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Title Page

(Skill Fusion)
Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the

degree of



Computer Science & Engineering

Under the Supervision of
Mr. Mrityunjay Kumar
(Assistant Professor)
Durgesh Singh (200423010033)
Sandeep Maddheshiya (2004230100067)

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

School of Management Sciences, Lucknow

Affiliated to
Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University

May 2024

We hereby declare that this submission is our own work and that, to the best of my
knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by
another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the
award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher
learning, except where due acknowledgment has been made in the text.

Signature Signature

Name: Durgesh Singh Name: Sandeep Maddheshiya

Roll No.: 2004230100033 Roll No.: 20042301

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This is to certify that Project Report entitled “Skill Fusion” which is submitted by
Durgesh Singh & Sandeep Maddehshiya.
in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree B. Tech. in Department of

Computer Science and Engineering of School of Management Sciences Lucknow,

affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow is a record of the

candidates own work carried out by them under my/our supervision. The project embodies

result of original work and studies carried out by the students themselves and the contents of

the project do not form the basis for the award of any other degree to the candidate or to

anybody else.

Signature: Signature:

Mr. Mrityunjay Kumar Mr. Sunit Mishra

Assistant Professor Head of Department
CSE Department, CSE Department,
SMS, Lucknow SMS, Lucknow

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It gives us a great sense of pleasure to present the report of the B.Tech. Project undertaken
during B.Tech. Final Year. We owe special debt of gratitude to our project supervisor Mr.
Mrityunjay Kumar, Assistant Professor of Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
School of Management Sciences Lucknow, for his constant support and guidance throughout the
course of our work. His sincerely, thoroughness and perseverance have been a constant source
of inspiration for us. It is only his cognizant efforts that our endeavors have seen light of the

We also take the opportunity to acknowledge the contribution of Professor Mr. Sunit Mishra
Head, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, School of Management Sciences
Lucknow,for his full support and assistance during the development of the project.

We also do not like to miss the opportunity to acknowledge the contribution of all faculty
members of the department for their kind assistance and cooperation during the development of
our project. Last but not the least, we acknowledge our friends for their contribution in the
completion of the project.

Signature Signature

Name: Durgesh Singh Name: Sandeep Maddheshiya

Roll No.: 2004230100033 Roll No.: 2004230100067

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In the contemporary digital landscape, the importance of online platforms for networking, community engagement, and
personal expression is paramount. This project introduces the development of a sophisticated web application
constructed on the foundation of the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) stack, meticulously designed to
offer users an immersive and intuitive experience in profile creation, content sharing, and community interaction.

Central to the application's functionality is robust user authentication, providing a secure gateway for individuals to
register, log in, and meticulously curate their profiles. With a comprehensive profile creation process encompassing
essential details such as name, biography, and profile picture, users are equipped with the tools to personalize their
online presence. Once completed, users unlock a myriad of features including content posting, engagement through likes,
comments, and shares, and the ability to establish and participate in communities tailored to their interests and

Harnessing the latest advancements in web technologies and user experience design principles, the project endeavors to
deliver a seamless and user-centric interface. Through intuitive navigation and responsive design elements, the
application aims to foster organic engagement and meaningful interactions among its diverse user base. The
accompanying report delves into the intricacies of the project's objectives, technological underpinnings, architectural
framework, implementation strategies, rigorous testing methodologies, and future development pathways.

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the significance of online connectivity in shaping social dynamics cannot be
overstated. This project serves as a testament to the evolving role of digital platforms in facilitating genuine human
connection and fostering virtual communities grounded in shared interests and mutual respect. By providing users with a
versatile platform for self-expression, collaboration, and networking, the application endeavors to enrich the online
experience and empower individuals to forge meaningful connections in an increasingly interconnected world.

