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Geoscience Canada

Are Your Data Good Enough:

A Checklist for Mining Prospects
Keith Dewing

Volume 34, Number 2, June 2007 Article abstract

This checklist is intended to help geologists collect or review geological data on
URI: mining prospects in a manner that will conform to the increasingly stringent
reporting requirements. Survey, assay, and geological data are the key initial
See table of contents inputs required to build a robust computer-based resource model. Once the
resource model is built, a geologist reviewing the model should understand the
methods and assumptions used in interpolating from the initial data to the
Publisher(s) gridded resource model. Closer cooperation between project geologists and
resource modellers should improve the way data are collected initially as well
The Geological Association of Canada as identifying biases, weakness and inconsistencies within the resource model.

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Dewing, K. (2007). Are Your Data Good Enough:: A Checklist for Mining
Prospects. Geoscience Canada, 34(2), 65–69.

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GEOSCIENCE CANADA Volume 34 Number 2 June 2007 65

et analyser les données de gisements The goal of this article is to
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minéraux, liste qui leur permettra de se provide a checklist that will ensure rel-
^^^^^^ ^*-* ^ j s
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conformer aux normes de compte evant and reliable data are used to pro-
rendu de plus en plus strictes. Les duce the resource model, and thus
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-^fc^^ données de levés, de teneur et de minimize the amount of wasted effort.

:i]im irPfchMi"
géologie constituent les éléments clés
initiaux indispensables pour l'élabora-
The project geologist controls
the quality of location data, lithological
t - "^fc
«IJ<llW^|jjW%lll!*!!« ~w.ii.^n tion d'un modèle informatisé de la classification, sample integrity and ade-
^^^/^^^^_ SHUil ressource fiable. Le modèle de
ressource retenu doit permettre au géo-
quacy of sampling (sample size, densi-
^wfl^lÉNl ty); yet, the geologist commonly has lit-
logue de comprendre la méthode suivie tle understanding of whether these data
ainsi que les hypothèses d'interpolation comply with the increasingly stringent
Are Your Data Good appliquées aux données initiales con- standards for resource estimation. All
Enough: A Checklist for duisant au modèle matriciel de la too often, the information collected
ressource. Une meilleure collaboration during the earliest phases of explo-
Mining Prospects entre les géologues de projet et les ration is not sufficiently rigorous to be
modélisateurs de la ressource devrait used during subsequent resource esti-
Keith Dewing permettre d'améliorer la qualité des mates. The shortcoming is under-
Geological Survey of Canada données initiales collectées et de repér- standable; most exploration projects
3303-33rd St NW er les biais, faiblesses et incongruités prove to be uneconomic, and it seems
Calgary, AB, T2L 2A7 Canada du modèle de la ressource. wasteful to spend time and money col-
E-mail: lecting data that may never be used.
INTRODUCTION When a project does turn out to be
SUMMARY The vast increase in computing power potentially economic and a resource or
This checklist is intended to help geol- during the last few decades have result- reserve estimate is required for financ-
ogists collect or review geological data ed in geostatistical and geological visu- ing, the initial exploration data are typi-
on mining prospects in a manner that alization software becoming widely cally thrown out of the modelling
will conform to the increasingly strin- available. Such software can be used process because they are not up to the
gent reporting requirements. Survey, to build sophisticated three-dimension- standards of current resource evalua-
assay, and geological data are the key al models from which an estimate of tions. This can lead to delays while
initial inputs required to build a robust the size of the resource can be derived. holes are re-drilled or re-assayed, and
However, any model is only as good as resource models are rebuilt.
computer-based resource model. Once
the resource model is built, a geologist the data and assumptions upon which
reviewing the model should understand it is built. Following the Bre-X scandal, RESOURCE MODEL
the methods and assumptions used in resource and reserve definitions were Building computerized resource mod-
interpolating from the initial data to formally defined by the CIM els is a specialized task and project
the gridded resource model. Closer [ geologists will almost certainly send
cooperation between project geologists MDefStds_Dec11_05.pdf]; now securi- their geological and geochemical data
and resource modellers should ty regulators and lending institutions to an in-house expert or to an external
improve the way data are collected ini- commonly require a robust resource consultant for resource evaluation.
tially as well as identifying biases, model based upon these definitions The resource modeller is generally
weakness and inconsistencies within before a reserve can be stated and unfamiliar with the details of the geol-
the resource model. money raised to finance a project. ogy of the property. This lack of famil-
While the standards for reserve report- iarity with the property may introduce
SOMMAIRE ing are now very well defined, the stan- errors or inaccuracies that the project
Voici une liste de vérification à l'inten- dards for the building of resource geologist could identify; hence, there
tion des géologues qui ont à collecter models need to be strengthened. needs to be cooperative and construc-

