Testosterone Boosters-How Real Are Their Effects?

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Androgens: Clinical Research and Therapeutics

Volume 3.1, 2022

DOI: 10.1089/andro.2022.0007
Accepted August 16, 2022

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REVIEW Open Access

Testosterone Boosters:
How Real Are Their Effects?
Adrian Andres Aguilar-Morgan,1 Abraham Morgentaler,2 and Luis Antonio Reyes-Vallejo1,*

In the past decade, there has been an increased interest in alternative treatments to testosterone (T) and andro-
gen derivatives. This has led to the development of supplements known as ‘‘testosterone boosters’’ (T-boosters) or
‘‘testosterone enhancers.’’ The internet is the main source for the purchase of these products with sales reaching
millions of dollars. The search for T-boosters is focused on improvement in sexual performance, muscular
strength, and increased muscle mass using agents considered ‘‘natural,’’ which are thereby presumed to lack
serious adverse effects. Some of these supplements have been used since antiquity. Commercially sold
T-boosters nearly always comprise multiple supplements, and none of these combinations have undergone
rigorous evaluations, as would be required for regulatory approval for pharmaceutical products. This makes it
challenging to evaluate marketing claims. However, a limited scientific literature does exist for the primary indi-
vidual agents in most T-boosters. The most commonly used agents are Tribulus terrestris, fenugreek, zinc, maca,
and ashwaganda (‘‘Indian ginseng’’). Those studies form the basis of this review. Although some studies have
offered suggestive results indicating possible increases in serum T, the data are inconsistent, and studies differ
widely in methods, including supplement dosage. In addition, serious adverse events have been reported.
Currently, the existing literature fails to support the use of these products.
Keywords: testosterone; testosterone boosters; androgens; supplements; sexual drive; muscle gain

Introduction patients with clear signs and symptoms of hypogona-

Testosterone (T) therapy is an efficacious and safe dism.1–3 T therapy has been shown to have well-
treatment in cases of male T deficiency, and interest documented beneficial effects on erectile function,
on the research into its approach in different fields bone marrow, muscle mass, strength, and fatty tissue,
has been recently increasing. The American Associa- as well as on metabolism control.4–6
tion of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE), the Ameri- The past decade has seen an increase in the search
can Urological Association (AUA), and the European for alternative treatments that may provide similar
Association of Urology recommend the use of T in benefits as androgens on muscle mass, strength, and
Hospital Ángeles Metropolitano and Hospital Ángeles Universidad, México City, México.
Part-Time Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

*Address correspondence to: Luis Antonio Reyes-Vallejo, MD, Hospital Ángeles Metropolitano and Hospital Ángeles Universidad, Tlacotalpan 59, Torre platino, consultorio
1602, Roma Sur, Cuauhtémoc, CDMX 06760, México City, México, Email: luisrv73@hotmail.com

ª Adrian Andres Aguilar-Morgan et al., 2022; Published by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. This Open Access article is distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons License [CC-BY] (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.

Aguilar-Morgan, et al.; Androgens: Clinical Research and Therapeutics 2022, 3.1 70