In conclusion, the development of this web application represents a proactive response to the evolving needs and
expectations of digital natives in an ever-expanding virtual realm. By embracing innovation, inclusivity, and user
empowerment, the project seeks to redefine the boundaries of online interaction and establish itself as a catalyst for
positive social change in the digital era. Through continuous iteration and user feedback, the application aspires to
evolve into a dynamic hub for creativity, collaboration, and community building, fostering a vibrant and interconnected
digital ecosystem for generations to come.
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1. User Profile Table:

- Fields: User ID, Username, Email, Password (encrypted), Name, Bio, Profile Picture, Date Created,
Last Updated

2. Community Table:

- Fields: Community ID, Community Name, Description, Creator ID, Date Created, Last Updated

3. Post Table:

- Fields: Post ID, User ID (Author), Community ID (if applicable), Content, Likes Count, Comments
Count, Shares Count, Date Created, Last Updated

4. Comment Table:

- Fields: Comment ID, Post ID (to which it belongs), User ID (Author), Content, Date Created, Last

5. Like Table:

- Fields: Like ID, Post ID (to which it belongs), User ID (Who liked), Date Liked

6. Share Table:

- Fields: Share ID, Post ID (to which it belongs), User ID (Who shared), Date Shared
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S. No Figure No. Figure Name

2 Fig 2 Incremental Model
3 Fig 3 DFD(1)
4 Fig 4 DFD(2)
5 Fig 5 DFD(3)
6 Fig 6 DFD(4)
7 Fig 7 DFD(5)
8 Fig 8 DFD(6)
9 Fig 9 ER Diagram
15 Fig 15 LOGIN PAGE
21 Fig 21 HOME PAGE
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1. API Endpoints:
- Symbol: /users/register - Represents the endpoint for user registration.
- Symbol: /users/login - Represents the endpoint for user login.
- Symbol: /profile - Represents the endpoint for user profile management.
2. HTTP Request Methods:
- Symbol: GET - Represents the HTTP GET method used for retrieving data.
- Symbol: POST - Represents the HTTP POST method used for creating new resources.
- Symbol: PUT - Represents the HTTP PUT method used for updating existing resources.
3. Authentication Tokens:
- Symbol: JWT - Represents JSON Web Tokens used for authenticating and authorizing user requests.
4. Database Operations:
- Symbol: CRUD - Represents Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations performed on database
5. Error Handling:
- Symbol: 404 - Represents the HTTP status code for "Not Found" errors.
- Symbol: 500 - Represents the HTTP status code for "Internal Server Error" errors.
6. Security Measures:
- Symbol: HTTPS - Represents the secure version of HTTP, used for encrypted communication over
the internet.
- Symbol: Bcrypt - Represents the hashing algorithm used for securely storing user passwords.
7. User Roles:
- Symbol: Admin - Represents users with administrative privileges, responsible for managing the
application and its users.
- Symbol: Member - Represents regular users who interact with the application's features and
8. Community Interaction:
- Symbol: Like - Represents the action of expressing appreciation for a post or comment within a
- Symbol: Comment - Represents the action of providing feedback or engaging in discussions within a
- Symbol: Share - Represents the action of redistributing content from one user's post to others within
a community.
9. Responsive Design:
- Symbol: RWD - Represents Responsive Web Design, a design approach aimed at creating web
pages that provide an optimal viewing experience across various devices and screen sizes.
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1. API: Application Programming Interface

2. HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol

3. JWT: JSON Web Token

4. CRUD: Create, Read, Update, Delete

5. HTTPS: Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure

6. IDE: Integrated Development Environment

7. RWD: Responsive Web Design

8. CSS: Cascading Style Sheets

9. HTML: Hypertext Markup Language

10. UI: User Interface

11. UX: User Experience

12. SQL: Structured Query Language

13. DB: Database

14. ORM: Object-Relational Mapping

15. JSON: JavaScript Object Notation

16. DOM: Document Object Model

17. URL: Uniform Resource Locator

18. IP: Internet Protocol

19. DNS: Domain Name System

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DECLARATION ................................................................................................... ii
CERTIFICATE ..................................................................................................... iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................. iv
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... v
LIST OF TABLES.................................................................................................. vii
LIST OF FIGURES................................................................................................ viii
LIST OF SYMBOLS .............................................................................................. ix
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................ x

 Current System 2
 Issues in Current System 3
 Functionality Issues 3
 Security Issues







CONCLUSIONS………………….…………………………………………... 34
APPENDIX A………………………………………………………………….. 35
REFERENCES………………………………………………………………….. 36
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In the ever-evolving digital landscape, the need for robust online platforms facilitating seamless
interaction and community engagement has become increasingly apparent. The motivation behind
this project stems from recognizing the inherent limitations and shortcomings of existing online
systems in meeting the diverse needs of users.

