Inglés Ramanuyan

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Ramanujan was born in 1887 to a modest family in India. He did not have access to
an education after high school, Ramanujan from a young age could solve complex
mathematical problems.

His economic situation was a problem in developing his mathematical skills.

However, he dedicated himself to studying mathematics books on his own,
developing totally new theorems and formulas in a self-taught way.

Ramanujan faced numerous obstacles, he was rejected by universities in India due

to his lack of capital.

In 1913, Ramanujan wrote to the British mathematician, G.H. Hardy, he was amazed
by his ideas. Hardy invited Ramanujan to study at the University of Cambridge in
He contributed to number theory, infinite series, and string theory.

Ramanujan's life was short. He returned to India in 1919 due to health problems and
died the following year, aged 32. However, his legacy lives on as one of the greatest
mathematical geniuses of all time.

To this day, all of his findings continue to be studied; we could say that he is one of
the best mathematicians in modern history.

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