fatty tissue without the side effects most feared by ath- bility.11 In 2013, T supplements achieved sales repre-
letes and bodybuilders, such as testicular atrophy and senting >2.1 billion USD18 and global sales of dietary
infertility that has led to a surge in use of various agents supplements reached tens of billions of dollars annu-
that increase T, approved by the Food and Drug ally. The cost of T-boosters generally ranges from $16
Administration (FDA), with narrow indications.7–9 to $400 dollars for a 30-day supply.10,19
Physicians should be aware of the information regard-
ing efficacy and toxicity for those substances com- History of T-boosters
monly used by their patients. These products may Many of the components in T-boosters have a history
interfere with the hypothalamic–pituitary–testicular of empirical use dating thousands of years. Aphrodisiac
axis affecting hormonal balance, fertility, and sexual and rejuvenating properties have been reported in tra-
performance.10 ditional Indian ayurvedic and Unani medicine.
Although there are a number of alternative medical At present, with the emergence of fitness and weight
therapies to T therapy, including human chorionic control as important and popular health goals, the pur-
gonadotropic, aromatase inhibitors, and selective estro- suit of these food supplements is based on naturally
gen receptor modulators,10 there is considerable public increasing the production of endogenous T. However,
interest for nonprescription, ‘‘natural’’ treatments, there is no evidence supporting their use.9 The use
often called ‘‘testosterone boosters,’’ or ‘‘testosterone of T supplementation tripled between 2001 and 2011,
enhancers.’’ These agents are often marketed as improv- thus representing an exponential growth in the pursuit
ing sex drive and sexual performance, strength, and of new therapeutic options in the pharmaceutical
muscle mass. They are also claimed to be ‘‘safe’’ because industry.
they have the ‘‘advantage’’ of being composed of natu- The escalating costs of pharmaceutical T products,
ral ingredients.11–16 Since there is no scientific litera- as well as the limited coverage of these therapies by
ture that reviews the effects of T-boosters, which are medical insurance companies, have restricted their
usually composed of multiple agents, we here review use, despite growing awareness of the benefits of T
the available data for the individual supplement com- therapy, and clinical guidelines that provide clear indi-
ponents that are frequently found in T-boosters. cations for their use.11 This has led to a search for more
affordable alternatives to relieve the symptoms of T
Testosterone boosters deficiency, as well as to enhance the physical perfor-
The term ‘‘testosterone booster’’ (T-boosters) will be mance of athletes, and obtain the anabolic effect sought
used throughout this review to refer to any food sup- by bodybuilders.
plement based on plants or nutrients marketed as Thus, the prevalence of use of T supplements is
food supplements advertised for allegedly increasing higher among this population.19 T-boosters are well
serum levels of total T or free T, enhancing the effects known among regular and new as a natural product
of T, or improving symptoms usually associated with that naturally improves T levels while ensuring lower
hypogonadism. It should be noted that said supple- cost and comparable efficacy such as T, and also sales
ments are not regulated by the FDA as medications slogans reinforce this nonscientific data.
and are marketed as food supplements.9,11 There are few available studies on the effects of some
There is considerable variability in the amount of of the most common ingredients in T-boosters. Most of
information provided for individual products regard- them have methodological deficiencies that prevent
ing package contents. On average, T-boosters include them from being considered as objective information
a combination of 8 different ingredients, although sources, and others tend to favor or highlight certain
there are options containing >50 ingredients. Among effects provided by their consumption.
these we find mostly plant and herbal extracts, vita- Our findings upon performing a search about the
mins, minerals and some other micronutrients.11,17 effects of the most common ingredients in T-boosters
The internet has become the main site for the on the serum levels of T and free T were as follows.11
purchase of the mentioned products, more so than
physical stores, mainly because its sale is not com- Materials and Methods
monly available in physical pharmacies or drug stores A structural search in Pubmed was performed using
and since the sale of these supplements in different the keywords ‘‘testosterone booster,’’ ‘‘testosterone
web sites warrants high levels of exposure and accessi- AND booster,’’ ‘‘testosterone supplements,’’ and
Aguilar-Morgan, et al.; Androgens: Clinical Research and Therapeutics 2022, 3.1 71

