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Course Title Electronic,Optical & Mag. Prop

Course Code MSE401

Program MSE

Department Material Sciences and Engineering

College College of Chemicals and Materials

Prepared by
Course Instructor/Coordinator: Turki Baroud
Date: Jan. 16, 2022

Approval Data:

Council / Committee Dr. Turki Nabieh Baroud

Reference No. None

Date Feb. 14, 2022


1. Course Credit Hours:


2. Course Pre-requisites:

• PHYS 102: General Physics II

3. Course Co-requisites:


4. Not to be taken with courses:


5. Other Requirements:

6. Location:

Main Campus

7. Mode Of Instruction:

Mode of instruction Percentage

In class (face to face) 100.00%

Other (None) 0%

8. Contact and Credit Hours:

Contact/Credit Laboratory
Hours Lecture or Studio Tutorial Other Total

Contact Hours (per 45.00 0 0 0 45.00


Credit Hours 3 0 0 0 3


1. Course Catalog Description:

Free Electron Theory, Review of quantum mechanics, Fermi-Dirac statistics, Fermi energy,
Fermi surface, Fermi distribution, density of states, effective mass. Electrons in periodic
solids, Bloch wave functions, Electronic band structure-materials classification, Electrical
conduction in polymers, ceramics, and amorphous materials, Optical properties of materials,
Quantum mechanical treatment of the optical properties, Magnetic phenomena and their
classical interpretation, Quantum mechanical considerations of the properties of materials,

2. Course Main Objectives:

1. To provide students an understanding of the behavior of electrons in solids from classical

and modern theories
2. To familiarize students with the relation between materials type and bonding and their
electrical properties
3. To teach students different analysis techniques for determination of material properties of
composite materials.
4. To introduce the students to the methodologies for designing and manufacturing of
composite materials.

3. Student Learning Outcomes (CLOs) Mapping to the Program-level Student Learning

Outcomes (PLOs) :

Code CLO PLO’s Code

1 Knowledge and Understanding

1.1 Explain the behavior of electrons in solids from classical and

modern theories
Code CLO PLO’s Code

1.2 Describe the relation between materials type and bonding and
their electrical properties

1.3 Explain the physical properties of solids in terms of its band-


1.4 Explain the importance of quantum mechanics in understanding

some of the electrical, optical and magnetic properties of materials

1.5 Explain the concepts of lattice waves, phonons and thermal

properties of materials

1.6 Explain the behavior of electrons in solids from classical and

modern theories

2 Skills

2.1 Interpret the electronic structure of materials.


1. Subject Area Credit Hours:

Engineering / Computer
Science Mathematics/Science Humanities

3.00 0 0

Social Sciences and

Business General Education Other Subject Areas

0 0 0

2. Lecture Topics to be Covered:

No Topic Hours

1 Electrical and thermal conduction in solids 5.00

2 Elementary quantum physics 6.00

3 Modern theory of solids 6.00

4 Semiconductors 6.00

5 Dielectric materials and insulation 6.00

6 Magnetic properties and superconductivity 6.00

7 Optical properties of materials 6.00

8 Introduction to computational methods for materials properties 4.00

Total 45.00

1. Course Learning Outcomes:

Code CLO Teaching Strategy Assessment Method

1 Knowledge and Understanding

1.1 Explain the behavior of Lectures, Group Assignment, exams

electrons in solids from classical discussion
and modern theories

1.2 Describe the relation between Lectures, Group Assignment, exams

materials type and bonding and discussion , Solved
their electrical properties problems

1.3 Explain the physical properties Lectures, Group Assignment, exams

of solids in terms of its band- discussion , Solved
structure problems

1.4 Explain the importance of Lectures, Group Assignment, exams

quantum mechanics in discussion , Solved
understanding some of the problems
electrical, optical and magnetic
properties of materials

1.5 Explain the concepts of lattice Lectures, Group Assignment, exams

waves, phonons and thermal discussion , Solved
properties of materials problems

1.6 Explain the behavior of Lectures, Group Assignment, exams

electrons in solids from classical discussion , Solved
and modern theories problems

2 Skills

2.1 Interpret the electronic Lectures Group Assignment, exams,

structure of materials. discussion, Solved and presentation
Demonstration, term

2. Lecture Assessment Plan:

Proportion of Total
Assessment Task Week Due Assessment Score

Term Project 14th week 15.0%

Major Exams 6th and 40.0%

12th week

Final Exam As 25.0%


Assignments Every week 10.0%

Quizzes Every Week 10.0%


45 Hours.


1. Required Textbooks:

• Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, S.O. Kasap R.E. 4th edition, 2018.

2. Essential References Materials:

• List Essential References Materials (Journals, Reports, etc.)

3. Recommended Reference Material:

• List Recommended Textbooks and Reference Material (Journals, Reports, etc) Hummel,
Electronic Properties of Materials, Springer-Verlag, 3rd edition, 2001.

4. Electronic Material:

• List Electronic Materials, Web Sites, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

5. Other Learning Material:

• Other learning material such as computer-based software, professional standards or regulations

and software. Quantum ESPRESSO


1. Faculty and Teaching Staff Availability:

The amount of time teaching staff are expected to be available each week 4 hours of regular
office hours Arrangements for availability of faculty and teaching staff for individual student
consultations and academic advice, in addition to the instructor office hours. * By

2. Accommodation Facilities Required:

• Classrooms and laboratories

3. Technology Resources Facilities Required:

• Data show and smart board

4. Other Facilities Required:

• Laboratory equipment, etc.


The normal end-of-semester University online evaluation of the instructor, course, and textbook by

Evaluation Areas/Issues: For example, Effectiveness of teaching and assessment, Extent of

achievement of course learning outcomes, Quality of learning resources, etc. Evaluators:
Students, Faculty, Program Leaders, Peer Reviewer, Others (specify) Evaluation Methods: Direct &

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