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1. Describe an invention that you think is useful to humans.

1. Have you seen any films with robots in?
Yes, I have. It’s a cartoon in Japan about Doraemon - the robot cat comes from the
22 century that is very useful for humans.
2. Would you like to have a robot?
Yes. Because robots will help me do housework and I will have more time to relax.
3. Do you think robots will take over the world one day?
No, I don't think so. Because humans are the creators of robots. Above all, human
beings have feelings and emotions.
4. Which invention was the most important, do you think: TV, cars or
I think invention the most important was computers. Thanks to computers, people
can connect with each other easily, helping people solve work and search
information more easily.
5. What are the most usefull inventions of the mankind in the 20th century?
I think the most useful inventions of the mankind in the 20th century was Internet.
it helps connect all people in the world
6. what famous inventors do you know?
Famous inventors that I know like: thomas edison, isaac newton.
2. Imagine you are planning to take a space holiday on Mars. Talk about it.
1. How many planets are there in our solar system?
There are 8 planets in our solar system: Mercury, Venus, earth, mars,
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
2. What’s the temperature like on Mars?
Mars is farther from the sun than Earth so it is very cold. The average
temperature is about minus 55 degrees. Mercury is the smallest and closest to the
sun and has the shortest orbit in the solar system at about three months.
3. Do you think there is life on other planets?
I think, where there is water there is life.
4. Would you like to go on holiday in space?
Yes, I like it because I love to travel and explore, in the future I want to travel
around the world and explore outer space.
5. What are the two best things about a space holiday, do you think?
I can experience floating in space and explore and admire the splendor of space.
6. Do you think that space exploration is a waste of money?
No, I don’t think so. Because when we explore space we will discover the secrets
of outer space. This is much more valuable than the money I spent.
3. Describe a retired person that you know well.
1. At what age do people usually retire in VN?
In VN, man usually retire at the age of 60 and women retire at the age of 55.
2. Do you know anyone who is retired?
Yes, I know. My grandfather is 65 years old and retired.
3. How do most people spend their time when are retired?
Since retiring, they spend time a lot for themself, their family, and hobby.
4. What are the worst things about being retired, do you think?
I think they will get bored because they are not used to idle life. Most of all, they
may worry about money.
5. At what age should people retire from work?
I think at the age of 55 or 60, people should retire because at this time their health
starts to decline and can't do too heavy or too stressful jobs.
6. Do you think people should do other jobs when they reach at the age of
Well, I think at the age of 60, people can do more light chores so that they don't get
4. Talk about your personal future plan.
1. Are you planning to do another degree after leaving the university?
No, I would like to go to work and settle down. And I want to travel around the
2. Would you like to live in a different country?
3. Do you think it’s necessary to make plans?
Yes, I do. Because planning creates habits for success.
4. Which is the biggest charity organization in your country?
In my country, there are many charities such as Operation Smile, but the
biggest may be the Viet Nam Red Cross Society. The Vietnam Red Cross Society
is a humanitarian social organization of the masses established in 1946
5. Have you even raised money for a charity?
I have never raised money for major charities but have been involved in
raising money for school and local charities.
3. Do you know anyone who has raised money for a charity?
Yes, there have been many people who have raised money for charity such
as artist Quyen Linh, and MC Tran Thanh, or companies: Vingroup, dabaco…

5. Compare your life now and your life five years ago.
1. What are the typical characteristics of teenagers?
I think the typical characteristics of teenagers are: ambitions, stubborn, and
maturity. they have many great purposes, headstrong don't want to change their
mind and start behaving like adults
2. Is it easy to get on well with teenagers?
Yes, I think it's easy to get on well with teenagers because they've started to
mature, are able to think independently, know how to help others, and are always
full of energy.
3. Which is more difficult to live with a child or an elderly person?
I think living with the elderly person is more difficult than with children
because old people are often quite hot-tempered and easily self-deprecating or have
negative thoughts. They always feel that they have lost their status so they are very

6. Describe the person you are closest to in your family.

1. What roles do you play in your family
In the family, I am the eldest sister. I always wanted an older brother
because being the older sister I had to do most of the housework. If I had a brother,
he would be able to share the housework with me.
2. Who in your family do you find it most difficult to talk to?
In my family, my father is the most difficult to talk to. Maybe because of the
generation gap my father and I often disagree.
3. Do you prefer living in an extended or a nuclear family?
I prefer living in an extended family. Living in an extended family is warmer
than living in a nuclear family. Grandparents are able to help with housework and
take care of their children
1. When did you last wear some smart clothes?
The last wear some smart clothes was about a month ago when i took a final
2. Is it okay for men/women in Viet Nam to have tattoos?
Yes, it ok because I think tattoos are an art form. There are many tattoos
with unique meanings. My friend has the full form of a guitar on his right arm.
This is a symbol of love and passion for music.
3. Do you have any scars?Yes, I have. I have scars on my hands because of