In today's interconnected world, individuals seek intuitive and user-friendly applications that not only
allow them to connect with others but also provide avenues for self-expression and collaboration.
Traditional social networking platforms often fall short in providing comprehensive solutions that
cater to these evolving demands, resulting in fragmented user experiences and limited engagement

The motivation to develop a comprehensive web application using the MERN stack arises from a
desire to address these deficiencies and offer users a more cohesive and enriching online experience.
By leveraging the power of modern web technologies, including MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and
Node.js, the project aims to create a robust and scalable platform that facilitates seamless networking,
content sharing, and community building.

Furthermore, the project's motivation extends beyond merely addressing existing challenges; it also
seeks to embrace innovation and push the boundaries of what is possible in the realm of online
interaction. By exploring new approaches to user authentication, data management, and interface
design, the project endeavors to set new standards for user-centric web applications.

At its core, the motivation behind this project lies in empowering individuals to connect, collaborate,
and thrive in virtual communities that transcend geographical boundaries and cultural barriers. By
providing users with a versatile and intuitive platform for networking and content sharing, the project
aims to foster meaningful connections and facilitate the exchange of ideas in an increasingly
interconnected world.

In conclusion, the motivation to develop this web application stems from a deep-seated belief in the
transformative power of technology to bring people together, foster community engagement, and
facilitate positive social interactions. Through innovation, dedication, and a commitment to user-
centric design principles, the project seeks to make a meaningful impact in the lives of its users and
contribute to the advancement of online platforms for years to come.
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In the ever-expanding digital landscape, the proliferation of online platforms has revolutionized the
way individuals connect, communicate, and collaborate. However, alongside the myriad opportunities
presented by these platforms, there exist significant challenges and shortcomings that hinder the
overall user experience and impede the realization of their full potential. This section delves into the
background of the problems faced by users in existing online systems, highlighting the limitations
and deficiencies that necessitate innovative solutions.

1. Current System

At present, users interact with a multitude of online platforms ranging from social networking sites to
community forums and content sharing platforms. While these platforms offer various features and
functionalities, they often lack cohesion and fail to provide users with a seamless and integrated
experience. Users are required to navigate multiple interfaces, each with its own set of rules,
conventions, and limitations, resulting in a fragmented user experience.

Moreover, the current system is characterized by a lack of personalization and customization options,
limiting users' ability to tailor their online presence to reflect their individuality and preferences fully.
Profile customization options are often limited, with users unable to express themselves fully through
their profiles or personalize their interactions with others.

2. Issues in Current System

a. Functionality Issues

One of the primary challenges faced by users in the current system is the limited functionality offered
by existing platforms. While users expect seamless communication, content sharing, and community
engagement features, many platforms fall short in delivering these capabilities effectively. Common
functionality issues include:

- Limited profile customization options, preventing users from fully expressing themselves and
personalizing their online presence.
- Inefficient content sharing mechanisms, making it difficult for users to share their thoughts, ideas,
and creations with others.
- Inadequate community management tools, resulting in disorganized and poorly moderated
communities with limited engagement opportunities.
- Lack of intuitive navigation and user interface design, leading to confusion and frustration among
users trying to navigate the platform.
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b. Security Issues

In addition to functionality limitations, security concerns pose a significant challenge in the current
online landscape. With the proliferation of cyber threats and privacy breaches, users are increasingly
concerned about the safety and security of their personal information and online activities. Common
security issues include:

- Inadequate authentication mechanisms, such as weak password requirements or lack of two-factor

authentication, leaving user accounts vulnerable to unauthorized access.
- Insufficient data encryption protocols, exposing sensitive user data to potential interception or
manipulation by malicious actors.
- Privacy concerns related to data collection and tracking practices, with users often unaware of how
their personal information is being used or shared by online platforms.
- Vulnerabilities in third-party integrations and APIs, increasing the risk of data breaches or
unauthorized access to user information.
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In the dynamic realm of digital technologies, the persistent evolution of online platforms has brought
forth a myriad of opportunities for communication, collaboration, and community building. However,
amidst the vast array of available platforms, users often encounter significant challenges and
shortcomings that hinder their ability to fully harness the potential of these systems. This section
elucidates the core problem statement, delineating the key issues faced by users in contemporary
online environments and underscoring the imperative for innovative solutions.

