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AI Articles and Questions

Article 1: "We Used A.I. to Write Essays for Harvard, Yale and Princeton. Here’s How It
Went.” https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/01/business/chatbot-essays-harvard-yale-

1. How are high school seniors using A.I. in their college application process?

2. What concerns are raised regarding the ethical implications of using A.I. chatbots for college

admissions essays?

3. How do A.I. chatbots perform when tasked with answering short essay questions from Ivy

League universities like Princeton and Harvard?

4. What challenges arise when A.I. chatbots attempt to generate responses to specific prompts,

such as selecting a pop song or describing a college course?

5. What are the potential downsides of relying on A.I. chatbots to generate college admissions

essays, as demonstrated in the article's experiments with Dartmouth's application prompts?

Article 2: "A.I. Is Helping Scientists Understand an Ocean’s Worth of Data” https://


1. Why is machine learning and artificial intelligence so valuable when studying the ocean?

2. Why is A.I. becoming increasingly useful as the climate change increases?

3. How can A.I. reduce crimes that happen at sea such as illegal fishing?

4. How can A.I. help scientists understand how much carbon dioxide the ocean is storing? What

specific plankton is being studied as to how it absorbs carbon?

5. Will AI technology genuinely assist countries and governments equally, considering that

numerous vital marine ecosystems, such as coral reefs, are located in "developing countries"? Or
will it intensify inequalities between the global north and south, with economically affluent

countries benefiting from the knowledge provided by AI while less economically developed

countries in the south do not? Research the United Nations' new High Seas Treaty and explain

how it addresses fairness in relation to ocean resources.

Article 3: “How Does Artificial Intelligence Influence Conflict?” https://world101.cfr.org/



1. How many A.I. programs does the U.S. Department of Defense have in use or being


2. What are lethal autonomous weapons systems?

3. What risks does artificial intelligence pose for accountability in cases of war crimes? This

article provides more information on what International Humanitarian Law is: https://


4. What countries is the U.S. particularly concerned about increasing their A.I. capabilities?

5. Based on the chart provided, is there a noticeable correlation between a country's GDP and its

stance on opposing a ban on lethal autonomous weapons systems? Feel free to utilize this

information about countries GDP in your answer https://www.forbesindia.com/article/explainers/

top-10-largest-economies-in-the-world/86159/1#:~:text=The United States of,as per their GDP


Article 4: “A.I. Made These Movies Sharper. Critics Say It Ruined Them.” https://

1. What historical methods were initially used for film restoration, and how have advancements

in technology, particularly artificial intelligence, influenced the process?

2. How have recent film restorations, particularly those utilizing artificial intelligence, sparked

controversy among viewers and critics? What are some of the key criticisms leveled against

these AI-enhanced restorations?

3. What are the distinctions between AI upscaling and generative AI, and how do these

differences affect the perception and implementation of AI in film restoration? How does the
reluctance to disclose the use of AI in film restoration reflect broader concerns and controversies

surrounding AI technology in the film industry?

Article 5: “How Tech Giants Cut Corners to Harvest Data for A.I.” Article: https://



1. How did OpenAI address the supply problem it faced in late 2021, and what controversial

method did it employ to amass more data for training its A.I. models?

2. What actions did Meta (formerly Facebook) take to acquire more data for its A.I. development,

and what ethical and legal concerns arose from these actions?

3. What are the potential benefits and risks associated with the use of "synthetic data" in training

A.I. models, according to the perspectives presented in the article?

Article 6: “The A.I. Boom Makes Millions for an Unlikely Industry Player: Anguilla”


1. Why has the the recent boom in AI websites generates significant profit for Anguilla?

2. What initiatives has the government of Anguilla undertaken with the revenue generated from

the registration fees of internet addresses ending in “.ai"?

3. What historical examples of other nations or territories benefiting from domain suffixes exist,

and how do they compare to Anguilla's situation with the ".ai" domain?
Article 7: “AI’s Influence on Music Is Raising Some Difficult Questions” https://time.com/


1. Do you believe that AI technology in music creation enhances creativity or undermines the

authenticity of artistic expression? Why or why not?

2. Should there be stricter regulations on the use of AI in music production to protect artists'

intellectual property and creative autonomy? Why or why not?

3. In your opinion, how might the widespread adoption of AI-generated music impact the music

industry, including artists, listeners, and other stakeholders?

Article 8: “AI Will Transform the Global Economy. Let’s Make Sure It Benefits Humanity”



1. What percentage of global employment is already exposed to AI?

2. Will artificial intelligence (AI) make income and wealth inequality better or worse within

countries, according to the article?

3. According to the IMF are wealthier or low-income countries better equipped for AI adoption?

Article 10: How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming the Sports Industry? https://


1. How is the National Football League, Major League Baseball League, and National Basketball

Association currently using AI?

2. How can AI help smaller sports team compete against larger teams?

3. How are the Golden State Warriors and LA Dodgers using AI technology to improve fan


4. How can AI be used for injury prevention and to enhance player safety?

5. In your opinion should AI be used to help officiate sports matches?

Article 11: How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming the Aviation Industry “https://

1. Give two examples of how airlines are utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) to increase

efficiency and save money in fleet and operations management?

2. In what ways is AI improving customer service in the aviation industry?

3. What potential job opportunities does AI create within the industry?

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