‘‘testosterone AND replacement AND alternative.’’ No The available data fail to indicate a reliable beneficial
randomized controlled trials, double-blind controlled effect with T. terrestris in healthy or infertile men. This
trials, or clinical trials performed in humans or animals may be due to the inconsistencies in study methodolo-
reviewing the effect of any T-booster could be found. gies, including different dosages. Moreover, contrasting
However, there are meta-analysis and reviews of the results may have occurred due to the lack of compari-
effects of some of the most common ingredients that son between the placebo and Tribulus-supplemented
are components of this kind of supplements. group, as well as the variability in the inclusion and
Subsequently, on the basis of the information exclusion criteria.22
obtained from some reviews,9,10,20 the authors searched Adverse effects have been reported to include hepa-
for studies providing information on each of the main totoxicity, gastric mucosa alterations, hyperbilirubine-
ingredients found in T-booster supplements using mia that progressed into renal failure, and severe
the following keywords for this search: ‘‘testosterone neurological disorders after consumption of high
AND Tribulus,’’ ‘‘testosterone AND Tribulus terrestris,’’ doses of these formulations.13,17,21,23 The formulations
‘‘testosterone AND Zigophillacae,’’ ‘‘testosterone AND containing this plant also include b-carboline-type
fenugreek,’’ ‘‘testosterone AND Trigonella,’’ ‘‘testoster- alkaloids, which may cause weakness and loss of vol-
one AND Trigonella foenum,’’ ‘‘testosterone AND untary limb control.
zinc,’’ ‘‘testosterone AND ashwagandha,’’ ‘‘testosterone
AND withania somnı́fera,’’ ‘‘testosterone AND maca,’’ Fenugreek
‘‘testosterone AND Lepidium meyenni,’’ and ‘‘testoster- The extract called fenugreek comes from Trigonella
one AND melatonin.’’ foenum-graecum plant. It has been marketed for
We focused on recent studies published since more than a decade as a food supplement that aug-
2014. ments T levels. Available studies have important meth-
odological deficiencies and report inconsistent results.
Results The androgenic effect of the plant is attributed to the
Tribulus terrestris glycosylated saponins, which allegedly exhibit an inhib-
Among the most frequently used ingredients in itory effect on 5-a-reductase, although we are unable
T-boosters are derivatives of T. terrestris (Zygophilla- to identify any studies to support this claim.24 Specific
cae). It is found in *50% of the most common sup- claims noted in multiple publications are that fenu-
plements sold in the United States10,13,21 T. terrestris greek seed is capable of increasing free T and bioavail-
is a plant found in the Mediterranean and in tropical able T levels without increasing total T levels, and
areas, with active metabolites (furostan saponin and reduces dihydrotestosterone levels.17,23–26
protodioscin) that presumably increase T levels. An 8-week double-blind placebo-controlled ran-
We were unable to identify any studies investigating domized controlled trial (RCT) included 88 partici-
the effects or mechanisms of action of this supple- pants: 44 participants were supplemented with a
ment. Results of published studies are generally unfa- patented extract of T. foenum-graecum and Lespedeza
vorable. One study found evidence of a significant cuneata and 44 participants were supplemented with
rise in serum T levels in humans after a daily dose of placebo. This study found an increase of both free
750 mg of Tribulus extract for 3 months. However, and total T when compared with baseline.23 The sup-
this analysis was only performed on the baseline and plement received by the participants was a combina-
final T levels in each participant, without any compar- tion of L. cuneata extract, so the effect cannot be
ison between groups. directly attributed to fenugreek. Significant changes in
In contrast, at least two literature reviews, three T levels were only observed in 34% of the partici-
randomized controlled trials (RCTs), and one double- pants in the group receiving the supplement. However,
blind RCT failed to demonstrate any significant these changes were significant only when compared
differences in T levels, nor improvement in sports per- with baseline levels, and not when compared with the
formance, muscle mass, or sexual performance.10,13,17,21 placebo group.23
A systematic review showed an improvement in sperm In total, 30 participants per group in another ran-
count, sperm morphology, and motility after supple- domized double-blind study were treated twice daily
mentation of 250–500 mg per day of T. terrestris extract with either 300 mg of a glycosylated extract of fenu-
in men with idiopathic subfertility. greek seeds or placebo for 8 weeks while doing
Aguilar-Morgan, et al.; Androgens: Clinical Research and Therapeutics 2022, 3.1 72

