Module 5

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Chloe Frenzel

COMM 406
Module 5
Artificial intelligence is a machine technology that has quickly become unavoidable in
our daily lives. As AI technology has developed, it’s implemented itself in a variety of industries.
When discussing AI it’s important to understand both positive and negative sides. The main
advantage in my opinion would be an increase in productivity and efficiency. Whether it's in the
workplace for completing repetitive tasks or at school for getting answers on homework in just a
matter of seconds. Other positive advantages that were mentioned in the video is using AI for
quick decision making with services like Siri or Alexa. Another is creating graphic templates and
prompt outlines for students and in the workplace. This can be beneficial for teachers and people
who don’t necessarily have a ton of creative experience. In my experience of managing social
media for different organizations, I've found AI helpful when I need ideas for an Instagram
caption inspiration, however I never copy word for word because I honestly believe AI writing
sounds tacky and disingenuous. Looking at this technology from a broad perspective it's easy to
think that it’s only enhancing our human experience, but to me the pros don’t outweigh the cons.
A disadvantage to AI, and truthfully the one that bothers me the most, is the lack of creativity in
creative fields such as the music and arts industry. People using AI to create music is definitely
intimidating for artists who are only producing authentic music, however I don’t think AI could
ever compare to human creativity. Other negatives include people being more lazy, privacy
concerns, and overall uncertainty for the future.
Navigating the use of artificial intelligence in our education system is complicated and
there is still a lot of unknown within the topic. As a communications major where my school
work primarily revolves around writing papers and using my creativity to make advertisements,
seeing AI being abused within our education systems is extremely frustrating. Not only is it
being used by students as a result of pure laziness, it's also creating issues for teachers because
many students are just simply not learning anymore. If there is not a solution implemented for
this issue soon I believe we are at a big risk for future generations. In the video she discusses a
study that showed students learn more efficiently when they are being taught through active
participation rather than just listening to a lecture (Video, 13:30). Yes, AI can be used to broaden
students' thinking and accelerate productivity, however in the long run even using it in this light
will negatively impact students because they aren’t learning hands on.
We have already seen a massive increase for AI communication for companies'
technology. In a recently published Forbes article, the author discusses that employees with
mastered communication skills can benefit from using AI to dominate the work space
(Christian, 2023). Communication technologies like chatbots are not always favored by
consumers because it's not an authentic human interaction. The use of artificial intelligence is
inevitable in modern day society, it's important that we as a society have to learn how to navigate

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