2024 Final Cas Unit Plan 12

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Gracie, Nora, and Elena

CAS Lesson Plan
Rationale for Art Experience

The purpose of this lesson plan was to give the students a

chance to sketch and practice two-dimensional art since a
majority of the previous lessons had been more three -
dimensional work. Students were given the freedom to choose
a sketch that was already made out of there sketchbook and
enlarge it on 18x24 paper using two or more different

Preparation: Prior to Session

Gather Materials:
● 18x24 paper
● Pencils
● Pens
● Markers
● Colored Pencils
● Water Color Paint
● Acrylic Paint
Session Eight Lesson Plan

● Brushes
● Cups/Something for Water
● Water
● Oil Pastels
● Paint/Dot Markers

Preparation: Day of Session
● Put signs outside
● All - put on name tags (Miss/Ms/Mx/Mr _______)
● All - switch chairs for stools (or a combo of both)
● Prep snack station on reading room table
○ One bin of plain water
○ One bin of flavored water
○ One bin of mixed salty snacks (replenish with
second bin)
○ One bin of granola & fig bars mixed
○ One bin of clementines
● Prep tables with tablecloths and sketchbook materials
Session Eight Lesson Plan

As Participants Arrive
4:00 - 4:30 pm
● Watch for UGA vans to arrive.
● Meet students at the vans, retrieve checklist from driver, and
walk students around the building as they arrive.
● Nathan: Greet students at front door and remind them to:
○ Grab your sketchbook.
○ Get a snack.
○ Find a seat.
○ Begin working in sketchbook.

● Gracie: will be at the snack station--Make sure the kids get

their snacks and take them to a table

● All: as kids get settled - work on their sketchbook!

Session Eight Lesson Plan

Invitation One
Welcome Activity
4:30 - 4:40 pm
Before starting there will be a teacher and student lead
discussion on how to expand on an idea?
- What does it mean to expand?
- What does expanding mean?
- What does expanding look like?
- Examples of how to expand:
- Add more details
- Add a background
- Add color or pattern to the text

Go over instructions:
- Students will find or pick out one to two ideas from their
- Try to encourage that students don’t spend a lot of time
in their sketchbook, or making new sketches.
- Explain that students will be expanding their ideas into a
Session Eight Lesson Plan

18x24 image and really fill the space.

- Students are allowed to use any of the materials that are
before them (listed in supplies); however, pick two to use
but no more than four different materials.

Activity 2
4:40 - 4:45 pm
- Reiterate that the students need to pick out their one or
two ideas from their sketchbook if they haven't already.
- After picking which sketch they would want to expand on
instruct them to begin on their enlargement 2-D design.
- Let students know they need to use between 2 to 4
mediums in their artwork.

Invitation Two
4:55 - 5:45 pm
Inform students that they are allowed and able to spread out
throughout the space.

As students are working, teachers will go around and try to

help or see what the kids may need help with, or offer ideas.
Ways of helping:
Session Eight Lesson Plan

- Teachers will give short demos on color mixing, shading,

and other techniques as needed to individual students.
- Refill water cups if needed for watercolor.

As Parents/Guardians Arrive
● Check IDs for anyone we do not recognize - check
against approved pick-up list

● Clean up tables
○ Put away collage materials
○ Clean up organizers
○ Fold up table cloths
● Put stools away and put chairs back at tables
● Make sure snack station is cleaned up
● If any extra time or if waiting for someone to pick up,
work in sketchbooks
Session Eight Lesson Plan

Supporting Materials
Session Eight Lesson Plan

This is Gracie’s example for the students.

Session Eight Lesson Plan
Photo Documentation

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