre-examined object (CAR) in a given the subsystem “3. Other auxiliary scientific
domain (normative models – N). Such an ap- activities and their ingredients” (col. 2), whe-
proach is the source of the diagnostic scientific re, for instance, within the framework of “MSc
method of the full cycle of the primary scienti- management” we can shape “MSc models” – e.g.
fic activity (CARNI). It culminates in processes research plans and programmes.

Table 3: Core structure of MSc founded on the processes of primary scientific activity

Scientific objects Row synthesis

Categories of serving those Scientific institu- Social setting of – subsystems
scientific out-
basic scientific processes (made tions conducting the core of basic of individual
comes of basic
processes up of process these processes processes of MSc basic scientific
components) processes

1. (C)ognitive CARNI CARNI regime, dy- CARNI values, in- CARNI theorems Synthesis of
processes 1. Scientific goals namic and static terests, emotions, and scientific scientific cogniti-
2. (A)xiological and problems organisational culture (et al.) facts about mana- ve processes and
processes 2. Methodology of structure ging civilisation their outcomes
3. Processes sha- scientific inquiry systems
ping the approach 3. Other auxiliary
to scientific action scientific activities
(R) and their ingre-
4. (N)ormative dients
processes of 4. Scientific reso-
scientific model urces
development 5. People – resear-
5. Processes (I) chers
mplementing 6. Object of inquiry
scientific theorems

Synthesis of basic Synthesis of scien- Synthesis of insti- Synthesis of the Synthesis of Total synthesis
processes of the tific objects of the tutionalisation of social setting of scientific outco- of the core of the
core of MSc core of MSc the core of MSc the core of MSc mes of the core MSc subsystem
of MSc
Source: own work.

5. MSc scientific methodology subsystem (CA) we move straight to shaping the scientific
model (N), disregarding the diagnostic sour-
The nature of the primary scientific activi- ces of that model, and relying exclusively on a
ty (CARNI) as a whole is hybrid. Cognition (C) heuristic and/or volitional approach. Unqu-
differs fundamentally from value assignment estionably, such scientific activity must provi-
(A), as does determination of post-diagnostic de for internal and external corroboration of
action (R), development of models (N), and the process and outcomes of scientific inquiry
their implementation (I). The move from the (logical and positive verification and falsifi-
original domain to its exploration, just like the cation). The hybrid nature mentioned above
move from N to I takes the form of an interstage also extends to scientific processes at a lower
crossing. As a result, the activity as a whole also level, e.g. in cognition (C), we can differentiate
has the systemic-praxeological characteristics detection, exploration, classification and expla-
as discussed here. For this reason, a scientific nation, which involve distinct methodologies.
inquiry in a given domain may comprise: 1) The scientific methodology subsystem (fig. 2)
only a single subsystem of exploration and co- is part of the MSc system. Its main constituent
gnition (C); 2) a subset of subsystems, e.g. CAR; is the subsystem of the core of MSc methodo-
3) a full-process system (CARNI). Research may logy (operational methodology subsystem),
employ, for instance, a comprehensive diagno- shaped roughly following primary scientific
stic method for solving a chosen scientific pro- processes (CARNI). The scientific methodology
blem (CARNI), or a prognostic method (CAN), of MSc carries a significant stigma of construc-
wherein after defining the scientific problem tivism, subjectivity and extra-rationality. The
14 Hubert Witczak / Research Papers in Economics and Finance 4 (2) 2020

