C. Steps of LCA (Part 2)

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Stages of LCA

Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA)

“phase of life cycle assessment aimed at understanding and evaluating

the magnitude and significance of the potential environmental impacts for
a product system throughout the life cycle of the product”

ISO 14040: 2006(E)

“An indicator that is somewhere along the environmental mechanism and the LCI
parameter.For instance the CO2 equivalents that express the radiative forcing is a
midpoint. It is needed to calculate an endpoint indicator, such as increased seawater
level, but additional modeling steps are needed.”

“A term introduced in ISO 14044. It refers to the final outcome of an environmental
mechanism. For instance, the outcome of climate change can be an increase of
seawater level. In older LCA literature this was referred to as the safeguard subject;
the issue society wants to protect”

“An attribute or aspect of natural environment, human health, or resources, identifying

an environmental issue of concern”
Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA)
Increase of Concentration External Cost
of a pollutant
How much ?

Internal Cost
Equipments (FGD, etc.)
Cost for Materials Sick

Inventory Concentration Impact Category Category Endpoint Safeguard Subject Single Index
CO2 Conc. air pollutants Urban Air Pollution Thermal stress
Human life and
HCFCs malaria Human society
Conc.global warming gas Global warming
TCDD cataract Human health
Conc. Stratospheric ODS Ozonelayer depletion
Benzene Skin cancer DALY or YOLL
Air conc. of toxic Human toxicity Other cancer
Lead Social Property
SOx Water conc. of toxic Ecotoxicity Defect of respiratory Cost or surplus energy

NOx Biodiversity (terrestrial) External Cost

Soil conc. of toxic Acidification Ecosystem
Total N Biodiversity (aquatic)
Conc. And depsition of Biodiversity
acidifing sub, Eutrophication plant Extinct or Affected Species
Total P
benthos Primary
Consumption of oxygen Photochemical oxidant
NMVOC Productivity
Conc. of oxidant fishery Dry weight
Land use crop
Copper ore
Oil Consumption of mineral
Mineral resource
Coal Consumption of energy Source: Sadamichi Yucho
Energy resource
LCIA Phase
01 Classification

02 Characterization

03 Normalization

04 Grouping

05 Weighting
LCIA Phase: excluding grouping
01 Classification

02 Characterization

03 Normalization

04 Weighting
How much money do we have?

€ $ ¥ € $ ¥ € $ ¥
¥ $ € ¥

€ $ ¥

¥ € $ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥

¥ $ ¥

$ ¥ € €

¥ ¥ $ €

¥ $ €

¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ $ €
¥ ¥ $

¥ $ € €

500 500
¥ ¥
1$ 2€

1000 ¥ 5$ 10 €

100 100 100 100

¥ ¥ ¥ ¥
500 1$ 1€

1000 ¥ 1000 ¥ 10 $

1$ 2€ 2€

10 $
2000 ¥ 6$ 12 €

100 ¥ = 36 ฿
2900 ¥ 11 $ 1€
1 $ = 35 ฿
1 € = 48 ฿

500 ¥ 1$ 2€
720 ฿ 210 ฿ 576 ฿ 1506 ฿

1044 ฿ 385 ฿ 48 ฿ 1477 ฿

180 ฿ 35 ฿ 96 ฿ 311 ฿

3294 ฿
LCIA Phase
01 Classification

02 Characterization

03 Normalization

04 Weighting
LCIA Phase
01 Classification

02 Characterization

03 Normalization

04 Weighting
Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) Select Impact Categories
LCI Impact Categories

CH4 Global warming


NOx Eutrophication

SO2 Acidification

Cd Toxicity

LCIA Phase
01 Classification

02 Characterization

03 Normalization

04 Weighting
❑ Calculating the potential contribution to environmental
impacts (numerical indicator results), representing the
magnitude of potential impacts
❑ The contribution of each burden to any impact category
is assessed by multiplying with a relevant equivalence
factors or ‘characterization’ factors
Characterization factors CFs: Global Warming
ค่าศักยภาพในการทาให้เกิดภาวะโลกร้อน(Global Warming Potential: GWP)
GWP (100 years)
CO2 eq./substance
2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report
CO2 1 1 1 1
CH4 = 28
CH4 21 23 25
Fossil CH4 = 30
N2O 310 296 298 265
SF6 23,900 22,200 22,800 23,500
HFCs 124 – 14,800 4 – 12,400
PFCs 7,390 – 12,200 6,630 – 11,100

