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(Version February 2021)

M. S. Dhavne
Student, Institute of Infrastructure Technology Research and Management, Ahmedabad, IN –

KEY WORDS: Agriculture, Leaf Reflectance, Photosynthesis, Forests, Vegetation, Canopy.


This paper discusses about fundamental concepts of biophysical characteristics of vegetation and how remotely sensed data can be
processed to extract valuable information. Governing factors for leaf reflectance which elaborates about internal structure of leaf and
how light is reflected from leaf and then remote sensing derived vegetation indices which are elementary and efficient algorithms for
perceptible and approximate evaluation of growth dynamics, cover of vegetation, and more applications.

1. INTRODUCTION Higher spatial and temporal resolution can be retrieved with the
help of UAS, due to which viable accurate agriculture
Vegetation covers nearly seventy percent of Earth surface. applications possible to the submeter resolution of pixel. There
Information about various vegetation species, morphology, is a drawback in UAS platforms, payload weight varies with
changes in vegetation growth cycles, impact of pollution on flying time. Higher payload carrying UAS will fly for a shorter
vegetation can provide valuable understanding about weather, time duration and vice versa.
edaphic, topography characteristics of an area. Especially in a
country like India where major occupation of most citizens is 2. DOMINANT FACTORS CONTROLLING LEAF
agriculture and it has to feed billions of people, the scientists REFLECTANCE
have dedicated noteworthy power to develop remote sensing
systems and digital image processing algorithms to excerpt Pathfinding work by scientists like Gates, Gausmann, Myers
extensive vegetation biophysical information from remote and others determined how leaf pigments, leaf water content
sensing data. Many remote sensing techniques are common in and internal scattering affect the reflectance and transmittance
nature and are practiced over a broad range of vegetated properties of leaves.
landscapes containing, forests, agriculture, grasslands, tundra,
deserts, and urban vegetation.

1.1 Remote Sensing Platforms

Satellite based remote sensing systems can be cost-effective as

it has high spectral resolution and long-time data series of
persistent and proportionate data is available. A few satellite
platforms such as Landsat 7-8 have unrestricted access to
visible and multispectral data. Nonetheless, there are two major
issues associated with platforms like these for accurate
agricultural applications, (i) per pixel resolution (30m 2/pixel of
Landsat and 500m2/pixel of MODIS) and (ii) orbital period (16
days for Landsat & 26 days for SPOT). In the recent past
advances have been made on both these problems, newer
satellites have better pixel resolution compared to its
predecessors. WorldView-2 has spatial resolution of 2m2/pixel
and has an orbital period of 100 minutes, moreover it was the
first commercial satellite to have eight spectral sensors. Figure 1. Spectral reflectance attributes of fresh, green
vegetation for the wavelength range 0.4 – 2.6 µm.
Revisitation time of 16 days in satellite remote sensing system
makes water and nutrient management challenging. Also, 2.1 Effect of visible light in the pigments of Palisade
passive remote sensors cannot capture through clouds, so it Mesophyll Cells
becomes unproductive in overcast conditions.
Photosynthesis is a process by which green plants and a few
Both above mentioned problems can be mitigated by decreasing more organisms utilize sunlight to extract nutrients from CO 2
altitude of sensors which is not possible in a satellite system. and H2O.
Hence, airborne and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) can be 6 CO 2+ 6 H 2 O+light energy →C 6 H 12 O6 +6 O2
implemented. The former can be costly due to exorbitant value
Light energy coming from sun powers the photosynthesis
of aircrafts and pilots. While the latter option has become
process. Carbon dioxide from atmosphere and water absorbed
omnipresent with economical aircrafts and camera payloads
by plant through roots combine and form a glucose molecule
varying visible, thermal & near infrared, 3D, LiDAR
and oxygen is also released.
collectively mentioned as Unmanned Aerial System (UAS).

Figure 2. Electron microscope image of a green leaf

Photosynthesis takes place inside common green leaf in two sets

of food preparing cells – palisade parenchyma and spongy Figure 4. Absorption spectra of β-carotene, Phycoerythrin &
parenchyma mesophyll cells Phycocyanin.