science requirements of MSc methodology are system of MSc scientific methodology (predo-
determined by the scientific expert communi- minance of blocks 2 and 3 in fig. 2). The highest
ty, taking into account the cumulative nature level of the system is occupied by strategic and
of the methodological CARNI of pragmatic and political aims of MSc scientific methodology,
apragmatic MSc. The core of MSc methodology also encompassing the arrangement of MSc
is engaged in mutual interactions with other scientific methodology, e.g. as the methodologi-
subsystems, as a result of which the methodolo- cal policy of MSc. To provide another example,
gy system as a whole has a particularly complex the structure of the MSc scientific methodology
structure and orientation. For instance, purists system may be focused around forms of prac-
and advocates of the monopoly of science me- tising science, e.g. such as schools, directions
thodology may press for the use of the doctri- and trends in methodology. This is the way to
ne of that methodology in MSc, as a focus for form a particularly complex network-hierarchi-
the whole MSc methodology system. Likewise, cal structure of the MSc scientific methodology
those putting emphasis on constraints and risk system, whose foundations, at the lowest le-
will focus the system around orthodoxy, and vel, contain the operational-tactical core in the
proponents of aims – a teleologically oriented form of the scientific method.

6. Absolute (rigid) constraints and risk of MSc scientific methodology

4. Doctrine of 1. Core of MSc methodology 2. Strategic aims 3. MSc

MSc scientific 1) CARNI processes, including of the MSc methodological
methodology, constituent actions and activ ities, and methodology policy
describing a operational-tactical v alues, goals and system 1) 1) Superior
priori outcomes of MSc methodology 1) 1) MVG – mission, v alues of MSc
theorems (operational-tactical segmentation); v ision and methodology
referring to 2) methodology factors making up strategic goals of 2) 2) and authority
MSc the MSc methodology system, as an MSc methodology ov er the MSc
methodology in acting object; 2) portfolio of methodology
the broader strategic system
3) the institutional arrangement of
context of 3) Definition of
the MSc methodology system; methodological
MSc methodology
scientific 4) the social arrangement of the MSc activ ity in MSc
methodology methodology system

5. Arrangement of internal and external independent variables interacting with the MSc
methodology system, shaping its situation and position in the internal MSc environment and its

Figure 2. MSc methodology subsystem within the MSc action system

Source: own work

proach to solving a scientific problem, irre-

The scientific method is: spective of its category. Method, above all else,
1) conscious, derived from a priori foundations, co-determines the other ingredients of opera-
adapted to circumstances (situation; constra- tional scientific activity, decides the choice of
ints and risk), scientifically justified, reprodu- specific scientific tools, etc. There can certainly
cible, systematically applied and standardised, be a feedback mechanism at play: sometimes
2) arrangement of activities and selected com- the choice of the scientific approach, available
ponents of the given primary scientific process, tools or other scientific factors, decides on the
3) in such a way as to directly serve a merit- manner of scientific activity, etc. Nevertheless,
-oriented and accepted internally by the scien- as I am trying to demonstrate here, the scien-
tific acting entity, methodologically and mate- tific method is merely one of the ingredients of
rially efficient solution of the scientific problem the methodology subsystem within the prima-
(scientific theorems and facts) and achieve- ry scientific activity subsystem.
ment of the scientific goal. Methodology (also meta-methodology) of
The scientific problem and its domain, inc- a given action (here: scientific action) is the
luding the category, is the key determinant of arrangement of selected action ingredients,
the scientific method and, consequently, also focused around action method (methods), inc-
methodology: method is a comprehensive ap- luding: 1) language (definitions; semiotics); 2)
Hubert Witczak / Research Papers in Economics and Finance 4 (2) 2020 15