Source: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Second Assessment Report (1996), Third Assessment Report
(2000), Fourth Assessment Report (2006) and Fifth Assessment Report (2013)
Characterization factors (CFs): Global Warming

Source: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC),

Second Assessment Report (1996), Third Assessment Report
(2000), Fourth Assessment Report (2006)
and Fifth Assessment Report (2013)
Characterization factors (CFs): Global Warming

“ถ้าทราบปริมาณการปล่อยแต่ละก๊าซและเลือกใช้ค่า GWP จาก 5th Assessment Report ของ IPCC”

ปริมาณการปล่อย ปริมาณการปล่อย
ก๊าซเรือนกระจก GWP
(kg) (kgCO2-eq)

CO2 200 1 200  1 = 200

CH4 5 28 5 28 = 140

N2O 0.2 265 0.2  265 = 53

SF6 0.01 23,500 0.01  23,500 = 235

รวม 628
Characterization (Acidification) Characterization (Eutrophication)

Characterization (Water Pollution)

Source: A study to Examine the Cost and Benefits of

the ELV Directive, European Commission
Characterization (Acidification)

Data items Inventory (kg) AP Category indicator

NO2 4.56 0.7 3.19

SO2 6.09 1 6.09

NH3 2.78 0.93 2.59

Total 11.87 kg SO2-eq

AP: Acidification Potential

Characterization (Water Scarcity)

Source: JGSEE (2013)

Characterization (Water Scarcity)

Data items Inventory (m3) WSI Category indicator

Watersheds: Kok 10 0.018 0.18

Watersheds: Mun 4.0 0.927 3.708

Watersheds: Chi 6 0.471 2.826

Total 6.714 m3

WSI: Water stress index

Different Emissions/
Different Impact Categories/
Different Units

How to Compare?

Convert to
equivalent unit
LCIA Phase
01 Classification

02 Characterization

03 Normalization

04 Weighting
❑ A fraction of characterisation results in relation to the
total magnitude of a given impact category in a defined
geographical area and time

❑ Giving normalised LCIA profile (normalized results)

❑ Better understanding of the overview magnitude of

impacts under study
Global Warming (process)
Global Warming (reference)

CO2, CH4….
refrigerator CO2, CH4….
Ozone Layer Deletion (process)
Ozone Layer Deletion reference)
Normalization Factor

Source: Global normalisation factors

for the Environmental Footprint and
Life Cycle Assessment, JRC Technical
Reports, European Commission, 2017
LCIA Phase
01 Classification

02 Characterization

03 Normalization

04 Weighting
❑ Converting indicator or normalised results by multiplying
with weighting factors, i.e. numerical factors based on
value choices (weighted results)
❑ By applying weighting factors, the relative importance of
different impact categories is weighted against all the other
❑ Provide the agglomeration of converted indicator or
normalised results across different impact categories into a
single “environmental score”
How are weighting factors determined?
❑ Panel weighting: A panel assesses the relative importance of each impact category and
determines the default weights.
❑ Distance to target. If it is possible to set a reduction target for each impact category, this target
can be used as a weighting factor. If the difference is high, the weight is high.
❑Distance to policy target (An issue with this approach is that policy targets may not reflect how
serious a problem actually is, since policy may be influenced by costs and other political
❑Distance to scientific target
❑ Monetarization: The assumption is made that these different types of costs (prevent cost,
repairing damage, willingness to pay, future extracting costs) can be added. This can be interpreted as
a weighting step in which the weighting factors for these different types of cost equal one.
❑ Meta-models: Applying multiple weighting factors, resulting from the combination of other
weighting sets
Weighting factors: Eco-indicator 95