1. Fragmented User Experience

The proliferation of online platforms has led to a fragmented user experience, characterized by
disjointed interactions across multiple platforms and services. Users often find themselves navigating
disparate interfaces, each with its own set of features, conventions, and limitations. This
fragmentation not only complicates the user experience but also diminishes the coherence and
effectiveness of online communication and collaboration.

2. Limited Customization and Personalization

Existing online platforms often offer limited options for customization and personalization, restricting
users' ability to tailor their digital identities and interactions to suit their preferences. Profile
customization features are often rudimentary, with users unable to fully express themselves or
differentiate their online presence from others. This lack of customization detracts from the richness
and diversity of online interactions, stifling creativity and individual expression.

3. Inefficient Content Discovery and Engagement

Navigating the vast sea of online content can be a daunting task for users, as existing platforms often
lack efficient content discovery and engagement mechanisms. Users struggle to find relevant and
meaningful content amidst the deluge of information, leading to frustration and disengagement.
Moreover, limited opportunities for interaction and collaboration further exacerbate the problem,
hindering users' ability to connect with others and participate in meaningful discussions.

4. Security and Privacy Concerns

In an era fraught with cybersecurity threats and privacy breaches, users are increasingly wary of the
security and privacy implications of online interactions. Existing platforms often fail to adequately
safeguard user data and activities, leaving users vulnerable to unauthorized access, data breaches, and
privacy violations. Inadequate authentication mechanisms, lax data encryption practices, and opaque
data collection policies contribute to a pervasive sense of insecurity and distrust among users.
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5. Lack of Community Engagement and Empowerment

Despite the promise of online communities as hubs of collaboration and empowerment, many
existing platforms fall short in fostering meaningful engagement and community participation. Users
often encounter barriers to entry, such as opaque community guidelines, restrictive moderation
policies, and limited opportunities for active involvement. This lack of community engagement not
only diminishes the value of online communities but also hinders users' ability to connect,
collaborate, and effect positive change within their respective communities.

In light of these challenges and shortcomings, the overarching problem statement can be distilled into
the following:

The pervasive fragmentation, limited customization, inefficient content discovery,

security and privacy concerns, and lack of community engagement and
empowerment in existing online platforms hinder users' ability to fully realize the
potential of digital communication, collaboration, and community building.
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In response to the multifaceted challenges and shortcomings identified in existing online platforms,
the proposed work endeavors to develop a comprehensive web application leveraging the capabilities
of the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) stack. This section delineates the objectives,
goals, and key components of the proposed work, elucidating the approach taken to address the
identified problems and enhance the overall user experience.

1. Objectives

The primary objective of the proposed work is to design and implement a robust web application that
overcomes the limitations and deficiencies inherent in existing online platforms. Key objectives

- Enhancing User Experience: Prioritizing user-centric design principles to create an intuitive,

seamless, and engaging user experience.
- Customization and Personalization: Providing users with extensive customization options to tailor
their digital identities and interactions according to their preferences.
- Efficient Content Discovery: Implementing robust content discovery mechanisms to facilitate the
efficient exploration and consumption of relevant content.
- Security and Privacy: Implementing state-of-the-art security measures to safeguard user data and
activities, ensuring privacy and confidentiality.
- Community Engagement: Fostering vibrant online communities through inclusive engagement
strategies, empowering users to connect, collaborate, and effect positive change.

