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Selected titles London 2024

Table of contents


Sébastien-Yves LAURENT État secret, État clandestin : essai sur la transparence démocratique .......................... 3
Emmanuel TODD La Défaite de l’Occident ....................................................................................................... 4
COLLECTIF Le Choc. Rwanda 1994 : le génocide des Tutsi ............................................................................... 5
Bastien FRANÇOIS Retrouver Estelle Moufflarge ............................................................................................. 6
Mathieu LOURS Les Cathédrales dans le monde. Entre religion, nation et pouvoir ............................................... 7
Dominique SCHNAPPER Les Désillusions de la démocratie ............................................................................. 8
Gilles VERGNON Socialismes et Sociale Démocratie en Europe de 1875 à nos jours ............................................ 9
Hélène CIXOUS Le Rire de la Méduse............................................................................................................ 10
Bénédicte DELORME-MONTINI Le Moment post-moderne ........................................................................... 11
Sylvain FORT Saint-Exupéry penseur ............................................................................................................ 12
E.M. CIORAN Manie épistolaire. Lettres choisies (1930-1991)........................................................................ 13
François-Henri DÉSÉRABLE L’Usure d’un monde. Une traversée de l'Iran (novembre-décembre 2022) ........... 15
Gilles LIPOVETSKY / Jean SERROY Le Nouvel Âge du kitsch. Essai sur la civilisation du « trop » ............... 16
Hugo MICHERON La Colère et l'Oubli. Les démocraties face au jihadisme européen .................................... 17
Florence NOIVILLE Milan Kundera. « Écrire, quelle drôle d’idée ! » .............................................................. 18
Maryvonne de SAINT PULGENT La Gloire de Notre-Dame. La foi et le pouvoir ............................................. 19

Sébastien-Yves LAURENT
État secret, État clandestin : essai sur la transparence démocratique
Secret State, Clandestine State: an Essay on Democratic Transparency

NRF Essais – Essay – 355 pages – February 2024

Since Edward Snowden’s revelations in 2013, in every domain, confidential

documents have been leaked, leading us to believe that the notion of state
secrecy no longer exists, which begs the question: Is today’s state a
transparent one, stripped off its mysteries? In his profoundly original book,
Sébastien-Yves Laurent dispels the myths. From its earliest beginnings, the
state had its reasons which common sense knew nothing of: the reason of
state allowed for diplomatic, police or military actions the very secrecy of
which was the guarantor of their success. Then came the political
liberalism of the 18th century, the bearer of individual rights and of the
seeds of democracy (here studied in three countries: England, the United
States and France). Secrecy was recognised as necessary to states’
operations, and thus institutionalised in departments, budgets, and even
commissions of enquiry. The secret state was born. At the turn of our
current century came neo-liberalism, which doubting the effectiveness of
the public sector in the face of the private one, imposed the ideology of the
transparency of public action. Thereby giving way to the creation of the
clandestine state, a player in physical liquidations, destabilisation via the
digital world and extra-legal imprisonment. Democracy, as a result, has
been durably undermined. Yet this is the world in which we live.


Sébastien-Yves Laurent is a political science professor at the University of Bordeaux.


Emmanuel TODD
La Défaite de l’Occident
The Defeat of the West

Hors Série Connaissance – Essay – 384 pages – January 2024

66,000 copies sold

The defeat of the West referred to in the title is twofold: an external defeat
(the war in Ukraine), but above all an internal one (the demographic, moral
and economic decline of Western societies). In this documented essay,
Emmanuel Todd calls to account the Western, and mainly American, ruling
classes, with the war in Ukraine acting as a magnifying glass. He notably
offers an original analysis of the current situation in both the UK and
Germany. The reader will recognise Todd’s relevant and effective method:
the analysis of family models, statistics (e.g. demography, GDP, election
results, educational levels), looking at the bigger picture, all served by a
rare erudition and genial intuition – to which we have become accustomed
since La Chute finale in 1976, which heralded the collapse of the Soviet bloc.
As lucid as it is controversial, it is a book based on detailed research, a
world away from the approximations and theorizing of “commentators”.
Providing at once a long-standing, detailed and exhaustive reflection,
Emmanuel Todd delivers here a profoundly original essay.