Env i ro nmental Wei g hti ng Cri teri o n

effect facto r
Greenhouse effect 2.5 0.1C rise every 10 years, 5% ecosystem degradation
Ozone layer depletion 100 Probability of 1 fatality per year per million inhabitants
Acidification 10 5% ecosystem degradation
Eutrophication 5 Rivers and lakes, degradation of an unknown number of
aquatic ecosystems (5% degradation)
Summer smog 2.5 Occurrence of smog periods, health complaints, particularly
amongst asthma patients and the elderly, prevention of
agricultural damage
Winter smog 5 Occurrence of smog periods, health complaints, particularly
amongst asthma patients and the elderly
Pesticides 25 5% ecosystem degradation
Airborne heavy metals 5 Lead content in children’s blood, reduced life expectancy and
learning performance in an unknown number of people
Waterborne heavy metals 5 Cadmium content in rivers, ultimately also impacts on people
(see airborne)
Carcinogenic substances 10 Probability of 1 fatality per year per million people
Source: Development of a weighting
approach for the Environmental
Footprint, JRC Technical Reports,
European Commission, 2018
LCIA Methods: Examples
Group Methods Group Methods
CML_IA Cumulative Energy Demand
Ecological Scarcity 2013 Cumulative Exergy Demand
EDIP 2003 Ecological Footprint
Single Issue
EPD 2013 Ecosystem Damage Potential
EPS 2000 Greenhouse Gas Protocol
ILCD 2011 Midpoint IPCC 2013 GWP 100a
Impact 2002+ CML 1992
ReCiPe Eco-indicator 95
BEES+ Superseded Ecopoints 97
North America
Japan LIME 3, NETS IPCC 2007 GWP
Eco-indicator & EDIP