7. Favorite Soap Opera:

1. Do you watch dramas on TV?
Yes, I usually watch drama films on VTV1.
2. What other TV programs do you like watching?
I like watching sports programs. Recently, I often watch the football matches
of the Euro.
3. Which soap operas are popular in Viet Nam?
Soap operas are popular in Viet Nam are: Ve nha di con, Quynh bup be,
song chung voi me chong… This soap operas are mainly about problems in family
life and sends many meaningful messages.
4. Why are soap operas popular in Viet Nam?
Because soap operas have gentle, close plots. It is mainly about problem in
family and life, integrating many different and topical issues.
5. What are typical stories in soap operas?
soap operas often tell the story of a group of people in the family,
workplace, or neighborhood, has a gentle plot that incorporates many humorous
situations and gives many meaningful lessons
6. What do you think about commercials on TV?
I think TV commercials may be more popular. However, Shows with too
many ads make viewers lose interest and want to switch channels.
8. Planned Holiday:
1. What do you usually have in your bag?
In my bag I always have my phone, wallet, keys, a lipstick, a bottle of water
and some pens, a notebook to jot down new ideas or important things.
2. Do you prefer travelling alone or in group?
I prefer travelling in group because traveling in groups is more fun, each
person has an idea that will make the trip more interesting. Especially, traveling in
a group is safer than traveling alone.
3. Is it important to carefully plan a trip?
Yes, it is. Planning a trip helps us know where we will go, how we will go,
what we need to prepare to bring, and how much it will cost. Careful preparation
and planning will help you enjoy the trip to the fullest
4. Which one is better: package tour or independent tour?
I think a package tour will be better because someone will prepare
everything for me for the trip from accommodation to tourist attractions. I can play
comfortably without worrying too much.
5. How do people find formation for a holiday?
People always search for information on the Internet, on travel newspapers,
facebook, refer to friends. I often ask for information from my sister because she is
a tour guide
6. How you think it’s a good idead to use credit card when travelling?
I think it's a good idea to use a credit card when traveling. Nowadays, almost
everywhere can use card for payment. I wouldn't have to go out to withdraw
money, holding a large amount of money in my hand and worrying about it being

9. Hotel Review
1. How long is your journey to university?
It takes me 15 minutes to go from home to school by motorbike
2. Have you ever been on a package tour?
No, I haven’t but last summer I went on independently tour with my family
to Ha Long Bay.
3. Did you travel a lot last year?
No, I don’t. Last year I was planning to travel with my friend in Dalat but it
was canceled because of covid.
4. Have you ever been on a bus tour of a famous city?
No, I haven’t. I got motion sickness so I couldn't sit on the bus for too long.
but I will sure try it once.
5. Have you ever been on a tip aboad?
6. What’s the longest journey you have ever been on?
I had a two-day-one-night field trip in Quang Ninh
10. A Bad Holiday Experience:
1. What makes a good hotel?
I think what makes a good hotel is the professional service, the attitude of
the staff. Especially the facilities. Customers will be impressed with a hotel
displaying interior art works
2. Have you ever complained about a hotel room?
Yes, I have. during a family trip in dalat, my room could not turn on the air
conditioner so i called down to the front desk to ask to check
3. Which do you prefer to stay in, a hotel or a homestay?
I prefer to stay in a hotel because when resting at the hotel, there are many
services to enjoy, from buffet breakfast, serving lunch and dinner, various types of
entertainment,... Independent hotel space doesn’t need to be shared with many
4. What problems may you have when you go to a strange place
When I go to a strange place, I have a lot of trouble especially when I lose
my way and there is no one to help me when I am in trouble
5. When was the last time you stayd in a hotel?
The last time I stayed at the hotel was last year when I traveled to Phu Quoc
with my family. That hotel is near the sea and there are many interesting activities
near the hotel.
6. How often do you travel outside your city?
I don't often travel outside my city. On my holiday I like to cut off all
communication and stay at home alone enjoy the feeling of being alone.
11. My House:
1. Do you live in a house or a flat?
I live in a two- story house with my family. That has: Kitchen, Livingroom,
2 bathrooms, 3 bedrooms
2. How long have you lived in your house?
I have lived at home since I was a child. In 2020 i started university so i live
in a domestic with friends.
3. Which is your favorite room in the house?
My favorite room in the house is my bedroom because it's quiet and private
so I can relax comfortably. being alone, i can do whatever i want
4. What is the most unusual house you have ever seen?
the most unusual house i have ever seen is Hang Nga Villa has an English
name: Crazy House is a motel in Da Lat. This house is famous for its distinctive
architectural style. The interior of the building includes caves, corridors, winding
stairs, quirky furniture, and animal statues.
5. What are the advantages of living in a flat?
Advantages of living in a flat such as: Guaranteed security, clean hygiene,
quiet environment. I am able to Enjoy a comfortable and modern life with gym,
swimming pool, garden, park...
6. What do you think houses in the future will be like?
In the future, my house will be a large house near the sea. In the house, there
will be many technological devices, a swimming pool and a small flower garden
with hanging swings