"Anthropologist, historian and essayist Emmanuel Todd draws on five

decades of research to explain the current global crisis, following Russia's
invasion of Ukraine in 2022."
Latest publications with Gallimard:
"A book that shakes up certainties."
Le Point

L’Invention de la France, 2012

L’Origine des système familiaux, 2011

Rights sold:
Arabic (Dar al Saqi) Italian (Fazi) Croatian and Czech offers
Bulgarian (Iztok-Zapad) Russian (AST) Japanese rights reserved
German (Westend) Serbian (Karpos)
Greek (Pedio) Spanish (Akal)
Hungarian (Gondolat) Swedish (Karneval)
Korean (Acanet)

Born in 1951, Emmanuel Todd is an anthropologist, who specialises in family systems. He has
published, inter alia, with Éditions du Seuil, La Lutte des classes en France au XXI e siècle (2020) and
Où en sont-elles ? Une esquisse de l'histoire des femmes (2022).


Le Choc. Rwanda 1994 : le génocide des Tutsi
The Blow. Rwanda 1994: The Genocide of the Tutsis

Connaissances – Collection of articles – 430 pages – March 2024

Postface by Henry Rousso

Between 7 April and 4 July 1994, in Rwanda, more than a million Tutsis
were killed. This genocide is still haunting human consciences. Over the
years, knowledge of the crimes has changed in relation to its concerns,
sources and stakes. It has faced many hurdles, e.g. the contemporary nature
of the event, the impossibility of access to archives, regional and national
political reorganisation, the reappraisal or even denial of the genocide. The
result of three decades of writing, this collective work sheds light on some
of the genocide’s most significant issues, while trying to untangle its
complexities and idiosyncrasies, and to show its universal tropism.
Rwandan, Belgian and French authors from a range of disciplines talk
about the shock of this major event. First, their own astonishment, and the
way it may have guided their work of investigation, their writing or
creation. Then, the cultural, ideological, social and political roots
underlying the making of genocide. For this systematic, premeditated and
planned mass crime is always the result of a complex chain of causalities.
How could so many massacres, rapes and pillages take place and be
encouraged for nearly three months? Why was there no intervention? How
can we commemorate? How can we rebuild?


Directed by Stéphane Audoin-Rouzeau, Annette Becker, Samuel Kuhn, Jean-Philippe Schreiber, with contributions
by Marie-France Collard, Marie Darrieussecq, Jacques Delcuvellerie, Philippe Denis, Marie Fierens, José Kagabo, Vé nuste
Kayimahe, Jean-Paul Kimonyo, Laurent Larcher, Scholastique Mukasonga, Gasana Ndoba, Nathan Réra, François Robinet,
Ornella Rovetta, Léon Saur, Beata Umubyeyi Mairesse.


Retrouver Estelle Moufflarge
The Search for Estelle Moufflarge

Hors Série Connaissance – Document – 432 pages – January 2024

5,000 copies sold

On 28 October 1943, sixteen-year-old Estelle Moufflarge was deported to

Auschwitz-Birkenau, where she died. Decades later, Bastien François, a
political science professor at the Sorbonne, discovered that the unknown
teenager had lived a few blocks away from his own home, in the 18th
arrondissement of Paris. This is the starting point of an astonishing
historical and personal investigation that would last for years, and which
would culminate with the author, thanks to his meticulous archival
research, piecing together the trajectory of this young Jewish orphan, the
daughter of poor immigrants, caught up in the whirlwind of history. Along
a journey that will take him from the working-class town of Saint-Ouen to
the landscapes of the Maurienne valley in the Alps, from the records of her
secondary school to those of the butchers’ shops placed in the hands of
“Aryan” trustees during the Occupation, not to mention the infamous Vichy
police’s infamous “Jewish files”, Estelle appears, fleetingly, yet very much
alive. In this book, the author raises up to the challenge of telling Estelle’s
story, without unfairly confining her to her death, combining the tools
available to the social sciences and the controlled empathy he brings to the
subject of his research.


