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1. On a sheet of ad paper, discuss briefly Christ’s aim in His public life. (10 points)
In His public life, Christ’s aim was to teach what God requires all people to believe.
Although Jesus was without sin, He was still baptized by immersion to teach us obedience to
God. Jesus is a perfect example of love for He cared for the poor, healed the sick, gave sight to
the blind, and even brought the dead back to life. He performed miracles. He never turned away
little children. To teach in a simplest manner, He used parables, stories, signs, and used simple
and homely words to teach important lessons to His listeners. Jesus’ aim was also to teach faith,
love and forgive others even our enemies. He also revealed certain mysteries and instituted the
seven sacraments. He gathered twelve Apostles for this purpose, and He provided them
instruction and training. They were instrumental in the establishment of His Church, which was
to continue His work after His death, teaching what He had freely and publicly taught.

2. On another sheet of pad paper, what 3 important events marked the end of our Lord’s public
1. His solemn entry into Jerusalem;
2. The Last Supper He ate with His Apostles; and
3. His passion and death.

3. On a separate sheet of pad paper, give the seven last words of Jesus.
1. “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” (Lk. 23:34)
2. “Amen, I say to thee, this day thou shalt be with me in paradise.” (Lk. 23:43)
3. “Woman, behold thy son . . . . Behold they mother.” (Jn. 19:26-27)
4. “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Mt. 27:46)
5. “I thirst.” (Jn. 19:28)
6. “It is consummated.” (Jn.19:30)
7. “Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit.” (Lk. 23:46)

4. On another sheet of pad paper, what took place at the death of Jesus? (10 points)
Christ died on Golgotha, place outside the city of Jerusalem. Golgotha means “The Place
of Skull.” Christ was crucified on a hill called Calvary, outside the city of Jerusalem
1. The sun was darkened;
2. The earth quaked;
3. The veil of the Temple was rent;
4. The rocks split; and
5. Many of the dead arose and appeared in Jerusalem.

5. Ona sheet of pad paper, a – d, the qualities of Christ’s risen body; e – h, the reasons why
Christ ascended into heaven.
The qualities of His body were:
1. Agility – It could go with the quickness of thought to all places.
2. Subtility or spirituality – It was free from hunger, thirst, fatigue, and other needs. It could
penetrate material
3. Clarity or brightness – It shone with splendor.
4. Impassibility – It was immune to pain, disease and death.
Christ ascended into heaven in order:
1. To enter into the glory He had merited.
2. To send down the Holy Ghost on His Church.
3. To be our intercessor with the Father.
4. To prepare a place for us in heaven.

6. On another sheet of pad paper, discuss briefly why Filipinos are meal-oriented. (10 points)
We Filipinos consider almost everyone as a part of our family, we are known for being
gracious host and grateful guests. Serving our guests with the best we have is an unharm value of
the Filipino which is being hospitable. We have to celebrate any events with special meals.
Because, we Filipinos try our best to offer something, with the traditional greeting “Come and
eat with us.” Jesus is the host of the Paschal Meal. He also is the guest of every gathering.

For us Filipinos, our “salo-salo” is more than just nourishment of the body. We
strengthen our relationships by sharing a meal. The Filipino “handaan” is an expression of our
good will. The Eucharist is our “salo-salo”, our family reunion. Christ is our “tinapay ng buhay”,
the Host that throws a “piging” as a sign of his gracious love- love that sustains us, love that
makes us one as God’s people.

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