12. A Memorable Meal with Friends:

1. Do you often eat out at the weekend?
No, I don’t. at the weekend my famlily often eat in. everyone in the family
cooking together makes me feel warm and happy. Eating at home also helps save
money and eat according to each member's taste.
2. Which do you prefer, eating in or eating out?
If I eat with my family, I prefer to eating in because it brings people closer
together. But if I eat with friends, I prefer eating out because we won't have to
cook and clean, and have more time to talk.
3. Should you bring something with you when invited to dinner?
Yes, I think we should. Depending on the case, we can bring some things
when invited to dinner such as flowers, wine, beer, a little fruit or cake,...
4. Do you think it is rude to arrive late when you are invited to dinner?
No, to me it’s impolite to arrive late when you are invited to dinner. I am a
very punctual person, being late in any case without a good reason makes me
5. Is it ok to start eating before the host/hostess?
No, to me it’s impolite, to show disrespect to the host. In Vietnam, before
having a meal, you have to invite. the young person must invite everyone from
grandparents, parents, brothers and sisters…
6. What topics should you talk about when you have dinner with friends?
When I have dinner with friend, we can talk to each other about all kinds of
topics in life, personal situation, emotional problems or tell stories of people
around us.
13. A City I Know Well:
1. What’s the capital city of Japan?
Japan has no official capital. The city of Tokyo is often mistaken as the
capital of Japan. In Japan, the capital is the residence of the Emperor. In 1950, the
Japanese government decided to set up the capital in this city. However, six years
later, the leaders rescinded the decision. So far, Japan has no capital.
2. What’s its currency?
As far as I know, the Japanese currency is Yen
3. What’s it famous for?
Japan is famous for many beautiful scenes such as: Mount Fuji, cherry
blossom garden, ... unique sushi dishes and traditional kimonos.
4. Is it better to live in a city or in the countryside?
I prefer life in the countryside. countryside gives me comfort and good for
my health. Living here helps me avoid noise, pollution of motorbikes, cars and
traffic jams during rush hour. The people here also are very friendly and
welcoming and hepful
5. What are the advantages of living in the city?
Living in the city is very convenient being able to get from one place to
another by bus, taxi or motorbike. people can buy everything they need in
supermarkets and department stores everywhere. There are many places for
entertainment such as: theaters and entertainment centers.
6. Do youngsters living in a touristy city?
Yes, I think they like to live in places with famous tourist attractions because
young people like to have fun, entertain, take pictures...
14. Everyday Challenge:
1. How do you feel now?
I'm a bit sad right now. I just finished watching a movie with too sad ending
and it affects my emotions right now. but i think i will be happy if you give me a
2. How do you feel after an exam?
There is no answer for all. If I do well, I will be confident and comfortable.
but if I don't do well, I'll feel nervous and annoyed.
3. Do you often oversleep on Monday morning?
I rarely wake up late. I usually get up early to exercise at 5AM or 6 A.M so i
never get up late.
4. Do you ever look after children for someone in your family?
Yes, i do. When I was young, I used to take care of my younger brother
when my parents were not at home. I have to feed the baby, play with the baby.
The worst thing is when the baby cries, I can't make the baby stop crying.
5. What’s the best age to have children?
I think the best age to have children is at the age of 27. Because then,
everyone is mature enough, fully prepared in terms of knowledge, physical,
mental, financial and family responsibilities.
6. At what age can a woman get married?
I think women can get married between the ages of 25 and 30. This is also
the period when they have a stable job and are more mature in their thinking. At
this age, you have enough experience about social relationships to have maturity in
thoughts and actions. you also had happy single days, enjoying life to the fullest.

1. Use three adjectives to describe your neighbors?

A neighbor who lives next to my house is a kind girl, considerate, energetic
and I like her very much.
2. What are the qualities of a good neighbor?
I think the qualities of a good neighbor such as: Helpful, honest, polite,
considerate. neighbor with these qualities will be friendly and easy to live with
3. Do you think neighbors are inportant?
That's important. Having a good neighbor is a blessing and makes your life
so easy and happy. they are able to help us when we have some difficult works.
Vietnamese people also say “a stranger nearby is better than a far-away relative”
4. What would you like to do to improve your city/town?
where I live is a countryside. Although it is relatively developed now, it is
still difficult to buy and sell everything, and the furniture is not very diverse, so I
want to build a commercial center, expand the transportation system to improve
my town.
5. What are the main tranffic problems in HN?
The main traffic problem in Hanoi is traffic jams. At rush hour, the streets of
Hanoi are packed. Besides, on rainy days, Hanoi roads are often flooded with
water affecting travel
6. What advice should you give to a person who studies too much?
You should balance learning and relaxing. In addition to studying, you
should go out to meet many people Studying too much will make you always
stressed. Outings with friends and relatives will help you relax your mind. It also
energizes you to study more effectively

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