"Fascinating from start to finish, highly personal and extremely rigorous

scientifically. A book of uncommon strength, coupled with great subtlety and
infinite sensitivity towards the people it evokes. The researcher finely links
his heroine's journey to the upheavals of the time, without hiding anything of
his own emotions and questions. As a result, this moving yet rigorous text is
also a powerful political book, a manifesto against all forms of Holocaust
Le Monde des Livres

"His undertaking is based on a meticulous investigation, lightened by a skilful

construction and a style of writing that combines rigour, restraint and

Bastien François is a professor of political science at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.


Mathieu LOURS
Les Cathédrales dans le monde. Entre religion, nation et pouvoir
Cathedrals Throughout the World. Between Religion, Nation and Power

Folio Histoire – Essay – 400 pages – January 2024

The idea that a cathedral could embody a nation’s identity is one of the
great patrimonial revolutions of the 19th century. Founded in the 4th or 5th
century in dioceses inherited from the city-states of the Roman empire,
these large constructions, be they Romanesque or Gothic, have seen their
influence change scale. They certainly became a gift that History offered to
nations in Europe, as well as in the Americas, Africa, and Asia, to develop
and assert themselves. Two-hundred years later, a second patrimonial
revolution is unfolding before our eyes, highlighted by the devastating fire
at Notre-Dame in April 2019 and the profusion of donations – more than
830 million euros – raised for its reconstruction: the cathedral has
established itself as a global cultural object.
Initially places of art, memory and sacredness, these religious buildings are
now part of a moving heritage, between their universality, regional
grounding, and their role as touristic and media icons.


Mathieu Lours is a historian of architecture. A specialist in the history of cathedrals, religions and religious heritage, he
regularly contributes to the illustrated books collection “La grâce d’une cathédrale” with Éditions Place des Victoires, and
has authored, inter alia, Églises en ruine (Le Cerf, 2020) and Histoire secrète des cathédrales (Ouest-France, 2021).


Les Désillusions de la démocratie
The Disappointments of Democracy

Connaissances – Essay – 280 pages – May 2024

Criticism of democracy emerged at the same time as democracy itself. The

democratic order is thus continuously subject to the practices and
judgment of citizens. In France, for instance, the right to strike is enshrined
in the constitution. This entails recognising the reality of tensions that arise
from the freedom and diversity of expectations, as well as the jarring
interests of its members. Democracy acknowledges the need for criticism
in order to limit the temptation to yield to the hubris that all powers
nurture. It does not aim for perfection, which is deemed beyond reach, but
rather perfectibility, insofar as it recognises its own errors and purports to
correct them. This is why such criticism should also be criticised itself. For
the sake of its own values, democracy inevitably finds itself judged,
whether as not democratic enough or too democratic. One might fear that
today's democracies may prove inadequate to satisfy the aspirations of
their members towards the establishment of ever more democracy, and at
the same time, that they may cease to be "regulated", as coined by
Montesquieu; one might fear that in both respects they are in peril of


Latest publications:

La Citoyenneté à l’épreuve, 2018

L’Esprit démocratique des lois, 2014

An iconic figure in French sociology, Dominique Schnapper has worked on the notions of
citizenship, the nation, democracy, unemployment, the Republic. The first sociologist to be
appointed to France's Constitutional Council from 2001 to 2010, she has been chairing since 2018
the Conseil des sages de la laïcité (Council of Secularism).


Changer la vie ? Le temps du socialisme en Europe de 1875 à nos jours
Changing life ? The era of socialism in Europe, from 1875 to the present day

Folio Histoire – History – 580 pages – May 2024

In 1977, following on from its use as the title of his programme in 1972,
"Changing Life" became the anthem of the French Socialist Party, with
music by the Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis, at a time when all hopes
seemed to be opening up for the advance of European socialism. Things
have changed considerably since then and providing a history of socialism
and social-democracies amounts to mapping a somewhat "sunken
continent". Socialism is a European movement, as opposed to its
communist warring brother which developed worldwide, as evidenced
today by the rise to power of parties hailing from the Stalinist-Soviet
matrix in Asia and Cuba. But how should one define it as plainly and
accurately as possible: a doctrine? A partisan trend? And what
distinguishes socialism from social-democracy?
This study, which extends from 1875 to the present day, pieces together
the transformation of socialism as it had to face with reality to become
successively a governmental entity, and then a key player in the
construction of Europe.