resistance training. The results showed a gain in showed a statistically significant increase of an average
strength when comparing repetitions with failure and of 100 ng/dL of serum total T, an improvement of
one repetition maximum versus baseline, as well as a semen parameters such as semen volume, sperm motil-
significant body fat loss in the group with fenugreek ity, sperm count, and an increase in the percentage of
supplementation. sperm normal forms. This analysis also reviewed one
However, the differences were significant when double-blind RCT that reported an increase in luteiniz-
comparing with baseline and there were no statistically ing hormone serum levels as well as follicle-stimulating
significant differences in any parameter when compar- hormone, prolactin and T, after supplementation with
ing between groups.24 A significant reduction in leuko- this root extract for 90 days.29
cyte count was observed without reaching leukopenia, Although these results seem promising, only one
as well as a moderate nonsignificant increase in alkaline was a double-blind RCT and the other studies were
phosphatase in the group receiving fenugreek com- observational. They were performed in men with sperm
pared with the control group.23 alterations or known infertility. Furthermore, the statis-
tically significant increase in serum levels was observed
Zinc in comparison with baseline, however, there are no dif-
A relationship between deficiency in zinc (Z) and ferences when comparing between groups.13,21,29,30
hypogonadism was first described in 1960, a condition In another double-blind RCT, 50 subjects received
that was reverted after the supplementation with this either 300 mg of a high concentration ashwagandha
microelement, and even marginal Z deficiencies caused root extract or 300 mg of starch-based placebo twice
a significant reduction in T levels.10 In contrast, there a day for 8 weeks, together with resistance training.
have been no reports of an increase in T in humans A significant difference in gained muscle mass,
with Z supplementation.20,27 The FDA recommends a strength, serum T levels, and a loss of body fat was
daily intake of 11 mg of Z, and T-boosters contain on observed when comparing the placebo group versus
average 272% of this element.9 According to existing the group supplemented with ashwagandha extract.
data, slightly high Z intake can interfere with copper Despite the promising results of the evaluated studies,
and iron metabolism, and a higher intake of Z can it should be noted that they all have limitations, includ-
cause anemia, neutropenia, and altered immune func- ing the sample size, the time the subjects were followed,
tions.9 To date, there is no clear evidence that Z supple- and the limited profile of the subjects.30
mentation in healthy individuals causes an increase in Studies should be performed including a larger
serum T.28 sample, men with pre-existing conditions, and men
with hypogonadal symptoms and infertility. A follow-
Ashwagandha up of the tolerability profile was performed by
Ashwagandha, also known as ‘‘Indian ginseng,’’ is means of a symptom questionnaire and for a maxi-
obtained from the Withania somnı́fera plant, and is a mum period of 12 weeks. No blood tests for liver
main ingredient or component of this group of food enzymes or renal function was obtained, so safety has
supplements. Among the active metabolites found in not been established.
the ashwagandha root, we find ergostane steroids, alka-
loids, sitoindosides, and saponins.13,21,29,30 There are Maca
four double-blind RCTs in which the powder or extract Maca (Lepı́dı́um meyenı́ı́) is a Peruvian plant tradition-
from this plant’s root was administered versus placebo, ally used to treat erectile dysfunction and to improve
two in men with no known conditions and two in physical activity in general. It is the most common
men with either infertility or overweight and fatigue. component in marketed food supplements. Although
In three of these, a significant increase of serum T lev- its mechanism of action is unknown, it is postulated
els was observed compared with the placebo group.17 that its effects come from alkamides called ‘‘macamides,’’
Nonetheless, the supplement that was administered which might also aid in improving sperm count and
in all four studies comes from two different exclu- motility.13,21 Other studies have revealed the possibility
sive patented formulations that are not commonly of increasing serum T levels in rats by stimulating the
available. steroidogenic ability of Leydig cells, together with the
In a systematic review that included available studies fact that another study found that it protected testes
performed in men with infertility or subfertility, results from the toxic effect of cyclophosphamide.10,20
Aguilar-Morgan, et al.; Androgens: Clinical Research and Therapeutics 2022, 3.1 73

