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Jesus Garza

Professor Mendoza


23 April 2024

Final Reflection Essay

Throughout my academic research, I learned proper borrowing practices that stray from

simple plagiarism and enter the realm of clean citations. These activities helped me significantly

understand the actual image of what the academic research process is truly about. Using the ideas

of others in a clean state, all while making sure you are not just using the works of others and

accrediting them for yourself, this happiness, in several cases, unintentionally sells (Lunsford

432). On top of this, the problems stack when you're not accrediting your work or the work of

others. The astigmatism of how good of a writer you are might change, which can impact a

writer'scareer in the long run (Rose 399). This is why constructing the annotated bibliography

helped me analyze and cite the differences between my work and the work of others. Especially

in such a high volume of information being the suitable total sources, for example, in body

paragraph three, I mix citations, and this truly gave me a glimpse of how complicated things can

be for something that at first couldn't be any complicated (Garza 5). On top of this, this will

significantly help my future classes, especially in my content-heavy major, like my writing

papers for my anatomy lab and lecture. Overall, English 1302 helps me out greatly outside of just

the English 1302 lecture.

My writing process grew for me more than just a student. It taught me how to flow in and

out of a paper; as a student who struggled with proper pronunciation and how to make a sentence

sound smooth and clear by just talking usually, one could tell my writing was poor or improper.
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Throughout the course, however, I was able to make a clear and concise word choice, fix the

inability to not sound choppy, and keep my information short by using higher vocabulary words

(Lunsford 639). On top of this, it helped me with our complete outline for chapters thirteen and

twenty as this section of Lunsford covered the basics like comma splices and improper grammar

rules like periods and proper use of pronouns (649). Something that isn't really covered at this

point in my literature career is honestly not good either. As in our case, we are Stags Academy

students; we may see an actual problem with having rushed skills that can translate to less or not

as proficient writing styles. This Gretzky helped in other courses as well, like in my psychology

twenty-three zero five; I was able to bring my papers to the next level, something in which my

professor even agreed that they were, making me really proud of myself as I was able to break

out of my own comfort one and become the best writer of myself (Rose 398).

In my research genre assignment, I've learned the true importance of revising my essay as

it gives writers a second glimpse into how the world will look and is especially important when

thinking that other readers will be reading your essay (Lunsford 561). This is why

double-checking work and making sure everything is proper, cohesive, and flows according to

your style are highly imperative (Lunsoford 639). It makes you a writer and truly changes the

fact that one person might see your writing differently. It also gives chances for an upcoming

writer like myself to check for mistakes I could have easily made, truly presenting a perfect

paper or a paper I knew I tried my best because not everything has to be the first try. On top of

this, using inductor feedback has helped me tremendously, including fixing mistakes that my

peers and I missed. This is especially important for minor mistakes that I would make if I have

significant differences in my paper, one being in-text citations and proper MLA format. We don't

look for these things as writers, but my instructor sure did. She pointed it right out. This is
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amazing, keeping that it could have saved my paper from being plagiarism detected and not since

proper in-text citations.

The most challenging aspect of the whole paper was the fact that I am a secret second

English language speaker, meaning that I don't have English as my first language; it was tough

for me to formulate clear and concise ideas without sounding choppy, and I feel like Miss

Mendoza as an instructor really did help me out since she is also in English Second Language to

my struggles. She could see that through my essay and really wouldn't force it as hard as other

teachers want to do the fact that it's actual inability that I cannot control. I especially noticed

Miss Mendoza was kind to me, especially during the instructor feedback. Then this is when I felt

like the most challenging part of formulating a clear, concise essay was slowly being lifted off of

my shoulders, and it showed me what a good professor could really make writing like. But in the

beginning, the commercial engine part was for sure also making it a clear and concise summary

as that was the basis of our whole literature process, and it showed the true colors of how harsh

literature can be for English as a Second Language, as well as exam three being the literature

position it made us take a stand and I feel like that was also hard because I have never taken an

appropriate stance meaning using the others authors opinion based on how I feel so basically to

me talking in the words of the author and I change the situation of how I view literature and how

it brings this realm of a bias that can affect other articles (Rose 390).