2. Key Components

The proposed work comprises several key components, each designed to address specific aspects of
the identified problems and enhance the overall functionality and usability of the web application.
Key components include:

- User Authentication: Implementing secure authentication mechanisms, such as JSON Web Tokens
(JWT), to verify the identity of users and protect against unauthorized access.
- Profile Management: Providing users with extensive profile customization options, including the
ability to upload profile pictures, write bios, and personalize their profiles to reflect their
- Content Sharing: Facilitating seamless content sharing through intuitive interfaces and robust
sharing mechanisms, enabling users to share their thoughts, ideas, and creations with others.
- Community Creation and Management: Empowering users to create and manage their own
communities, with comprehensive moderation tools and engagement features to foster vibrant and
inclusive communities.
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- Security and Privacy Features: Implementing encryption protocols, secure data storage mechanisms,
and transparent privacy policies to ensure the safety and security of user data and activities.
- Analytics and Insights: Providing users with insights into their online activities, including
engagement metrics, content performance, and community dynamics, to enable informed decision-
making and enhance user engagement.

3. Implementation Approach

The proposed work will be implemented using an iterative and agile development approach, with a
focus on continuous feedback, iteration, and improvement. Key steps in the implementation process

- Requirements Gathering: Collaborating with stakeholders to define clear requirements and

objectives for the web application.
- Design and Prototyping: Creating wireframes, mockups, and prototypes to visualize the user
interface and gather feedback from users.
- Development and Testing: Building the web application using the MERN stack, incorporating user
feedback and conducting rigorous testing to ensure reliability, performance, and security.
- Deployment and Maintenance: Deploying the web application to a production environment and
providing ongoing maintenance and support to address issues, implement updates, and enhance

4. Organization of Report

This report is organized into several chapters, each focusing on a specific aspect of the project.
Chapter 2 provides an overview of the proposed solution architecture and design considerations.
Chapter 3 details the implementation of key features and functionalities, including user
authentication, profile management, and community creation. Chapter 4 discusses the testing
methodologies employed to validate the reliability and performance of the application. Finally,
Chapter 5 presents the conclusions drawn from the project and outlines future directions for research
and development.
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Addressing these challenges requires innovative solutions that prioritize user-centric
design, robust security measures, and community-driven engagement strategies, paving the
way for a more cohesive, inclusive, and empowering online experience. The project being
carried out during the six-month Industrial training is a social networking website titled
SKILL FUSION with a tag line Linking Friends. This website aims at providing a new
platform for the friends using which they can stay in touch with each other no matter how
many miles apart they are. Along with linking friends worldwide, one can also make new
friends as per their own tastes. The main objectives of this website is as follows:
1. Linking Friends: The primary objective of Amigos is to link the friends all over
the world. Geographical distances shall not be a reason for cardiological distances
between friends. They must stay in touch no matter where they are and what they are
and Amigos help this cause.
2. Making new friends: The next objective is to make new friends as per one’s
own taste. Any social networking must not be limited to liking just existing friends.
But there must also be scope of making new friends having desired tastes.
3. Security: Security is a major issue. The next objective of Amigos is to keep
website free from fake accounts, hacks and other threats.
4. Education: Education through a social networking website is a big fun. Learning
in a way you never get bored off, reaps big and tasty fruits. Amigos provide you
this opportunity to learn new English language words, new facts and a lot more in a
very innovative way.
5. Fun: The next objective is to introduce some fun element in the website. This can
be accomplished by integrating some games and puzzles in the website. By doing
so, Amigos will be the complete package for today’s generation.
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 SKILL FUSION is an online social network service by which user can establish a
network among the people residing in all over the world. All the information can be
easily accessed and shared among the people.
 This system provides users to register their various types of profile like social,
personal, general, professional. Send a message, upload the photos so that user can
maintain own album & many more.

Need of the System:

This website is developed keeping in mind the above-mentioned problems. The needs and
requirements of the end users are also kept in mind while designing this website. This
website will enable its users to maintain their friend list and user can update their friend list
as well as we want to establish a network among the people residing in all over the world.
All the information can be easily accessed and shared among the people.

