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Detailed Lesson Plan in English

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to;

a. identify the characters of the story and their characteristics;

b. realize the significance of the story along with its moral lesson; and

c. develop a composition that deals with their reaction to the story.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: "The Gingerbread Man"

Reference: MELC Module Quarter 2 Grade 9

Materials: audio-visual equipment (PowerPoint Presentation), visual aids, and other

writing materials.

III. Procedure

A. Preparatory Activity

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Everybody, please stand. Let us pray, (Junrel leads the prayer)

Junrel please lead the prayer.
Good afternoon, Mr. Antoque!
Good afternoon, class!
We’re fine, Sir.
How are you this afternoon?

Before you may take your seats, please

pick up pieces of paper under your chairs and Yes, Sir.
arrange your chairs properly.

Let us check your attendance. Who are No one is absent, Sir.

absent in our class this afternoon?
(students read the rules and
I have rules and regulations for you to regulations)
follow. Everybody, please read.

1. Raise your right hand if you want to answer.

2. Keep quiet while the teacher is discussing

the lesson.

3. Do not answer in chorus.

Our topic last meeting is all about

B. Review Modals.
What is our topic last meeting?


C. Motivation

Do you want to play a game? Let’s play a

puzzle game.

Now, I will divide you into three groups.

The group one is in the right side, the 2nd

group is in the center and the 3rd group is in
the left side. All you are going to do is to Our topic this afternoon Sir, is all about a
assemble the pieces of the puzzle to form the short story, "The Gingerbread Man”.

Amazing! You are all correct.

D. Presentation

What is our topic this afternoon? (students read the learning objectives)

At the end of the lesson, the students will

Awesome! be able to;

Let us give a round of applause to a. identify the characters of the story

Listimay. and their characteristics;

Our topic this afternoon is all about a b. realize the significance of the story
short story entitled "The Gingerbread Man." along with its moral lesson; and

Now, let us read the objective first. c. develop a composition that deals
with their reaction to the story.
Everybody read the objectives

1. summer house
2. calm
3. shock
Before we start our discussion let us 4. following
answer some difficult words. What will be the 5. eat something hurriedly and noisily
synonyms of the word?

1. cottage
2. quiet
1. We rented a cottage for the weekend.
3. surprise
2. The lights went down and the theater
4. chase
became quiet.
5. gobble
3. They surprised everyone by moving
to the Bahamas.
4. A dog was chasing a rabbit.
Let's make it a sentence. 5. He gobbled up a huge burger.
1. cottage
2. quiet
3. surprise
(students read the story)
4. chase
5. gobble The Gingerbread Man

A long, long time ago an old woman and

an old man lived a quiet life in a small cottage
by the river. One day the woman decided to
make a gingerbread man for them to eat. She
E. Discussion mixed flour, butter and eggs in a bowl and then
she rolled out the dough carefully. She then cut
Let us read the story of The Gingerbread out a lovely gingerbread man and gave him
Man. Everybody, read the story. blueberries for his eyes and buttons and icing
for his mouth and clothes.

The woman put him in the oven to bake.

Soon enough, he was ready and the woman
opened the oven door, but to her surprise the
Gingerbread man jumped out of it. “Don’t eat
me!" he shouted in terror and ran out of the
window. The woman and the man started
chasing after him. “Stop! Stop!” they shouted,
but he was faster than they were.

“Run, run, as fast as you can! You can’t

catch me, I’m the Gingerbread man," he
laughed and kept running. As he was running,
he came across a pig. The pig tried to take a
bite out of him but once again the Gingerbread
man was faster.

“Run, run, as fast as you can! You can’t

catch me, I’m the Gingerbread man," he said
and carried on running. The pig joined the
chase and now the old woman, the old man and
the pig were running after him. But the
Gingerbread man was faster.

Further along the path he came across a

cow. “Stop!” called the cow, “I want to eat
you." But the Gingerbread man started running
again and the cow couldn't catch him. “Run,
run as fast as you can! You can’t catch me, I’m
the Gingerbread man!” he said.

It was not long before the Gingerbread

man came across a horse. “Stop, little man! I
want to eat you!”, the horse said, but the
Gingerbread man outran him too. “Run, run as
fast as you can! You can’t catch me, I’m the
Gingerbread man!”
The horse joined the old woman, the old
man and the pig, but the Gingerbread man only
laughed at them. He kept laughing until he
reached the river banks. “Oh, no! Now they
will get me and eat me! If only I could cross
the river," he thought.

Suddenly a fox snuck up to him. “Please,

don’t eat me," cried the Gingerbread man. "I
won’t eat you," the fox promised. “I just want
to help you! Jump on my back and I will swim
across the river and you will be safe.” The
Gingerbread man had no other choice. He
jumped on the fox’s back and they crossed the
river easily and safely.

As soon as they stepped onto dry ground,

the Gingerbread man thanked the fox. But a
second later the fox opened his mouth and
gobbled up the Gingerbread man.

Yes, Sir.

The title of the story is “The Gingerbread


F. Generalization
The moral lesson of the story is not to talk
Did you understand the story class? to strangers.

What is the title of the story again?

The moral of the story is that you should
Amazing! not trust anyone without hesitations.
Let us give a Barangay Clap to Ivan. The main character in the story is the
gingerbread man.
What is the moral lesson of the story?
The Gingerbread Man said, Run, run, as
Clever! fast as you can! You can’t catch me, I’m the
Gingerbread man.”
Let us give a Let’s Go Clap to Via.

Who can give another answer?

Good job!

Who is the main character in the story?

Very good!

What did the Gingerbread man say while

he was running away?


Since you understood our lesson for this

afternoon, you may now go to your respective
groups. I will give you 5 minutes to answer the

G. Application

Rubrics Points G1 G2

Accuracy 15

Reading/Presentation 10

Cooperation and 5

Total 30

For the group 1, write the characters of

the story and their characteristics.

For the group 2, develop a composition

dealing on your reaction to the story.

What have you learned in the story “The

Gingerbread Man”?

You may now go back to your proper

seats and answer the following questions in a
1/4 sheet of paper.

IV. Evaluation

Test l

Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. Write it in a 1/4 sheet of paper.

1. Who made the "The Gingerbread Man"?

a. The old woman b. The old man c. Fox d. Cow

2. What is the title of the story?

a. Ginger b. Gingerbread c. The Man d. The Gingerbread Man

3. Where do Old man and old woman lived?

a. Small cottage by the river b. Small cottage by the sea c. Small cottage by the lake

d. Small cottage by the falls

4. Who ate the Gingerbread man?

a. Cow b. Pig c. Fox d. Horse

5. How many animals in the story “The Gingerbread Man” ?

a. 5 b. 4 c. 3 d. 2

Test II

True or False

Directions: Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false.

____6. There is one character in the story.

____7. The woman ate the Gingerbread man.

____8. The Gingerbread man is the main character of the story.

____9. The fox helped the Gingerbread man to cross the river.

____10. The Gingerbread man lived happily ever after.

V. Assignment

Identify the story’s essential elements that include the characters, setting, plot, and theme.
Write your answers briefly in a one-half crosswise sheet of paper.

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