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1. Name the Major nutrients in our food?

2. What are the role of (a) Carbohydrates (b) fats (c) proteins (d) vitamins and minerals?
3. Name two food each rich in: (a) fats (b) starch (c) Dietary fiber (d) protein.
4. How will you test for starch in a food sample?
5. Write the deficiency disease of the Vitamin-A, Vitamin-B1, Vitamin-C, Vitamin-D, Vitamin-K, Calcium, Iodine
and Iron.
6 Draw neat and labelled diagram of plant showing its various parts.
7 Convert the following temperature into Fahranheit scale –
(i) 200C (ii) 350C (iii) 420C (iv) 560C

8 Honey bees collect pollen and nectar as food. Nectar is a sweet fluid found in flowers. Honey bees collect
nectar and convert it into honey. Nectar stored within their stomach is passed from one worker to the next
until the water within it diminishes. At this point, the nectar becomes honey. The worker bees store this in the
cells of the honeycomb. The main diet of honey bees is honey and pollen .
8.1- What is raw material collected by honey bees for making honey?
8.2-How is nectar converted into honey?
8.3- What is the food of honey bees?
8.4-When nectar is converted into honey , the amount of water in it –
i) increases ii) decreases iii) do not change iv) none of these

9. Plants are an important part of our life. They give us food like fruits, vegetables, nuts, etc. Wide leafy plants
give us shade. Plants also maintain the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere. Plants give animals a safe place
to hide from their enemies. M any animals make their homes in trees and bushes. Flowering plants add colour
and beauty to gardens, parks and yards .

9.1- Name the different parts of a plant.

9.2- Write at least three importance of plants
9.3- Write the edible parts of drumstick and banana plants.
9.4- Draw the labelled diagram of a plant

10.1- Name three herbivore species shown in the diagram .

10.2- Name the carnivores who are food for other two organisms .
10.3- Name the organisms which get food from others but are not eaten by others.
10.4-Name the organism which is food for maximum number of organisms.
10.5- What will be food habit of rats if starts eating corn seeds?
11.1- What kind of food do you need in least amount ?
11.2- What kind of food content you must include more than 25% in your diet ?
11.3- What percentage of your food must be whole grains?
1 1.4- What percentage of food must include eggs, meat , milk , butter and ghee?
11.5- How much percentage of balanced diet include energy giving food items?

12. Name four millets.

13. Collect pictures of different landforms from newspaper/magazines and paste them in your notebook. Write
two sentences on each one of these landforms below the picture.

14. Draw neat and labelled diagram of Solar System.

15. Write name of two herbs, two shrubs and two trees.

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