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The Real Filipino Time

January 19, 2010 By Jon E. Royeca 24 Comments (Part 9 of the In Defense of the Filipino series) FOR anti-Filipinos, the meaning of Filipino time is always late. It is said that the Filipino is and will always be late for his appointments. He does not value time. He is never punctual. He wants to be late for gatherings because he likes to get the attention of everyone. He is the one who arrives last; thus, everybody notices him because of his untimely arrival. Are all these negative remarks against us Filipinos true? Early discipline. Classes in public and private elementary, secondary, and tertiary schools begin at 6:15 a.m. For those in the afternoon shifts, their classes begin at noon. Morning-shift students wake up before dawn. From the time they get off the bed, they hurry in taking baths or showers, having breakfast, brushing their teeth, and putting on their school attire. It is heartwarming that there are six-year-old Grade One pupils who wake up and take baths or showers that early so that they would not be late for school. The children do all that to arrive in school before the flag ceremonies, which regularly commence at 6:00 a.m. Those who live in far places wake up earlier to avoid being caught in entangled traffic flows during the morning rush hour. Most of the teachers and students arrive in schools before 6:00 a.m. For those in the afternoon shifts, they arrive before noon. This is discipline. More than 20 million Filipino students and half a million Filipino teachers practice it. Work schedule. Work in offices, factories, stores, and other similar establishments begins at eight in the morning. Thus, professionals, employees, and workers also hurry in taking baths or showers, having breakfast, brushing their teeth, and getting dressed to arrive in their places of work early or on time. Such rush is already a regular ritual for the hardworking Filipinos. Again, it is discipline. Now that they are already in their respective bread-winning fields, they still do what they had practiced when they were still studying. Market vendors are all ready before dawn so that they can buy the freshest vegetables, fruits, fish, meat, and other wet market items at the delivery centers or slaughterhouses. They have to get the best goods, and they can only do that if they arrive early at the delivery centers or slaughterhouses. We Filipinos arrive early or on time in our destinations. This is the real or genuine time of the Filipino.

Spanish defect. Why is it that the Filipino is slapped with the accusation that he is always late, even when he arrives in his engagements early or on time? This has something to do with the Spanish colonization of our race. Being the colonizers, the Spaniards wanted to be superior to the Filipinos and in everything. They wanted to be served, adored, and given all the attention.

Other articles by Jon E. Royeca

Why Is the Philippines A Poor Country? - January 19, 2010 Defend the Filipino - January 19, 2010 Wrong Perceptions of Americans - January 19, 2010 Gossips are everywhere - January 19, 2010 Copycats? - January 19, 2010 Colonial Mentality - January 19, 2010 On Our Sense of History - January 19, 2010 Crab Mentality Is Universal - January 19, 2010 Its Not Lack of Discipline - January 19, 2010 All Nations Have Graft and Corruption - January 19, 2010

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