tive collaboration between the project [ aspects to consider:

geologist and the resource modeller, elinesStandards_main.cfm], and there 1. The drill hole and
from the earliest stages of the project. are numerous thoughtful articles on 2. The drill core.
If the geological interpretation, built the role of geology and geologists in
into the resource model, and the geo- accurately assessing resources (e.g. For each drill hole:
logical reasonableness of the interpo- Hodgson 1990; Lawrence 1997; Sin- C Which technique (diamond
lated grade are not checked regularly clair 2001; Sinclair and Postolski 1999, drill, reverse circulation, tri-
enough by the geologist most familiar Smith 1994; Smith and Hancock 1995; cone, wet, dry) and hole diam-
with the deposit, inaccurate resource Stone and Dunn 2002; and Vallée eter were used?
estimates may result or exploration 2000). None, however, presents an C Does the drill collar survey
opportunities may be lost. itemized list of checks that need to be include the hole name, East-
A resource model is built via a made. The following checklist is divid- ing, Northing, elevation, total
number of steps. The first step is data ed into two parts: Part A refers to geo- depth and start and end dates?
collection by the on-site geologist, who logical data and has nine subheadings; C Does the collar elevation
builds a geological database from drill part B is specific to the resource model match the topography?
core, geophysical measurement and and has five subheadings. The check- C Are there down-hole surveys,
mapping, and sample assays for the list is by no means comprehensive, but with drill-hole ID, depth from,
metal content. The database is then if all the questions can be answered, depth to, azimuth, and dip?
verified and a computer model then the resulting model will be rea- C Was the completed drill hole
designed. Next, the resource modeller sonable and the deficiencies clear. cemented (particularly in
breaks the mining property into a underground scenarios)?
series of small blocks, each of which PART A – GEOLOGICAL DATA
can carry a number of model items, for Data Trail For diamond drill cores:
instance, rock type and ore grade. A Is there an easy-to-follow audit trail for C What was the percentage
three-dimensional array is formed that each dataset that includes: recovery and are any missing
will take the known assays or geologi- C Date intervals listed?
cal data and interpolate them to areas C Source (laboratory, service C Do the drill logs compare well
for which there are no hard data. This company, operator, etc.) with known geology and/or
process of transforming point data (e.g. C Input parameters down-hole geophysics?
drill hole) into gridded data (block C Standards and blanks C Have cores (or photos of
model) will hopefully lead to success in C Output parameters, and same) been examined to verify
modelling what is actually in the rock. C Statistics? the major geological contacts?
A resource model has many variables;
hence a number of iterations are Topography Assays
required to document the sensitivity of With regard to topography: With regard to assays, there are three
the model to various parameters. C Is it sufficiently detailed to aspects to consider:
Identifying the most important make accurate estimates of 1. Sampling
unknowns allows the geologist to focus volumes in open-pit scenarios? 2. Analytical precision and
on what additional data need to be col- C Are property, political bound- accuracy
lected, and allows the company to aries, hydrographical and cul- 3. Treatment of analytical data
assess the up- and down-sides of pro- tural features current?
ceeding with the project. Model out- C Are topographic data compati- For sampling:
put can include geological cross sec- ble with the property grid? C Which techniques were used
tions and isopach maps, as well as C Do contours cut from the dig- to acquire the samples, i.e. dia-
grade and tonnage estimates. ital elevation model (DEM) mond-drill hole, reverse-circu-
compare well with originals? lation hole, blast hole, trench,
DATA CHECKLIST channel, chip, grab?
The checklist below is intended to help Exploration Grids C What are the sampling proto-
the geologist who is on-site controlling With regard to exploration grids: cols for each sample type?
data collection, as well as geologists C Is each one orthogonal, i.e. C Are the samples representative
who are reviewing or doing due dili- with the base line oriented in their location, orientation,
gence on a project, by ensuring that all parallel or sub-parallel to and size in relation to mineral-
the data required to generate a reason- strike? ization?
able geological picture of a mining C Is there a conversion between C Were samples collected hon-
prospect are present. Excellent addi- grid coordinates and Universal ouring geological contacts
tional resources abound: links to the Transverse Mercator (UTM) (sharp or gradational) and ore
Canadian Securities Administrators coordinates? boundaries?
National Instrument 43-101, and the C Were samples of low-grade
CIM Exploration Best Practices, can Drilling material adjacent to ore col-
be found on the Internet With regard to drilling, there are two lected for dilution calcula-
GEOSCIENCE CANADA Volume 34 Number 2 June 2007 67