doctrines and approaches (choice of doctrines) MSc science criteria, are scientific problems.
to the action, its course and arrangement; laws, Seen as reasoning/inference (logic) is used in
principles, rules of conduct in the course of ac- any scientific activity, MSc methodology will
tion; 3) logic – principles of reasoning and in- fulfil the science criteria, as long as the reaso-
ference; 4) methods – constituent actions and ning/inference used in the given methodology/
their arrangement (dynamic organisation + method of management and MSc meets science
procedures) – including process categories di- criteria (particularly those of logic).
scussed in subsection two above, together with Inference is part of reasoning, one that ad-
corroboration of the process and outcomes dresses the problems of reasoning, including
of scientific activity; 5) outcomes of scientific but not limited to the problem of drawing
activity: a) from the point of view of effective- conclusions (inference output) from adopted
ness in problem-solving (also in connection arguments (inference inputs) and/or vice ver-
with the consequences of activity) and action sa (inferring arguments from consequences/
tasks; b) in the context of other activity ingre- conclusions). Its material scope in the given
dients, especially instruments (instruments in domain is the very process of inferring conc-
a predominant role, serving as a focus for other lusions based on arguments, and/or vice ver-
ingredients, are typical of technology and tech- sa, that is the process of formulating resultant
niques); c) with shaping outcomes into systems theorems (conclusive opinions derived from
of scientific theorems and facts, including forms reasoning in the given domain). The field (do-
of theorems and their approval (paradigms); 6) main) of methodology/method of reasoning/
instruments of action understood broadly, due inference is restricted to that process. On the
to their strong and immediate interaction with other hand, the sphere of a positively corrobo-
the manner (method), from the point of view of rated scientific methodology/method of MSc is
performance; 7) relation of (scientific) activity broader. Apart from the sphere of reasoning/
in space and time; 8) mutual interactions be- inference, it encompasses the other variables
tween the core of methodology subsystem and of the given process/system and of solving a
the subsystems of surroundings [a) the internal scientific problem in MSc. The same applies to
environment (here: MSc) and its relation to the primary scientific activity.
external environment, b) rigid constraints and In this context, please note that method is
risk]. Such mutual interactions result not only just one of many ingredients of the “system”,
in placing focus on certain methodology sub- whether related to inference or action. There-
systems (e.g. teleological) or methodological fore, it is better to use the concept of the “sys-
policy and strategy of MSc, but also impact on tem”, for instance in respect of “inference”, “pro-
its scientific nature, e.g. by requiring a particu- blem-solving”, “action”, etc. If we want to solve a
larly elaborate use in MSc of triangulation and given problem, we must adopt specific a priori
scientific replication. assumptions (doctrine), goals (aims), use a
specific operational system (core), and allow
for constraints and context. All these elements/
6. Reasoning and inference in MSc methodo- subsystems/systems are inter-related, which
logy entails a necessity for ongoing mutual adjust-
In the proposed perspective, methodology, ment and harmonisation.
including method, is an ingredient of any type Science discovers (things hitherto conce-
of action, including autonomous reasoning aled) and invents (creates something which did
and/or inference. The fundamental differen- not exist before), but it may also have a mixed
tiating criterion is the role of methodology in function. At the same time, science shapes, or
the entirety of the given action, regarded as an in other words creates, maintains the existence,
acting object. The second criterion is how me- causes the decline and changes the given object
thodology is situated within the principles of (system). It opens up scientific problems (of a
solving scientific problems. The “reasoning me- singular or complex nature); solves or records
thod” can be applied to any manner of solving progress in solving existing scientific problems;
a given problem, but then it constitutes only an changes existing approaches and solutions to
ingredient of the manner, referring to reaso- scientific problems and concludes scientific
ning itself. problems.
On the other hand, we can only talk about With such an approach, any method, e.g.
the “scientific reasoning method” when the deductive, is just one of a number of inferen-
overall manner of solving a given problem ce methods. It is not a method for “conducting
meets science criteria. In MSc, the objects of a given action”, or a method for solving pro-
application of scientific methods, meeting the blems of action, including management and
general science criteria as well as the specific MSc, other than the part of action within them:
16 Hubert Witczak / Research Papers in Economics and Finance 4 (2) 2020