The choices that I make to communicate course Concepts like academic research and the

writing process to a general audience on your rep on your website in the unit of the writing

assignment explain how I made the autobiography literature review and research positions

understandable to someone who's unfamiliar with these genres. So, at first, I will break down

how we see it with an open eye, talking about reality bibliography being a summary of citations
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that I have to summarize or a summary of scholarly articles better said. The literature review is

also a review of the literature, and I Know It kind of sounds, you know, open to any eye, but

especially me. I didn't know the literature review before, so I feel like breaking it down until the

position of research, which is greatly underappreciated when talking about someone who might

not understand. And this is a particular especially important for me as I didn't know that this was

a whole thing. There's a series of Uncharted essays that I feel I really need to be broken down for

me like the annotated bibliography Is a group of annotations that you are running a bibliography

on, or the literature review is how I approved to mention you are reviewing literature in an

appropriate you know quarterly fashion and the resource position was brutal for me to

understand as we were always told to write unbiased papers but in this time we had to take a

stance almost like persuasion of the author that also uses the author's words so it doesn't sound

on quarterly or inappropriate.

The most challenging aspects of the course and what I faced the research genre,

especially during the literature position or the position review when I had to pick my own stats; it

was more challenging mentally than physically I know that's not talked about a lot in the scope

of literature but mental health is a big issue and writer's block does happen to a lot of people

especially when you can formulate ideas you start going into these dark spaces dark spots trying

to get that (Rose 401). The topic I had initially chosen was really close to home as my parents

both struggled from infertility and it showed how bad it was on them and it gave me almost like

this unbearing unbearing with light into how their lives were before I came to this earth my mom

she did have an IVF since my boss both of my parents were infertile or at least partially infertile

to the point where they couldn't conceive three kids so we had three babies and my mom this

struggle with the problems that were mentioned in my attitude that were common problems like
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postpartum depression, in that you won't really fit into life you know she told me how she

thought she was viewed or portrayed by Society better said and it was not lovely especially with

like the whole astigmatism of having Hispanic parents if they ask you like when are you going to

get married when you going to have a kid they had the same issue as us and it really portrayed on

the watch harder with those insecurities and the feeling of depression and praying down upon

you since you as a couple are infertile in the 21st century.

The least changed part of this course and the strengths that I discovered in my research in

writing sets were probably the fact that I learned how to do concise descriptions. Obviously, they

were really hard at first, but in the beginning, they were hard. However, they gradually got more

manageable, and I feel like that improved me as a writer (Lunsford 231). I also feel like it helped

me out tremendously saying that, you know what, the hardest part of the literature has now

become the easiest really reflects back on my personal English two courses and how much it's

greatly helped me as a scholar, and honestly if English keeps going this way as I still do have

three more win courses I will most likely get a minor in English which is kind of hard to say

since my average major is nursing but it's just such a captivating topic and I feel like I'm falling

in love with it. To elaborate further, the most challenging part after that was Trying to find an

appropriate stance that would help my audience my peers, and the professor grasp the literature

position without it sounding informal or inappropriate. This is something that we teenagers

struggle with a lot as we are in stats Academy; everything was kind of rushed, and it really

makes us as writers hold a lot of weight on our shoulders since we do need to catch up to

everyone else, we don't have the same studies as the rest we missed out two crucial years being

Junior and Senior year, and we were thrown into his bubble we must coexist with literally

20-year-olds which gets shown in the reflection of our writing.

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This course has prepared me to become an academic research Community, which I will

always reflect upon in my English 1302 course career. It has helped me tremendously become a

part of the academic research community as my past three essays have come with three rough

drafts as well totaling a total of six essays, truly giving me the proper experience on how to

become a researcher in the academic field of scholarly articles (Garza 4). Tak,e for instance, the

autobiography that was true dedication and admiration shown to me as a quality student being

able to really portray an image of what it is to synthesize long pieces of information into clear

and concise small paragraphs that the reader can still grasp (Lunsford 761). Oil literature position

review I really had to dig deep into a scholarly article to take a stand from the author's words that

honestly I didn't see the first time integrating me into the academic research community of

literature, and I feel like this will curly help me and other courses especially my anatomy and

physiology course where it is really heavily based on literature and I feel like genuinely

becoming a part of that academic community help me understand and grasp the author's words


In essence, I will be able to reflect significantly on my English direction to my career as

being the turning point of my literature prowess that couldn't have been helped by my excellent

English Professor, Ms. Mendoza, who played a significant role in who and what I am today in

the field of scholarly articles.

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Works Cited:

Garza, Jesus. “Infertility: Biological and Psychological Effects.” 21 Jan. 2024. ENGL 1302,

Texas A&M International University, student paper.

Lunsford, Andrea. et al. Everyone’s an Author. Fourth ed. W. W. Norton & Company 2023.

Rose, Mike. “Rigid Rules, Inflexible Plans, and the Stifling of Language: A Cognitivist Analysis

of Writer’s Block.” College Composition and Communication, vol. 31, no. 4, 1980, pp.

389–401. JSTOR, Accessed 18 Feb. 2024.

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