tions? location of outcrops and con- C Are samples representative of

C Are the security protocols and tacts, as well as structural and the ore classes?
chain of command document- lithological data? C What type and scale of test
ed? C Do sections show interpreta- was performed, i.e. bottle roll,
tion between drill holes pilot plant, grindability?
For analytical precision and accuracy: including rock units, structure,
C Were standards (certified or limits of mineralization, grade, PART B – RESOURCE MODEL
in-house) submitted with each and alteration types? Compositing
batch of samples? C Do plan maps show the limits With regard to compositing samples:
C Are lab standards and dupli- of mineralization and alter- C What type of composite was
cates for each batch within an ation and/or isopachs of min- used, i.e. bench height, fixed
acceptable range? eralization? length, honouring geology, or
C Has a check assay program C Is the geological model sup- some combination of these
been run, i.e. duplicates sub- ported by the cross sections, parameters?
mitted with original batch, isopach maps, geophysics, C Is there a change in core
existing samples re-assayed in geochemistry, geochronology, diameter or sample size within
a different lab, or re-sampled etc.? composite assays?
and -assayed, if ssary? C Are there alternate geological C How do average grade and
C Have internal checks of grade, models: i.e. has the geology grade distribution of the com-
including univariate statistics been critically reviewed; have posite assays compare to the
and bivariate plots of com- there been changes in geologi- individual assays?
modity types, been per- cal interpretation since earlier C Are the composites of opti-
formed? reporting; has there been a site mum length, i.e. short enough
C Are the errors systematic or visit? to be relatively homogeneous
random? C How much is the geological with respect to lithology?
model guiding the resource?
C How are short composites
For treatment of analytical data: C Is the density of drilling suffi-
treated, e.g. stitched into the
C Does the assay database con- cient in high-grade zones?
previous composite?
tain drill-hole ID, from, to, C Do drill holes at the margins
length, grade, missing core of the deposit have a dispro- C How is the internal dilution
intervals, and sample type? portionate areal influence? treated i.e. is the grade diluted
C How are missing assay inter- C Are there gaps or overlaps in or is the ore percentage
vals tagged and filled, i.e. are the geological solids in the tracked?
they assigned an average value computer model?
or a length-weighted average C How is the ore classified met- NOTE: Compositing assays into larg-
of adjacent samples? allurgically, i.e. oxide, sulfide, er units helps to speed calculation and
C How are assays below detec- mixed, refractory? smooth grades.
tion limit tagged? C What are the grade statistics
C Are extreme values capped or within each ore class? Grade Interpolation
cut; how realistic are they, C Are there statistical differences With regard to grade interpolation,
based on probability plots and among ore classes? there are two categories of questions:
historical production data? C What are the spatial distribu- 1. Those related to spatial
C Are there quality parameters tion and continuity of ore distribution, and
or reverse cut-offs for con- classes? 2. Those related to samples.
taminants or heavy metals?
C Do original assay certificates, Density/Tonnage Factor For those related to spatial distribu-
including the highest 1% of For the density/tonnage factor: tion::
assays, compare well with C What were the size and num- C What is the drill-hole spacing
those in the assay database? ber of samples; were they wet and the area of influence of
(check 5% of data to validate). or dry? each drill hole; are the drill
C Is there a correlation between C Are the locations of samples holes evenly distributed or are
grade and core recovery, grade representative of geological they clumped together?
and drilling technique, grade units and ore classes? C Has the spatial continuity of
and date of assay? C Can an equation be derived the ore been determined by 2-
between density and grade? dimensional or omnidirection-
Geological Interpretation al variograms?
With regard to geological interpreta- Metallurgical Recovery C What are the axes of
tion: For metallurgical recovery: anisotropy and statistically
C Is surface mapping included in C What were the size and num- viable distance of correlation?
the geology files, including the ber of samples? C Do structural or stratigraphic