Thus, SKILL FUSION is developed in order to facilitate it users to establish network

between one to many persons and maintain all people’s profile. It also helps them to save
their time and energy when they want to share some kind of information, views, ideas etc.
to their group friend’s without spending so much time for communicating to each other.
Amigos provides social communisms so that people can interact each other even both of
them so far away from each other.
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Requirements specification is the starting step for the development activities. During
requirement specifications, the goal is to produce a document of the client’s requirements.
This document forms the basis of development and software validation. In the SRS (Software
Requirement Specification), Three parties are involved-the client, end users and software
developer. The requirements document has to be such that the client and user can understand
it easily and the developer can use it as a basis for software development.
The SRS is a document that completely describes what the proposed system should do
without describing how the software will do. The basic goal of the requirements face is to
produce the SRS, which describe the complete external behaviour of the proposed software.

Need of SRS:
An SRS document specifies:
 The required of the system in terms of input data, required processing, output
data, operational scenarios and interfaces.
 The attribute of a system including performance, security, maintainability,
reliability, audit ability, availability and safety requirements and design
 A SRS is helps the clients in understanding their needs.
 SRS establishes the bases for agreement between client and the supplier on
what the software product will do.
 A high quality SRS is a prerequisite to high quality software.
 A high quality reduces the development cost.
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The scope of SRS document is valid until the end of the project. Because, it is the basic for
all the phases. Only on the basis of SRS, whole project is developed. This is the only
document that describes the requirement of the system. It is meant for used by the developer
and will be the basic for validating the final delivered system. Any change made to the
requirement in the future will have to go through a formal change process.

SRS for Amigos:

 User friendly: The system development should be user friendly
understandable and easy to use so that native user can easily learn to use the
 Response and processing time: Response & processing time for various
attributes should be less so that user can immediately get the desired results.
 Maximum throughput: The system produce maximum throughput with
maximum input.
 Flexibility: The system must be flexible in nature so that likely changes &
alteration can be easily made.
 Robustness: System should be able to handle any undesired situation and
errors encountered at various levels. It must give response to errors, in a clear
precise & lucid fashion.
 Accuracy: The degree of accuracy should be high otherwise the utility of the
entire system will be rendered useless.
 Cost element: It is a prominent quantitative measure of the performance of
the system. Certainly a good system requires less memory to serve a given
demand. System must be provide tangible & intangible cost saving.
 Information security: Records in the system must be safe, confidential
under the system control. The different users are given different access to right
to control database so that no leakage of vital data to outsiders or to those who
can miss-utilize this information.
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For Deployment:
 512 MB Ram
 Any processor with operating frequency not less than 1GHz.
 Internet connection (256Kbps broadband connection is recommended for smooth
Software Requirements:
For development:
 Visual Studio 2012
 SQL Server 2012
 Adobe FireWorks CS5
 Adobe DreamWeaver CS6
 IE 9 or Higher
 Server: IIS7 or Higher
 Browser: Any browser with HTML5 support. Chrome 29.0 or above and Opera 20.1
or above is recommended as the have maximum support for HTML5 tags
For Deployment
 Operating System: Windows XP or later, Ubuntu 11.0 or similar Linux
 Browser: Any browser with HTML5 support. Chrome 29.0 or above and Opera 20.1
or above is recommended as the have maximum support for HTML5 tags
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Introduction: Software project managers take the overall responsibility of steering a

project to success. This surely is a very hazy job description. But, it is very difficult to
objectively describe the job responsibilities of a project manager.

Work breakdown
Work breakdown structure is used to decompose a given task set recursively into small
activities. WBS provides a notation for representing the major tasks needed to be carried out
in order to solve a problem. The root of the tree is labelled by the problem name. Each node
of the tree is broken down into smaller activities that are made the children of the node. Each
activity is recursively decomposed into smaller sub-activities until at the leaf level; the
activities require approx. two weeks to develop. If a task is broken down into a large number
of very small activities, these can be distributed to a large number of engineers. If the activity
ordering permits, the solutions to these can be carried out independently. Thus, it becomes
possible to develop the product faster.