Molecules of a common green plant have matured to consume 2.2 Effect of Near-Infrared Energy on Spongy Mesophyll
wavelengths of light in the visible spectrum very well are Cells
known as pigments.
The near-infrared reflectance strengthen substantially in the
range of 700 – 1200 nm in a typical green leaf. The reason
behind this phenomenon is if plants absorb energy with the
same efficacy as they do in the visible range, they will get very
warm and the proteins would receive irreparable damage.
Consequently, plants have evolved to either reflect or transmit
such large amount of near-infrared energy.

The amount of infrared energy reflected in a leaf is controlled

by the spongy mesophyll layer. This layer is commonly placed
beneath the palisade mesophyll layer and consists of many cells
& intercellular air spaces (Figure 2).

Following are the major reasons that plant canopies reflect so

much near-infrared energy:
 The leaf rebounds 40-60% of the falling near infrared
energy from spongy mesophyll (Figure 1), and
 The leftover 45-50% of energy transmitted through leaves
can be repeatedly rebounded by the leaves underneath.
This is known as leaf additive reflectance.

Figure 3. Absorption spectra of chlorophyll a and b pigments. The accord maintained by near-infrared and red canopy
reflectance has ensued growth of biomass-estimating techniques
Much of the incident blue and red wavelength energy is and remote sensing vegetation indices that use multiple
absorbed by chlorophyll a and b pigments. Chlorophyll a is measurements in visible and near-infrared range.
centered at
wavelengths of 0.43 and 0.66 µm and chlorophyll b is centered 2.3 Effect of Middle Infrared Energy in the Spongy
at wavelengths of 0.45 and 0.65 µm. Lack of absorption in Mesophyll
green and yellow wavelengths causes a trough in above graph
which illustrates the reason behind green color of leaves. When Water is essential for a plant to grow. A leaf obtains water
plants deteriorate in autumn or undergoes stress, the chlorophyll through plant’s roots. The water is transferred from roots to
pigments may lose its dominance and other pigments like stem and enters the leaf through petiole. Inside a leaf, water is
carotenes gain paramountcy in deciding color of the leaf. carried by veins to cells. If plant is watered abundantly and it is
on maximum holding capacity it is said to be fully turgid. Much
In fall seasons, production of chlorophyll halts, causing other of this water is present in spongy mesophyll cells. If due to
pigments like carotenes which impart yellow color turns out to scarce rainfall or water shortage, plant will hold amount of
be more discernible to our eyes. Also in the same season a few water less than it can hold then it is said to relatively turgid. It
trees also produces anthocyanin in large quantities, causing the would be useful to have remote sensing instrument that would
leaves to appear bright red. be sensitive to amount of water plant is holding. Information
like this can be obtained by remote sensing in passive
microwave, middle-infrared, and thermal infrared part of the
electro-magnetic spectrum.

Vegetation reflectance peak occurs at about 1.6 and 2.2 µm  Monitoring of climatic and yearly changes can be
betwixt dominant atmospheric water absorption bands (Figure performed.
1). Water is a great absorber of middle infrared energy, so more  The process of ratioing decreases numerous kinds of
the turgidity of the leaves lower the middle infrared reflectance amplicative disturbances such as shadows of clouds, sun
and vice versa. illuminations differences and some contour alterations in
various bands of multiple-date imagery.
A plant loses much of its water due to transpiration. This occurs
when sun heats up the water in the leaves, causing the water to However there are some disadvantages as well which are
evaporate by stomata. Plants loses much of its water due to this mentioned below:
phenomenon and if roots are not able to replace this water,  Highly susceptible to canopy backdrop alterations. NDVI
leaves wilt, photosynthesis stops and plants die. Monitoring the values are steep when darker canopy background exist.
moisture content of plant canopies is done by passive  Such ratio based indexes are non-linear and can be
microwave & thermal infrared remote sensing. impacted by additive noises like atmospheric path
Practical applications of plant moisture data are:
 Scheduling of irrigation Scientists still continue to use NDVI heavily. NDVI images
 Estimation of stress and derived from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer
 Harvest design for agriculture, rangeland and forestry (MODIS) data is shown in figure below:



Vegetation Indices are dimension-less, radiometric

computations that specify relative abundance and activity of
green vegetation including green biomass, chlorophyll content,
leaf area index, percentage cover and absorbed
photosynthetically absorbed radiation. A vegetation index shall:
 to reduce external influencing factors such as viewing
angle, sun angle & atmosphere for persistent temporal and
spatial connections.
 to reduce internal influencing factors such as soil
alterations, changes in aged or woody vegetation, canopy Figure 5. NDVI composite image derived from MODIS data
background alterations and contours. acquired from October 1, 2012, to November 1, 2012.
 link a few unique measurable biophysical parameters like
leaf area index, APAR, either biomass as element of 3.3 Normalized Difference Water or Moisture Index –
quality control and corroboration endeavor. NDWI or NDMI
 enhance susceptibility to plant biophysical parameters,
ideally for linear reply to a broad spectrum of vegetation Hardisky and Gao found Normalized Difference Water or
conditions and to aid corroboration and adjustment of the Moisture Index build on Landsat Thematic Mapper middle and
index. near-infrared bands was profoundly corresponded with water
A few widely used vegetation indices are: content in canopy and trailed changes firmly in water stress &
plant biomass than NDVI.
3.1 Simple Ratio – SR
The earliest vegetation index was proposed by Cohen in 1991. ρnir −ρ swir
Mathematical form is given below: NDMI ∨NDWI =
ρnir + ρ swir
SR= 3.4 Perpendicular Vegetation Index – PVI
The Perpendicular Vegetation Index which was established on
The simple ratio provides relevant information about leaf area MSS data was unique. Guyon (2011) used a more collective
index (LAI) or vegetation biomass. This ratio is mainly PVI to monitor leaf phenology in decidious broadleaf forests
susceptible to bio-mass & leaf area index alterations in high where:
vegetation zones like forests. ( NIR−aRed−b )
3.2 Normalized Difference Vegetation Index – NDVI √1+a 2
Mathematically form of NDVI is below: 3.5 Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index – SAVI

ρnir −ρred ρnir −ρred

NDVI = SAVI= (1+ L )
ρnir + ρred ρnir + ρred + L
The NDVI is a crucial vegetation index due to: Here, L is sunshade backdrop adjustment factor. The value of L
is dependent on the corresponding vegetation density. In regions

where vegetation is scarce and on bare soils, L becomes nearly
one, whereas L becomes zero in densely vegetated areas like REFERENCES
tropical rainforests. The usefulness of SAVI is to reduce soil
“noise” found in NDVI. Jensen J.R., 2015: Introductory Digital Image Processing.
Pearson Education Inc.
3.6 Enhanced Vegetation Index – EVI
Jinru X., Baofeng S., 2017: Significant Remote Sensing
Vegetation Indices: A Review of Developments and
ρnir −ρ red Applications. Journal of Sensors
ρnir +C 1 ρred −C2 ρblue + L
EVI, a modified form of NDVI where L is soil adjustment
factor taken as 1.0, C1 and C2 are used for correction in red band
by the use of blue band and are taken as 6.0 and 7.5. G is a gain
factor set to 2.5. This algorithm has better susceptibility to
immense bio-mass regions and has enhanced vegetation
monitoring by reducing atmospheric influences and reduction in
canopy background signal.

Figure 6. MODIS EVI map of earth gathered over a 16-day


3.7 Normalized Difference Built-Up Index — NDBI

When employed on urban & suburban issues, data analysts are

more attentive in tracking the spatial dispersion and sprawl of
urban areas. The above-mentioned information is utilized for
planning applications and watershed run-off prediction.
Normalized Difference Built-up Index (NDBI) was conceived
by Zha:

Here, B u=
In these method, produced image contains only barren and built
up pixels having positive values while all the other features
having negative values. Accuracy rate of this method is around

Vegetation Indices (VIs) combining near-infrared and visible

bands have notably enhanced the susceptibility of the disclosure
of green vegetation. Various VIs are developed owing to
different environments as they have their own fluctuating and
complicated attributes. Every VI has its own definite equation
of green vegetation made for definite uses with a few inhibiting
factors. Utmost caution should be adopted while choosing VI
for practical applications by taking into account and evaluating
the benefits and disadvantages & then blend them for a certain
environment. New frontiers in vegetation indices can be
explored with advancements in multi-spectral & hyper-spectral
remote sensing.

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