controls need to be factored wavelength features? C Is the ore percentage correctly

in? C How much smoothing has filled from composites?
C What search neighbourhoods occurred at longer wave- C Are the grade items correctly
were used? lengths due to the influence of filled?
C What interpolation technique distant drill holes? C Does the geology in the
was used (polygonal, 1/dn, C Are surfaces rationalized blocks match the geology in
kriging, etc.)? below each other? cross sections?
C Are the data quantum or con- C Is the specific gravity correct
tinuous variables? For those related to models and for tonnage calculations?
blocks: C Are recovery factors tracked?
For those related to samples: C What model type was used, i.e. C Is the number of composites
C What is the best number of serial slices, gridded seam, used in interpolation and the
samples to use? block, solid, or mathematical distance between composites
C Are nearby samples redundant functions, and is it appropri- being tracked?
(quadrant vs octant searches)? ate? C How are missing values for
C Are nearby samples relevant, C Are models constrained by each parameter tracked?
i.e. same population type or geological interpretation? C Is each model output (e.g. sec-
matching rock types? C How was block size deter- tions, maps, tables) date
C How are short composites mined, i.e. half drill spacing, stamped, with an appropriate
interpolated? mining equipment criteria, legend, location map, and
C Has the nugget effect been standard mining unit, pit opti- author/operator/laboratory
determined? mization, etc.? identified?
C Are the blocks being filled by C Is the block height fixed, and
composites of the same ore does sub- or super-blocking
For those related to cross-compar-
class, and if so, from how far occur?
away? C How well does the block fill
C Does the total volume versus
C How do the grades of the match control surfaces?
sum of ore and waste volumes
blocks compare to the grades
of the assays and composites? NOTE: Block models are good for match?
C What is the volume-variance steep-dipping beds, non-bedded or C Does the total volume versus
relationship? irregular shapes, and will run floating sum of lithotype volumes
cone pit optimization. Gridded seams match?
Tonnes Estimation have variable height and variable tops C Do bivariate plots of grade
With regard to tonnes estimation, there and are best for flat lying or bedded items match assay data?
are three categories of questions: deposits, variable bench heights, or C Do grade versus thickness
1. Those related to the ore body sloping benches. plots for the model match the
2. Those related to gridded drill-hole data?
surfaces Interpolation Passes C How do grades and tonnes
3. Those related to models and For interpolation passes: compare to similar deposits
blocks C Are interpolation passes limit- and previous estimates?
ed to ore classification types?
For those related to the ore body: C Are different interpolation NOTES:
C What is the shape of the min- parameters needed for each C For section and bench maps,
eralized zone? ore type? verify that the grade between
C How much ore is held in the drill holes is being filled cor-
projected extension beyond NOTE: A model may need multiple rectly.
the last drill holes? interpolation passes. C For cross validation, remove a
C How is external dilution fac- drill hole and compare inter-
tored in? Model Validation polated values.
With regard to model validation, there C Check against historical pro-
For those related to gridded surfaces: are two categories of questions: duction data, if available.
C Are they stratigraphic or grade 1. Those related to tracking, and
surfaces? 2. Those related to cross- CONCLUSIONS
C Are they conformable or comparisons. Commonly, there is a lack of feedback
unconformable? between the data collection and the
C What is their continuity? For those related to tracking: data analysis ends of a mining project,
C How bumpy is the surface, i.e. C Does the block model track due to the limits of time and budget.
is it folded, faulted, or chan- the percentage of each block Workflows are typically developed on a
nelized, and is the drill-hole above topography and below project-by-project basis. The feedback
spacing adequate to see short the ore footwall? protocols need to be strengthened to
GEOSCIENCE CANADA Volume 34 Number 2 June 2007 69