Studies in animals and humans are limited, and they of these products is to increase T, and the marketing
also lack objective information that could be pertinent hook is that these products are touted as being ‘‘natural.’’
to the clinical setting. To date, existing studies have not Yet there is limited information available to determine
found any increase in total T after the supplementation whether any of these claims are accurate. Whereas body-
with maca powder at different doses.17 builders, athletes, and men with hypogonadal symptoms
The safety profile of maca has been barely explored, have historically been the most vulnerable population to
however, one trial showed evidence of an increase in consume these supplements, the general public’s interest
aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and diastolic pres- in health, fitness, and well-being has broadened the tar-
sure after supplementation with maca. As with the get population for T-boosters.19
trend observed with the previously mentioned ele- In this article, we review the available information
ments, despite the fact that there are on average 28 for several of the main components found in currently
published studies on this plant, none provides any available T-boosters. This information should benefit
clear or conclusive evidence favoring its use.11,13 clinicians in their decision making when patients seek
Reviews of maca fail to recommend it since the effective counseling regarding the possible use of these supple-
dose and the toxic dose are not standardized, and espe- ments. In Table 1, we provide a summary for each of
cially because of the absence of a safety profile in the these agents. Although the evidence on the use of sev-
short, medium, and long term. eral of the herbal extracts is conflicting, and is impor-
tant to emphasize that even though the FDA oversees
Melatonin the safety of over-the-counter supplements, its studies
Melatonin is a hormone found in different species and and data requirements are not as rigorous as for phar-
is widely used as a sleep aid. There is evidence that it maceutical agents. Not surprisingly, the quality of the
increases T levels in several animal species and attenu- studies has also been less rigorous.
ates the decrease in T resulting from agents with known Hence, the formulation of these supplements may
testicular toxicity.31,32 In clinical trials in humans, there differ between studies, concentrations of the com-
has been evidence of an increase in T levels after sup- ponents cannot be considered reliable or accurate.
plementation with this hormone. The research on its Many T-boosters fail to provide the exact amount
effects and mechanisms has been limited due to the of each ingredient contained either per dose or tablet.
lack of adequate animal models. However, an article As previously described, T-boosters have an average
was recently published that found that melatonin has of eight ingredients, and there are some with >20 in
a protective effect on Leydig cells by suppressing the their formulations. Data for any of these combination
mitochondrial signaling of Bax/Bcl-2 apoptosis, in products are lacking, and for this reason we focused
addition to increasing T production and enhancing our review on studies of the underlying components.
sperm quality in mammals.32 Not only does the use of multiple agents confound
Another study found an antioxidant, anti- the interpretation of beneficial results, if present, but
inflammatory effect on diabetic rat testes, in addition it also raises the risk of adverse events, including ana-
to a stimulating effect on the expression of the mem- phylaxis, liver damage, and renal or neurological dam-
brane T receptor.33,34 Another recent study showed age. There is evidence of the untoward effects on health
the protective effect of melatonin against the testicular from some of the components, however, no restrictions
toxicity induced by etoposide, cisplatin, and bleomycin have been issued by regulatory authorities. There are
regimen by attenuating nitro-oxidative stress, apopto- no studies evaluating the safety or efficacy profile of
sis, and inflammation in rats.31 Although preliminary those formulations including these elements together,
animal studies are promising, there are no available but only some studies superficially evaluating the bio-
studies in which supplementation with melatonin has safety profile of some of the components individually
shown an increase in serum T levels in humans. and for periods of no more than 12 weeks.
This supports the fact that, although they are with
Discussion the assumption that by being ‘‘natural’’ they lack side
T-boosters are widely marketed as nonprescription effects, in truth, their long-term safety is unknown.
products to improve a variety of male concerns, such Also, according to their advertisings, there are no
as libido, sexual function, energy, and muscle mass and contraindications for discontinuing their intake after
strength. The explicit or implied mechanism of action a certain period.
Aguilar-Morgan, et al.; Androgens: Clinical Research and Therapeutics 2022, 3.1 74

Table 1. Effects, Mechanisms, and Quality of the Information Available of the T-Boosters’ Ingredients
in Serum Testosterone and Hypogonadism Symptoms

