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The cost of living in America is too high.

When a person is poor, he or she makes decisions

under financial stress and makes short-term decisions, those decisions lead them to get
stuck in poverty. Lower income Americans spend more of their income on necessities like
housing, food, groceries, and transportation as compared to mid- and high-income
individuals. Poor People often buy low-quality goods in small quantities, leading to
continuous replacement and higher costs over time.
People with poor access to credit pay enormous interest rates and high fees for basic
financial services. Low-income Americans spend over 80% of their income on necessities.
That leaves little or no defence when things go wrong. Housing,
Food and transportation account for over 40% of the average low-income budget.
Poor people cannot buy groceries in bulk because they don't have any storage, which
ultimately results in high costs for daily uses.

The poor are not authorised to cook in their residences. Lack of cooking facilities forces
families to depend on fast food, which means less nutrition for more money. Transportation
is unavailable for daily necessities like going to work, bringing children from school, etc.
Healthcare is a significant expense. Low-income people and families live in unhealthy,
polluted areas, because these areas are cheaper. Lack of insurance facilities for low-income
No one wants to be poor, as they are forced by their situation. The reality of artificial palsy
plays a significant role in our daily life, as we often contact poor people with a lack of
hygiene, many health issues. Budgeting is not effective because people don't earn so much
that they can make a budget in their daily lives; many of them are daily wage workers.

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