A lecturer in contemporary history at the Institut d’Études Politiques in Lyon, Gilles Vergnon specialises in the history
of World War II and of the Left in Europe.


Le Rire de la Méduse
The Laugh of the Medusa

Blanche – Essay – 50 pages – May 2024

Finally published with Gallimard, The Laugh of the Medusa is one of the
most frequently read, quoted and translated texts on sexual difference – or
rather on differences in general – in the world. It is regarded as a seminal
text of second wave French feminism. Since its publication in 1975, it has
had a tremendous impact on gender thinking and in the lives of thousands
of women and men. The major event that it constituted and continues to
constitute, in new spaces or among new generations of readers, women
and men alike, arises from its successful mix of philosophical reflexion,
poetic writing and political manifesto.


Latest publications:

Il faut bien aimer, 2023

Incendire, 2023

A major figure of French literature since her novel Dedans (Éditions Des femmes, Prix Médicis 1969),
Hélène Cixous has been leading a seminar at the Collège international de philosophie since 1983.
With Gallimard, she has recently published Mdeilmm (2022), Incendire and Il faut bien aimer.
Séminaire 2004-2007 (2023).


Le Moment post-moderne
A Postmodern moment

Le Débat - Essay – 144 pages – April 2024

With the benefit of hindsight, it is becoming increasingly clear that our

contemporary world was born in the 1970s, with the major shift in economic
policies known as the "neoliberal turn", which was to blossom with globalisation.
But this turning point had its equivalent in the cultural sphere with the "post-
modern moment", which reshaped the artistic and intellectual scene. It has also
inspired the social movements we see today, in the name of gender and identity.
Bénédicte Delorme-Montini's incisive analysis sheds light on this watershed
moment. She untangles its components, between aesthetics, philosophy and critical
sociology. She traces its propagation, from the emergence of the deconstruction
paradigm to today's societal demands. This book is an essential update on one of
lesser-known and lesser-understood sources of the zeitgeist.


Latest publications:

La Gloire du rap, 2023

Bénédicte Delorme-Montini is a historian of contemporary culture.


Sylvain FORT
Saint-Exupéry penseur
Saint-Exupéry, the thinker

Folio Essais – Essay – 130 pages – May 2024

The anguish of one's destiny haunts the narratives of Antoine de Saint-

Exupéry. When the pilot in his plane (Night Flight) experiences the anguish
of not being able to land because he is lost, because he has drifted off
course, because he cannot see anything and he understands he is living his
last minutes before running out of fuel and being forced down into the sea,
he also lives the ultimate test. Suddenly it all makes sense. He is becoming.
He does not fall into despair nor utter a cry of distress. He went all the way
on his personal journey. When the pilot of Wind, Sand and Stars prepares
to die under fire, he does not feel the growing terror of those who see their
end nearing. He savours the instant as the pinnacle of his life, as the most
intense moment, even if it had to be his last: I am alive. I am still alive. So
fully alive. For that is the tall order: warding off death.


A writer and music critic, Sylvain Fort has written several works on French and German literature, including Ma musique
souvent nous prend comme une mer (Le Passeur, 2023) and Verdi l’insoumis (Robert Laffont, 2020).


Manie épistolaire. Lettres choisies (1930-1991)
An Epistolary Compulsion. A Selection of Letters (1930-1991)

Blanche – Correspondence – 320 pages – February 2024

Edited by Nicolas Cavaillès

This is the first anthology of Cioran’s letters, two-thirds of which are

previously unpublished. The chief-editor, translator and connoisseur
Nicolas Cavaillès selected 160 letters from thousands, showing the
diversity of his correspondents, whether Romanian, German, Spanish or
French, men or women. Together, they offer an intimate self-portrait of the
author of A Short History of Decay, from 19 to 79 years old, highlighting his
astonishing consistency throughout his life, as well as demonstrating his
legendary lucidity about the world and himself. It is difficult not to feel
sympathy for this master of radical pessimism with a devastating sense of
humour, unforgiving to himself, and who never betrayed himself, a loyal
friend who was kind even to his detractors. This exceptional collection of
letters shows Cioran as a single entity, as a unique writer and personality
in the 20th century, who still fascinates us today.