ensure that relevant and reliable data Stone, J.G., and Dunn, P.G., 2002, Ore Vallée, M., 2000, Mineral resource + engi-
produce models that are consistent and Reserves Estimates in the Real World: neering, economic and legal feasibility
comparable to similar deposits else- Society of Economic Geologists, Spe- = ore reserve: Canadian Institute of
where. cial Paper, No. 3, 121 p. Mining Bulletin, v. 93, no. 1038, p. 53-
This can be achieved by
grouping the workflow in sections that
will ensure consistency and complete-
ness in the way data are collected and
reported over the life of a project. By
properly documenting the data gath-
ered and analyzed – survey, assay, geol- CORPORATE MEMBERS
ogy, ore classification, metallurgy and OF THE GEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF CANADA
density; compositing, interpolation, and
validation – an easy-to-follow audit
trail is produced showing that reliable
data were used, that the appropriate Alberta Energy and Utilities Board
methods were implemented, and that Memorial University of Newfoundland
verifications were performed. Ministére des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune - Quebec
By better documenting the Natural Resources, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
many steps required to build a resource Northwest Territories Geoscience Office
estimate, and by leaving a clear audit Yukon Dept. of Energy Mines & Resources
trail, critical review of the model
becomes relatively simple and much
quicker. Both the project team and
external auditors will be able to review Geological Survey of Canada (Calgary)
the work that has been done and to Husky Energy
make their own checks. Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology
This checklist will require Saskatchewan Industry & Resources
modification to meet the needs of spe- Virginia Mines Inc.
cific projects; however, it can form the
basis of a paper trail leading to SUPPORTERS
improved data collection, a more accu-
rate resource model, and a simplified Aur Resources Inc.
audit process. Geoscience BC
IBK Capital Corp.
REFERENCES Pele Mountain Resources Inc.
Hodgson, C.J., 1990, Uses (and abuses) of Silver Spruce Resources Inc.
ore deposit models in mineral explo- SRK Consulting
ration: Geoscience Canada, v. 17, p.
79-89. Suncor Energy
Lawrence, M.J., 1997, Behind Busang: The Universal Uranium Ltd.
Bre-X Scandal: Australian Journal of Voisey’s Bay Nickel Company Limited
Mining, v. 9, p. 33-50.
Sinclair, A.J., 2001, High-quality geology,
axiomatic to high-quality resource/ UNIVERSITIES
reserve estimates: Canadian Institute Acadia University
of Mining Bulletin, v. 94, p. 37-41. Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS)
Sinclair, A.J., and Postolski, T.A., 1999, McGill University
Geology – a basis for quality control
in resource/reserve estimation of por- University of Calgary
phyry-type deposits: Canadian Insti- Universitè du Quèbec a Montréal
tute of Mining Bulletin, v. 92, no. University of New Brunswick
1027, p. 37-44. University of Toronto
Smith, L.D., 1994, Checklist for economic
evaluations of mineral deposits: Cana- University of Victoria: Centre of Earth and Ocean Research
dian Institute of Mining Bulletin, v. Utah State University
87, no. 983, p. 32-37.
Smith, P.M., and Hancock, J.B., eds., 1995,
Project Evaluation and Due Diligence:
Proceedings of a short course given by
the Prospectors and Developers Asso-
ciation of Canada., 179 p.

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