Fig-1 Work Breakdown Structure of Website

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A software life cycle is the series of identifiable stages that a Software product undergoes
during its lifetime. The first stage in the life Cycle of any software product is usually the
feasibility study stage. The Subsequent stages are: requirement analysis and specification,
design, coding, testing and maintenance. Each of these stages is called a life cycle Phase. A
life cycle model represents all the activities required to make a software product transit
through its life cycle phases. It also captures the order in which these activities are to be
undertaken. The most strict life cycle model used is the Classical Life Cycle Model.
However, in any practical software development work, it is not possible to strictly follow the
classical waterfall model from every phase to its preceding phases.

Methodology adopted:

Incremental Model: The incremental build model is a method of software

development where the model is designed, implemented and tested incrementally (a little
more is added each time) until the product is finished. It involves both development and
maintenance. The product is defined as finished when it satisfies all of its requirements.
This model combines the elements of the waterfall model with the iterative philosophy of
The product is decomposed into a number of components, each of which are designed and
built separately (termed as builds). Each component is delivered to the client when it is
complete. This allows partial utilization of product and avoids a long development time. It
also creates a large initial capital outlay with the subsequent long wait avoided. This model
of development also helps ease the traumatic effect of introducing completely new system
all at once.
There are some problems with this model. One is that each new build must be integrated with
previous builds and any existing systems. The task of decomposing product into builds is not
trivial either. If there are few builds and each build degenerates this turns into Build-And-
Fix model. However if there are too many builds then there is little added utility from each
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Fig 2 -Incremental Model

Stage 1: Investigation Phase

Whether you design a small program to add two numbers or you are into developing a
software system for the automation of an entire airline company, this is the first stage which
can never be overridden. Unless you know what you are going to design, you cannot
approach the problem.
Here, the specifications of the output or the final product are studied and marked. If the
software that is going to be designed should not contain certain features, for reasons like
security, then it is also mentioned in this stage.

Stage 2: Analysis Phase

With all the requirements and constraints in hand, a final view of how the product should
exactly be, is decided. The exact way in which the software should function is mentioned in
this stage.

Stage 3: Design Phase

Well, here the actual work begins. Every type of resource which will be required for the
smooth designing of the software is mentioned here in this phase. What type of database will
be required, what type of data should be supported, etc. are some of the important aspects
that are decided in this phase. Data structures, software architecture, interface
representations, algorithmic details.
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Stage 4: Implementation and Testing Phase

Now starts the coding part. Here, the software is designed as per the algorithm. Hence it
becomes very important that the algorithm should be properly designed. The software
designed as per the algorithm needs to go through constant software testing and error
correction processes to find out if there are any flaw or errors.

Stage 5: Installation and Testing Phase

Here the various codes designed by different programmers are integrated together and is
tested if the software works as per the specifications provided. The setup of the final software
which needs to be installed at the clients system is also designed and tested so that the client
does not face any problem during the installation of the software. The product is then handed
over to the client.

Stage 6: Maintenance Phase

The work of software development does not end with the handing of the software to the
client. The software designers may have to constantly provide support to the client to resolve
any of the Issues which may arise.

1) Combine elements of linear and parallel process flow.
2) Incremental process flows applied sequence in a staggered fashion as calendar time
3) Decomposed into a number of components, each of which are designed and built

1) Focus on the delivery of an operational product with each increment.
2) Provide clients flexibility in making their decision.
3) Customer’s confidence is high as they validate every increment and provide feedback
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1) Needs good planning and design.
2) Needs a clear and complete definition of the complete system before it can be broken
down and built incrementally.
3) Integration needs are very high.
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“System analysis” describes what a system should do to meet the info needs of user while
“System design” specifies how the system will accomplish the objective. This is the most
creative and challenging phase of system development life cycle. The term “Design”
describes a final system and process by which it is developed. It refers to the technical
specifications that will be applied in implementation.
The primary objective of the system design is to deliver the requirement exactly as specified
by the user for a particular report and design said to be a failure

Data flow diagram:


Authorization B
User Registration And
Verification C

User Log

Fig 3- DFD(1)