Latest publications:

Divagations, 2019
Fenêtre sur le rien, 2019

E.M. Cioran was born in 1911 in Romania, where he studied philosophy at university. First a
Bergsonian, he then turned to Nietzsche. In 1937, he was sent by the Institut français in Bucharest to
France, where he established himself until he died in 1995.

Nicolas Cavaillès edited the works of Cioran for the Pléiade collection (2011). In 2019, Gallimard
published his translation of Cioran’s last two unpublished works in Romanian, Divagations and Fenêtre
sur le Rien.


François-Henri DÉSÉRABLE
L’Usure d’un monde. Une traversée de l'Iran (novembre-décembre 2022)
A Worn-Out World. A journey across Iran (November-December 2022)

Blanche – Narrative Non-Fiction – 160 pages – May 2023 Prix Nicolas Bouvier
Prix Roman News
41,000 copies sold

“For the Iranian people, fear was a constant companion, the faithful partner
of a lifetime. The Iranians lived with its sandy taste in their mouths. However,
since the death of Mahsa Amini, fear has been set aside, and replaced by
In early November 2022, a month and a half after young Mahsa Amini died,
arrested by the morality police for “wearing inappropriate clothing”,
François-Henri Désérable arrives in Iran, at the height of the repression
against the demonstrations which are shaking the country. For forty days,
he will crisscross the country (following the same route as Nicolas Bouvier
in his L’Usage du monde/The Way of the World), from Tehran to the edge of
Baluchistan. He witnesses an asymmetric war of attrition, on one side those
who have truncheons, tear gas, riot shields, machine guns, and who
practice arbitrary detention, summary judgements, hangings at dawn, and
on the other, those whose only power is their voice. Arrested by the
Revolutionary Guard Corps in Iranian Kurdistan, and ordered to leave the
country, he returns with this account, in which he describes a worn-out
world: that of an Islamic Republic at bay, which drowns the aspirations of
its people in bloodshed.


“With astonishing harmony, L’Usure d’un monde blends an illustrated

travelogue, a brief historical account, a tribute to Nicolas Bouvier, a Rights sold:
reflection on courage and a tale of adventure. A story that manages to be
Spanish (Cabaret Voltaire)
both light-hearted and profound, as well as a fascinating read.”
German (Rotpunkt – Edition Blau)
Le Monde
Polish (Czarne)
“François-Henri Désérable went to the Islamic Republic of Iran at the height
of the rebellion and returned with a one-of-a-kind book.”
Le Point
Latest publications:
“A rare, compelling and breath-taking account of the country of the mullahs,
ever more isolated from the rest of the world.”

Mon maître et mon vainqueur, 2021

Un certain M. Piekielny, 2017

François-Henri Désérable has authored four novels, including Un certain M. Piekielny (2017) and
Mon maître et mon vainqueur (2022), which was awarded the Grand prix du roman by the Académie
française. His books have been translated into more than ten languages.

Le Nouvel Âge du kitsch. Essai sur la civilisation du « trop »
The New Era of Kitsch. An essay on the civilisation of excess

Bibliothèque des Sciences humaines – Essay – 464 pages – May 2023

Kitsch is no longer what it was. Born in the middle of the 19 th century, the
factors that once made it a historical phenomenon underwent with the rise
of consumer society in the 20th century an overall change, which affected
all of its aspects. Neo-kitsch was born, showcasing itself as an hyper-kitsch,
descending on an increasing number of sectors all over the world. A
scattered embodiment of excess, ranging from hamburgers dripping with
ketchup to Jeff Koons’ sculptures, from the muscles of super heroes to the
gaudy neo-luxury of brands and the newly wealthy. Kitsch asserts itself as
the epitome of the globalised civilisation of over-consumption, the spirit
and nature of which it translates through the outrageousness of its original
DNA. This major transformation is examined here in order to build a
general anthropo-historical theory, while highlighting its expansion, its
systemic reinvention through its new cultural, media and artistic
manifestations. Kitsch is not for condemnation, but rather food for thought.


