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Jason, Kaleb, and Kelsi



CAS Lesson Plan
Rationale for Art Experience

When we teach the process of papermaking within the context of

contemporary art practice, we can make inroads into our students’
intrinsic creativity. Papermaking encourages exploration into the hands
on qualities of artmaking itself and highlights the process of creating
materials that are often taken for granted in our modern world. This
experience can deepen students' understanding into the artistic
process and foster personal connections to the artworks that they
create. Secondly, papermaking can be a gateway to discussing
broader themes relevant to contemporary art, such as sustainability
and recycling.

Preparation: Prior to Session

● Gather Materials: ➔ Prep Materials:

○ Recycled paper ◆ Shred paper and put in
scraps water to soak overnight
○ Blender ◆ Place equal parts water
○ Deckles and drenched paper
○ Moulds shreds inside blender and
Sessions Three Lesson Plan

○ Plastic bins pulse until pulp

○ Large canvas consistency
○ Sponges ◆ Separate pulp into bins to
○ Felt be dyed or left alone
○ Towels ◆ Dye pulp with primary and
○ Rit Dye in primary secondary colors
and secondary ◆ Bring all supplies to the
colors Athenaeum
○ Scrap paper
○ Paper shredder
○ Water
○ Mesh strainer
○ Plastic tarps
Preparation: Day of Session
3:30 - 4:00 pm
● Put signs outside
● All - put on name tags
● All - switch chairs for stools (or a combo of both)
● Prep snack station
● Prep tables with tablecloths and sketchbook materials
● Set up technology (Have powerpoint ready)
● Set up papermaking stations - Plastic bin, Pulp, Water,
Towels, Felt, & Sponges.

As Participants Arrive
4:00 - 4:30 pm
● Greeting Parents @ Atheneum and Parking Lot: Lauren
● Walking students around the building: Elena and Nora
● Nathan: Greet students at front door and remind them
Sessions Three Lesson Plan

○ Grab your sketchbook.

○ Get a snack.
○ Find a seat.
○ Begin working in sketchbook.

● Gracie: will be at the snack station--Make sure the kids

get their snacks and take them to a table

● All: as kids get settled - work on their sketchbook!

Invitation One
Introduction to Handmade Paper
4:30 - 5:00 pm
Opener Exercise
● A spin on Dr. Steinmann suggested poetry exercise
● Invite students to draw a negative space shape they see
made out of Fabienne Lisarre’s work in their sketchbooks
and attach an instantaneous thought-evoked word in
response to it
● Instructors will ask of students to share their shape and
word with a neighbor/friend where they will then
construct a line of poetry based on it
● Lastly, we will encourage students to pass their works
back to one another where they will they have the option
to show their work and read aloud the poem to the group

Powerpoint Presentation
● Instructors will go over brief history and terms involving
Sessions Three Lesson Plan

● Show close visuals & examples of the process
● Verbally and concisely explain how to do it/go about it

Papermaking Demonstration
● Instructors will show students how to create pulp and
paper (we will also emphasize the different approaches
they could take when forming their individual pieces via
either dip/pour methods)

Invitation Two
5:00 - 5:45 pm
● Students will begin making their own paper sheets using the pour
or dip process to produce as many sheets as the students feel is
● Students will make their desired paper look with the supplies we
have on hand (bamboo sticks to adjust shape, dyes to change
standard paper hue, etc.)
● Dry finished paper on large canvas
● Instructors will provide helpful and supportive feedback

5:45 - 6:00 pm
● Clean up
● Put objects back where they were originally
● Ask students for feedback on their papermaking experiences
● Members will likely provide a glimpse into the next lesson for
students to get ideas circulating
Sessions Three Lesson Plan

● Members will reiterate how students did and congratulate their

hardworking efforts

As Parents/Guardians Arrive For Pick-Up
● Check IDs for anyone we do not recognize - check against
the approved pick-up list

● Clean up tables
● Clean up pencil/marker organizers
● Gather up all papermaking supplies, organize those, and
then put away
● Fold tablecloths and put those away
● Put stools and chairs back where they were originally
● Make sure the snack station is good
● Turn off technology and return podium to store room
Sessions Three Lesson Plan

Supporting Materials
CAS Sessions 3 & 4 Presentation
Sessions Three Lesson Plan

Sessions Three Lesson Plan

Photo Documentation

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