“inference”. The same applies to “scientific acti- of a purely virtual nature, or mixed. Scientific
vity”: methods of reasoning are just one of the inquiry may be targeted at model constructs
ingredients of the overall solving of any scien- of various nature, in which case the manner of
tific problems, including scientific methods. In reasoning plays a significant, sometimes cru-
this context, it is immaterial which method we cial, role. Nevertheless, processes like shaping
choose for problem-solving – in each one we such models and simulating their functioning,
must apply methods of inference, for without it examination of the consequences of such func-
problem-solving would be impossible. In other tioning may involve the application of diverse
words, inference methods are at a lower level procedures of transformation, substitution,
(internally) than problem-solving methods - in- elimination, etc., making up the method for
ference methods are part of methods of action, solving the given scientific problem of model-
action in which they are applied and used. In ling. Even then, however, reasoning is only a lo-
principle, the scientific method may not be re- gical component of the method.
duced to the inference method, but the inferen-
ce method is a necessary and ubiquitous com-
ponent of the scientific method. 7. Conclusions
For the reasons mentioned above, problem- MSc, as a social science, operates in a do-
-solving methods and inference methods are main different from that of natural sciences. Its
interdependent. For instance, if we use the pu- development reflects the characteristics of its
rely prognostic method for problem solving, domain and scope. The material scope of MSc
then we use hypothetico-deductive or axio- encompasses any action, because only such
matico-deductive inference method. The mu- action must be managed. The objective scope
tual relations discussed here also result from of MSc is founded on all processes of primary
the nature and structure of the material sco- scientific activity (CARNI). The contemporary
pe of scientific inquiry. The world has a dual role of MSc emerges in a sinusoid-like manner
wave/particle nature. At the macroscopic level, (in terms of performance and scientific power)
which is specifically apt when it comes to ma- from its historic development, current aims,
nagement, corpuscularity (particulate nature) assumptions and circumstances, as well as the
prevails. Adopting a definition of the corpuscle, heuristic-creative prognostic approach. Such
which is a relative notion, is the reference point development of MSc is multidimensional in a
in research. At the level of systems, corpuscles spherical arrangement, dialectic, paradoxical
may be individual categories (singletons), such and chaotic, as well as natural, and shall never
as elements (E), properties (P), relationships be different. Synthetic examples of: dialectics
(R) and systems (S=EWR). The situation chan- (new evolutionary-creationist theorems emer-
ges, however, when we try to give the scientific ge from the juxtaposition and friction between
treatment to multi-element, distributive and/ opposite extremes); paradox (cumulative and
or collective sets. Scientific theorems and facts non-cumulative science; specialising and syn-
referring to single-element sets can be reached thesising; etc.), chaos (methodology: stage-
using different paths (methods) than in the -specific and interstage; turbulent and stable;
case of multiple-element sets. When our star- attractor and non-attractor); sphericity (di-
ting point is a single empirical object, the clas- versity, polymorphism). The scientific metho-
sical cognitive procedure (partial from the po- dology of MSc is its pragmatic and apragmatic,
int of view of CARNI) is an inductive scientific systemic “toolbox”, referring fundamentally to
method of sorts. Starting from theorems about management system practice. The synthesis of
a singleton (or a multi-element set, but clearly the MSc scientific methodology system emerges
defined as a unit under study), we move on to from the selected ingredients of primary scien-
theorems about a multi-element set. The move tific activity, with characteristics correspon-
entails an attempt to extrapolate the singleton ding to the discussed determinants. The main
theorem onto the other type of set. This ap- factors defining and providing focus to the me-
proach is consistent with inductive reasoning, thodology system are scientific problems, aims
but the similarity is due to the characteristics and methods. From this perspective, scientific
of the sets under study. Deductive reasoning is reasoning and inference (logic) are not sepa-
limited to testing the veracity and reliability of rate scientific methods, but rather necessary
the relationships between an argument and a ingredients of any scientific method, and there-
consequence, irrespective of the nature of the fore – scientific methodology. The relationship
object under study, including virtual categories, between MSc and practice is threefold: 1) MSc
too. It needs to be added that primary scientific follows practice; 2) MSc precedes practice; 3)
activity does not always involve the exploration mixed.
of real domains, in many cases domains are
Hubert Witczak / Research Papers in Economics and Finance 4 (2) 2020 17

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