“A substantial essay on kitsch, which has become the matrix and aesthetic of
a modern civilization of ‘excess’.
Le Figaro

“Gilles Lipovetsky and Jean Serroy paint a worldwide portrait of

contemporary ‘neo-kitsch’ that is at once global and specific, anecdotal and Rights sold:
Le Monde des Lives Portuguese - Portugal (Edicoes 70)
Spanish (Anagrama)
“A philosopher attuned to the metamorphoses of hypermodernity since the Chinese offer
1980s, Gilles Lipovetsky defines our era as the ‘civilization of excess’, in which
kitsch is both a dominant aesthetic form and a lifestyle focused on things.
Initially branded as garish cheap junk, 19th-century bourgeois kitsch has
turned into modernity’s ‘hyperkitsch’, which has invaded all areas of creation
Latest publications:
and life, from art to design, from fashion to architecture, from TV series to
video games: a sign of the expansion of consumerist capitalism.”
Figaro Madame

Le Sacre de l’authenticité, 2021

L’Esthétisation du monde, 2013

Gilles Lipovetsky was born in 1944 and is a professor of philosophy. An uncompromisingly

attentive observer of the fads that successively seize our consumer societies, his works published
by Éditions Gallimard include Le Luxe éternel (2003), Le Bonheur paradoxal (2006), L’Esthétisation
du monde (2013, with Jean Serroy), Plaire et toucher (2017) and Le Sacre de l’authenticité (2021).
Jean Serroy is a university professor emeritus, the author of several works on his specialty, 17 th
century literature and theatre.

La Colère et l'Oubli. Les démocraties face au jihadisme européen
Anger and Oblivion. Democracies in the Face of European Jihadism

Hors-série Connaissance - Essay – 350 pages – April 2023

Prix Femina Essais 2023
31,000 copies sold Prix du Livre de géopolitique 2023

This book retraces the history of European Jihadism since the withdrawal
of the Soviets from Afghanistan in 1979 to the return of the Taliban to
Kabul. In forty years, Jihadist ideas have spread to the main European
cities, where they are now disseminated by thousands of Islamic activists.
In the digital space, these ideas form communities which connect the
various Islamic hotbeds of the world. Jihadism does not limit itself to the
gruesome count of terrorist attack victims, it constitutes an intellectual and
societal challenge. Hugo Micheron particularly highlights the internal
transformations inherent to “low-tide” Jihadism, between two ever-
threatening periods of expansion, to the extent of representing a major
concern for democratic stability in Europe.
Based on his research in unpublished historical archives from the
University of Princeton, this book also draws on interviews conducted in
Europe, the United States and the Middle East with known or anonymous
Islamic activists, whether free or jailed, with their intimate circle and with
members of security services, political or religious leaders who provide
an insight into the complexity of Jihadism on a relevant scale.


“A fascinating, precise and fully-documented essay on the gradual rooting of

jihadism on European soil since the 1990s.”
Le Figaro Rights sold:
English (Polity)
“Hugo Micheron shows how European countries (apart from a more
German (Merlin Verlag)
responsive Italy, which learned its lesson from its battle against the Mafia)
have been caught short. This book is a wake-up call for government and
society at large to become aware of the threat. […] A rising figure in the world
of research, Hugo Micheron attempts to push the debate on European
jihadism beyond the bounds of partisan disputes and political outrage.” Latest publications:
La Croix

“A remarkable and ground-breaking history of European jihadism.”


“An essential book offering analyses that encourage us to overcome denial

and forgetfulness.”
Franc Tireur Jihadisme européen, 2022
Le Jihadisme français, 2020

Hugo Micheron, born in 1988, is an arabist and has a doctorate in political science. He is a lecturer
at the Institut d'Etudes Politiques of Paris and a researcher at the CERI (Center for International
Studies - Sciences Po / CNRS). He taught at the Department of Near Eastern Studies of Princeton
University (2020-2022). He is the author of Le Jihadisme français. Quartiers, Syrie, prisons (2020).
He testified as a researcher in the trial of the 13 November 2015 attacks in Paris.

