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THUAT Mñ n: Anh vñn Chuyén ngdnh In

T NH PHO HO CHI MINH Ma mfin hoc: ENGR — 330356
KHOA IN & TRUYEN THONG Oé sñ/Ma de: 01 Oé thi co 02 trang.
BO MON DO TTOA VA TRUYEN Thai gian: 90 phut.
THONG Duoc phép st dung Hi lieu.

Cfiu 1: Translate the following passage into Vietnamese (4/25 diém)

Paper is able to absorb moisture from the air. As cellulose fibers tame on water, they expand
primarily in width, and when they lose watcr, they shrink primarily in width, which affects the
dimensional stability of paper, causing distortion problems in printing. Moisture loss results in
paper curling by disrupting the stresses between the two stdes of the paper. The moisture
content of paper itself must be varied dependlng on the end-use requirements. Paper that is
too dry is hard and brittle, reducing the quality of the printed impression. Paper that is too
moist can blister during heatset drying.

Cau 2: Answer these questions: (2/25 diém)

a/ Explain the curling tendency of paper.

b/ What’s dimensional stability?

Can 3: Find words in the above text having similar meanings to: (4/25 diém)

a/ proportion of a substance contained in a mixture.

b/ the ultimate specific use.
c! liable to brealr or shatter easily.
d/ absorb.

Cfiu 4: Point out tbe main idea, major details and minor details of the following paragraph.
(4/25 diém)

Inks supplied to lithographers vary widely in formulation and properties. The variation is
needed because of the wide range of surfaces being printed, the characteristics of
different presses, and the various end-use requirements of printed jobs. There are inks
Ion general commercial work that can be adjusted by the lithographer to suit a variety of
papers. There are also inks designed especially for label printing posters, magazine covers,
greeting cards, decals, foils, plastics, metal decorating, or other purposes; these inlcs are
usually press-ready and require llttle or no adjustment by the lithographer.
Regardless of the surface to be printed, inks can be varied in transparency, finish, heat-
resistance, lightfastness.

Cau 5: List 01 compound sentence and 01 complex sentence in the above paragraph.
What kind of clauses are there in each sentence? (4/25 diém)

Sñhieii: BMI/QT-PDBCL-RDTV Trang: 1/1

Cau 6: Match each action (a-e) with its consequence (1-5) then make complete sentences to
show their relationships. (7/25 diéin)

a/ Using a torque wrench

b/ Some kinds of coated paper
c/ Dampening and inlcing a
d/ Upon light exposure a plate with positive films
e/ Adding suitable additives

1/ Increasing surface gloss and smoothness of the prlnt

2/ The coating becomes soluble
3/ To apply connect and uniform tension when installing a blanket
4/ Several physical properties of the ink can be improved
5/ Image areas repel water & accept init. Non-image areas refuse to take ink

Chuan dan ra ciia hpc (vé kién thuc) Noi dung kiém tra
[COR GI. 1]: Doc hiéu bai vied vé ngñnh in vdi su try giup Cfiu 1 & 4
cua tu dién
[CDR G1.2]:Hiéu duoc nguyén ly hoat dong, cau tao cua Cau 6
mot sñ thiét bi, vat ter, guy trinh ngânh in
[CDR GI.3]:Tom tat, viét duoc cac bai ngan vé nganh in Cau 3 & 4 & 5
[CDR GI.4]: Co thé trao dñi y kién vé cac hoat dong Cau 2 & 6
chuyen nghiep thñng qaa cac cau ngan, don gian

Ngây 23 thang 6 nam 2021

Thñng qua bo mñn

( vâ ghi râ ho ten)

Sñhiéu: BXI1/QT-PDBCL- Trang:

Sñhiéu: BXI1/QT-PDBCL- Trang:

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