• Eco-indicator 95 • EDIP/UMIP 97
• Greenhouse effect (kgCO2) • Greenhouse effect (kgCO2) • Human toxicity air (m3)
• Ozone layer depletion (kgCFC11) • Ozone layer depletion • Human toxicity water (m3)
• Acidification (kgSO2) (kgCFC11) • Human toxicity soil (m3)
• Eutrophication (kgPO4) • Acidification (kgSO2) • Bulk waste (kg)
• Heavy metals (kgPb) • Eutrophication (kgNO3) • Harzardous waste (kg)
• Carcinogen (kgB(a)P) • Photochemical smog • Radioactive waste (kg)
• Pesticide (kgact.subst) • Slags/ashes (kg)
• Ecotoxicity water chronic •
• Summer smog (kgC2H4) Resource depletion (kg)
• Winter smog (kgSPM)
• Ecotoxicity water acute (m3)
• Energy resources depletion (MJLHV)
• Ecotoxicity soil chronic (m3)
• Solid waste (kg)
Eco-indicator & EDIP
• Eco-indicator • EDIP
• Characterization • Characterization
the damage model for emissions includes fate the damage model for emissions includes fate
analysis, exposure, effects analysis and damage analysis analysis, exposure, effects analysis and damage analysis
• Normalization • Normalization
calculated on European level, mostly based on based on person equivalent for 1994 (according to
1990 & 1993 as base years, with some updates for the the update issued in 2004)
most important emissions • Weighting
• Weighting set to politically set target emission per year 2004,
a panel performed weighting of 3 damage except for resources which is based on the proven
categories. reserves per person in 1994
Eco-indicator & Eco-indicator 99
• Eco-indicator 95 • Eco-indicator 99
• Greenhouse effect (kgCO2) • Climate change (DALY) • DALY
• Ozone layer depletion (kgCFC11) • Ozone layer depletion (DALY) • Disability Adjusted Life Years
• Acidification (kgSO2) • Carcinogen (DALY)
• Number of year life lost + number
• Eutrophication (kgPO4) • Respiratory organics (DALY)
of year lived disabled
• Heavy metals (kgPb) • Respiratory inorganics (DALY)
• Used by World bank and WHO
• Carcinogen (kgB(a)P) • Radiation (DALY)
• Pesticide (kgact.subst) • Acidification (PDF*m2yr)
• Potentially Affected Fraction
• Summer smog (kgC2H4) • Eutrophication (PDF*m2yr)
• Winter smog (kgSPM) • Lang Use (PDF*m2yr) • PDF
• Energy resources depletion (MJLHV) • Ecotoxicity (PAF*m2yr) • Potentially Disappeared Fraction
• Solid waste (kg) • Mineral depletion (MJ surplus)
• Fossil fuels depletion (MJ surplus)
Eco-indicator & EDIP
• EDIP/UMIP 97 • EDIP 2003
• Greenhouse effect (kgCO2) • Global Warming (kgCO2)
• Ozone layer depletion (kgCFC11) • Ozone layer depletion (kgCFC11)
• Acidification (kgSO2) • Ozone formation (Vegetation) (m2.ppm.h)
• Eutrophication (kgNO3) • Ozone formation (Human) (person.ppm.h)
• Photochemical smog (kgethene) • Acidification (m2)
• Ecotoxicity water chronic (m3) • Terrestrial eutrophication (m2)
• Ecotoxicity water acute (m3) • Aquatic eutrophication EP(N) (kgN)
• Ecotoxicity soil chronic (m3) • Aquatic eutrophication EP(P) (kgP)
• Human toxicity air (m3) • Ecotoxicity water chronic (m3)
• Human toxicity water (m3) • Ecotoxicity water acute (m3)
• Human toxicity soil (m3) • Ecotoxicity soil chronic (m3)
• Bulk waste (kg) • Human toxicity air (person)
• Hazardous waste (kg) • Human toxicity water (m3)
• Radioactive waste (kg) • Human toxicity soil (m3)
• Slags/ashes (kg) • Bulk waste (kg)
• Resource depletion (kg) • Harzardous waste (kg)
• Radioactive waste (kg)
• Slags/ashes (kg)
• Resource depletion (kg)
• ReCiPe Midpoint • ReCiPe Endpoint
• Climate Change: kgCO2-eq • Climate Change (Human Health): DALY
• Ozone depletion:kgCFC11-eq • Ozone Depletion: DALY
• Terrestrial Acidification: kgSO2-eq
• Human Toxicity: DALY
• Freshwater Eutrophication: kgP-eq
• Marine Eutrophication: kgN-eq • Photochemical Oxidant Formation: DALY
• Human Toxicity: kg1,4-DB eq • Particulate Matter Formation: DALY
• Photochemical Oxidant Formation: • Ionizing Radiation: DALY
kgNMVOC • Climate Change Ecosystems: Species. Yr
• Particulate Matter Formation: kgPM10eq • Terrestrial Acidification: Species. Yr
• Terrestrial Ecotoxicity: kg1,4-DB eq • Freshwater Eutrophication: Species. Yr
• Freshwater Ecotoxicity: kg1,4-DB eq
• Terrestrial Ecotoxicity: Species. Yr
• Marine Ecotoxicity: kg1,4-DB eq
• Ionizing Radiation: kBq U235 eq • Freshwater Ecotoxicity: Species. Yr
• Agricultural Land Occupation: m2a • Marine Ecotoxicity: Species. Yr
• Urban Land Occupation: m2a • Agricultural Land Occupation: Species. Yr
• Natural Land Transformation: m2 • Urban Land Occupation: Species. Yr
• Water Depletion: m3 • Natural Land Transformation: Species. Yr
• Metal Depletion: kgFe eq • Metal Depletion: $
• Fossil Depletion: kgOil eq • Fossil Depletion: $
Stages of LCA

• Ways to reduce environmental impacts.
Interpretation • What conclusions can you draw from the study?
• What recommendations can be made?รี

• Ways to reduce environmental impacts.
Interpretation • What conclusions can you draw from the study?
• What recommendations can be made?รี

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