Milan Kundera. « Écrire, quelle drôle d’idée ! »
Milan Kundera. “Writing, What an Odd Idea!”

Hors Série Connaissance – Essay – 320 pages – May 2023

5,000 copies sold

Florence Noiville and her husband have been friends with Milan Kundera
and his wife Vera for a long time. Captured on the fly like fleeting moments
or scenes of mischievous complicity, those lunches in Le Touquet, visits to
their flat, meetings at the café, and “the unbearable nostalgia of small talk
in a pub” gently outline Milan Kundera’s work (suffused with experience)
and life (immersed in fiction). Never before has a body of work revealed so
much about its author. Fragments of texts and conversations, memories, a
travelogue in Bohemia, and numerous pictures are gathered here with a
single purpose: to encourage us to (re)discover one of the greatest artists
of the 20th century, this master of irony and disillusionment who has never
ceased showing us how jokes lie behind our dreams and our lies.



“An inspired literary stroll.”

Le Monde des Livres

“A remarkable opus, which achieves its essential purpose: to encourage us to

read or re-read Kundera.”
Rights sold:
Arabic (Centre Culturel Arabe)
Chinese (Shanghai Translation)
Czech (Host)
German (Kampa Verlag)
Greek (Hestia)
Korean (Mujintree)
Polish (W.A.B)
Romanian (Curtea Veche)
Serbian (Arhipelag)
Spanish (Tusquets)

Latest publication with Gallimard:

So british, 2013

Florence Noiville, literary critic for Le Monde and novelist, has also authored the biographies of
Isaac B. Singer (Stock, Prix du Récit biographique 2004) and Nina Simone (Tallandier, Prix Simone
Veil 2019). So British, a compendium bringing together intimate portraits of Anglo-Saxon writers,
was published in 2013 with Éditions Gallimard.

Maryvonne de SAINT PULGENT
La Gloire de Notre-Dame. La foi et le pouvoir
The Glory of Notre-Dame. Faith and Power

Bibliothèque illustrée des Histoires – Essay – 464 pages – November 2023

Broadcast live, the fire of April 15th 2019 triggered emotions around the
world, and confirmed the status of Notre-Dame de Paris. Acquired before
the completion of the gothic cathedral and celebrated since the 12th century
through texts, images and music, this glory has endured by renewing itself
according to the times. While its bold architecture makes it the archetype
of the Christian sanctuary and the epitome of Parisian elegance, it was until
the Renaissance one of the first European intellectual centres thanks to the
masters of its doctoral school, which paved the way for the University of
Paris. In 1831, Victor Hugo enriched the legend by using literary creation
to add a layer of fantasy. Notre-Dame is also a seat of power, where in 1302
Philip the Fair proclaimed the independence of the Church of France from
Rome. Its sacred nature also made it a place which conferred legitimacy on
the French monarchy, national heroes, military victories, and thanksgiving
for peace. The French Revolution and then the contested monarchies of the
19th century and the secular Republic all attempted to harness its sacred
dimension for their own benefit. Now a UNESCO World Heritage site and
Europe’s leading tourist destination, it is time to re-examine its legacy.


"A splendid, well-documented and sensitive work that examines all the
passions generated by this gigantic jewel that has been celebrated since the
12th century."
Latest publication:
"A brilliant, dense and fascinating essay. The author has every talent: that of
a scrupulous historian and that of an outstanding storyteller who always
informs and never bores."
Le Figaro Littéraire

"Maryvonne de Saint Pulgent revisits the history of a cathedral which may

not be the most beautiful of all but has always been the most admired, in a
book that is at once highly erudite, accessible and richly illustrated."
La Croix Le Gouvernement de la culture, 1999

Maryvonne de Saint Pulgent was director of heritage at the Ministry of Culture and associate
professor of musicology at the University of Paris IV. With Gallimard, she has published among
other works Le Gouvernement de la culture (1999) and L’Opéra-comique, le gavroche de la musique

Judith Rosenzweig
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For other languages and general queries: Nathalie Beul Vandenberghe -

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