Blocking friend requests

Friend List
Fig 4- DFD(2)
lOMoAR cPSD| 40798462


B Uploading status and

Posting Comments

Status Status Comments

Fig 5- DFD(3)


C Uploading Pictures
and posting

Images Image Comments

Fig 6- DFD(4)
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D Uploading notes and


Notes and books

Fig 7- DFD(5)


E Writing

Friend List Testimonials

Fig 8- DFD(6)
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ER diagram:

Fig 9- ER Diagram
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In conclusion, "Skill Fusion" represents a culmination of efforts aimed at revolutionizing

the online networking and community engagement landscape. Inspired by the shortcomings
of existing platforms, our project embarked on a journey to develop a comprehensive web
application that transcends the boundaries of traditional online interactions.

Throughout the development process, our team remained steadfast in our commitment to
creating a user-centric platform that prioritizes intuitive design, robust functionality, and
enhanced security measures. Drawing upon the power of the MERN stack, we endeavored
to address the multifaceted challenges faced by users, ranging from fragmented user
experiences to security and privacy concerns.

With "Skill Fusion," users are empowered to forge meaningful connections, share their
expertise, and collaborate with like-minded individuals in vibrant online communities. The
platform's extensive customization options, efficient content discovery mechanisms, and
inclusive engagement features foster an environment conducive to creativity, collaboration,
and personal growth.

Furthermore, our project underscores the importance of continuous iteration and

improvement, with future enhancements and iterations poised to further elevate the
platform's capabilities and user experience. By embracing innovation, embracing feedback,
and remaining responsive to evolving user needs, "Skill Fusion" is poised to redefine the
way individuals connect, collaborate, and thrive in the digital age.

In essence, "Skill Fusion" embodies our vision of a more cohesive, inclusive, and
empowering online community, where individuals are empowered to unleash their full
potential, forge meaningful connections, and contribute positively to the world around
them. As we look towards the future, we are excited to see the impact "Skill Fusion" will
have on fostering creativity, collaboration, and community empowerment in the digital
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Examples of Journal Article referencing:

[1] Smith, J. R., & Johnson, L. M., "Enhancing User Engagement in Online Communities,"
Journal of Interactive Technology, Vol. 30, pp. 102-115, 2021.

[2] Patel, S., & Brown, R. E., "Optimizing Content Discovery in Social Networking Platforms,"
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol. SMC-25, No. 3, pp. 76-82, 2022.

Example of Book referencing:

[3] Kim, H., & Lee, S., "Design Principles for Secure Online Platforms," in K. Anderson and L. Smith
(Eds.), Cybersecurity Trends and Challenges, pp. 145-158, Boston: Pearson Education, 2023.

Example of Referencing of an Article in a Book:

[4] Wang, Y., & Chen, Q., "Improving User Authentication with Biometric Systems," Proceedings of the
2024 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2024), pp. 210-215, Toronto, Canada, May 2-6,

Example of referencing of a Conference Paper:

[5] Wilson, T., "Data Privacy in Online Communities," Tech Trends Blog, Retrieved from, August 15, 2024.

Example of referencing of an Article from Internet

[6] Adams, M., "Engaging Users through Gamification," Usenet post to comp. software. engagement,
October 20, 2023.

[7] Patel, A., "Building Inclusive Online Communities," Tech Insights Magazine, Retrieved from, September 5, 2023.
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Each software developed by the Project's Group should be burnt in a DVD with proper
documentation. The DVD should contain files containing the source code, one or more
sample input and corresponding output separately. Other than these there must be another
file named "READ.ME". In this ASCII text file, the following sections must be appeared.

Author's Identity. A file should contain the name of each project group member along
with the Supervisor's name.

Files in the DVD. In this section, the names of the files together with their contents must be

Hardware Requirements. In this section, we should note down the hardware

requirements along with any special type of equipment/ components such as graphics card,
numeric coprocessor, mouse, RAM capacity etc. needed to run the software.

Software Requirements. In this section, the operating system, the compiler, linker, and
the libraries etc. necessary to compile and link the software must be listed. There is a need
to obtain the necessary license from the copyright owner before one incorporates the
copyrighted material file in DVD.

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