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to get to kanow who is commiting , each user should have its own config

git config --global "Grv"

git config --global ""

to check ---> git config --global --list


git sttaus --->checks sttaus

git init --->create a local repository
indtead of geting master , we will use main
git init -b main


How to add files ---> git add first.txt

if we want all past commits ---> git log
how to commit with meassage ---> git commit -m "this is my first commit"
to directly commit and not staging(add)--> git commit -a -m "this is my first
to get changes ---> git diff --staged
to commit all files directly ---> git add .
to ramove file from directory or git ---> git rm --cached xyz.txt

to push local repo to remote repo or in github ---> git push origin main

-------------------------------------------------------Tagging on github ---> git
tag -a v1.0 -m "First release"
to know about the tag ---> git show v1.0

to get a new branch ---> git checkout -b feature1 or git switch -c feature1

to check which braanch u are in ---> git branch(for local) or git branch --all
(for remote)

to swtch to main brwnach ---> git switch main

to swtch to prev brwnach ---> git switch -

to delete the branch ---> git branch -d feature2

to push branches on remote repository add - commit - git switch feature1 - git
push origin feature1

to merge feature branch to main branch - git switch main - git pull origin main
- git merge feature1 - git push origin main

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