T-booster Postulated Human or Type of available Effect after Reported adverse

ingredient mechanism animal trials studies supplementation effects

Tribulus Increase in T levels Human and Randomized  No difference in T levels Hepatotoxicity, gastric
terrestris attributed to furostan animal trials controlled trials  No difference in sports mucosa alterations,
saponin and available and double-blind performance hyperbilirubinemia,
protodioscin randomized  No difference in muscle renal failure, weakness,
controlled trials mass loss of voluntary limb
 No difference in sexual control, and
performance. neurological alterations.
Fenugreek 1. Inhibitory effect on Human and Double-blind  Increase in serum T levels** Reduction in leukocyte
(Trigonella 5-a-reductase attributed animal trials randomized  Increase in sport counts and elevation in
foenum- to glycosylated saponins available controlled trials performance** alkaline phosphatase
graecum) 2. Increase in free T and  Increased fat loss**
bioavailable T levels **Only when compared with
without increasing total baseline data and not
T levels when compared with
Zinc Association of zinc Human and Randomized  Improvement in sperm Interference in copper and
deficiency with animal trials controlled trials parameters** iron metabolism,
hypogonadism available  No increase in serum T anemia, neutropenia,
*Only in subfertile men and altered immune
Ashwagandha Presence of ergostane Human trials Double-blind  Improvement in semen No biochemical alterations
(Withania steroids, alkaloids, available randomized parameters* profile available,
somnı́fera) sitoindosides and controlled trials  Increase in serum T, FSH, tolerability profile
saponins and observational and LH levels*,** obtained only by
studies. *Only in subfertile men symptom questionnaire.
**Only when compared with
baseline and not with
Maca 1. Improvement in sperm Animal and Randomized  No improvement in Elevation of AST and
(Lepı́dı́um count and motility human trials controlled trials serum T diastolic pressure
meyenı́ı́) attributed to alkamides available and double-blind although the safety
called ‘‘macamides’’ randomized profile is poorly studied
2. Increase in serum T due controlled trials
to the stimulation of
steroidogenic ability of
Leydig cells
Melatonin 1. Suppresses Leydig cell Only animal Observational and  Increases in serum T{ No adverse effects
apoptosis by studies experimental  Decreases in testicular reported
suppressing Bax/BCL2 available studies toxicity due to different
mitochondrial signaling etiologies{
2. Stimulates the  Enhances sperm quality{
expression of the {
Only studied in animal
membrane T receptor models
3. Antioxidant and anti-
inflammatory effect on
the testis

AST, aspartate aminotransferase; FSH, follicle-stimulating hormone; LH, luteinizing hormone.

It should be noted that the formulation of those ciency, male infertility, or to increase strength and mus-
few extracts evaluated in double-blind studies is not cle mass or enhance training endurance.
that usually found in the family of T-boosters, there- Although isolated studies may show favorable re-
fore, any observed beneficial results may not be applica- sults in one or more of these areas, the quality and re-
ble to commercially available T-boosters that contain liability of those that do are questionable. In addition,
those agents. At present, there is inadequate evidence some of these studies have reported that their ingredi-
to support the use of T-boosters to increase total, free, ents are not harmless, and although no alerts have
or bioavailable T, for treatment of symptoms of T defi- been issued regarding any product in particular,
Aguilar-Morgan, et al.; Androgens: Clinical Research and Therapeutics 2022, 3.1 75

there is a report of a case of acute hepatotoxicity due to be discouraged, at least until there is solid evidence
T-booster intake.35 demonstrating benefits and safety. Health care profes-
Nevertheless, one cannot be certain regarding the sionals should ask about supplement use when patients
quality and efficacy of such products for several reasons, come seeking medical advice.
among others the lack of inadequate storage conditions The consequences of these products on public health
and their origin in unreliable sources. It is also impor- and the economy are unknown. This issue demands
tant to point out that the supplements and extract the immediate attention and further study from health
used in the studies evaluated are highly purified and/or authorities and practitioners worldwide.
concentrated forms, which is not the presentation we
found in T-booster supplements; hence, we cannot ex- Authors’ Contributions
trapolate these trial results to everyday practice. A.A.A.-M. contributed to methodology, investigation,
Counseling should be offered to patients about the writing—original draft, and visualization. A.M. was
insubstantial data available of the effects of T-boosters involved in writing—review and editing. L.A.R.-V. was
on T levels, improvement in sexual performance, and in charge of conceptualization, writing—review and
hypogonadism symptoms. The studies available can- editing, project administration, and correspondence.
not provide either consistent or reliable information
about raising T levels, mostly because the supple- Author Disclosure Statement
mentation protocols and sampling timelines were No competing financial interests exist.
uneven, leading to an unfeasibility to make accurate
comparisons.11 Funding Information
Throughout the years, some consumers of T-boosters No funding was received for this article.
have complained of renal and liver anomalies that
might be related to the use of T-boosters. There have References
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